Disproving Atheists in 82 seconds




Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 00:59:20

I really shouldn't be getting involved with other posts here. But there is a difference between a "dead cell" and the components of Abiogenesis; Abiogenesis had approx 2 billion years, a test tube the size of the worlds oceans, simple organic material and only had to create a simple "proto-cell" or RNA molecule depending on how you classify life. Where as a "dead cell" had complex chemicals not suited for regeneration, that's why they are sealed into a membrane, because they do not function outside one, the limited time that whoever was performing the experiment was observing (not that anything would have happened anyway) and a test tube the size of...well a test tube.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 16:29:21

ref: Dictionary.com a·bi·o·gen·e·sis noun Biology . the now discredited theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously from inanimate matter; spontaneous generation. Now I really think that referring to Abiogenesis even after its been discredited is wishful thinking. I think that the man has a valid point here about not putting "humpty dumpty" back together again. There are all your ingredients that you need that you are claiming made life and they cannot make life. Why argue with this? Do you have proof otherwise? You are claiming that life generates itself though Abiogenesis, well then prove it!

andrea zierath

Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 20:01:18

hmmmm i dont follow you


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 20:04:29

What don't you follow?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 20:17:01

I believe he is saying that he, like everyone else, has only seen life generated by life and if life can be generated by one-living inert materials we would like to see a demonstration.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 20:19:27

Yes I believe that is a scientific approach to the issue.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 10:25:25

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxtbcOEtpoE&list=PLAC3481305829426D&index=25&feature=plpp_video That's all I have to say on the subject, thanks


Shared publicly - 2012-05-03 09:15:06

1) The Big Bang, abiogenesis and evotluion are NOT atheistic alternatives to creation, they are all facts.2) They are facts that are accepted by a lot of theists.3) They are all built from evidence and the scientific method, which has a track record for producing factual knowledge.4) The Big Bang is a cosmological event that took place 9 billion years before our solar system formed.5) Abiogenesis is a singular event.6) Evolution is a process that, between all the species affected by it, covers several billion of years.7) Trying to mix them all up would be akin to trying to mix a Buick, chocolate and sex, all in one product: Impossible and absurd. The issue is settled by people simply saying I accept the evidence for the worked out scientific theories, which explain the facts of life the Universe .


Shared publicly - 2012-05-03 13:10:10

1) The Big Bang, abiogenesis and evlootiun are NOT atheistic alternatives to creation, they are all facts.2) They are facts that are accepted by a lot of theists.3) They are all built from evidence and the scientific method, which has a track record for producing factual knowledge.4) The Big Bang is a cosmological event that took place 9 billion years before our solar system formed.5) Abiogenesis is a singular event.6) Evolution is a process that, between all the species affected by it, covers several billion of years.7) Trying to mix them all up would be akin to trying to mix a Buick, chocolate and sex, all in one product: Impossible and absurd. The issue is settled by people simply saying I accept the evidence for the worked out scientific theories, which explain the facts of life the Universe .

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