[caption id="attachment_193" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Evolution verse Creation"]Evolution verse Creation[/caption] Here is the the background for this post. I posted a video called Debunking Evolution I opened up the comments section on the video and started some interesting conversations with a biology professor called GreedyCapybara. We argued back and forth about whales, Noa's Flood, and other things. The conversations were getting long and YouTube only allows 500 letters in their comment section and the professor started to email me on YouTube. I stated that I had a website with a feedburner that displayed all the comments because I like the open forum atmosphere. So here we are with his first email that he sent me at YouTube He Writes:
I have decided message you as the amount of comments on your video is getting silly, not to mention the fact that I have to scroll down a very large list of comments to get to the few you have approved and tried to respond to, I will divide up this message into the topics being discussed in the comments for ease of access, I would appreciate it if you did the same. Just for the record I approved all the professors comments -Maximus Origin of life: -Getting organic chemicals is simple, Three of the five kingdoms Plants, Eugenia and Monoarea use this as either their only or main source of energy. -These organisms use sunlight as an agent to turn CO2 and H2O into either glucose-a or in some rare cases glucose-b, both organic molecules. -However organic molecules more often form by themselves in any polar solution (a liquid or gas where the primary molecules have a slight net charge at either end), this is how we get amino-acids, nucleotides and many other organic molecules that are found in water and some hydrocarbons (which themselves are organic). Age of the Earth: -there is little beyond a Gama-ray Burst (huge astronomical event) or actively firing “heavy” particles such as neutrons or protons into the nucleus of an atom that can change the rate of decay. -even when firing “heavy” particles into such atoms the result would (if these were used for dating) always be a lower age rather than a higher one because the particle would knock neutrons into of the sample thus adding mass not subtracting it. Whales: -All four species I named are in fact whales, both by the taxonomical definition that I presented and by your own dictionary definition that you presented. -I actually did expect you to make up your own definition rather than use one from a dictionary that even a quick glance at the well known species that I named would confirm my prediction. Evolution, is it a science?: -Evolution is in fact a scientific theory and a fact, in my opinion it is ironic that due to Creationist critics evolution has progressed fast and is far more better understood then General Relativity (Gravity), be it that General Relativity is known to be false yet taught in schools anyway but I hope you see my point. -Evidence for evolution included but not limited to: Embryology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, The Fossil Record, Genetic Markers, Mutation and Variation, Radioactive Decay and Organic Chemistry. Peer Review: -Yes, I like all scientists take a roll in the peer review process, we review, sight and offer corrections to experiments and articles, this speaks to sciences strength for example I was working for a treatment for Lung Cancer and conducted and experiment to optimise lung cell growth from stem cells, however a quick review of my experiment from a Polish chap in which he sighted my work revealed that I had left out a particular variable and by including it I could have more accurate results. I will respond to the professors arguments in the comment sections below. Feel free to chime in.
To wrap it all up here is how I feel Please Watch the film below.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 21:31:02

1. What? You can't cure the common cold, the virus mutates too fast for any treatment to be effective, male pattern boldness is not on the agenda for the most part as there is a thing called HIV that needs more attention and we know exactly how a firefly lights up; it's a chemical reaction in the admin, when two or more chemicals are combined (depending on the species) they release light, a short google search would correct you. " I know exactly what you are supposing in string theory and the multiverse. This is all operated in the darkness like a smokescreen, this is not science this is imagination only. The gaps here are horrendously huge and dreamed up, I hardly think you have a good case here." re-NO SHIT! That's why (despite the name) String Theory and Multiverse Theory are not Theory but Hypothesis, I would be surprised if either is ever promoted to Theory because the "Strings" that String Theory requires are the smallest of all particles (technically only condensed energy not actual matter) and are therefore almost impossible to observe if possible at all and Multiverse requires an understanding of Space-Time that we simply don't have. So your right I don't have a case there, but I never claimed to have one nor does any Scientist outside those that are working on this. Beyond that next to nobody understands String Theory, I would be happy to explain if you have a spare year where I can just talk non-stop to you on the subject...it's very complicated and takes years of Theory before you can even begin to understand what is actually being proposed, the "dummies guide" on the internet and television doesn't even scratch the surface. 2. What? You don't need to understand "every function of the cell" just one, known as Protein Synthesis this involves "start" and "stop" triplets (sequences of three neuritides) at the beginning of each section of DNA used in this process, if a stretch of DNA does not have these "start" and "stop" triplets then it cannot be used because there is nothing to tell the cell where to stop making the protein and you would end up with a huge protein with probably no function the size of the stretch of DNA from the random position where this process started because there would also be nowhere to tell the process to start. A quick Google search would benefit you here. Beyond that your "unintelligent Design" Hypothesis seems to be once again pulled out from thin air, can you show me where I have even remotely hinted at such an outcome? 3. What? If two Theories are discovered separate of each other then one does not effect the other, much less being the same Theory, again a quick Google search would educate you greatly. 4. "My reasons are scientific as well as philosophical, according to the reasons that you sated here and in our conversations there is not room for philosophical reasons so I entertain your world is filled with much deception" re- Your reasons are not scientific, not in any stretch of the imagination, you just seem to like the way the world looks from up your ass. I don't blame you the real world is not very kind, we have disease capable of destroying populations, weapons capable of destroying planets and treatments that can save lives but cannot use because of laws passed by the UN based on American Christian values (we can't clone, we can't use human stem cells, we can't grow certain virus or bacterial cultures all because of these restrictions). People are remarkably stupid, you and I are no exception; people do stupid things, you and I are no exception, people do terrible things to each other, you and I are no exception. "You cannot get truth from science alone, I have proven this over and over again but you do not listen because you are the uneducated fool here. I am sorry to say that but you are an uneducated fool." re-and thus we are back to square one, again. I will explain slowly this time, try and keep up: a) Evidence is that which can be tested, falsified and refuted. This is what science at it's most basic is based upon. b) You are correct, Social Sciences use Testimony to formulate a Hypothesis, however this can be refuted by other weightier testimony or actual evidence. c)This is not a problem, rather a reality. Science can't deal with everything only because of the limited range of evidence available at this time, this is where Social Sciences come in. Science is good for things like Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Emergence and Social Sciences are good for things like, oh I don't know.... my Grandfather's existence. Did you get it that time or do I have to repeat myself again? 5. " In time I know that you and people like you will fizzle out like the grip the Catholic Church held on society for such a long time. However I don’t think the reign of evolutionist will be as long." In my entire life I have never come across something so stupid and insulting in my life. We've covered this before, if the Catholic Church did have any control over Australian society it needs a majority rule, this is the case of Australian Christianity but not society. Because Australia is an Island, notoriously hard to get into we get a lot of people from other nations more often than not seeking freedom and safety not available in Europe because of strict citizen guide lines and not available in the US because of the cultural "flip flop" from your revolutionary beginnings. Religious freedom is very big here thus we have a multi-cultural society, this means that we have very large groups of people from cultures not readily represented in Western Society. Beyond that we've been through this as well "evolutionist" is not the correct term, it's similar to calling a Black man a "nigger" as opposed to an African American and is very insulting to most. " People are awesome and I think they will catch on to what is happening here with people like you. I don’t blame you really for basking in this glory but mark my words, you will lose." re-You seem to be pulling this out of thin air, you have no evidence for such a claim and in fact evidence against it is abundant. As society advances religion become less important and science more so, the current trend (beginning from the end of the dark ages) is that as society progresses religion becomes less important and science more so, not the other way around.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 20:45:20

1. I wish you would stop bringing this up, we've been through this before. I don't need to argue against Intelligent Design Hypothesis, the burden of proof is on that making the claim, therefore one would need to put up a case against Evolution Theory and find substantial evidence to support Intelligent Design Hypothesis. However nobody has ever done either, Evolution Theory is one of the most tested and therefore one of the strongest Theories in Modern Science. By comparison Gravity (General Relativity) and Chemical Theory are both understood only in Theory with less than half the evidence (measured in papers on the subject) that Evolution Theory does as well as Evolution Theory also being understood in reality through the field of Genetics as well as in Theory through the rest of Biology. Beyond that, Kent Hovand is a convicted fraud, he repeatability lies about his education, experiences and science in general. He like you has absolutely no education and the worst part is that he offers a $250,000 prize that every single person in the field of Genetics has claim to, but refuses to give out because he will no longer be able to say "to date nobody has received this prize" and therefore deliberately deceive his audience. 2.We've been through this as well! I do not get angry because you ask questions, that is a good thing. However I do get angry when you ask the same questions over and over again or bring up points already dealt with. For example I may as well ask "what is the supernatural?" then the very next day ask you again, and continue to do this for months on end. That pisses me off because you don't listen! Beyond that I really don't care what you believe, believe what you want all I can do is explain the facts and watch you ignore them completely. 3. "Well you have a good straw-man there comparing planets to humans. I still say common designer is the best explanation." re-Such a thing is not an explanation, it's dodging the question by blaming the supernatural, similar to disease, erosion and planet formation: the diversity of life and origin of life already have natural explanations for them yet people like you still trust that it was a God with an incantation spell. In order for that to be an explanation at all one would have to provide evidence for the existence of such a designer/ designers as well as provide evidence against all Evolution Theory both of which we have discussed that nobody has done. 4. We've been through this: the burden of proof is with that making the claim, Evolution is not "blindly guided" that's the entire point of Natural Selection is that Environmental Conditions guide the process, I know you have yet to tell me I'm going to burn forever I listen to what you say! However you also have yet to make me sleep in my lab or make me deal with teenagers but you have not said that this is not your fault, I was making a point about what does and does not piss me off. The first sin of Satanism is inexcusable in my opinion, your stupidity apparently knows no bounds. Further to that point my arguments are not emotional, as when I get pissed these are not arguments as such is a point backed up by fact, I have shared this with you yet you chose to ignore it in favour of your fairy tale.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 14:55:59

On your "origin of life" comment that getting organic life is simple, yeah now its simple. I think that is a logical fallacy everything is in place now so it appears simple to get organic chemicals because the mechanisms to generate it already exist. As far as the the science that you explained on how they work chemically I cant see where any Creationist would argue with you. The laws governing chemical reactions is the interesting part. You may argue "They just do" I would argue "That is what they were designed to do" That is the chemical elements all working in harmony to produce intelligible result. So again I see design there.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 15:27:23

On the comment "Age of the Earth" There are way too many assumptions for these techniques. However this does not mean they are wrong by any means. They are of course different disciplines leading to a relatively same conclusion, right? WRONG! This does by no means thwart my stand in fact it validates it because of the variations in the readings. When you say "give or take a million years" and the fact there are so many different disciplines. All evolutionary proponents Suggests to me its very flawed.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 15:37:39

Concerning Whales its interesting to me that some do not see the heckling of their own comments. For instance the professor expected me to make up my own definition of what a whale is. Really? Here is the definition of a whale: any of the larger marine mammals of the order Cetacea, especially as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises, having a fishlike body, forelimbs modified into flippers, and a head that is horizontally flattened. Here are the pictures of the so called whales. Need I say more?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 15:47:03

Evolution, is it science? The question of whether evolution is science would seem to be unnecessary. Surely a subject which is so widely taught and believed must be scientific! But it is not the fact that many people, even scientists, believe a theory that shows it to be correct, but rather that it passes reasonable and unbiased tests of verification. I have seen many papers by evolutionary biologists presenting evidence and arguing about various mechanisms of evolution, but I have not seen a single paper in a scientific journal seriously considering the question of whether evolution is true and attempting to answer it by putting the theory to an unbiased test. And yet this theory is nearly universally accepted and taught, and those who reject it are considered as fanatical and risk professional ostracism! This has to be one of the most unusual chapters in the history of science. The many recognized problems with the theory of evolution never seem to lead biologists to the obvious conclusion that there is something wrong with their theory; rather, they simply continue to patch it up. Evolutionary biologists construct many plausible stories about how life developed and evolved, based largely on the fossil record. But how do we know that these stories are true? This history is based to some extent on time periods provided by radiometric dating. But, to my knowledge, there has not been a single double-blind test of radiometric dating methods. Just to illustrate how human bias could unintentionally affect radiometric dating, it could be that there are many different kinds of rock that can be used for dating, and geologists may choose which kind is most suitable depending on the geological period. So we might have one kind of rock being used for dating one period, another kind being used for another, and so on. Or there could be modifications of techniques, and the technique chosen might depend on the geological period being studied. Such possibilities could lead to bias that might be eliminated by a double-blind test. Another problem is that dates might not be published that are too far away from the expected values. Furthermore, there are many problems with radiometric dating in itself that creationists have pointed out. One thing to keep in mind is that when geologists say that a radiometric dating technique is accurate to within one percent, they do not mean that the measured age is within one percent of the true age. What they mean is that if all of the assumptions of the method hold, then the measured age is within one percent of the true age. These assumptions have to do with restrictions on whether parent or daughter elements enter or leave the sample during the measured time span. Geologists admit that the measured ages are often 20 percent or more away from the assumed true age. Even if radiometric dates were accurate, it would still not prove the theory of evolution. One response of evolutionists to such questions is that creationism is not science. The implication is that if creationism is false, then evolution must be true. But just because scientists cannot think of an alternative is no reason to accept a theory. I don't know of other fields where a theory is accepted simply because no one can think of an alternative. In arguing that creation is not science, evolutionists expect creation to pass tests that are not reasonable. They expect creationists to be able to say why God created the specific animals that He did, or why He set the third-position codons as He did. Such questions are not necessarily possible to answer. There may have been many things going on relating to the Creation that we have no idea of. We cannot even predict what a Beethoven would compose or a Van Gogh would paint; much less can we predict what a Creator would create! It would be like asking archaeologists at a dig to predict what they would uncover in the next area of their site. If they could not say, then we could say that their field was not scientific, and that they must explain the ruins they found not as the activity of intelligent beings, but rather as the results of wind and erosion and other natural forces. Evolutionary biologists will often argue that evolution has been observed. By this they mean tiny changes in species that have been seen in nature or in the laboratory. Because we have seen such tiny changes, they argue, given enough time, large changes could also take place. However, this line of argument is not logically correct. Just because I can jump an inch does not mean I can jump to the moon. Just because I can walk an inch does not mean I can walk around the world. The similarities among life forms are claimed to be an evidence for evolution. All life uses the same genetic code, and all proteins spiral to the left instead of to the right. However, if these similarities were not observed, it would not argue against the theory of evolution. Rather, biologists would say that life originated more than once. And, if these similarities did not exist, it could be used as an argument against creation. Biologists could ask why the Creator did not do everything the same way always. Furthermore, there are differences as well as similarities among various life forms. If the similarities prove evolution, do the differences prove creation? Another argument that is put forth in favor of evolution is the supposed hierarchical structure of living things. Even if life is hierarchical, organized into classes and sub-classes and so on, this is not necessarily a logical consequence of the theory of evolution. This is only so if we assume that once a feature is acquired, it is retained in evolutionary descendents. So once a backbone is formed, the descendents will retain it, but animals without a backbone will probably not develop it. However, one can just as well imagine vertebrates losing their backbones and evolving to invertebrates. If a bacterium can evolve to a man, why can't a man evolve to a bacterium? Thus evolution would be just as well adapted to a non-hierarchical organization of life as to a hierarchical one. The on-line Encyclopedia Britannica has an article about evolution that claims that molecular distances between organisms are linearly related to their assumed divergence times as seen in the fossil record. This is claimed to be a verification of the theory of evolution. However, there are a number of problems with this analysis. First, when deciding on common ancestors, biologists may use the observed differences between organisms, and reject ancestors that appear too soon or too late. Second, dating methods have some latitude, and may be calibrated to some extent based on evolutionary assumptions. Third, the organisms to consider in this comparison may have been chosen to make the graph come out right. Such a claim about a straight-line relationship could only be established by a rigorous statistical analysis. And it would have to consider the entire fossil record, and not just a selected subset of it. The fact that different organisms are found in different layers of the fossil record is claimed to show evolution. But as ReMine points out in The Biotic Message, evolution did not predict the fossil sequence; it simply adapted itself to it. So we cannot see the fossil sequence as verifying the theory of evolution. It is claimed that the fact that we do not see birds and trilobites together verifies evolution. But if we did see them together, evolutionary biologists would simply modify their evolutionary trees and speak about the incompleteness of the fossil record. Creationism, by constrast, was formulated before the fossil record and most of the findings of biology were known. Because of this, the creationist nature of the fossil record and of life in general really is a vindication of the theory. By this I mean such features as the Cambrian explosion, the gaps in the fossil record, the improbabilities of abiogenesis, and numerous other findings discussed by creationists in general and elsewhere on this web page. I would like to see evolutionary biologists put their theory to the test and give us some rigorous evidence that it is true, if they can, instead of merely arguing about mechanisms and presenting plausible scenarios. A few predictions of the theory that pan out or fail to materialize will not settle the issue, but rather some meaningful statistical tests. Until this is done, I would suggest that they recognize that this is a theory without a shadow of support.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 15:55:25

On Peer Review: There are two key acceptance/rejection strata a manuscript must navigate following submission: the editorial level and the reviewer level (28). At first submission, editors can summarily reject a manuscript as inappropriate for their target audience or for a variety of other reasons. Although statistics vary widely by journal, up to 10% of manuscripts are rejected at this point (28). If the manuscript is deemed suitable by the editor, it advances to the expert reviewer stage. The number of reviewers is typically limited, with journals averaging two reviewers per manuscript (67). The reviewer's comments and recommendations are returned to the editor, who makes the decision to accept or reject the manuscript, often relying solely on the reviewers' recommendations. The manuscript can be accepted without revision, accepted with revision, or rejected. If a revision is requested, there is no guarantee of acceptance, and the manuscript may be rejected again after revision. Final acceptance/rejection rates for publication vary widely between scientific journals; in some instances, manuscript rejection can be as high as 90% (28). Read More


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 22:17:40

Origin of life I never said that getting organic "life" was simple, only that getting organic chemicals is simple. Yes it is true that such systems are in place in modern organisms so to make the formation of organic chemicals such as sugars faster and easier. However as I also stated that any polar liquid can and does form organic molecules, examples of polar liquids are water which covers 70% of the planet by surface area and hydrocarbons (carbohydrates) which themselves are organic. The laws governing chemical reactions are in fact very interesting, it primarily has to do with the "electro-magnetic" force, one of four forces that govern our universe and the stable configurations of an atom, for example Hydrogen (H) is not perfectly stable but Helium (He) is, so in order to become more stable the Hydrogen pairs up with another Hydrogen to create a Hydrogen molecule (H2), as molecules get pulled apart as in a polar solution the molecules they create become more complicated to deal with this environment. Yes, indeed you could argue that one or more God(s) designed the electro-magnetic force, but the fact is that this is how molecules behave and it is perfectly natural to obtain organic molecules with as far as we can tell not supernatural intervention.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 22:27:56

Age of the Earth First and foremost for some reason I cannot access your video, due to a bad connection on my end, so I cannot comment on that. You are correct for the most part, some methods of radiometric dating are only accurate to within a few million years, this is far from inaccurate when dealing with such massive ages as that of the Earth. However if you want something more accurate I would recommend depending on the condition Uranium-235 dating or the dreaded Carbon-14 dating, be warned however these only give an accurate dating to anything about 16,000 years old or less and are useless to marine life, or anything without large amounts of the suitable isotopes. I think you are referring to my comment "we can measure the age of the Earth to an accuracy of 0.2 billion years" and yes that is true in most cases, the method we use for that is Iron-Iron dating or Argon-Argon dating, which are pretty useless when doing anything but dating the age of the planet or say the age of gas deposits because they rely on a relatively small change in isotopic frequency and thus a relatively small drop in weight.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 22:38:26

Whales I only mentioned the second last two species of whale, plus Basilosaurs (a species similar to Dorodon) and the Sperm Whale (a modern whale that hunts large prey, has teeth and a jaw structure similar to Dorodon and Basilisaurs. I asked you to come up with your own definition as all four species of whale I mentioned (Ambilocetus, Dorodon, Basilosaurs and the Sperm Whale) all fit the taxonomical definition of a whale and the common dictionary definitions yet despite me making this clear MaximusMcc still did not acknowledged them as whales. Therefore I asked why he didn't classify them as whales and if so what was his definition of a whale and why they four species I mentioned did not fit into this category. Technically Ambliocetus does not fit into this Genus, although it fits into MaximusMcc's dictionary definition (with is fish like body, flattened head, modified forelimbs, etc.), it does not fit the taxonomical definition perfectly and is what we refer to as a "transition" meaning it has most characteristics of a whale, but because it lacks a fluke (the flattened tail of whales, dolphins, etc) does not fit into the Genus perfectly.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 23:03:17

Well the electromagnetic force is indeed an argument for my stand of a young earth and supernatural explanations and I am glad that you bought it up. The average "intensity" of the earth's magnetic field has decreased exponentially by about 7% since its first careful measurement in 1829. The field's intensity includes components of strength and direction and tells us the amount of force turning a compass needle northward. By estimating the field intensity everywhere (in, on, and above the earth), we can calculate the total electrical "energy" stored in the field. Such calculations show that the total energy in the field has decreased by about 14% since 1829. Read More Going back to your point on the observation of chemicals I think that it is a fascinating study learning how chemicals work. However the intelligibility part about it seems to escape you. These processes and systems point to a Creator. I am going to argue for the Christian God as laid out in Genesis though Revelation because of historical reliably, testimony and evidence. I doubt any of the other Gods that you are suggesting can give you all of this and more. There are of course remarkable claims in the Bible but haven't they always been there? When it said that the earth hung upon nothing Job 26:7 men believed it sat on elephants and turtles. When evolutionist said there never was a beginning that the universe always existed the Bible said it had a beginning Gen 1:1 The hydrologic cycle Job 36:27,28 Advanced mathematics using pi 1 Kings 7:23 not to mention tons of archeological evidences and testimonies. In fact it historically speaking you cannot even start to discredit the Bible many have and lost because of new discoveries. I would also like to point out this is how we know the Mormons are a false religion. Their "Book of Mormon" speaks of great towns that existed here in America and that there were horses here at the time of Christ but we know thought archeology that there were no horses here until Spaniards brought them years later. Also it is impossible for a town with hundreds of thousands of people to not leave one shred of evidence behind. Every town written in the Book of Mormon has not one shed of evidence left behind. So you say why the Christian God? Simple, that's where the evidence leads me.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 23:15:16

Firstly, science requires only belief in mathematics (i.e. what math predicts is reality), Biology has little mathematics and thus requires next to not belief. Yes, it is true relatively few modern papers question evolution, while evolution is a hot debate in the States, Middle East and India because of their religious and creationist ties the debate ended more than a century ago here in Australia and slightly under a century ago in Europe, Africa and Asia, and this is where most scientific papers concerning any unit of Biology come from (state funding not available in the US make such advancements possible). Secondly, yes we modify theories as new evidence arises...so what? When new evidence is found we cannot hold to the old theory, this is called Dogma and is hated upon in science. However this does not lead to the "throwing out" of evolutionary theory because all evidence still points to that conclusion, in the same way the discovery of chemical theory did nothing to disprove gravity (there are approx 100 elements all combining in different ways to give molecules, these have mass+objects fall towards other objects with mass). Thirdly, there are many double blind tests for radiometric dating, though not normally done in the field because we may only have equipment for a certain type of dating available, however the Geology department at the University where I work conducts such tests with it's students to show how radiometric dating works; each team of students receives a sample of known age, dates it being told that it is a different age, normally the students will try several times to get a lower of higher age before returning saying that it is much younger or much older than they were told, they then present their findings and are told how close this is to the real age of the rock. Fourthly, no scientist in their right mind would assert that "if creationism is wrong then evolution must be correct", this tends to be the case with Geologists however, which simply refer to the age of the Earth and have relatively little scientific training or students...which are teenagers and don't actually know what they are saying. Fifthly, The next paragraph simply asserts a stereotype of scientists that is presented by students and is not true of the scientific community. Sixthly, we have actually seen specification in cattle, dogs, camels and bacteria in recent years, however evolution is not as simple as you claim> "If I can walk an inch does not mean I can walk around the world" yes it does, all you have to do is walk an inch over and over again, this is why we say there is no distinction between "Macro-Evolution and Micro-Evolution" because no such mechanism exists to prevent you from walking an inch over and over again. Seventh, actually if similarities were not seen between species it would mean that the theory of evolution is next to impossible, no the slight differences between organisms is an example of mutation and natural selection, species gradually become more and more different over time, you cannot expect to look like your great, great grandson to look exactly like your great grandfather, can you? Eighth, regarding your point on common linage we cannot reject a fossil based on it's age, for example Microraptor (a "dino-bird") appears far to early in the fossil record be the dinosaur ancestor of birds, yet it has most features of both, drawing the entire dinosaur-bird question into place. We cannot reject a fossil based on differences if it fits the taxonomic definition of such a creature. Ninth, yes as new fossils and evidence appears scientists must adjust their theories accordingly, clinging to old hypothesis is called Dogma, and evolution does make some predictions about the fossil record, just not exact dates only the order in which certain organisms should appear. Tenth, I have no idea what you are talking about the lack of evidence, what evidence would you like The Fossil Record; which shows the paths organisms took throughout history Dating; that shows us that the order of such organisms is perfectly consistent with the theory Genetics, Taxonomy, Embryology or Biochemistry; which provides evidence for common ancestral traits or Breeding; which provides direct evidence for variation with each and every offspring of an organism.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 23:24:18

Peer Review: For individual journals you are correct, however as any experiences scientist will tell you (I most certainly am not an experienced scientist), there is a way around that by submitting you article to many journals you limit the chances of it being rejected based on your credentials and in my case because I work with my head of department I simply put her name on the paper as well as my own and few will turn it down based on credentials or target audience. Beyond that the peer review process primarily consists of sightations (roughly indicating how good your article is), comments (corrections or variables that need to be addressed) and conformation (people trying your experiment for themselves and comparing results).


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 23:36:41

Origin of life: First and foremost if you want historical accuracy then I would recommend looking to the Islamic God Allah and Islam rather than the Jewish-Christian God Yahweh, but beyond that I will not participate in debated of religion. I am sorry but I refuse to argue religion, or which God(s) if any exist, etc. Personal reasons, I hope you understand. You however are correct about Earth's magnetic field dropping (thought the read more link does not seem to do anything for me) by about 14% (13.7%) since 1830, however I do not see how this gives us a young Earth age, yes the Earth's magnetic field was much stronger in the past, this is what we find in iron deposits here in Australia, but a magnetic field no matter how strong should not do anything to the Earth itself aside from blocking electricly charged cosmic debris more effectively. Beyond that I do not see any design in the electro-magnetic force, if there is could you explain it to me, Physics is not my strong suit, I am after all a Biologist each department tends to only come together when their fields overlap (For example when testing cellular structure I might turn to a Biochemist and a Microbiologist).


Shared publicly - 2012-01-29 23:46:00

Beyond that, you did not approve most of my comments, only those then you responded to and sometimes you didn't even approve those, appearing as if you are responding to nothing, this is probably either an accident on your part, an attempt to save space, or deliberate. Beyond that, I am glad that you have decided to keep this on a public forum though I doubt anyone would be interested in anything I type. For the record, MaximusMcc does not know me personally, the only reason he thinks I'm a professor (though that is not my actual title I am a Biologist with a PHD, I spend most of my time in the lab, I don't teach only appear to give the occasional lecture or explain my findings to the students) is because he questioned my education...though I would appreciate it MaximusMcc if you are reading this not to give to this forum details about where I work, I was foolish to give them to you in the first place...though I'm unsure what a person could do with the limited information about myself you possess.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 02:16:30

"though I doubt anyone would be interested in anything I type." I enjoyed your comments, thanks. I have no degrees but am an avid reader with general interest in history and science. My replies to MaximusMcc have been more along the lines of "objective morality." peace


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 03:14:16

Thank you, though my writing is very dry so to speak as most of what I am saying is High School Biology and Chemistry to keep it simple enough for the "normal" person to understand.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 12:08:44

I think of this kind of science as in its very early stages. These dating methods have not been around that long and like I said before there are way too many assumptions. In fact since you are the one that does this kind of work why don't you lay it out for us how many steps there are and how many assumptions that you have to make to get to the date?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 12:49:15

Here is the definition that I put forth straight from the dictionary at dictionary.com Whale:any of the larger marine mammals of the order Cetacea, especially as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises, having a fishlike body, forelimbs modified into flippers, and a head that is horizontally flattened. Now for all of your specimens to match everything in this definition as vague as it is they would have to have "flippers". It is clear to me that "Ambilodetius" has legs for walking like and amphibian so i would not include this in that definition. Basilosaurs definitely resembles this kind definition no question. Dorudon too is similar to this definition. I do have to admit though that I thought you were promoting Early Ungulates, Mesonychisds as matching that definition as well. Are you? Excerpt from our converstaion on YouTube


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:14:30

First: science requires only belief in mathematics (i.e. what math predicts is reality), Biology has little mathematics and thus requires next to not belief. - Ill buy that.Seems to me like biology has some supernatural tones ringing even according to your definition. I can see the more the united stated follow the theory the more we fall apart and the less educated we are. Its sad to say the least we use to be the leaders of the free world now we are becoming enslaved by a beast that can be wrong thousands of times and still reign. This goes in with your second point, funny that its good for you but you cant extend the same to creationist or ID proponents.

Secondly, yes we modify theories as new evidence arises…so what? When new evidence is found we cannot hold to the old theory,
I will continue on in my responses on separate comments in order not to ramble.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:18:27

So the more funding you have the more you will be likely to be in peer review journals? What does that have to do with truth?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:20:31

On your third point did all the students get the same answer for the age of the "known" rock?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:22:40

On your forth point about Geology are you saying that most geologist are teenagers?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:31:18

On your sixth point there is a mechanism that prevents me from walking around the world an inch at a time, its called water. However I am sure that when you start walking that you don't think of the limited barriers that are going to be in your pathway. I am going to argue here that you cannot call this science, its not testable, observable etc. This is no more than an assumption.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:43:42

On your seventh point just because there are similarities does not mean that they got that way by an evolutionary process. Take houses for example, you know for a fact they did not evolve. Yet they all have the same characteristics because they were created. They are all similarly designed to serve a purpose, protect from the elements. Of course we cannot compare houses to biological organisms but I can detect design in organisms as I have mentioned before. Species do adapt to their environment, no question there.Yet, try to put an orchid at the north pole or a penguin in the tropical forest and you will see that they have limits. Of course that is an abrupt environmental change and not gradual but evidences suggest that changes on the earth were not always gradual. The present systems are not the key to the past as evolution suggest this is short sited and we have no proof not even in the fossil record that macro evolution exists. Oh you can imagine it if you want to but that it all it is, an over active imagination at work.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 13:55:59

On your eighth point you have the assumption that I accept evolution, I don't and neither do I see any evidence that Micro-raptor was an ancestor to a creature that changed into something else.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 14:04:56

On your ninth point I think the predictions are hilarious. When you make a million predictions and get a few right I don't call that good science. Or making predictions like, according to evolution we will find a dinosaur in Africa. duh? Instead of adjusting the evolution theory again and again why don't you just do science? I can say that science is a learning precess filled with mistakes and accomplishments but evolution is proclaiming something far much greater. It is claiming to explain the source for all life and its existence. I think I have a right to challenge it, question it, test it and if it does not pass the test then do my best to destroy it. Its not science its a religious philosophy that people dogmatically defend.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 14:25:19

On the tenth point here is the evidence I would expect to see if evolution were true is all regards where it claims.

If evolution were true: 1. I would NOT expect to find modern animals in the fossil record, but we do. 2. We would see an increase of species not a decrease 3. We should see trillions of live transitional forms 4. Genetic Entropy would not exist 5. We would not see Consecutive Impossible Probabilities 6. We would expect to find when there is a new species which has both a male and female, evolution must create a massive amount of new genetic material. Bulk mutations must be made, then point mutations must follow behind to fine tune the bulk mutations into new genetic material. 7. The "first living cell" was not descended from existing life, by definition. Thus, its RNA or DNA had to consist of totally and absolutely random permutations of nucleotides. 8. The Morphing of the Embryo Algorithms
I have hundreds of more reasons but I don't want to ramble.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 21:59:23

I'm a Biologist remember, there is a distinction between the sciences...so no I doing radiometric dating is not part of my job, I have however seen it done and have a loose knowledge of how it works. -first one must work out the decay rate of the particular isotope, normally we have this on file somewhere but for the sake of argument this time we don't. -one must take thousands of tiny measurements of the slow degeneration in mass of the sample, we can then preform a simple calculation from these measurements to achieve what is known as a "half life" and the "rate of decay". -one then has to compare the original sample's atomic mass to that of a new sample or one of a known age (i.e. carbon-14 from a tree planted at a known time) -from there it is again a simple calculation to know how must mass has been lost and thus the time period that the sample has been present. The only assumption we make is that people haven't fired "heavy" particles (eg:protons or neutrons) into every single atom in the sample sent for testing.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:08:01

no I never promoted anything other than those four Cetacea, but yes I can understand your confusion regarding Ambilodetius it does indeed have what are almost fully formed legs, but if that is your only reference then I can also see why you don't know that as far as we can tell the front limbs are adapted to flippers. Although not often depicted as such the shoulder joint is designed to allow for such motion and if you take a look at the front feet you would notice how they are locked into place like a whales "hand" forming a flipper shape, the only difference is that Ambilodetius has limbs present before the flipper. But again like I said it does not actually fit into the Genus perfectly, as it shows most aspects of being a perfect Cetacea but not others (i.e. lacking a fluke the flattened tail present in all whales, dolphins, etc.), this was my attempt to show you what a transitional form looked like...but then you came with an inaccurate dictionary definition that included Ambilodetius, thus ruining my plan.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:24:18

Supernatural? where in Biology is there any hint of anything supernatural? Yes, US is still the leaders of what you know as "the free world", however especially here in Australia China and other Asian countries influence far out weighs that of the states. And as far as concerning ID, you are correct, despite all evidence to the country the only thing ID has changed is now it allows for variations within species, despite the fact that mutation beyond the species barrier has been observed time and time again, they still hold onto the same hypothesis...this is called Dogma and why Creationism and ID are not accepted as sciences.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:25:41

Yes, radiometric dating despite common opinion is extremely accurate in that we will always end up with the same age from the same rock.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:28:42

No, but they do act like them If you've ever worked at a University you would know that there is a bit or rivalry between departments, while those practising Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc have to spend 8 years getting a PHD to work there a Geologist only has to spend 2-3 years then can pretty much work at whatever University they want...as a result a lot tend to be very forward, rude, kind of a "I'm right, your wrong, end of story" type of people, at least in my experience.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:34:34

NO, it is not an assumption as we in the Biology department commonly observe mutations as well as injecting our own DNA into organisms. As far as we can tell there are no limitations to such mutations only that they can only occur in small increments per generation (i.e. you can only walk an inch at a time), indeed one of my assignments when I was going for my PHD was to construct such a protein, when I returned saying it could not be done my mentor simple smiled and said "exactly", showing me to the sequencer, I don't want to bore you with my life. Unless such a protein did exist and we observed it then we cannot say it does, thus we can conclude that there are no limitations to such mutations...that's science.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:38:13

Oh dear, here we go again, it's the whale incident all over again, all though again for interest could you tell me one feature that a bird has that any dinosaur did not? No, I did not assume you accepted evolution, previous evidence indicated the opposite, I was only making a point that we cannot reject a fossil based on it's age.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:45:23

No, but when you make a million predictions and get all right then it's good science Finding a Dinosaur in Africa...I think your referring to "we should find no Dinosaurs in Africa before 245 million years ago" and we have not. Evolution does not explain the source of life, that's Abiogenesis which is Biochemistry...which is Chemistry essentially. Evolution only explains the diversity of life found on Earth today. Other than that, you are correct, if a theory does not account for evidence then you should "destroy it" though the scientific community would normally debunk it or discredit instead. However evolution has stood up to testing, questioning and all challenges, the only places where the main populous do not accept such findings have deep religious views to the opposite, this is called being "Dogmatic" as I explained before.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:53:53

1. of course we do, when an animal is able to adapt to it's environment without change then no change is needed, you don't seem to know how natural selection works. 2.why? as species can fill the "rolls" of more than one and do it more efficiently then one species can replace two...I don't see a problem there 3.again, you clearly don't know what a transitional form is, we are all transitional forms, every single thing on the planet is a transitional form from the previous generation to the next. 4.explain? 5.we don't remember despite odds commonly given out by ID supporters the order in which a chemical changes state is not random nor is much else but is dependent on the environment. 6.no, no it doesn't you again clearly have no idea how mutations work, it's small variations over a long period of time, not large changes then small fine tuning 7.again, the formation of chemicals is not random, but driven by the electro-magnetic force, but remember life probably didn't start with a cell, but probably with simple RNA that could replicate itself, thus natural selection would take hold before a cell could even form. 8.explain?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 22:57:24

no, nothing to do with funding, I never mentioned funding, did you hear me mention funding? only that articles with greater credentials are looked at and considered more carefully in a private company, however there are ways around this, simply submit to multiple journals and if you work at a University like I do simply submit it to your head of department, they will put their name on it and it has to be submitted to the University journal...this is the only reason you see any papers even considering ID.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-30 23:10:19

Correct, changes in the Earth's environment are not always gradual, however those that do survive are subject to what we call "the bottleneck effect" where a small population grows and diverges into many different organisms, this is why we end up with such diversity because to fill each ecological niche organisms don't always adapt in the same way. For example while some animals such as Sauropods grew large in order to eat from trees and avoid predators some organisms simply scaled the trees, staying small enough so that predators found them difficult to see and catch...here we have two examples of the same niche being filled in different ways. No, evolution is not imagination, only an extrapolation of what we know and have observed, for example all cattle descended from a common ancestor, however that ancestor is now extinct, there are paintings, sculptures and even remains of this animal so we know it existed yet not all cattle can interbreed, they are different species...well we can see that the original cattle species is actually very similar to another animal in the area the only difference being size and bulk, so they must be related, they cannot interbreed but we know that variation can and does transcend such barriers so we can trace it back further...and so on


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 02:59:54

I don't know if you saw the video that I posted on radiometric dating but here it is again. Would you say that this is an accurate description of what you are talking about? Like I said before this is very interesting stuff but saying that it calculates years is stretching it. I would encourage anyone who believes and not believes in evolution to actually sit through this video and do the experiment and then really tell me how you get years from it.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 03:07:44

LOL, I am sorry to ruin the plan I was just trying to understand what you were calling a whale so to get on the same page as you I looked up the definition and posted it, {it was actually the first definition that came up in Google}. I can see there are different creatures there and I can appreciate their similarities and their differences.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 03:20:31

Supernatural is written all over biology. I detect supernatural design by natural processes. You say they react chemically which is a natural process, yes this is true of course. Then you say the magnetic field has something to do with the chemically charges particles. NICE! Then you tell me how all these species are benefiting from trillions upon trillion of beneficial mutations. GEES! Then you tell me how all these things have to work together in order to survive WOW! Sure sounds like a miracle to me either way but I only have one problem, I don't believe in miracles its not natural.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 03:22:46



Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 03:28:50

Very interesting stuff I think, I would like to see it with my own eyes of course. However even if you could prove it I don't see how this debunks the design hypothesis at all. Do you have any videos showing this process?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 04:09:45

Ok look at this "Sauropods grew large in order to eat from trees and avoid predators" I would like to grow a little taller in fact I think my grandpa did as well as his grandfather and his grandfathers grand father. The grandfather before him wanted to fly why the heck are we only 6 foot tall no wings and half bald? Well you can use the word "extrapolation" if it makes you feel better about believing in evolution and if I believed in it, I would probably prefer that word too. The fact of the matter is that there is not one piece of observable testable science and not one transitional form that you can point to as evidence for this theory. The only evidence for it is a good imagination. All of these creatures and processes are the work of intelligence not blind chance. Even if the ever changing theory of evolution were remotely true, [which it is not and that is why it keeps changing] there are endless processes that point to something more than natural. Evolution is a presumptions theory filled with holes. I am aware of different breeds I use to live on a farm. We bred a lot of things horses, dogs, cats, cows, etc So I can see how we can get changes within species. No argument from me there. You say that evolution has no mechanisms for stopping mutations and changes but of the thousands of births that I have been a witness too I have never seen what you are describing is possible. I have witnessed deformed cows, chickens and we even had a cat that was deformed but they all usually die quickly.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 04:15:53

Well I don't see it like you do as far as classification. You are looking at it from an evolutionary point of view and I don't. Birds and Dinosaurs, Monkeys and Apes, Fish and Dolphins they all share similarities and differences. Some differences between birds and dinosaurs are dinosaurs are cold-blooded reptiles, and they have scales as an outer covering, while birds are warm-blooded, and have feathers as an outer covering. Point taken.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 04:23:28

Well I have always enjoyed an open and frank discussion and if you had left any comments that I did not approve that is news to me. I only disapprove some comments that have nothing to do with the subjects which I get a lot. The last one I disapproved said: "You look like a buffoon". and this is all it said really. This is actually quite common so that is why I moderate comments. I like the platform here because I can give open reign to certain users that have meaningful tings to say and the comments are automatically approved to certain users.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 09:08:46

Trolls on YouTube...say it ain't so! Personally being a scientist I don't approve of any censorship, even that of trolls and people who really have no idea what they are talking about.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 09:19:09

There is legitimately no way of telling if a Dinosaur was cold blooded, some like the famous Spinosaurs showed what is accepted to be a transition between worm and cold blood in being able to control it's body temperature, beyond that no dinosaur is actually classed as a reptile, they are kind of a half bird- half reptile, they have a bird neck, hip, shoulder, skull, rib, legs, spinal structure but a reptilian tail and teeth. And no, as far as we can tell most if not all ''Theropod" dinosaurs (those with a bird hip and neck) had feathers covering their body to some degree, indeed the only group of dinosaurs which we KNOW had scales at all is the"Ornithischan" (those with a bird hip a beak and specialised teeth) due their habitat being either marshland or so wide spread that fossils of skin have been found.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 09:49:04

Simple, were the women in your family or indeed the men in your family only breeding with particularly tall men or were only tall men in your community living to an old enough age to reproduce in have offspring...if either is correct than I would be legitimately surprised if you were not abnormally tall. No transitional forms, perhaps you mean there are some missing, if so for humans which one is missing Homo Floresiensis, Homo Neanderthalensis, Homo Erectus, Homo Africanus, Homo Australius, Australophithecus Afarensis, Australophithecus Floresiensis or Apidium (the last not being such an intimating name), there are thousands and thousands of transitional forms, in fact most of the fossil record is composed of transitional forms, indeed if you know how natural selection works every single organism that ever existed is in fact a transitional form. If evolution is filled with holes then tell someone what the holes are, evolution is actually one of the most solid theories in science, denying the evidence does not change reality. Yes, sometimes mutations do cause what is known as "retardation" in most animal, plant and fungal species, however more often than not mutations do not cause retardation. However like I said there is no mechanism for stopping mutations, this is why we see speciesiation in fast breeding organisms (primarily those that reproduce sexually...so bacterial speciesation is rare), examples of this are camels, some bacteria, flies, cats and dogs (remember a species is only something that can interbreed).


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 09:57:05

I have a photo of a glow in the dark rat that we were able to recreate by splicing in some genes from a jelly fish, would you like to see that? It doesn't disprove the design hypothesis (note the use of the word hypothesis not theory), remember science is not about disproving anything but finding evidence for one theory or against another. Beyond that I cannot tell what you want to see, would that be a protein that does not exist, or the process by which mutations occur, or the process by which DNA replicates itself?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 10:08:30

Oh yes, sorry, sometimes I forget some people don't have a great understanding of Biology or Taxonomy, I should probably elaborate on the Taxonomic terms I mentioned; Theropod: examples are raptors, tyrannosaurs, therizinosaurs, Alosaurs etc commonly known as "predatory" dinosaurs though this name is misleading as there were many non-Theropod dinosaurs that were predators (though they are mainly limited to the late Triassic where the distinction between crocodiles and dinosaurs is not particularly clear) Ornithischan: examples are (not as broad a group as Theropod so I will only be naming spicific species) Iguanadon, Anatotitan, Mutabarasaurs, Commonly known as "duck-billed" dinosaurs however the group covers Iguanadon and Mutabrasaurs which do not have flattened beaks


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 10:16:12

Again, I cannot watch these videos due to a faulty internet connection on my end (it's about dial up speed, Biology does not pay well). But all I can really do here is tell you again how radiometric dating works, be it rephrasing again. Lets say you have a bar of chocolate that you eat a certain amount of each day, this causes the chocolate to drop in mass when you weigh it, if you have the original mass and know the amount of ass the chocolate loses every day then you can tell how long the chocolate has been losing weight. Does it make sense now, I'm sorry I'm not sure how I could make the process any simpler.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 10:28:33

yes, however taxonomy (the system by which we classify species) has nothing to do with evolution Dorodon, Basilosaurs and the Sperm Whale are all classed as Cetacea while Ambilocetus is both classed as Cetacea and not, as it has features of this Genus and features that no animal in this Genus has or lacks features unique to this genus (i.e. no fluke). Although getting your definition from Google...kind of week no offence, kind of like getting information about religion from Wikipedia or basing an opinion on Creationists from the works of Kent Hovend (seriously?), though I am happy that you are doing some research...looking into Google is kind of new age for me, I'm old school I learn about taxonomy from a library.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 10:35:40

No, electro-magnetic force, that covers magnetism and electric currents this force is directly responsible for chemical bonding because chemical bonding is caused by electrical charges (positivity charged protons and negatively charged electrons). Mutations are not magical, nor are a lot of them, yes you could put forward a case saying that a supernatural force decided that this is how chemicals behave...but the fact is that they do and this is a perfectly natural process, no impossible odds required.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 10:41:51

Ya, meanwhile the Biology and Chemistry departments have two three story buildings for experiments where the Geology department have a single Lab and a few rooms...those who really fucked the pooch here is the Physics department which have the same 8 year PHD as Biology and Chemistry but here they only have a single hallway of offices and a blackboard for their equations.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 10:49:33

again there is no mechanism yet discovered that could limit mutations within an organism, if such a protein did exist it would either stop all mutations (seemingly killing any developing zygote) which would mean that any organism which passed on such a protein would not be able to produce any live young or with every "normal" mutation a protein would have to be refitted accordingly...the only way I can see to do that would to include two strands of DNA, one as a reference to prevent mutation in the second used for reproduction and protein synthesis. Both would mean no variation within species and no specisiation which have been observed and documented and the more likely (first configuration mentioned) would kill every single zygote (fertilised egg) that an organism produced.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 11:49:21

sorry, posted this somewhere else, trying to keep everything clean so as not to be confusing again there is no mechanism yet discovered that could limit mutations within an organism, if such a protein did exist it would either stop all mutations (seemingly killing any developing zygote) which would mean that any organism which passed on such a protein would not be able to produce any live young or with every “normal” mutation a protein would have to be refitted accordingly…the only way I can see to do that would to include two strands of DNA, one as a reference to prevent mutation in the second used for reproduction and protein synthesis. Both would mean no variation within species and no specisiation which have been observed and documented and the more likely (first configuration mentioned) would kill every single zygote (fertilised egg) that an organism produced


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 11:58:43

okay so anything I put as a reply to "On your sixth point there is a mechanism that prevents me from walking around the world an inch at a time, its called water. However I am sure that when you start walking that you don’t think of the limited barriers that are going to be in your pathway. I am going to argue here that you cannot call this science, its not testable, observable etc. This is no more than an assumption." ends up here...okay, fuck


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 12:23:27

Very interesting science here and it is fascinating to me. But like Dr. Henry Morris has pointed out that all of the radiometric methods involve difficulties because of assumptions which are not necessarily correct. 1. The rate of decay has remained constant throughout the past. 2. The rock crystal being analyzed is not contaminated by infusion of excess end product 3. The rock crystal contained no end product when it was formed 4. Leaching of the parent element out of the rock sample did not occur. 5. The original amount of both mother and daughter elements is known.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 12:31:20

Like I said before the assumptions are large with this but if everyone is going with the same assumptions I can see how they would come to the same conclusions.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 13:02:23

What you are calling transitional forms I am calling extinct species. If they had left offspring or not does not matter. We see many animals in the fossil record that we can recognize today and many that we don't. There is no basis for time there in the fossil record. Take for instance the first layer of fossils all are there in their complete form evidence that these systems were in place and working all together in every way shape and form. Charles Darwin considered this sudden appearance of many animal groups with few or no antecedents to be the greatest single objection to his theory of evolution. Now this is only a problem for the proponents for evolution. Think about it creatures appearing totally in complete form. This view was influenced by the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which Eldredge and Gould developed in the early 1970s and which views evolution as long intervals of near-stasis "punctuated" by short periods of rapid change. Well well since the theory cannot be wrong it is defined once again, lol. How can you expect someone to believe in a theory that is constantly changing. Science is changing and what we are learning is changing and matches your definition of evolution. If we find out we are wrong we change the way we think about it based on the evidence and more on. Our understanding of something can be very wrong hence the term "Theory". You say you don't like my definition of the "Whale". Well I don't like the definition of "Evolution", no doubt there are changes in things over time, we can see that with dogs, cats, horses etc. However I don't think that I am being shortsighted here by saying that inch by inch a horse can become a whale etc. The story that evolution effects some animals but leaves others alone is nuts. Alligators and Crocodiles, Coelacanth, Cycads, Dragonflies, Horshoe Crab, Ginkgo Tree etc. We find in these fossil records that you are talking about with little or no change. This wild story that it only changes the ones it sees a need to change is indeed remarkable.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 13:16:27

Its not a protein its a designer that's why you see it. There are limits and this is what we see and observe every day. This disguising evolution in the eons of time is just fascinating to me. I think that the claims of evolution would take a lot longer than what even they allow themselves to believe with the measurements they have taken to measure time. I think that is why they are now inventing the theory multi-verse "theory" notice I did not use the word "hypothesis". Either way you slice the cheese {look at the situation} You can see the "holes" that I have discussed earlier. This is NOT a sound theory and takes more imagination than facts. Just because you can manipulate organisms in biology does not mean that happens in nature. You got people believing that aliens came down manipulated the DNA etc and that is how people came to be. This work I believe is useful but I call it "science", not evolution.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 13:17:12



Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 13:36:24

Well I think your statement there about religious faith is unfounded. Look at William Lane Craig, {one of my hero's} does not at all deny evolution and I would say that he is more religious than most. In fact when he is asked about a scientific question he will give an evolutionary response. Do you really mean to tell me that evolution is right 100% of the time? That seems to be what you are suggesting here and I have a few things to say about that. In science, one of the most important things a hypothesis can do is make predictions that can be verified by experiment or observation. If a hypothesis makes predictions that are then confirmed by experiment or observation, its scientific value is high. The more confirmed predictions it makes, the more likely it is to be a good, scientific explanation for whatever phenomenon it is describing. However, if a hypothesis makes several predictions that are shown to by false by experiment or observation, its scientific value becomes questionable. Dr. Cornelius Hunter has done an excellent job detailing many of evolution’s failed predictions. website Not surprisingly, as more and more research is being done, more and more evolutionary predictions are being falsified. The latest one involves bats and insects. As most people know, bats have an amazing echolocation system that allows them to hunt in the dark. They send out high-frequency sound waves that bounce off anything in front of them. They receive the reflected sound waves, analyze them with sophisticated mathematics, and determine all sorts of useful information, such as the size, position, and speed of what’s in front of them. This amazing echolocation system allows bats to hunt and eat insects even when it is pitch black outside. Well, it turns out that some insects are able to hear these high-frequency sound waves. This alerts them to the fact that a bat is hunting them, and they are then able to take evasive maneuvers. For many, many years, evolutionists have claimed that this kind of hearing in insects evolved after bats evolved. For example, a book that discusses the echolocation systems found in bats and dolphins says:1 The evolution of ultrasound sensitivity in nocturnal insects evolved in response to predation pressures exerted by echolocating bats. Another evolutionary book makes a very similar statement:2 …before bats evolved…moths and other nocturnal insects owned the night sky, flitting about unmolested by predators. The appearance of bats forced them to evolve a novel antibat strategy – a way of hearing the echolocating calls of hunting bats, in effect a radar detector. So evolution predicts that the high-frequency hearing in some insects arose after bats evolved, as a response to the bats’ new way of finding prey among the insects. Like most evolutionary predictions, however, this turns out to be dead wrong. Dr. Roy E. Plotnick and Dr. Dena M. Smith studied well-preserved fossils of crickets and katydids from the Green River Formation found in the western United States. According to questionable evolutionary dating techniques, these fossils are supposed to be 50 million years old. This is roughly the same age that evolutionists date the first definitive bat fossils. So…assuming that these insects did evolve their ability to hear high-frequency sound waves in response to the appearance of bats, what would you expect these researchers to find when they studied the hearing organs found in those supposedly 50-million-year-old insect fossils? The hearing organs should look quite different from those of their modern counterparts, right? After all, the insects wouldn’t have yet had a chance to evolve their high-frequency hearing, given that the fossils are supposed to be just as old as the earliest bat fossils. What Drs. Plotnick and Smith actually find? Here’s how they put it:3 Here we describe and document the exceptionally well preserved tympanal ears found in crickets and katydids from the Eocene Green River Formation of Colorado, which are virtually identical to those seen in modern representatives of these groups. In other words, the fossil evidence indicates that crickets and katydids had essentially the same hearing before and after the supposed evolution of bats. If Dr. Plotnick and Dr. Smith’s analysis is correct, then, these insects did not evolve their ability to hear high-frequency sound in response to the predation of bats. How will evolutionists explain the evolution of high-frequency hearing in some insects now? Here’s how a web article puts it: The findings suggest that this group of insects evolved their supersensitive hearing long before bat predators came to be, the researchers say. “Their bat-detecting abilities may have simply become apparent later,” Smith said. That’s pretty convenient. Evolution just happened to prepare these insects for bat predators long before the bats actually evolved! What an interesting way to explain around this most recently-falsified prediction of the evolutionary hypothesis. REFERENCES 1. Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins, Jeanette A. Thomas, Cynthia F. Moss, and Marianne Vater, ed., University of Chicago Press 2003, p 324. Return to Text 2. Nicholas Wade, The Science Times Book of Mammals, Lyons Press 1999, p. 20 Return to Text 3. Roy E. Plotnick and Dena M. Smith, “Exceptionally Preserved Fossil Insect Ears from the Eocene Green River Formation of Colorado,” Journal of Paleontology, 86(1):19-24, 2012


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 14:07:41

1. Well lets get the meaning out of the way first shall we? natural selection:noun the process by which forms of life having traits that better enable them to adapt to specific environmental pressures, as predators, changes in climate, or competition for food or mates, will tend to survive and reproduce in greater numbers than others of their kind, thus ensuring the perpetuation of those favorable traits in succeeding generations. Now if this is an acceptable definition to you I think that we can move on. I would like to sum it all up in one word "BULL SHIT" but of course that is not very scientific is it? I find that this is a typical response every time I bring the subject up that we have modern animals in the fossil record. I think I have a pretty good understanding of what "natural selection" is suggesting here but when I bring up a fact against it then I don't understand? Maybe it is a flawed theory? Well of course we cannot entertain those types of falsifications because um well... I don't really know why you would want to hold onto a theory and call it science. Reminds me of the flat earthers! lol 2. Well as I have told you that I lived on a farm. We bred all kinds of animals and each one came out resembling the parents. Now we all know how dog breeding works but we always get a dog no mater how many times we breed them. Evolution is suggesting that one species has a "common ancestor" this common ancestor is an ancestor to many "species" therefore we should see an increase in species not a decrease. This is real simple I can believe that it is not grasped by you. 3. I could not help but laugh on that one. I guess if you believe in evolution you would have to believe that you are a transitional form. Yet this does argue against the point that I made about the Alligators, Crocs, etc. 4. "Genetic entropy" is a scientific fact which is admitted by all prominent geneticists. Genetic entropy is the natural deterioration of DNA via mutations which are caused by various types of errors; such as errors in copying a chromosome. Dr. Sanford, for example, stated that DNA is deteriorating at an alarming rate. If evolution were true, our human DNA, and the DNA of all other living species on this earth, could trace their genealogy back to the "first living cell" and thus all DNA on earth would contain 660 million years of accumulated genetic defects because there would have been 660 million years of accumulating and continuous genetic entropy. Why would we see these mutations on our DNA? The reason is that there is no mechanism on any DNA to fix most type of genetic errors. The genetic defects would have accumulated from generation to generation and from species to species. It is ludicrous that any animal could survive 1 million years of continuous genetic entropy, but to survive for 660 million years of continuous genetic entropy is simply far beyond ludicrous. Human DNA is too perfect to have been exposed to 660 million years of genetic entropy. If George and Mary (evolution's equivalent to Adam and Eve) existed 100,000 years ago, they would have had 660 million years of accumulated genetic defects (e.g. genetic entropy). Furthermore, if George and Mary had lived 100,000 years ago, our human DNA would have an additional 100,000 years of genetic entropy, on top of the 660 million years of George and Mary's genetic entropy. If the theory of evolution were true, and all of our ancestors and ancestor species only had 1 mutation every year on average, we humans would have 660,100,000 random defective mutations on our DNA due to genetic entropy. No species could survive with this massive amount of defects in their DNA. If evolution were true, 22% of our DNA would be defective. This means 22% of our gene complexes, 22% of our morphing of the embryo algorithms, etc. would be defective. But there is very little tolerance in many aspects of our DNA, so humans could not exist even if our DNA was 0.1% randomly defective. But in reality our ancestors would have had far more than 1 mutation per year on average and the 22% would be far, far above 100%. Furthermore, if a significant set of additional genetic defects would have occurred in a descendant of George and Mary, say 90,000 years ago, this defect would be seen in a very, very high percentage of humans today. But no such broad genetic defect has been observed. Science claims that DNA has improved by random mutations of nucleotides. This theory is in direct opposition to discoveries in genetics. DNA deteriorates, not progresses, over time. This is a scientific fact. Given the mathematical problems of the theory of evolution, detrimental mutations caused by genetic entropy would have occurred millions of times faster than favorable mutations. It would be like trying to swim upstream of a 5,000 foot tall waterfall. The vast majority of mutations are neutral or detrimental in all species. Yet the entire theory of neo-Darwinism is that DNA improves over time; that new genetic information is constantly being formed; and that more complex DNA is constantly being developed by random mutations of DNA. There is no scientific evidence for any of these claims. But the main point of this section is that because genetic entropy is a scientific fact, and if evolution were true, we humans could not exist because our DNA would have the accumulated mutations of 660 million years of genetic entropy. But the fact is that no complex species can exist for more than a million years due to genetic entropy. Bottom Line: If evolution were true; because of genetic entropy; humans could not exist. Furthermore, our DNA is far too perfect to contain 660 million years of accumulated genetic defects. 5. Evolution could not have occurred in a billion years or even a trillion years or even a quintillion quintillion years. The reason is that human DNA would have required "winning" 3,000 consecutive or sequential evolution lotteries, each with an impossible probability of 10‑100. 6. Thats not what Punctuated equilibrium states! 7. The "first living cell" was not descended from existing life, by definition. Thus, its RNA or DNA had to consist of totally and absolutely random permutations of nucleotides. While "evolutionists" claim that existing DNA was easy to modify into new genetic material and new species, they have no basis for such a claim for the "first living cell." The probability that a purely random permutation of nucleotides will create life, even if it is carefully put inside of a cell membrane, was calculated to be 10‑1,500. This is an insane probability. It is like picking the correct, single atom from among 101,480 Universes!! And even this probability ignores a lot of things, such as having the correct combination of genes, the chemical binding problems of amino acids, various paradoxes, the formation of the cell membrane of the "first living cell," etc. If any scientist claims they have created life from non-life, using a randomly generated permutation of nucleotides, you know they have committed pure fraud. If billions of attempts were made; every second for a hundred billion years; it is still a case of fraud. But scientists still have not created life from non-life using the luxury of carefully designing DNA (i.e. stealing ideas from DNA created by God) for a "first living cell." 8. Scientists know virtually nothing about the morphing of the embryo algorithms on human DNA. This is because the algorithms are so complex, humans cannot comprehend them. The morphing of the embryo algorithms, which are really in-comprehensively complex computer programs which are coded on DNA, are so accurate and so intolerant of mutations, that no complex species (i.e. a male and female), or its descendent species, could survive for 1 million years due to just genetic entropy of these algorithms, much less genetic chaos. In other words, the morphing of the embryo algorithm is so sensitive to errors that it would be quickly destroyed by the smallest amount of mutations caused by genetic entropy and/or genetic chaos. While some aspects of DNA may have a little tolerance for error, the morphing of the embryo is not one of them. No one knows how many nucleotides are involved in the morphing of the embryo algorithms in an advanced species, but it surely numbers in the millions of nucleotides. One or two defects in this mechanism, via genetic entropy, genetic debris or genetic chaos (obviously in the germ cells) and there will not be any surviving offspring or new species. The issue this algorithm creates for evolution is that it makes any type of mutation to be far more damaging, far more quickly, than a person might thing. There is no mechanism to protect these nucleotides from mutation, since they are obviously scattered throughout the DNA. References


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 14:48:40

It is not a "discussion" when you cut and paste hundreds of words from an LDS article. I don't care for this format for the reasons GreedyCapybara7 mentioned. There were 41 messages from this board in my mailbox, all with the same title. No way to tell who you were responding to. Even when you are responding to me, I can't see the original you were responding to. Seems very disjointed.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 16:18:52

Calvin, Whenever you make a comment there is a place to subscribe or unsubscribe to the comments. I am referencing articles that I have read as well as making my own points. You can unsubscribe at any time if you don't want to be apart of it. There is also a link in your emails to do this, I don't know how to make it more easy for a person to participate or not participate.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 20:21:15

Well, I just typed a long reply and it was deleted because I had not put in my email. On the other system, I did not have to do that. Another reason this is not as good as what you had. It seems like you are hiding. Just saying.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 20:31:55

no, that's not what we observe, what we observe is mutations building up until eventually they can no longer breed easily (such as the case of the Great Dane and smaller dogs, or different species of cattle), clearly you have no idea how long 3.8 billion years is. Scientists including myself do not believe, to believe required faith, evolution and radiometric dating require no faith we say we "believe" because that is the common term but the only reason we "believe" is because the evidence demands it. Correct, because the math and physics support the idea (i.e. the evidence supports the idea) it is classed as a theory, a hypothesis is an initial idea with no supporting evidence. No self respecting scientist would fall for that alien crap, I'm pretty sure your making that up, evolution does not require any direct intervention only mutation, natural selection and time. It happens to be one of the most sound and tested theories in science because it requires little if any imagination, it requires only testable evidence which we have and the only thing it requires in participially religious areas is a lack of Dogmatic Zealots supporting old fables despite all evidence to the opposite.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 20:35:45

I've been through this no assumptions needed, what assumptions are you talking about that we have already not discussed and I have already not explained to you?


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 21:20:18

first, wow...big comment, this might take a while, I will be answering paragraph to make this easier. I never said that evolution was right 100% of the time, nothing can be other than mathematics. Other than that you are correct about scientific predictions, this is exactly why evolution is "good science" and ID is "bad science". The website you linked me to primarily deals predictions made by Charles Darwin, hate to ruin your fun but Darwinian evolution is mostly false, Darwin had no idea of any mechanism behind evolutionary change other than natural selection...what a surprise in 150 years of experimentation we known more about the world and adjust our theories accordingly. Other than that no, the more research is done and the more experiments are conducted the more credit evolution has as it's predictions about placement of organisms is confirmed. That's a very watered down system of how echolocation works, but to be perfectly honest I am impressed with the definition regardless. That's technically not true, insects are able to pick up vibrations, they are not able to distinguish between a bat or any other vibration such as a large organism approaching, all the insects know is that something is coming, that something may/ may not be a bat but it is best to avoid it anyway. yes that is true, however that is not a scientific journal no Biologist would make such a prediction without confirming evidence...say finding insects unable to sense air vibrations at all. no, most evolutionary predictions are correct, especially considering order...this is an anomaly but as I said before no Biologist would make such a prediction without evidence to support the idea. no, that's not what we would expect at all if you know even the slightest thing about insect anatomy, insects tend not to change much thus hearing organs would be almost exactly the same as those of modern organisms. I have yet to read the rest of your response but I would assume that Dr.Polnick would find insect anatomy changed very little in 50 million years. As I and anyone else with even the slightest knowledge of insect hearing or anatomy would have predicted. Remember that an invertebrates world is much different to ours, high frequency hearing in beetles, crickets, etc is the normality not the abnormality due to the way their "ears" function, simple detectors designed to pick up vibration in general, high frequency vibration is actually surprisingly easy to pick up...we just can't because of our more complex mammalian ears. yes it is convenient a system was able to be used in ways it was never intended...where else to we see this? How about hollow bones in dinosaurs, used to save weight becoming perfect for the light flying structure of modern birds, remember evolution does not have an "end plan" so systems being useful in new situations is nothing new.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 21:58:19

1.good boy, now if an organism is subject to such pressures but is already suited to its environment then any mutations changing the efficiency or any feature of the organism would be detrimental and thus unlikely to be passed on. But yes you'll end up with the same answer, because it's a dumb question: here is a typical scientists response to such a question...don't think I could have put it better myself: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/126/314/3cd8a33a.png?1306264975 2.not really, species out compete each-other and thus species go instinct, but to be perfectly honest we did just come out of an ice age (mass extinction) and the rate humans are killing off animal and plant species then I'm not surprised if your referring to a modern decline in species. If not then I can tell you that the total number of species on the planet at any given time constantly goes up and down with events such as continent drift and mass extinctions. 3.Again everything is a transitional form, but if you are looking for what is concerned as a "linear" transitional form (that is something a creationist would classify as a transition) then I will list just a few: -Tictalic (a lob finned fish, transition between lung fish and a tetrapod) -Seymouria (a thick skinned amphibian a transition between a tetrapod and primitive reptiles) -Edaphosaurs, Dimetrodon or any of the other sailed backed reptiles (with the ability to control their body temperature a transition between reptiles and mammal like reptiles) -Gorgonops (with the ability to control its internal body temperature, sent glands and a mammal hip a further transition between the sail backs and mammal like reptiles) -Diictodon, Lystrosaurs, Placerias or any other Diictodont reptile (another transition between the Gorgonopids and mammal like reptiles) -any Cylodont (true mammal like reptiles a transition between mammals and reptiles) Anything else? 4.First as far as we can tell life has been on this planet for around 3.8 billion years, not 660 million Secondly there is a mechanism for fixing "defects", it is commonly known as natural selection, young with defects are tuned out because they do not survive long enough to reproduce. 5.no, no it would not, to get to humans as we are exactly now then the odds are far more remote, life could have gone in any direction, but the fact is that it did have to go in a direction and it happened to be this exact path...the fact is that humans exist, this is what we observe there could be any number of organisms in our place but the fact is that because each mass extinction, environmental change and random event turned out the way it did we are here. 6.really? no punctuated equilibria is only an outdated version of what we call now the "bottle neck effect", where after a mass extinction a small group of organisms can quickly diverge to fill a wide range of ecological niches due to a lack of competition. 7.no, and if you knew anything about natural selection or even simple Biochemistry you wouldn't say that (seriously you sound like a nice enough guy but you say the dumbest things sometimes), life probably didn't begin with "the first living cell" it probably began with simple organic replicating molecules (RNA or DNA), which yes at first would have been completely random, and yes by random mutation alone the odds of forming a simple cellular membrane are low but because these molecules are subject to selection pressures (i.e. they decompose) the odds are greatly reduced because good mutations are kept and bad ones dis-guarded (as I discussed before). 8.we've already discussed this before, natural selection operates on beneficial mutations i.e. complex organisms can arise because genetic entropy is pretty much horse shit in the way you are phrasing it. The fact is that mutations can and do occur along any stretch of any chromosome with no regulation other than killing the organism before birth...if these changes can be undetected/ small enough then this system does not work as the child is born with a slight mutation.


Shared publicly - 2012-01-31 22:29:25

Calvin I don't understand what you are saying. I will check on the functions but I don't know what you mean by me trying to hide something?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 00:19:02

OK, I may have done something wrong and deleted my earlier message. This time, my name and email are filled in for me. Thanks. This may turn out to be a great forum as more people participate. What I meant by "seems ...you are hiding" is that I -was- posting comments which you responded to and -that- was working fine. (If it's not broken...) Now, instead of 2 or 3 messages from you in direct reply to my messages, my mail box is filled with 40 messages of you talking with someone else. Interesting, but -our- conversation "seems" to be hidden. Maybe I should have said that our conversation was getting "lost" in the larger forum. This page does look good and I hope you have some good exchanges with people. I'm going to go back over our exchanges under the video and try to get back on track. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 01:42:06

are you children actually arguing about the functions of this message board on this message board?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 01:47:39

January 31 2012 - GreedyCapybara7 said: "first, wow…big comment, this might take a while, I will be answering paragraph to make this easier." CS - Thanks Greedy, You seem to be what you say you are and I ask that you take this from a layperson wanting to learn. Could we say - "Nature provides mutations from which natural processes winnow." ? I want to learn and be able to speak about evolution in a simple way. Trying to get around using the words "good" mutations, "bad", nature "choosing", etc. Searching for a meme to replace "design" and "chance", "survival of the fittest" and "nature red in tooth and claw". thanks. To Max - There was no "reply" button on Greedy's message as there are on all of yours. fyi.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 01:52:01

Yes, I am an old "child" learning to use this forum. I apologize to Max, now that I have taken more time to check out the features. I was clicked on "all" messages. And I apologize to all the other members and guests. Please, carry on. Sincerely, Calvin


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 02:01:51

To Calvin, there is no reply button on your message either, probably something to do with the properties of this particular comment. Biologists Calvin tend to use the phrases "detrimental" or "beneficial" mutations rather than "good" and "bad", unless consulting someone who has absolutely no idea of how natural selection works so one must assign human characteristics to the process. But we still use phrases such as design, it's called personification where human characteristics are assigned to non-human processes or objects in order to make it easier to explain, however few academics use the terms “survival of the fittest” and “nature red in tooth and claw” because that implies that evolution is an upgrading process; which it is not...more accurately evolution is the compounding of beneficial mutations that increase an organisms chances of reproduction, this does not always mean faster, better and stronger much to the opposite as an organism that lives to an old age would produce unhealthy offspring and is simply a drain on the species (with the obvious exception of most plants and the "immortal jellyfish). This however I don't understand, could you rephrase the question for me: “Nature provides mutations from which natural processes winnow?" Beyond that why are you on this message boards? I was dragged here because of a chap on Youtube (who owns this particular message board), how/ why are you here?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 02:24:25

Hey guys the discussion form only goes down 5 levels but you can always make another comment at the end of the discussion. If there is not a "reply" button you can go to the next one up and it will show up on the same level. Just think of it as the tree of evolution! lol


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 02:39:52

1. I've explained this, there is legitimately nothing aside from firing "heavy" particles (i.e. protons and neutrons) into the nucleus of an atom that can change the rate of decay short of an event known as a "gama-ray burst". 2.firstly we don't test crystals if we can avoid it they grow in the wrong conditions and throw off our readings if we do not test them quickly enough. However this is correct for with many tests throughout the sample, if they all point to the same age aside from the occasional anomaly then we can call that age correct. 3.okay I should have explained this right off the bat, there is a reason why certain types of radiometric dating are only good to a certain date, because we cannot get an accurate date when end product is present...for example if I want to use Uranium-Lead dating and there is an abnormally large amount of lead present then the ages one will get will be all over the place. Beyond that parent/daughter isotopes tend not to introduce themselves to samples taken from within solid rock. 4.Again this tends not to happen when the sample is encased in solid rock, but when this does happen (in artificial situations that we recreate at the University) it is easily detectable...for example one could get many dates from one sample. 5.the original amount of mother and daughter isotopes (elements refer to particular base chemicals where as isotopes are different forms of the same element) is known, there will always be an excess of the parent and an almost complete absence of the daughter isotope because living organisms tend not to live for/rocks are not present on the surface for the half life of any isotope used for radiometric thus the isotopes cannot decay within the organism/ on the surface. These are not assumptions but facts (apart from the crystal part, that's just bullshit), with evidence to support it...I don't know how much longer I can sit here repeating myself as you ask the same question/put forward the same debunked rubbish over and over again.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 03:21:22

Sorry Calvin, I forget sometimes you Yanks don't use the same slang we do down here Child is a figure of speech down here it has next to nothing to do with your age, and what other guests? You, myself and Max (if that is actually his name) are the only three people here.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 03:23:12

... okay, many comments diverging from a single mother comment, that's just called diversion...but I can see where you are going


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 04:49:32

Thanks. "what other guests? " There are no other guests I know about. I wanted to apologize to anyone who wasted their time reading my message (which to me was directed to Mx and no one else). My first encounter with Max was from watching a YouTube video, which led to a discussion about "objective" morality. Then Max recommended this forum and here we are. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 04:50:32

k, thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 06:38:35

same, the kids got it in his head that natural selection works by if you want wings then when you have a kid they will have wings... I don't want to live, on this planet any more


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 12:46:28

In you illustration above you used a chocolate bar to illustrate decay. You calculate the loss of mass. I think this is kind of nuts because I can take 5 years to eat the chocolate bar to 2 minutes. No it does not make sense at all. Like I said I lived on a farm before and I have seen animals die etc. If they die in winter it takes longer for them to decompose than in the summer. I also know that the rate of decay is different from wet to dry and other factors. When performing the radiometric dating method the people have to calculate the light in the room because it interferes with the reading. This is nuts, if just light interferes with the reading then you never have an accurate reading. Temperature, light, humidity, etc you can call this science if you want I call it guess work.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 12:57:06

Greedy, -There are scientist that do believe. Also about the Aliens I am saying that there are people out there now hypothesizing about alien life coming to planet earth etc. This is a fact I am not making it up, its everywhere. What they are concluding is that these ones started life because they only believe in natural causes so the aliens had to be evolved naturally somehow so they made us. Ok I am not saying this is what I believe obviously but this is what they believe. Call it crap if you want to but naturalistic explanations are far fetched as well. I think its funny that you can say that everything has a natural explanation and then every once in a while you say I have a good argument for god, lol.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 13:16:05

LOL at Greedy on just about everything you said. NO NO NO, that's my job here! I say the dumbest things? Look at what your saying and your the one with the PHD!

"you say the dumbest things sometimes), life probably didn’t begin with “the first living cell” it probably began with simple organic replicating molecules
"Probably Began?" Yeah because there is no other way it possibly happened? All life looks designed because it is designed. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck and act like a duck then its a duck. There your simple equation, use it! I think its hilarious that you say life could of taken any turn but this is the one it took. Yeah just look at all the life in the universe its everywhere isn't it?
"punctuated equilibria is only an outdated version of what we call now the “bottle neck effect”
Changing your mind is such an advantage, so sure then so unsure. lol And you want me to trust this stuff? Really?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 13:25:30

Well like I told you before I can't debate religion with someone who is not even a theist. All I can do is point out historical facts about the resurrection of Jesus, testimony to supernatural events that happened and why they are believable. But I don't even want to debate religion with you. I am calling you out on your own profession and trying to make sense of why you believe the way you do. The Earth's magnetic field is decaying at the rate of about 5 % every 100 years. This means that about 1450 years ago it was twice as strong as it is today, and 2900 years ago it was four times as strong. Therefore, assuming that the rate of decay has been constant for the recent past, then only 10,000 years ago the earth's magnetic field would have been 128 times as strong as it is today: so strong that the amount of heat produced would have prevented life as we know it from existing on earth. In other words, it seems likely that the Earth's magnetic field is quite young, and suggests that the earth itself is also young.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 13:30:49

Yes I know that our conversation was getting lost. I did not realize that Greedy was going to really bring it "as it were" lol. I am definitely enjoying his comments and yours too. I just wish I had more time to participate. I could do this all day long, lol. I will make a new post on Objective Moral Values, I think that is a great subject and a great discussion. I will post that today.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 13:35:45

Greedy: I actually have a few names and sometimes I am called names that I particularly don't care for and I am sure you do too, lol. However you can google my name "Maximus McCullough" I am all over the internet of course because of my work. As far as your slang goes feel free to use it here, I am a yank and proud of it but if you call someone from Texas a "Yank" you might be in for a fight because they take that as an insult. There are still people over here that think we are still in a civil war, lol.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 17:24:04

You have time to cut and paste long articles from other people and you expect us to take the time to read them. No thanks. I would be glad to continue with an actual discussion but you have shown you don't have a basis for this "objective" morality you say is "obvious." If you did, you would not have strung me along for days without telling me what it is.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 17:52:43

Well I am sorry you feel that way Calvin. If making references to articles and videos to other peoples work is wrong then I feel that would be an uneducated discussion. I like to see what other people have to say and I am sorry if you feel that some of the post have been long in my responses to Greedy but I am communicating here. I think it is beneficial to see what other people have found about different subjects and then open the discussion. If you don't find this interesting, helpful or compelling in any way I apologize. I do enjoy your the discussion with you but if you don't want to discuss or refer to other peoples work and research then I don't know what to tell you. I always thought this is what discussion was all about. How are you suggesting I do it, I am not claiming that I know it all that's why I make references.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 22:28:24

Hang on...I've never been to America so I don't know this, is the southern half of the States actually as violent as it's made out to be? Beyond that, thank you for the heads up about some Americans, the thing is that here in the Asia Pacific the term "American" is an insult (primarily constructed of a negative stenotype), the same as calling someone a Red-neck except your also calling them fat...probably shouldn't have brought it up but Americans don't have a particularly good reputation outside of the states.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 22:36:14

You've seen that video haven't you? This is going to make you kind of embarrassed, other than than the fact that from Iron deposits of different ages we can tell that the Earth's magnetic field fluctuates, magnetic fields don't produce heat, you are mistaking magnetic intensity for heat released...sorry That video has confused more than one person and in one form or another your statistics are displayed all over the internet, basicly it stems from one man who is mistaking 128 times magnetic strength with 128 times the surface temperature.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 22:49:00

We say "probably began" because beyond mathematics (which in a large part we have to take on faith) "proof" is impossible i.e. humans don't "know" anything...the fact is that life can arise from organic material, organic material can arise from inorganic material and such conditions were in place on Earth 3.8 billion years ago to allow life to arise from Abiogenesis, but because "proof" is impossible outside mathematics and it's almost impossible to apply to Biological systems until someone invents a time machine or devises a new experiment testing the theory (note the use of theory) we cannot "know" "Design" how does one test for such a feature in Biological systems? Beyond that I a sorry I called you stupid, I am not used to talking to people without a Year 12 education (the same as a first year collage education there in the states) for extended period of time.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 23:07:28

Yes animals take longer to decompose in the winter than in the summer, this is due to the limited heat energy available to allow for bacterial chemical reactions to take place and enable decomposition. However this is not by a factor of thousands of years now is it? No, you misunderstand, light can interfere with the instruments not the actual sample, this is because the instruments are so accurate. This is why we can only give predictions to an accurate of a few thousand or a few million years depending on the type of dating used.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-01 23:52:37

Yes, I have heard of that, however it tends to be in the form of single cells hitching a ride on comets, surviving the vacume of space, surviving re-entry and repopulating this planet which would be completely alien to these organisms filled with compounds that may not occur on their home planet. However until evidence exists to support such an idea it is only a hypothesis. I never said there was a natural explanation for everything, you are confusing Agnosticism for Naturalistic-Atheism, I can only go by data that is available and will not comment on otherwise, Naturalistic-Atheism is the continuation of a natural curve where we are constantly finding natural explanations for what was originally thought to be magic and therefore the Philosophy argues that there must be a natural explanation for everything. While I cannot comment on data that is no available I will humour your "God of the gaps" approach to Biology and Physics, even though I find that overly optimistic myself.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 00:25:25

If we cut down a tree we can count the rings at the bast to give us the age, each ring represents a year. What represents a year in radiometric dating?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 00:48:08

Funny how we have to reinvent the English language to explain evolution don't you think? We have to use techniques like "personification" to describe "natural selection" to laymen. I think its funny how they have their own linguistic system. Its almost a mystery in itself, lol. I know that when you enter a court room all the lawyers and judges have their linguistics and use the "personification" techniques as well. I think creationist and ID scientist need to start using personification too so that evolutionist can understand them, maybe that has been our mistake after all.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 01:11:34

“Design” how does one test for such a feature in Biological systems?
Detect for design: if something follows a certain pattern or order then it is designed in any system. When we observe things that are working together in a biological system like "bacterium flagellum" made up of several different parts like a motor we can detect design. In other words you don't have to "test" for design no more than you would "test" the maker of the house who built it. That's just stupid! you can test the structure to make sure its sound, you can test the electric and all the systems there in, but you have no need to test the designer.
Beyond that I a sorry I called you stupid, I am not used to talking to people without a Year 12 education (the same as a first year collage education there in the states) for extended period of time.
Well that's OK if you call me stupid, I don't care I got enough money that comforts me every day and a very successful business and did I mention that I am a instructor as well? lol So no offense taken. Actually I am use to it although its usually from immature students or people who are dead wrong trying to prove a theory that is so far from the truth they can't see the forest though the trees and think they are right all the time. I guess I would be a little pissed off too if I dedicated my whole life to a lie. However insults are funny because they express someone at their wits end for better or for worse.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 01:14:51

I don't know what video you are talking about. I did not post a video on the magnetic field.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 01:19:57

I thought we were viewed as gods over there, GEES how things change! lol I guess since our dollar is not worth as much as it use to be we have lost our sex appeal, lol. Ok back to debunking evolution and lovin every minute of it!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 04:27:36

To Max We never reinvented the English Lagrange, the fact that a word may have two or more meanings based on the context seems alien to you, so I will use an everyday example. "That Girl is very HOT" (hot being the word in question) do I mean a) that girl has a very high temperature or b) that girl is very attractive Personification is a very old technique used throughout poetry and writings over the ages, examples are metaphors and smilies. That is not the problem with ID he problem with ID is a complete lack of any testable evidence from any source and because it is based on religion despite all evidence to the country patriots of ID (i.e. yourself) repeat the same points over and over again despite the fact that they have been proven wrong already in the same discussion.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 04:37:04

Not detect design, test for it The flagellum (not an organel unique to bacteria) is essentially an ion pump (a common organel used for pumping H+ ions in and out of the cell to control acidity) with a protein tail normally constructed from the same material as the cell wall (the semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the internals of a cell), that's not design that's what is called adaptation of a component. You do test for the designer of a house, you can look him/her up and retrieve documented evidence or simply watch them build the house. The point however I think you are trying to get across is that some things are designed and built...therefore everything must be. That may/may not be true, but the fact is that without testable evidence for these claims then such statements are simply wishful guesswork. "Actually I am use to it although its usually from immature students or people who are dead wrong trying to prove a theory that is so far from the truth they can’t see the forest though the trees and think they are right all the time. I guess I would be a little pissed off too if I dedicated my whole life to a lie. However insults are funny because they express someone at their wits end for better or for worse" Lets just say I know the feeling and leave it at that


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 04:40:19

Since I cannot find the original video, I'm just going to post a link to my journalist friend on YouTube and show you the error as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5eFM6C3lfc&feature=plcp&context=C32d3302UDOEgsToPDskJ8zKouQWpGl9G1KgBinDm-


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 04:42:58

In Australia, you Yanks are almost hated, you pay China with IOU's for products, then China uses your IOU's to pay Australia for resources (Iron, Copper, Uranium, Gold, Silver, Clay, Food, etc.)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 05:00:51

sorry, I should have cleared this up I know you didn't post a video, I'm saying the original source for your information is a video of a Creationist conference on the Earth's age. The fact is that the Earth's magnetic field does not produce heat, or even any sort of energy.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 05:03:04

oops, I meant to say "cell membrane" not "cell wall"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 06:45:53

To GreedyCapybara7 - My thoughts are closer to yours than to Max. Not to say I agree 100% The phrase I offered about -not- using personification was because I knew many people around me (Southern US) will use any argument to fight against evolution while offering no evidence for their position. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 06:58:39

Max - "If evolution were true: 1. I would NOT expect to find modern animals in the fossil record, but we do." cs - What do you mean by "modern?" There is certainly a huge overlap of fossils and current animals. We have the fossils, you agree. Let's let the people who know how to analyze them do their work and see what they say.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 07:19:19

"In Australia, you Yanks are almost hated, you pay China ...." cs - Yes, some of us know that and want to push back against the parts of our government and society we don't agree with, to make things "better." That is why I want to talk to Max about "absolute" morality. thanks


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 07:36:25

Max - "If making references to articles and videos to other peoples work is wrong then I feel that would be an uneducated discussion." cs - You were not "making references", you were copying and pasting large chunks. Max - I like to see what other people have to say ... cs - Yes. I want to hear what you have to say about objective morality. Max - ...and I am sorry if you feel that some of the post have been long in my responses to Greedy but I am communicating here. cs - "Greedy" is interesting, I agree. Max - I think it is beneficial to see what other people have found about different subjects and then open the discussion. If you don't find this interesting, helpful or compelling in any way I apologize. I do enjoy your the discussion with you but if you don't want to discuss or refer to other peoples work and research then I don't know what to tell you. cs - Discussing other people's work is fine. Pasting more paragraphs of others work than you write of your own is -not- interesting to me. Max - I always thought this is what discussion was all about. How are you suggesting I do it, I am not claiming that I know it all that's why I make references. cs - Say things in your own words. When someone questions you about why you believe such, or where did you get that information, point them to your source. Don't argue so much -against- the other persons point, give evidence for your own. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 18:05:21

Personification is what we use when we are speaking to someone who is trying to identify with the subject but its not in their vocabulary. Of course this was my favorite meaning of the word personification because it reminded me of you explaining evolution to me. Personification: an imaginary person or creature conceived or figured to represent a thing or abstraction. LOL! What do you think ID has been proven wrong on? This is where you are very unclear. Who cares if something is based on religion that does not mean a hill of beans if it is right or wrong. Testing the evidence does not always give you the truth and the methods for testing the evidence is laughable when it comes to evolution. ID and Creationist do science just like you do but they recognize a designer from the designed. I don't see where that makes you true and them false. I think that you need to understand here that the methods use in carrying out science are the same. These are not foolish men and women as you suppose, their results and accomplishments are many. They are not testing for a designer they already know he is there because of his handy work. If you do not wish to see it that way then that is not the issue here. The issue here is that you have to prove that everything was produced though an evolutionary natural system and you cant do it. The reason why you cant do it is because there are supernatural explanations. That is not a problem for Creationist and ID proponents therefore their ability to move on is greater and they have a greater reason for doing so as well.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 18:21:47

Well I think you missed my point here about testing for a design. The only thing that comes close to that is ID. You have admitted yourself there is no way to test for the designer therefore you are just going to conclude that he does not exist. That's just silly.

You do test for the designer of a house, you can look him/her up and retrieve documented evidence or simply watch them build the house. The point however I think you are trying to get across is that some things are designed and built…therefore everything must be. That may/may not be true, but the fact is that without testable evidence for these claims then such statements are simply wishful guesswork.
I think looking up the designer for the house and the designer for the universe would be a little different. However we can see inscriptions everywhere throughout history and we can actually look up the designer, I even have his phone number. Its a free call even from Australia! The point is you can test all the evidence that you want to test, even in a house you are only going to see characteristics of the designer but you will never be able to prove that house was built using the methods that you are implying to reach truth. In face why don't you tell me how we can use your scientific methods to prove that a house was build and did not evolve and I will play the part of the evolutionist here. Come on it will be fun!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 18:24:56

Yeah that's kind of messed up but you know the more the United States believes in survival of the fittest the more they endorse that kind of hypocritical behavior. I assure you that no creationist or ID proponent is supporting this kind of madness!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 18:28:33

Ok I am going to post a video on that and may be we can get the conversation straight because it seems we are all over the place with this magnetic field proving the age of the earth thing. OK?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:02:39

That should be fine, my Internet is back up so I can watch movies now (first world problems)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:08:41

Max: that's not true at all, this resection the countries that are doing well (i.e. their dollar/yen/pound/etc is increasing) are secular countries like China, Japan, Korea (south Korea statistics on anything in north Korea are hard to come by) and indeed here in Australia, even though most of Australia is Roman Catholic we have a secular government. "I assure you that no creationist or ID proponent is supporting this kind of madness!" three words, RICK FUCKING PERRY, you do realize that if he gets elected President that most western countries are going to boycott trade from the US right?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:11:06

Calvin: seriously, just leave it, your not going to get a straight answer and it's not going to coincide with reality. The kid has no idea how evolution works, I advise you not to feed the trolls on this one, but I digress you live in a free country so do whatever you want.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:16:25

Calvin: calm down, the kid doesn't have a year 12 education and is arguing with a Biology PHD and an avid reader, let him make bad choices on sources then show him why he is wrong as apposed to wasting time commenting on the amount of other peoples work he includes with his responses.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:28:20

LOL @ first world problems with great educations! Ironic inst it?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:33:22

I never concluded that a designer does not exist, however with a lack of evidence pointing to any designer at all one cannot say one does exist (this is called being Agnostic where you cannot say something does exist because of a lack of evidence but because one cannot test for it you cannot rule it out either). Yes, looking up a designer for the universe and the designer of a house are completely different, now because there is no known natural force that can create a house then it must be artificial (or at least classed as such until such a natural force is observed and studied) however that is not the case with just about everything in the universe which has natural forces that are responsible for it's formation and progress, all a designer would have to do is set the four forces (gravitational, strong, weak and electro-magnetic forces) to the correct values. Thus would have no part in the formation of anything in the Universe at all only in the construction of the four forces. Although I am curious about this designers "number" I don't speak metaphor outside academic arguments so if your not referring to your particular interpretation of the Bible then please let me know. I see what your doing here but I'll play along anyway. 1.no natural force is known that can shape a house from raw material (not discounting that such a force may actually exist but simply not be observed as of yet) 2.there are instances of direct intervention in the creation of other houses that are observed. 3.said product is shows no randomness and materials converted in such a way to which they could not have formed this way naturally under any knowledge known. 4.designer is observed and documented.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:35:59

LOL @ your 12 year eduction accusation. Where the hell do you come up with that? Do people stop educating themselves just because they graduate high school? lol, So what you are telling me is there there are no people out there with a PHD that believe like me? Why do you deceive yourself so with these weak arguments? On this blog you have talked a lot of talk but you have actually shown no evidence at all and I have given you every opportunity to do so. Lets see the evidence just don't tell me.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:42:33

A "year" in radiometric dating (although no technique is accurate enough to determine age to that accuracy, nor are tree rings) is a certain drop in mass of the sample because as the isotope decomposes it gives off neutrons and protons (the two heavy particles that I mentioned before) as radiation resulting in a drop in mass that we can measure.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:43:06

LOL @ Greedy. I don't think I have made bad choices. I have a very comfortable life here with my family. None of them go hungry all are straight A sometimes an occasional B students. They have the latest gadgets, games, bikes, motorcycles, we even have an RV, swimming pool etc. My daughter is even a successful musician you can visit her website at www.faithmccullough.com My client are very successful too. You don't get all these things by making bad decisions or by being uneducated.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 22:47:04

I have given Calvin a straight answer Greedy. Objective moral values exist! I have not hid that at all and have been very straight. Now he wants to know how they exist and are not subjective. I explained that the Holocaust was really wrong even though the Germans thought it was right. You can reference my other video on this blog. Objective Moral Values Proves God Exists


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 23:15:06

Because I can watch and upload videos now I'm going to recommend a good cartoon from a very offensive man, enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkMatter2525#p/u/17/44ilZq3R900


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 23:17:12

This post has ended up somewhere else other than where it was supposed to go, so I'm just going to copy it again. A “year” in radiometric dating (although no technique is accurate enough to determine age to that accuracy, nor are tree rings) is a certain drop in mass of the sample because as the isotope decomposes it gives off neutrons and protons (the two heavy particles that I mentioned before) as radiation resulting in a drop in mass that we can measure.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 23:42:23

To Max, Indeed that's pretty much personification in a nutshell, it tends to be used to explain higher concepts to the uneducated or even the general masses as it contains features that they can identify with. I didn't say ID was false because it is based on religion I said ID was based on religion and false. But beyond that no, ID scientists don't do any experiments, and do very limited and bad research. No articles from the Discovery Institute (the hub of ID) have ever been approved in peer review as they are mainly opinionated articles with no experiments or research. Number of accomplishments by evolution (based on papers written on the subject and it's "real world" applications): 24,000+ paper(s) Number of accomplishments of ID: (based on papers written on the subject and it's "real world" applications):0 paper(s) There is a very clear difference between ID and Evolution, Evolution is a Theory which is an idea supported by all facts and refuted by none, where as ID is a Hypothesis which is an initial idea with no supporting facts. Again, proof beyond mathematics is impossible, but as far as we can tell everything in Biology is natural in origin, it's all Biochemistry and Physics no magic required! Although I do find this quote from you slightly amusing. "Creationist and ID proponents therefore their ability to move on is greater and they have a greater reason for doing so as well." Clinging to 2,000+ year old documents and ancient ideas despite all evidence to the opposite is not moving on in any respect of the word.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 23:49:41

Your point is understood about "heat" but you still have a big problem with the "age" of the magnetic field this is the bigger problem. If we lose the magnetic field we lose our protection from the sun. Do you understand the heat thing now? We are not saying that the magnetic field produces heat but that it protects us from heat. That video that you posted was just silly to say the least, entertaining but misleading. Please see this new post to continue this discussion


Shared publicly - 2012-02-02 23:55:46

not 12 year education, year 12 education as in a high school education (the same in your country of a first year collage education), I "[came] up with that" because you lack a high school understanding of Physics, Biology or Chemistry. I never said that nobody with a PHD believes in ID, however now that you raise the topic such people are incredibly rare, they tend to have PHD's other than Biology or indeed any science or simply go to what is refereed to as a "degree mill" which is a sudo-university or collage giving out PHD's, etc with little to no study, however these degrees are not valid because the no "degree mill" is an accredited university or collage (despite what Kent Hovend will tell you). Other than that I am unsure what you mean when you say "why do you deceive yourself with such weak arguments?", all my arguments are peer reviewed, tested and confirmed, I never speak from my own opinion if I can avoid it because my opinion may be wrong, unlike yourself who simply does a google search and searches for an article that agrees with you. Okay, because you clearly don't know what "Theory of Evolution" means and because you clearly haven't been paying attention to a single thing I have said throughout this conversation, I will outsource an answer to a video which explains both what "Theory of Evolution" means as well as examples of evidence of directly observed evolution after about the 5min mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIm2H0ksawg&list=LL3-wEYs7OcFw59HkwPTk5sQ&feature=mh_lolz


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 00:21:10

I have listened to every thing that you have written down here and no I do not lack education. I am tired of you saying that. It is just a weak argument when you cant prove what you say. You expect me to take it on your word? Ha that's funny! Information on Google is not reliable just because it agrees with me? Laughable. Look at your accusations and quit hiding behind your PHD I don't give a crap about your PHD make some sense, that's all I ask. I appreciate peer reviewed articles and enjoy reading them, hell I even watch evolutionary documentaries. I know what you are promoting. Did I mention I use to believe in evolution? I am not misunderstanding anything here, I am challenging it. I love the heat in the kitchen so don't expect me to go anywhere fast. Don't just tell me I am wrong prove it.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 00:36:23

Are you lying? Your message claims:

ID scientists don’t do any experiments, and do very limited and bad research
You obviously never heard of Michael Behe he is in your line of work. He is one of many. FYI we embrace the evidence that's what makes us believe and always has. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKeAFWC5Qsg


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 02:11:50

LOL! Ok so I have been watching this conversation for some time. Have to say that I totally agree with MaximusMcc. MaximusMcc it seems you have some wanna be people on here that are simply here to try to turn you against your beliefs and over to their beliefs. So seriously GreedyCapybara7, do you honestly expect people to take you as a serious scientist? Your arguments are weak. You have to admit that when it comes down to the line that you have no proof to back up your claims other than trying to rely on the shirttails of previous evolutionists whose story you choose to buy. Your claim as a "SCIENTIST" must mean you know how to mix cleaning solvents without exploding yourself thus far. How you became such a highly accredited individual at an upper level school without basic grammar and spelling skills must be one of your examples of evolution. So you appear to believe that if something appears to have design it cannot possibly be designed. It apparently just fell magically into place all by itself. Hmmmm... It would be simply amazing if you over all previous claimants to the evolutionary hierarchy would actually be able to come up with proof of evolution. I am not speaking of supposition or assumptions. If you want to speak like you are an intelligent human being, you could at least try to come up with an intelligent argument. Your little sidekick, Calvin, has been quite entertaining as well. However, I fail to see where either of you has come up with any real, undeniable evidence to prove your theory. Why not just admit that you have faith in a belief system like everyone else who does not try to lie to themselves and pretend that contrary evidence to your religion does not exist.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 02:52:49

I think Greedy already admitted that he takes some things on faith because its not mathematics. I do think that Greedy is a real scientist I could be wrong on that so don't quote me however I don't believe in evolution as fact. He has some interesting things about shooting dog DNA into a jellyfish or something like that but there is no video on it. As far as misspellings go you could bust my balls on that one too, I think Greedy like me tends to type fast and misspellings come with trying to get your thought out there on the computer screen before it flies away, lol. Thanks for the support though Elizabeth its much appreciated.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 04:19:14

I never said that information on Google is not reliable just because it agrees with you, now your just twisting my words, I said that information that agrees with you is not automaticly correct just because it agrees with you. You haven't read everything I've said or you wouldn't keep asking for evidence after I have given it to you over and over again, evidence for evolution includes but is not limited to: -The Fossil Record, which supplies ample fossil evidence and dates for such organisms that all coincide with evolutionary theory. -Genetics, which supplies ample evidence of how closely organisms are related as well as supplying evidence that genetic information can be added and lost from an organism and that this effects the genes and therefore the features of the new organism. -Taxonomy, which supplies morphological evidence of how closely organisms are related as well as allowing us to objectively classify organisms by like features, this also completely coincides with evolutionary theory even though it pre-dates evolutionary theory by hundreds of years. -Biochemistry, which supplies a method by which evolution can occur called "mutation", this combined with "natural selection" are the two main processes by which evolution occurs. -Population Density Shifts, which is observed cases of "mutation" and "natural selection" acting on the density of particular genes and features within a population. -Microbiology, the field in which organels and cells are studied providing evidence of proteins being used for multiple tasks as the case of that Creationist favourite the "flagellum" which tests have shown is simply a modified ionic pump with a protein tail extending from said pump. -Embryology, providing direct examples of an organism morphing and showing traces of all genes that are still present in the organism (i.e. that for gills, a tail, reptilian hip, etc.) but deactivated in the fully developed organism. Of course I've given you this list at least twice before I think, but again your probably going to ignore it again and ask for proof again after I have already provided ample evidence and you have debunked none.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 04:31:20

For your information I am a Biologist at the University of Queensland, Australia; insulting my education and siding with the person who owns the forum but has yet to provide any testable evidence does not make my arguments weak. In fact quite the opposite, my arguments are based on testable evidence and requires no "belief" or faith, I do not "believe" that species evolved Science does not allow for belief I can only comment on the evidence, all of which supports evolution. This is why Evolution is called a Theory not a Hypothesis like ID, a Theory is an idea that is supported by all facts and refuted by none (i.e. Evolutionary Theory) where as a Hypothesis is an initial idea with no supporting facts available (i.e. Intelligent Design). You haven’t read everything I’ve said or you wouldn’t keep asking for evidence after I have given it to you over and over again, evidence for evolution includes but is not limited to: -The Fossil Record, which supplies ample fossil evidence and dates for such organisms that all coincide with evolutionary theory. -Genetics, which supplies ample evidence of how closely organisms are related as well as supplying evidence that genetic information can be added and lost from an organism and that this effects the genes and therefore the features of the new organism. -Taxonomy, which supplies morphological evidence of how closely organisms are related as well as allowing us to objectively classify organisms by like features, this also completely coincides with evolutionary theory even though it pre-dates evolutionary theory by hundreds of years. -Biochemistry, which supplies a method by which evolution can occur called “mutation”, this combined with “natural selection” are the two main processes by which evolution occurs. -Population Density Shifts, which is observed cases of “mutation” and “natural selection” acting on the density of particular genes and features within a population. -Microbiology, the field in which organels and cells are studied providing evidence of proteins being used for multiple tasks as the case of that Creationist favourite the “flagellum” which tests have shown is simply a modified ionic pump with a protein tail extending from said pump. Beyond that I do not know Calvin, I know little about why he/she/it is here and know even less about him/her/it as a person. He/She/It can be very rude at times, but is far from my "sidekick" as you put it, we do not always agree as seen in this post but we do coincide and agree on many points, the only difference is that I am not as forward about Science as he/her/it is.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 04:40:17

No, I said that mathematics is largely based on faith...and I said that jellyfish genes have been spliced into lab rats before when trying to replicate the experiment done by the people in the video below...and to be perfectly honest it was an accident, they were trying to make a protein that caused brain stem cells to glow in UV light (so they could be identified) however turns out that the same protein is used the construction of pours or hair foliaceous (the pits at the base of hairs) making shaved or naked mice glow and haired mice the ears, feet and any areas of bare skin also began to glow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0UzdYRnMtY


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 04:48:51

No, the Earth's magnetic field does not protect Earth from excess heat, rather it protects us from positivity charged particles ejected from the sun. However there is no indication that a particularly powerful magnetic field would have any ill effects on the the Earth itself. If it decays then that is in the future not the past and cannot give an approximate age from this, Magnetic fields do not produce heat...sorry


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 05:00:42

No, I'm not lying. The fact is that the Discovery Institute and most ID "scientists" don't do any research at all. Partly due to a lack of funding, because ID has no applications and the "science" simply does not work with modern Genetics and Biology one cannot obtain applications that can supply funding for the organisation, therefore they rely on donations from...well people like you, who want evidence to prove them right...so far, nothing, 0, absolutely no confirmed experiments, absolutely no peer reviewed articles and no return of any donations. And no, you don't embrace evidence unless it confirms what you already think to be reality even if it's not true. Science (i.e. Evolution) however takes into account ALL evidence weather it confirms what we think we know or not, so far there has been nothing to even discredit Evolution as a theory.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 05:01:39

oops, I meant to say: "don't do any experiments at all" not "don't do any research at all"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 05:13:52

Max "LOL @ Greedy. I don't think I have made bad choices." cs - Do you claim to be a Christian? If so, you have made some very bad choices. You are going to have a hard time following the commands of Jesus - Luke 12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. Max - "I have a very comfortable life here with my family." Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. cs - Is it comfortable living with people you hate? Max - "My daughter is even a successful musician you can visit her website" cs - I wish your daughter well. Does she claim to be a Christian? 1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Max - "My client are very successful too. You don't get all these things by making bad decisions or by being uneducated." Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 05:25:00

Max -I have given Calvin a straight answer Greedy. Objective moral values exist! I have not hid that at all and have been very straight. cs - You have stated what you believe. You have not shown that there is such a thing as objective morality. I'm still waiting. Max - Now he wants to know how they exist and are not subjective. I explained that the Holocaust was really wrong even though the Germans thought it was right. cs - No sir, you stated it as a fact. You did not explain anything. Max - You can reference my other video on this blog. Objective Moral Values Proves God Exists cs - William Lane Craig? I have watched him for years. You watch it and let me know where to go in the video to find "objective morality" I can't watch too much of him. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 05:39:17

and...with that I have given away personal information that I made such an effort to keep quiet. Beyond that, let it be noted that I do not approve of Calvin's quote mining of the New Testament or questioning of your faith and addressing Calvin directly if they believe they are Christian then they are, Christianity is based on faith not works remember? Further to that becoming a Christian or indeed a Creationist is not a bad choice for most people, it offers comfort, closure and a sense of purpose that Naturalism, Atheism and Agnosticism do not. I did not say Max that you make bad choices all the time, only that your choice of sources tend to be very bad and I will not be joining any more pages as I barely want to be here and do not want to bury myself in this Creationist forum like a Militaristic Atheist or Creationist stereotype.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 06:10:12

Greedy - Beyond that I do not know Calvin, I know little about why he cs - snip Greedy - He... can be very rude at times, but is far from my “sidekick” as you put it, we do not always agree as seen in this post but we do coincide and agree on many points, the only difference is that I am not as forward about Science as he/her/it is. cs - I apologize for being rude and forward. I agree we are not sidekicks but we do agree on more than either of us agrees with Max. My interest is in people who claim to be Christians. My hypothesis is that there are actually -no- Christians. Max and I were having a reasonable (at least in the sense of number of exchanges per day) discussion, when he switched to this format. Now I have 40+ emails per day and very few concerning me. I'm not sure why I'm staying, it is something like slowing down at a car wreck because it is interesting. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 06:35:25

Greedy - and…with that I have given away personal information that I made such an effort to keep quiet. Beyond that, let it be noted that I do not approve of Calvin’s quote mining of the New Testament or questioning of your faith ... cs - I am quoting the Bible, not "quote mining." My goal is to point out to the claimant that they are not what they claim to be. You have your style and goal, I have mine. Greedy - and addressing Calvin directly if they believe they are Christian then they are, Christianity is based on faith not works remember? cs - Are you saying if Max believes he is a biologists, he is? Surely not. There are qualifications to be a biologist and same for being a Christian. ymmv. Greedy - Further to that becoming a Christian or indeed a Creationist is not a bad choice for most people, it offers comfort, closure and a sense of purpose that Naturalism, Atheism and Agnosticism do not. cs - Which denomination are you? Greedy - I did not say Max that you make bad choices all the time, only that your choice of sources tend to be very bad and I will not be joining any more pages as I barely want to be here and do not want to bury myself in this Creationist forum like a Militaristic Atheist or Creationist stereotype. cs - peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 08:16:55

Max - Funny how we have to reinvent the English language to explain evolution don't you think? cs - No, I don't think it is funny or true. Max -We have to use techniques like "personification" to describe "natural selection" to laymen. I think its funny how they have their own linguistic system. Its almost a mystery in itself, lol. cs - You laugh talking about serious subjects. Makes me wonder. Max - I know that when you enter a court room all the lawyers and judges have their linguistics and use the "personification" techniques as well. I think creationist and ID scientist need to start using personification too so that evolutionist can understand them, maybe that has been our mistake after all. cs - "creationist and ID" 'ists have -always - used personification. Calling the natural world "God." That is why I was asking G about rephrasing without personification. thanks


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 08:47:01

Max - Personification is what we use .... [snip] The reason why you cant do it is because there are supernatural explanations.[snip] cs - These supernatural explanations are?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 09:03:01

Max - Yeah that’s kind of messed up cs - I can't tell what you are replying to. Max - but you know the more the United States believes in survival of the fittest cs - Are you saying you do not believe in the survival of the fittest? Max - the more they endorse that kind of hypocritical behavior. cs - You are seeing something different from me. Where is the hypocrisy? Max -I assure you that no creationist or ID proponent is supporting this kind of madness! cs - "madness!" is a strong term. Please explain what you are calling "madness!"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 09:12:53

Greedy - Calvin: seriously, just leave it, cs - Sir (until you tell me different), I am leaving a few occasional comments. It is you who is wasting your valuable time with the quantity you type. Sincerely. Greedy - your not going to get a straight answer and it’s not going to coincide with reality. The kid has no idea how evolution works, cs - I agree. My interest is in Christian morality/Objective morality. I see Max has set up another forum, so maybe I will collect a few notes from here and move over there for a trial period. Greedy - I advise you not to feed the trolls on this one, but I digress you live in a free country so do whatever you want. cs - I have only given a few crumbs of skepticism compared to your banquet of science. Thanks and peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 09:35:09

Greedy - Calvin: calm down, cs - I feel calm, thanks. Expressing my opinions. Greedy - the kid doesn’t have a year 12 education cs - I am only interested in whether he claims to be a Christian. Greedy -and is arguing with a Biology PHD and an avid reader, let him make bad choices on sources then show him why he is wrong as apposed to wasting time commenting on the amount of other peoples work he includes with his responses. cs - Sorry, I thought that I was showing him why he is wrong. He is wrong to let other people think and speak for him. He could put up a William Lane Craig video (he has) and I could put up a Hitchens video (I have not, though I did mention a Dawkins video). I have already watched hours of Craig. I do not find him convincing in the least. I want to hear it from Max. What is the source of objective morality? thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:37:54

Sorry, I did not mean to offend you if I have nor question your motives or your hypothesis about Christianity (note the use of the word hypothesis). I honestly do not mind you here you are as they say a much needed break from my rather dull scientific approach (though I try to make it as interesting as possible) However regarding your hypothesis I must interject, I was Roman Catholic until I was 14 years old. During that time I learned that indeed all Christian faiths (that I am aware of) with the obvious exception of Protestant Christianity are based on faith alone. That is that Jesus dies at the cross for the sins of anyone who believed in him and accepted him as their hero and rejected any and all other philosophies. This means that it does not matter if they follow the rules set by the New or Old testament or even the modern Law they will be rewarded because they are Christian regardless.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:42:00

to further my point they are Christian because they believe they are, because the religion is based on faith alone and not works (i.e. you can be the worst person or the best person on the planet it doesn't matter) then they are Christian is they believe they are and nothing else. This does not work for formal titles or even any other religion on the planet as almost every single philosophy, title, religion or position is based on a persons works or their works and faith, not faith alone.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:42:19

Calvin: Yes I posted another video so we could take our conversation there so that you would not be plagued with Greedy and mine conversation. All you have to do is unsubscribe and you will not receive any more emails from this post. The link is in your emails. I am happy to answer any questions about Christianity and Objective Moral Values but if we can keep it separate I think that is considerate to the participants and readers here. Yes I did post Dr. Craig videos on Objective Morality this is what you are challenging.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:46:30

Sorry I should have answered your question before posing Calvin, I am Agnostic, more to that I am an Agnostic-Atheist because I have yet to see any evidence for God(s) but do not rule out the possibility or one or more existing, I just put it in the . category as Dragons, Giants, Chocolate planets and all other Gods (this category means something very different if you are not Agnostic). Based on the limited information I have on you I am going to guess here (I really don't like guessing but this should be amusing) that you are either a Militaristic-Atheist or a Naturalistic-Atheist.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:54:33

Wasting my time? I am a Biologist waiting for the fresh meat (what you people call freshmen, first year University students) to start on the 20th, I have nothing but time as I only have lab access for a certain period of time before time is cleared for me to give lectures...which I have no students for, it's so we don't spend our lives in the labs Beyond that I will not give you information either way, I refuse to give any personal information, if people hadn't questioned my education I honestly wouldn't have mentioned I am a Biologist. Ya, I realize now what I have done with regards to my own troll comment, beyond that I may have offended Max of Lizz. Lat it be known however that the second this turns into a debate on religion I'm gone, without a word.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:55:01

WOW Greedy! Apparently you missed alot in 14 years. I certainly do not agree with everything taught in the Catholic church, however I do believe you were taught very poorly about Christianity. Perhaps if you spent as much time studying what Christianity actually is and checked on the scientific data that backs it up as you do on here, you might actually figure it out. I do believe (oops sorry, I forgot for a moment you are afraid of that word), rather I do see where you have been turned upside down. Walking around saying, "I believe in Christ therefor I am a Christian," does not actually make one a Christian. It also has nothing to do with scientific facts. You seem confused also in thinking that theories are based solely on fact and are never refuted. If Calvin were such an avid reader of scientific writings, then I am sure he could give you a list of them. Faith alone is not Christianity. True Christians who choose to BELIEVE in God, will search out the facts and go through the data to see that evidence supports their BELIEF. I think that a true SCIENTIST would fully research their BELIEFS as well. The difference between the religions of Christianity and evolution as far as those who truly believe comes down to whether one is willing to look at all the FACTS or just the ones that support their THEORY. (BTW - A theory is based on supposition and interpretation of evidence not facts.)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:56:17

Calvin: Greedy and I came here because YouTube was limiting our comment space, we needed to be able to post longer comments. I would not say that Greedy is wasting valuable time evolution scam gets over hundreds of visitors believers in evolution and non believers alike from all over the world. Like I said I am a web developer and this site will continue to be viewed every day and will rise analytically with the keywords "evolution scam" which is a very hot topic. I also installed a grabber with grabs the comments from the particular you tube video that I want and posts them in this forum. The only comments that I throw out have nothing to do with the subjects we are discussing. Comments that just insult but try to make no point at all don't belong in this forum. Such comments are like "Calvin is a retard, Greedy is dumb, Max is stupid" etc. So instead of posting several small comments we were finally able to get out everything we wanted to day, we were getting lost in the posts on YouTube.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 12:57:53

I was replying to the IOU comment about the united states that Greedy left.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:03:22

Liz: regarding your comment on design, if you will sit through what is frankly a rather insulting video by a Texan Atheist explaining the principals of design and why some people wish to see design in Biological systems. I know a lot of people on the internet can be very insulting, I myself have been told that I'm a murdering, idiotic, satin worshipping puppet many times. But if you will simply sit through this it may explain a few things. Let it be noted that I myself am not Atheist and do not approve of this man's opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Q2Db17v5U&feature=g-vrec&context=G27cf6dcRVAAAAAAAACA


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:04:03

Supernatural Explanation include but are not limited to: the origins of the universe, Time, Space, Matter. the origins of life, conscience-Objective Moral Values, Paranormal events that defy nature, evps, apparitions, psychics: even though they have never been too a place that can walk in and tell you about events that happened in the area. There are many more but these are a few.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:13:43

You are confusing Christianity with Creationism (common mistake) and yes a Theory is a grouping of facts, thus a Theory is supported by all facts and debunked by none, for example it is a fact that species evolve, examples of Mirco-Evolution and Macro-Evolution are very carefully documented the Theory of Evolution seeks to explain why this happens, this is largely through Genetics and Taxonomy that this is achieved. No, while a theory can be seen as an interpretation of facts this is far from the case. This is the common definition you are using, the scientific definition is as I listed above (when discussing science one used the scientific definition). What Creationism and indeed ID which is a product of I think it's Baptist Creationism that started the movement though politics is not my field of choice, is simply pick and chose "evidence" as they see fit even if such evidence does not exist. However Science does not pick and chose but takes into account all facts and evidence and seeks to make an understand based on this, this is where Evolution comes from is an unbiased (or pretty much as close as humans can get) understand of all evidence and facts with the only faith needed in Mathematics.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:14:51

Here you go Calvin, it might do you well to invest in a dictionary. You can see that there are many uses for the word "funny". Just because you think that I link it to being humorous is one of your many fallacies in these blog comments.

fun·ny1    [fuhn-ee] Show IPA adjective, -ni·er, -ni·est, noun, plural -nies. adjective 1. providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark; a funny person. 2. attempting to amuse; facetious: Did you really mean that or were you just being funny? 3. warranting suspicion; deceitful; underhanded: We thought there was something funny about those extra charges. 4. Informal . insolent; impertinent: Don't get funny with me, young man! 5. curious; strange; peculiar; odd: Her speech has a funny twang
It seems you have a problem understand the word personification too here is the meaning. Remember Greedy and I were using it to explain evolutionary terms and I was implying that ID and creationist should do the same to help people understand their terms. ID and creationist tend to be straight forward about what they are talking about, evolutionist have to use more personification terms because what they are believing is non existent in a laymen terms. For instance they prescribe intelligence when it comes to evolution because they imply that evolution chooses a beneficial mutation by saying stuff like, evolution is seeing the need to.... My argument is either way you slice the cheese you are prescribing intelligence to evolution.
per·son·i·fi·ca·tion   [per-son-uh-fi-key-shuhn] Show IPA noun 1. the attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure. 2. the representation of a thing or abstraction in the form of a person, as in art. 3. the person or thing embodying a quality or the like; an embodiment or incarnation: He is the personification of tact. 4. an imaginary person or creature conceived or figured to represent a thing or abstraction. 5. the act of personifying.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:17:40

"seeks to make an understanding" not "seeks to make an understand"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:22:41



Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 13:52:59

Here is my attempt to answer Calvin. I do claim to be Christian and yes I believe there is a code to live by that is laid out in the holy scriptures. I am thankful that Calvin brought up some of my shortcoming this is why Christ Came <- Biblical Teaching as well it keeps me humble to say the least but there are some things that he is just plain wrong on them.

cs – Do you claim to be a Christian? If so, you have made some very bad choices. You are going to have a hard time following the commands of Jesus – Luke 12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.
Max – “I have a very comfortable life here with my family.” Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. cs – Is it comfortable living with people you hate?
You like Richard Dawkins misquote the Bible on a consistent basis not even knowing what it says. If you read the whole chapter you can see that Christ is using a comparison here. Its pretty simple really especially when later he is telling you to show love to complete strangers and to honor your father and mother. You are much mistaken Calin in your interpretations.
Max – “My daughter is even a successful musician you can visit her website” cs – I wish your daughter well. Does she claim to be a Christian? 1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
Again you are misquoting the scriptures. He is telling the women how to dress in church. Would it be appropriate to wear a bikini to court? He was merely showing the girls what was acceptable dress in Church so as not to call attention to themselves but the message of Christ and yes my daughter is a Christian.
Max – “My client are very successful too. You don’t get all these things by making bad decisions or by being uneducated.” Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
On this comment alone you may have a point. I do take pride in my clients making lots of money some of them in excess of $1000 US a day on average. However I was pointing out here that my decisions related to my education has been very beneficial to me and my family, hardly delusional or uneducated. Its a weak premise to operate under and that is my frustration here when communicating to Greedy. I have had people with PHD's work for me some are smart some are dumber than a box of rocks so that is why PHD's I take with a grain of salt. I have worked harder for my company than anyone with a PHD has word for their PHD. So I hope you can appreciate that and God bless America where I have the opportunity to have my own company!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 14:02:28

I embrace all the evidence some of it is just misleading is all. I would like to know where you got your information about ID scientist not doing and research. I have seen them doing research and experiments in the field and in the lab. What are you talking about? Who cares if I help fund people who are doing real unbiased science? I think its important to get to the truth not support an agenda. If I believe in God what evidence am I going to try to hide? That's just silly and unfounded! In fact that makes me even more impartial than someone like you supporting evolution. You have an agenda, to me I can just see and observe the creation without having to stick to any theory. If anyone is impartial it is the ID and creation science. Faith that God created something is not going to make to fudge or destroy evidence like the evolutionist have done and YES THIS IS DOCUMENTED FACTS THAT EVOLUTIONIST HAVE LIED FUDGED FOR THE PROMOTION OF THEIR THEORY Show me just one incident where a creationist or an ID scientists have done this, I am not aware of any!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 14:17:25

Yes the magnetic field does protect us from the suns heat Here is the article However you are right about the quote, it does seem to be wrong and indicates to say that the magnetic field produces heat. I don't know about the effects of the stronger magnetic field being detrimental but it does indicate that its not very old to say the least either way.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 14:26:40

That was cool! Amazing design that they work together like that! It could not be done unless we had a common designer that gave us intelligible information in order to do this kind of work!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 14:30:34

Um those are not "evidences" those are "statements". The only evidence that you have showed is the jelly fish DNA injected into lab rats, which was cool by the way. Evidence and statements are totally different.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 20:27:15

Max - "Show me just one incident where a creationist or an ID scientists have done this, I am not aware of any!" Search for Dover v. Kitzmiller - "After the trial, there were calls for the defendants accused of not presenting their case honestly to be put on trial for committing perjury. "Witnesses either testified inconsistently, or lied outright under oath on several occasions," Judge Jones wrote. "The inescapable truth is that both [Alan] Bonsell and [William] Buckingham lied at their January 3, 2005 depositions. ... Bonsell repeatedly failed to testify in a truthful manner. ... Defendants have unceasingly attempted in vain to distance themselves from their own actions and statements, which culminated in repetitious, untruthful testimony." An editorial in the York Daily Record described their behaviour as both ironic and sinful, saying that the "unintelligent designers of this fiasco should not walk away unscathed"" cs - Bonsell and Buckingham were the "Christian" defendants.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 20:56:09

A lot of people have said that Buckingham and Bonsell should have been prosecuted for perjury or that they were lucky to escape perjury charges. However, to me, the reasons why they were not prosecuted for perjury are clear: (1) Their alleged lies could not have affected the outcome in the case. (2) Some of the alleged "lies" were not lies but were just minimal answers. (3) Some of the questions were ambiguous. (4) Immunity to a charge of perjury is usually granted when the whole true story is told. (5) The question of where the money for the books came from was irrelevant because there was no tax money involved. (6) Perjury charges would have made martyrs of them in the minds of a lot of people. Anyway, Buckingham and Bonsell were not the only people here who were not completely honest. The Dover High School science teachers, by refusing to read the ID statement, reneged on their agreement to accept "Of Pandas and People" as a reference text in exchange for the school board's acceptance of a heavily pro-Darwinist main biology text. The newly elected school board members reneged on their campaign promises by not repealing the ID policy immediately. Judge Jones was dishonest when he pretended to be impartial and then said in a commencement speech that his decision was based on his notion that the Founders believed that organized religions are not "true" religions. Judge Jones lied when he said through a spokesperson that he does not publicly comment on the specifics of the case. "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Also, IMO calling Buckingham a "hostile witness" sounds disparaging, like he testified while wearing an electric stun belt or a straitjacket. All the term really means here is that the opposing side got to question him first. The term sounds derogatory and its use ought to be discontinued. Anyway, I think that Buckingham and Bonsell came across pretty well in PBS NOVA's "Judgment Day."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 20:59:14

Greedy - Sorry, I did not mean to offend you if I have nor question your motives or your hypothesis about Christianity (note the use of the word hypothesis). cs - I used the word hypothesis. Not sure why you are pointing it out. Greedy - I honestly do not mind you here you are as they say a much needed break from my rather dull scientific approach (though I try to make it as interesting as possible) cs - Science is fascinating. Greedy - However regarding your hypothesis I must interject, I was Roman Catholic until I was 14 years old. During that time I learned that indeed all Christian faiths (that I am aware of) with the obvious exception of Protestant Christianity are based on faith alone. cs - Yes, if we eliminate all the groups that the other groups do not accept, there are no Christians. Exactly my point. Greedy - That is that Jesus dies at the cross for the sins of anyone who believed in him and accepted him as their hero and rejected any and all other philosophies. cs - An immoral belief. To think you can put your responsibilities off on someone else. Greedy - This means that it does not matter if they follow the rules set by the New or Old testament or even the modern Law they will be rewarded because they are Christian regardless. cs - Without the Bible, there is nothing for Christianity to stand on. Everything we think we know about Jesus comes from there.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 21:30:49

Hang on, if species can mutate (genetics) and that mutation has an effect on the population density and the taxonomical characteristics of that organism, and we have ample examples of such happening in the past (fossil record) this is not evidence of Evolution which is mutation having an effect on the population density and the taxonomical characteristics of which we have ample examples of such happenings in the past? Okay, so if Evolution is not evidence for Evolution then what would be?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 21:37:25

Excuse me, so because rats and mice which we know to be very closely related and because they use similar proteins for the same task then there must be a designer? I'm sorry I'm not following your reason, this works on just about an organism because the entire gene in inserted and not segments, therefore the protein created is that of a jellyfish and not of the rat and jellyfish and the protein itself is what is luminescent as found through later experiments where the protein was extracted.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 21:48:27

Hang on, a little bit off topic but you Yanks have freedom of speech a freedom that most on the planet do not...yet when given the power you still censor people? Max: you do realise that as soon as Uni starts for my fresh meat I won't be commenting on this forum anymore right?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 21:49:46

Well Greedy the reasoning is actually very simple. Think of nails and screws we use them in many applications. So there is no problem here that the designer used similar materials.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 21:54:52

I think I should define what Kind of evolution I am challenging. Ape to man of course is one. Just because you find fossils of different species and you can inject jelly fish DNA into a rat and get a result does not justify the conclusion that creatures are morphing into other creatures. The science is flawed the conclusions are presumptions and not science.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-03 22:26:48

Greedy what are you talking about? I did not sensor anything you said. I don't know why you keep saying that I do. Do you want me to take off where you work at? I know you wanted to keep that confidential before but I think you got pissed off and put it up there since someone insulted your education because of your spelling handicap that I also do share.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 04:45:54

Ape to man...your going to have to rephrase that to terms that I can understand, it's been a while since I've been to a Christian Church so I'm not sure what your getting at if it's a religious thing. But taking it literally (which I know isn't the case) Humans are apes...saying you are challenging ape to man evolution is the same as saying that you don't know a road between England and London. This is not opinion either and has nothing to do with evolution it is taxonomy, it's not up for discussion. Also Evolution is observed tested and is now the only Theory on the diversity of life on this planet all you are doing is imposing barriers that do not exist on the process and pretending that Evolution is a religion. Beyond that, thank you we were getting a little sidetracked here.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 04:48:02

Yes but there is no natural process observed that can cause the formation of screws or nails from the same material or at all where there is for life.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 04:51:57

Sorry Max but if I may rock the boat here a bit, your not humble under any stretch of the mind. Christian religion teaches that all the planets and stars were put here for people (or at least Catholicism I'm not sure otherwise), i.e. thinking that everything in the Universe was put here for man is not humble.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 05:09:08

Quiet you Science doesn't pay well. One does not get into science (especially Biology) for money but because you are curious and wish to find out how the world works.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 05:27:22

Once again, you are confusing solar radiation (in this case positivity charges helium and hydrogen particles) for heat radiation. Let me explain: -the magnetic field is turns the Earth (at least for this case) into a magnet, however instead of being a normal magnet the Earth is like two magnets inside one another as both poles are positivity and negatively charged. This means that in the case of a radiation burst (commonly known as a solar flare) the positivity charged particles ejected from the Sun are directed along these poles to what are known as the North and South magnetic poles of the Earth (slightly off from the true North and South poles) here the particles react with those in the atmosphere casing what is known as the Northern or Southern Lights. -this is where the common misconception of heat comes in, when/ if the Earth's magnetic field decays to the point where it cannot direct positively charged effectively then they will react directly with the atmosphere, primarily the Ozone Layer, Ozone being an oxygen compound that used UV light as a catalysis in decomposition thus naturalizing it, eventually the Ozone layer would completely decay in some areas thus allowing UV light through and with it what a lot of people experience as a raise in temperature (a reaction between UV light and the skin). However I don't understand as things encounter resistance (i.e. the spinning iron core in the centre of the Earth that causes the magnetic field encountering resistance with the surrounding molten rock) they slow down, are you saying that because of this the Earth must be young even though this is exactly what one would expect to happen in an old Earth as well as a Young one.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 05:42:30

Max: those aren't supernatural explanations those are events and processes with both a natural explanation which is tested and has evidence to support it and a supernatural explication with no evidence other than people asserting "magic did it". The answers to these questions are not simple, in fact often they require thousands of years of human innovation and science in order to answer, however jumping to conclusions and saying that it was magic does not help people in anyway. Yes you have an answer to some things Science does not (God did it) and a answer to things that Science already has an answer to. However in neither of these cases do you have any testable evidence for these claims and ignore any evidence to the opposite because you already think you are right and any evidence against a particular claim will result in eternal torture. This is why you don't listen to me and ask for evidence over and over again after I have already provided ample evidence for my one and only original claim as well as other tangents that you have gone off on in order to diverge the conversation.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 05:50:38

No, Creationism and ID use over simplistic explanations for things that people observe daily and ignore everything that is slightly rare and contradicts their notions. Because of this they results are simplistic requiring little work for even the most uneducated individual to understand. However Science has long left that realm of over simplistic conclusions as the Universe is not a simple place in fact it is incredibly complex...however science still has to explain these concepts to every day people, this is where these linguistic concepts (originally devised to share complex philosophy) come in, because be honest, do you really think that your average man off the street can explain an Atom without tripping over his own tongue or using analogies to planets etc.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 05:56:23

I'm not saying you censored me I'm saying you deleted troll comments, and I've already mentioned my work place on this forum once (by accident I assure you, when my credentials are questioned I don't think things through fully)...and it's not just that I type fast, I think it might also be partly because us Aussies spell things differently to you Yanks, I know this has come up on several occasions.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 06:15:02

Sorry Max, I only just got your Flagellum video working. 1. the bacterial flagellum is not irreducibly complex, in fact it is one of the easier examples of such claims to debunk, yes it is true that take parts away from the mechanism and it is no longer a flagellum...however take the hook and tail away and it is an ion pump (a mechanism that controls the flow of H+ ions in and out of the cell or in other words controls the acidity of the environment inside the cell), all parts of the cell are like this while they may not form their current function is slightly different they almost always perform other functions that we can see in related species or even the same cell. 2. a good example of irreducibly complexity is the Venus Fly Trap, it closes fast to catch insects. A slowly closing version would catch next to nothing...I'll let you dwell upon that and tell me what you think the answer is (nothing to do with evolution this results from breeding within a genus).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 10:50:06

Calvin: I think science is fascinating as well, this is why it is my field of choice. However I do know that my approach is seen by others to be rather dull, I am not a scientific journalist and am no stranger to students legitimately falling asleep during my lectures. I'm sorry I honestly didn't realize that I pretty much discounted every other branch of Christianity other than that which I was a part of for a period of my life (once again giving away personal information, I will be more careful). I did not say I agreed with the morality of Jesus dying on the cross and therefore taking the punishment for everyone who was born in the right country or foolish enough to believe that to be the case. And almost everything about Jesus in the Bible is wrong, just concerning his birth; -there was no empire wide census -there was a local census but took place 14BCE (i.e. before the birth of Christ) and did not require anyone to return to their town of birth (such a movement of people cannot be organised). -there was a second local census conducted some time later (though I do not know the date) and also did not require anyone to return to their town of birth -said king did not organise either census and did died before the supposed birth of Christ


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 10:53:33

FUCK I need to be more careful "died" not "did died"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 13:43:50

Your video example, if that is what you are calling it, was boringly entertaining to say the least. You wish me to take imaginative comments and evolutionist fantasies as fact? I thought we were discussing science not science fiction. I mention evidence for your evolutionary belief and you show me imaginations. Hmmmm. What can one say to such irrelevant information? Do you have any proof for what you believe, and just what do you call yourself, if not atheist? You only speak about your faith in the indoctrination that you have been taught in schools which do not allow free thinking. You believe because you were told for so many years that that is all there is and everything else is false. You are quite a closed minded individual and as I respond to you I understand that you sit inside your box afraid of opening the lid.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 21:34:31

No, I showed you a slightly entertaining video explaining why people may see design in natural systems when no design need be perceived as everything observed already has a natural explanation yet others like yourself still opt for a supernatural one as you think it exceeds the natural one on grounds that do not exist. No, I have already been through evidence for evolution, how many times do I have to repeat it before people stop asking for information I have already given over and over again. "...evidence for evolution includes but is not limited to [all data present in the fields of]: -The Fossil Record, which supplies ample fossil evidence and dates for such organisms that all coincide with evolutionary theory. -Genetics, which supplies ample evidence of how closely organisms are related as well as supplying evidence that genetic information can be added and lost from an organism and that this effects the genes and therefore the features of the new organism. -Taxonomy, which supplies morphological evidence of how closely organisms are related as well as allowing us to objectively classify organisms by like features, this also completely coincides with evolutionary theory even though it pre-dates evolutionary theory by hundreds of years. -Biochemistry, which supplies a method by which evolution can occur called “mutation”, this combined with “natural selection” are the two main processes by which evolution occurs. -Population Density Shifts, which is observed cases of “mutation” and “natural selection” acting on the density of particular genes and features within a population. -Microbiology, the field in which organels and cells are studied providing evidence of proteins being used for multiple tasks as the case of that Creationist favourite the “flagellum” which tests have shown is simply a modified ionic pump with a protein tail extending from said pump. -Embryology, providing direct examples of an organism morphing and showing traces of all genes that are still present in the organism (i.e. that for gills, a tail, reptilian hip, etc.) but deactivated in the fully developed organism."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 21:39:05

Greedy - Ape to man…your going to have to rephrase that to terms that I can understand, it’s been a while since I’ve been to a Christian Church so I’m not sure what your getting at if it’s a religious thing. cs - Thanks Greedy, this is where our interests converge. There is a large group of people who are willing to undermine all of science to hold on to ancient beliefs. While I am not a scientist, I am very interested in science and education. Thus, I spend my time discussing with those people to get down to their core beliefs. You can argue about whether the wine actually turns to blood, etc. and that is interesting to me, but not enough so as to make me deny science to believe it or to waste a lot of time on it. Religion poisons everything.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 21:45:47

Beyond that the term you are using "evolutionist" is incorrect, the correct term you are looking for would be "scientific observation" (in the case of evolutionary observation) or "Non-Theist falsities" (in the case of incorrect observations made by non-theists) rather than "evolutionist falsities". "Evolutionist" implies a religion of which evolution is not because a religion requires faith and belief both of which are absent from the scientific method. Again one does not "believe" in evolution as belief requires "faith" which is a conclusion without or beyond testable evidence, evolution like all scientific theories is based on nothing but testable evidence, therefore there is no belief required.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 21:48:54

Calvin if I could ask you a question, I am pretty lost on this "ape to man" thing, I know he isn't literal because we've had this discussion on YouTube before, men are apes. So he probably means something completely to it's literal meaning different but I cannot tell what it is. Do you know what he's on about?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-04 21:50:19

"different from it's literal meaning" FUCK


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 01:34:04

Max - I am happy to answer any questions about Christianity and Objective Moral Values but if we can keep it separate I think that is considerate to the participants and readers here. cs - It -was- separate, posting under the video I was responding to, then you invited me here. Now you are sending me off somewhere else. I think I'll stay until Greedy starts his class. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 01:40:09

Greedy: Based on the limited information I have on you I am going to guess here (I really don’t like guessing but this should be amusing) that you are either a Militaristic-Atheist or a Naturalistic-Atheist. CS - Amusing? Just ask. I was a Methodist forty years. I am now an agnostic atheist and I am an anti-theist. "Militaristic" implies a use of force which I would never use. thanks


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 02:19:05

Max - GEES! CS - What are you replying to? Exodus 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 02:38:35

okay, probably shouldn't have put that forward, it's kind of off topic.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 02:47:56

Here is my attempt to answer Calvin. I do claim to be Christian and yes I believe there is a code to live by that is laid out in the holy scriptures. I am thankful that Calvin brought up some of my shortcoming this is why Christ Came < - Biblical Teaching as well it keeps me humble to say the least but there are some things that he is just plain wrong on them. cs - Great. Please tell me what they are. I love studying the Bible. Max - You like Richard Dawkins misquote the Bible cs - Please show me where I have misquoted the Bible. I usually go to the KJV on biblegateway dot com. Max - on a consistent basis not even knowing what it says. If you read the whole chapter you can see that Christ is using a comparison here. cs - Show how the context is any different and I will be glad to learn. Max - Its pretty simple really especially when later he is telling you to show love to complete strangers and to honor your father and mother. You are much mistaken Calin in your interpretations. cs - I'm not sure which verse you are talking about here. Luke 14:26 says "hate". In Strong's Concordance it is number 3404. It is the same word used through out the New Testament. Max – “My daughter is even a successful musician you can visit her website” cs – I wish your daughter well. Does she claim to be a Christian? 1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Again you are misquoting the scriptures. He is telling the women how to dress in church. CS - Where do you get that? Here is the verse before and after: 1 Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. cs - Where does that mention church? Max - Would it be appropriate to wear a bikini to court? cs - What does that have to do with what the Bible says? Max - He was merely showing the girls what was acceptable dress in Church so as not to call attention to themselves but the message of Christ and yes my daughter is a Christian. cs - Please show me the word "church" in 1 Timothy 2. It is nowhere in the chapter. You are either lying or misinformed. Max – “My client are very successful too. You don’t get all these things by making bad decisions or by being uneducated.” Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Max - On this comment alone you may have a point. I do take pride in my clients making lots of money some of them in excess of $1000 US a day on average. cs - I think all my points stand until you show that I have misquoted. Max - However I was pointing out here that my decisions related to my education has been very beneficial to me and my family, hardly delusional or uneducated. CS - Jesus asked his followers to leave their families and give up all they had. You couldn't possibly be a Christian. Max - Its a weak premise to operate under and that is my frustration here when communicating to Greedy. I have had people with PHD’s work for me some are smart some are dumber than a box of rocks so that is why PHD’s I take with a grain of salt. I have worked harder for my company than anyone with a PHD has word for their PHD. cs - Since I don't have a PHD, I won't presume to know how much work goes in to one. Max - So I hope you can appreciate that and God bless America where I have the opportunity to have my own company! cs - WWJD?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 03:11:17

Max - A lot of people have said that Buckingham and Bonsell. CS - So, you -have- heard of a creationist lying. Max - Anyway, Buckingham and Bonsell were not the only people here who were not completely honest. CS - You agree they were lying. They are the ones professing to be Christians. cs - Hostile witness, technically an "adverse witness" is not a disparaging remark. It is a description of the relationship of the witness with the attorney who called the witness. Max - Anyway, I think that Buckingham and Bonsell came across pretty well in PBS NOVA’s “Judgment Day.” CS - From reading the transcript of the trial I think they are liars. liars for Jesus. Sad.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 03:16:58

Greedy - Calvin: I think science is fascinating.... CS - I agreed with everything in this post except that you are boring. At least not in your comments here. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 03:18:46

Okay, so this conversation has fast crumbled from a discussion of Abiogenesis, Taxonomy, Evolution and Radiometric Dating to that of Religion and Personal Stories (of which I have contributed to). I would like to revise two points that I feel have been lost in this transition and revive the original goal of this post. Origin of Life: Liz and Max are there any stages in Abiogenesis that you feel need addressing and explaining by either myself, Calvin or both, there is no shame in admitting that you do not understand the process many of my students struggle with such complex Chemistry, so if you feel that I should go over it then I will, however I will not unless you ask as it will take a long time and possibly need a rather large post on my behalf. Evolution: Max I am confused what you mean by "Ape to Man" evolution as I know for a fact that you have had it pointed out to you on several times to you that humans are apes (more specificity "Great Apes" so named for our considerable size) in the same way that Tigers are Cats. However I think you are addressing the evolution between the common ancestor that we share with other modern "Great Apes" and "Hominids" or between other "Hominids" and humans specificity: First I feel that if you wish to understand evolution then you could not have chosen a better grouping as because of the particular conditions that "Great Apes" tend to live in and because of their comparatively long life span (compared with other mammals of similar size) and low mutation rate that we might as well have a generation by generation fossil record of this particular grouping. Below is a well known picture showing a "simplified progression" (this is a line up of skulls showing the progression of one particular linage over time), A is a species known as "Australopithecus Afarensis" a well known Ape which shows many features of becoming a Hominid in its hip structure but many more features of being a true ape, G is a species known as "Homo Floresiensis" a considered by many to be the first true Hominid and N is a species known as Homo Sapien one of only three there with an enhanced frontal lobe. http://www.theistic-evolution.com/hominids2_big.jpg


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 03:31:14

Small point to Calvin, in Biology (or any science) it is 8 years of study to get a PHD, first there is 3 years where you get your major, then 1 year honours finally you work for 4 years to work on your Thesis and get your PHD and once that is done you are likely to be hider by the University where you obtained your credentials and go straight into work. And Max, I envy you and your work earning $1,000 a day is far beyond my pay, you earn so much more than me, here in Australia scientists get paid so little that I am still living in "student" accommodation. However unlike you I spend my time enhancing human understanding


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 03:58:39

Greedy - Calvin if I could ask you a question, I am pretty lost on this “ape to man” thing, I know he isn’t literal because we’ve had this discussion on YouTube before, men are apes. So he probably means something completely [different] to it’s literal meaning ... but I cannot tell what it is. Do you know what he’s on about? CS - I can only say what I have gathered from discussing with other people who use that phrase. They have two major misunderstandings. One is they have a straw man version of evolution which has a mother ape giving birth to a human. The second is that they will not accept that in the over all picture, we -are- apes. They can't stand that. Even though their Bible tells them so: Ecclesiastes 3:18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. 19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. 20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 04:03:37

oh yes, if you wish to get to the point of the video I would recommend skipping to the 2min mark.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 04:14:57

I don't think Max is that stupid, he's had this pointed out to him on several occasions. I'm sure he means evolution from the common ancestor we share with Chimps or another Great Ape rather than from Apes to Apes.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 04:48:05

We will wait then for Max to explain what he means by "ape to man." thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 04:54:23

Not a problem to me. I am the one who is off topic on this list. I would be glad to discuss what little I know about evolution with Max. I defer to you on that subject as long as you can stay. My goal is to hound him about "objective morality." peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 05:03:16

Thanks. I wonder if Max worked 4 - 8 years before his company made a profit?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 05:47:36

cs - Here is a video by biologist Jonathan Wells. w.. dot youtube dot com/watch?v=Se-5QFsT15Y cs - This is a man who, if we believe his claims, is a biologist and a Dr. He spends the entire 5:30 speaking negatively about evolution. "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution" - Theodosius Dobzhansky


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 08:51:53

okay, anyone who knows the first thing about the fossil record knows that the emergence of Hominids from other Great Apes is one of the most well documented transitions almost more so than Tetrapod development primarily because of our thick, dense skulls. Darwinius Masuli first isn't a lemur or at least not quite a lemur, it's around half way between what are now considered to be lemurs and old world monkeys. He then says that natural selection only acts on changes within species, even though specisation is very well observed and documented and says that mutation cannot make "new" parts, which has also been observed and is actually rather common in species that replicate fast. I have heard of Jonathan Wells him and the Discovery done a few lectures here and there in Australia around expositions, one of my past students showed me one of them. He stood there mouth agape as Jonathan spouted stuff similar to this. I can tell you that not a single thing he said in that video was even remotely routed in fact.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 08:54:07

"Discovery Institute" not "Discovery" must remember to proof read responses this is becoming embarrassing.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 08:56:47

don't say that, your making it sound like I wasn't a greasy teenager for the first part of that.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 10:14:42

or like in reality the screw is an adapted nail (the adding of a thread).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-06 17:37:02

Greedy - okay, anyone who knows the first thing about the fossil record.... cs - I agree completely. My point was that here Max has a PHD to point to who agrees with him. That is the problem. We have people, at least here in the States, who are willing to go through college courses, then go out and lie about it. it is obvious to you he is lying and it is obvious to me, but Max will soak it up and help to spread the misinformation. thanks


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 02:53:54

Perhaps I can help, I know that from my studies of the local fauna that most mammals have similar moral values to humans. They don't kill, steal, rape they condone homosexuals, they condone minorities and in social mammals the rates of which they break these are much lower than humans. Take for example the Platypus, even through they are primarily solitary animals they have a complex social structure. Only rarely will one steal the nest or stretch of river from another, they barely if ever murder one another over anything, only after a long and complicated ritual does intercourse follow and if the female or male resists then it is over they will not force the other into it. Or social carnivores such as the infamous Tasmanian Devil (as seen on Loony Tunes) even in the feeding frenzy they rarely attack one another and when they do they try to limit physical violence. No Devil will steal from another they will share a caucus but rarely take it for themselves. Both these examples are lower mammals (monotreme and marsupial), examples increases greatly when approaching placental mammals.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 05:37:07

Thanks! Hey, there was a "reply" button. Greedy has given some examples of morality in nature. That is a good starting point. Piranhas, which are usually thought of as vicious, blood thirsty, etc. do not kill each other. If that is not "objective" morality, I don't know what is.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 13:07:30

Okay, since I can only stay on this forum until the 20th I wish to clear up anything anyone has to ask. If anyone has any questions about Biochemistry or Biology I would be happy to answer. This is not limited to Max and Liz either, Calvin if you wish to ask anything go right ahead, my only job here is to educate. Regards Greedy


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 18:59:13

Thanks Greedy. I enjoy your comments and will probably not bother you with a direct question. My job is to educate myself on this "objective" morality I keep hearing about. No one has been able to show me where this comes from. Speaking of Max and Elizabeth, I wonder why none of the "hundreds" of viewers Max mentioned ever leave any comments.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 20:20:52

Calvin your stupid


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:10:15

I'm wondering why neither Max or Liz seem to leave any comments any more.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:14:30

Actually piranhas do eat each other, they are fine during the wet season when the forests are flooded and there is enough food and oxygen to go around, but as soon as food supplies drop they begin to eat each other. The not eating each other during a feeding frenzy is less about morality and more about if they bite another piranha they they will also get bitten. In the end they are just trying to save their own skin.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:33:49

Hey Calvin I know a man that cheated on his wife, they are still together because every time she questioned him he just denied it. He lives a life of denial and so do you. Sadly the woman and the man live a life of heartbreak and misery. Objective Moral Values do exist, the Holocaust was REALLY WRONG OBJECTIVELY even though the Germans at the time thought it was right. To me Calvin you are just a screwball and I don't have any more time for your nonsense.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:48:58

That's easy! It's evidence for intelligent design!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:49:59



Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:55:53

I think I will stick with Michael Behe's explanation, it makes more sense and is more scientific. Its very difficult to believe these parts assembled themselves just because they had an apparent need to. Evolutionary explanations of this are ridiculous as well as thier other explanations that things are built from the bottom up in slow progression when they dont have that much time. Did you ever see that they found "red blood cells" in dinosaurs believed to be extinct 65 million years? That is just trying to match a story to the evidence. Too far fetched!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 22:58:47

Your right evolutionist is a religion and they are indoctrinating that whole world. Yes one does "believe" in evolution like I "don't believe" in evolution. Its a religion plain and simple and it comes in many denominations as well.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:01:45

Max - He lives a life of denial and so do you. cs - What am I denying ? You lied when you said the word "church" is in that verse you said I misquoted. You can't be a Christian. Max - Sadly the woman and the man live a life of heartbreak and misery. cs - I'm doing fine, thanks. Max - Objective Moral Values do exist, the Holocaust was REALLY WRONG OBJECTIVELY even though the Germans at the time thought it was right. cs - You saying it over and over, even when you scream it at me, does not tell me where this objective morality comes from. Max - To me Calvin you are just a screwball and I don’t have any more time for your nonsense. cs - Screwball? So much for not using name calling. You don't have time for me? Fine. My days are filled with answering my emails and reading. If there are no emails to answer, I have more time to read. Now go back to running your businesses and ignoring Jesus.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:02:04

LOL if that is not funny I don't know what is. That's called instinct not morality.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:02:09

there we go


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:07:42

Wisdom is better than money yet wisdom can bring money. I love to understand but I hate the evolution is trying to match a story to the evidence when the evidence should be telling a story. Evolutionist are operating on Darwin's hunch not interpreting the evidence.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:11:39

I just got back from a New Jersey business trip. I did not have any time to get back to you but I am here now with my dukes up, lol!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:11:58

it what universe is saying that it got here by magic even though there is a far more likely natural explanation with all stages not only present in the fossil record but still alive today and even within the same cell. What do you mean "ridiculous", each stage has a selective advantage over the other and evidence of each stage is found in modern organisms. I have heard of that claim, I can tell you that it is 100% false, you can follow the papers with this claim to one by Marry H.Schweitzer who does not describe red blood cells at all but "transparent soft tissue vessels" that had been fossilised and "round red micro-structures" that floated freely in the de-mineralizing solution...in other words not red blood cells!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:12:58

Well all I can see is the analytics Calvin, i can't see why they did not comment.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:13:14

sorry "in the same cell" more scientific? is what I meant to write


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:18:52

There is a growing trend particularly in your country that needs to be addressed, and that's calling any evidence based science or belief a religion; -evolution is a religion -climate science is a religion -even Atheism defined as a lack of religion according to Creationists is a religion You don't get to make the rules, you don't get to put your non-reason on the same shelf as reason. Your belief goes somewhere else with Thor, Ra, Zeus, The Flying Spaghetti Monster and all other Gods and your attempts at "science" go in another separate location with "Flat Earth", "Newtonian Gravity", "Elemental Theory" and "the Earth centred Universe".


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:21:19

It's instinct in humans too...if it's information encoded into our person by genetic factors it's called instinct. Like verticality all social mammals humans "morality" is instinctual for the most part.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:27:52

If you had any idea of what a Theory was (even though I've explained this on many occasions) you wouldn't call it a hunch. Natural selection and Evolution are fact, it is a fact that animals can, have and do Evolve, it is a fact that natural selection, gene flow and genetic drift all play a role in this process (none of this has changed since each mechanisms discovery). The Theory of Evolution seeks to explain HOW things evolve, for that we use Genetics, Taxonomy, Embryology and ALL available evidence to form the conclusion that we have now. As new evidence arises unlike ID real science cannot simply ignore it, we must adjust our theories or create new ones that explain the situation better, so far evolution has not been replaced because it explains every aspect of Biology almost perfectly.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:28:58

okay, do you have a question?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:31:55

I shouldn't use the word "information" that's incorrect, I'll rephrase that; if aspects of behaviour are directly the result of particular genes then it is called instinct.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:40:14

I should probably answer your question anyway because it loosely related to Biology. Morality is never objective, even Christianity's favourite "Thou Shall not Kill" firstly when read in context only applies to those of your own tribe, secondly while on a day to day basis humans will not kill each other, but when put into the right conditions most people will slaughter each other with little to no remorse. The same can be said for any person and any "moral" value, even though they may not believe that they would studies show the opposite. This is a good thing, because what we call "morality" is encoded into our genes if it was objective then humans wouldn't last long, those that were willing to steal to feed themselves (though obviously stealing all the time lead to a break down in group mechanics) didn't starve to death as readily, same as those that under certain conditions were willing to kill (though obviously stealing all the time lead to a break down in group mechanics) they could defend their land and as a result did not starve as readily.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:47:06

Well said Greedy!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-07 23:59:38

What is funny? Morality is, imo, an evolved instinct. We think we are "better" than piranhas and the "lesser" apes and I think (if we are,) it is because our moral instinct is more developed. I appreciate Greedy's correction and I should have said, do not [usually] kill each other. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 00:23:47

Why would you use your wisdom to chase after the riches of this world? Jesus commands us to give up everything and follow him. I couldn't do it any more, so I don't claim to be worthy of the title "Christian." Darwin's idea (hunch) was possibly the most profound idea to cross a subjective mind. Scientists, biologists and even those of us who like to read science books for enjoyment, know that Darwin was not perfect. Anyone who thinks he was is uninformed. The fact of evolution had been known for years. Darwin pointed us in a direction which explains what we see. He developed a theory (which is a good word!) about how the fact of evolution works. There is a fact we observe and a theory which explains it. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 00:33:23

Often when Creationists say they are complaining about Evolution they are complaining about science in general, that is they are completely ignoring the three basic fields of Science (Chemistry, Biology and Physics) and a new field called "Emergence" which tries to bring Biology and Chemistry into mathematics the same way Physics did in the case of Cosmology in favour of their particular myth. Often as in your case they put all this under one title called "Evolutionism" which is an attempt to bring Science down into a religion and claim that it is based on Faith alone, this is not the case, Science is based on reason and empirical, testable evidence while religion and apologetics (the field which ID falls under and is described as justifying religious claims) are in fact based on faith and cherry picking evidence as they see fit. The good thing is that Creationists do not get to make the rules about what goes where, this is why Biology, Chemistry and Physics are sciences and Creation is not. Those with a slightly greater understand of science will brand Evolution alone and call it "Darwinism" in the same attempt to bring Biology down into the pit of Religion, however "Darwinism" does not exist, even it is a relic 150 years old and was limited to Darwin's students which because of the lack of evidence did in fact take Evolution on faith, however because of the large body of evidence supporting the Theory today this is no longer the case with most people.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 01:15:46

Your welcome, there are better examples even within fish, Sharks the personification of a killing machine even in the feeding frenzy don't eat each other (there is always one murder so don't bother pointing out a rare case), the fact that Piranhas do eat each other has to do with the tremendously "stressful" environment for fish their environment tends to be (low oxygen and rare food). and yes, what we call morality is instinctual and like I've pointed out to Max on several occasions most social animals have much higher developed systems than us humans, for example Dolphins and Whales have a similar moral system to humans yet little to no punishment is needed to keep individuals in line, they seem to do the right thing only because it is the right thing to do both possessing problem solving skills that greatly surpass . However he said this was false because Whales are hunted by the Japanese (as if that was relevant).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 01:23:19

Okay, thanks. It -is- more interesting to reply to a larger audience than an individual. thanks. I trust your trip went well. Welcome back.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 01:27:06

Who chooses the thumbnail pictures which represent us? I like mine ok, but it seems everyone has a cartoon except Max, with that wonderful dimple.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 02:35:06

so because humans are apes and you are uneducated on the matter of evolution that is evidence for magic?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 02:41:37

it's probably randomly selected or based on when they first commented (so that no two people end up with the same one) as with the actual cartoons, they were probably either by default or a deliberate ploy by Max to make everyone else seem just a little bit silly except himself.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 02:46:05

word (I agree)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 02:55:23

I never said he wasn't a Biologist, however he is a Biology PHD as Kent Hovent is an Education PHD


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 08:19:20

I my live on the other side of the world Calvin but I do know some of you Yanks slang


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 12:25:56

According to your definition of subjective morality anyone can make the rules on anything individuals, society, etc. So #1 what exactly do you mean that a person can't make the rules?
#2 Evolution is constantly changing its theory around because the core of the theory is flawed. You yourself even said that Darwin was wrong many times. This in itself turns evolution into a religion. I don't know what your problem is with that except the fact that you are an avid believer in it and promote it so much. #3 I have put the definition of atheism from the dictionary here so many times but I will do it again.

a·the·ism   [ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA noun 1.the doctrine or belief that there is no God. 2.disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
Now I don't know why you have a problem with this definition but that is what it is. You don't get to change the rules and yes I believe in Objective Morality. So when one is claiming to be atheist this is the definition, I don't see anywhere where it talks about religion. #4 Your spaghetti monster BS is exactly what I called it "BS"! Theist are not delusional as you suppose. Many are successful in so many ways and their accomplishments are many. Using this straw-man tactic is really fooling yourself about theist and their worldview. Being a theist myself coming from being an atheist I find more fulfillment of my inner belief of honesty, integrity, loyalty, and all the qualities that enhance and enrich my life. I can see that these things are greater than myself or of my community, country or world. They are not a delusion as atheist assume but these are real qualities that we possess. This is not an evolutionary mechanism at work here as you may suppose it to be. These are Objective Moral Values and were designed and given by the same one who gave the natural laws. You can fool yourself into insanity and think that men make up all the rules but your wrong and you are wrong about the Christian God as well. We have great historical evidence that he came to earth died and was resurrected. You have nothing even close for you you are likening the other gods, your just being silly.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 12:36:59

Well I believe that humans have instinct as well. Breathing when first born, a baby suckling, etc. I have no problem with that. Yet as we grow our choices are not always based on instinct. I would have to make the challenge here that animals are always based on instinct and I cannot think of any that are not. Instinct is a good design for sure but intelligence which science shows the animals have to a limited extent are something we excel at. Now I don't see animals showing honesty, counting numbers, or entertaining thoughts of the afterlife. I think those qualities belong to the humans. Now you could possibly argue here that a bird will count its eggs or that a creature fears death and runs etc. however the argument is weak in comparison. There is no evidence at all if we give them a longer time to evolve that they would evolve into this higher thinking spiritual character, evolutionist are claiming that they evolved longer than we have anyway.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 12:48:16

I love science I have no problem with science at all. I know that science changes and that we have to change our thinking about things when we find new information. However the theory of evolution I do have a problem with because unlike science it takes imagination to believe it. There are some things in evolution that are based on science like adaptation and variation. No argument here this is a fact in every way shape and form. The following are the definitions of first science and the second evolution. With science we have knowledge based on facts, with evolution however we have a study based on a presupposition. Now I am sure that I don't have to point out the other differences between science and evolution you can see them for yourself here. Yet unlike your claim there is a real difference between science and evolution.

sci·ence   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA noun 1.a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. 2.systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. 3.any of the branches of natural or physical science. 4.systematized knowledge in general. 5.knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
ev·o·lu·tion   [ev-uh-loo-shuhn or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-] Show IPA noun 1.any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2.a product of such development; something evolved: The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research. 3.Biology . change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. 4.a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions. 5.a motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 12:54:32

#10 – Do you take pleasure in telling lies or are you just so gullible that you believe any anti-religious lie you hear? #9 – Are you only capable of mimicking and copying arguments you heard from Dawkins and other atheists? #8 – What’s the reason that you continue to use racist atheists as viable sources, celebrate racist atheist biologists and racist/atheist countries? #7 – Do you have any independent mind of your own or ability to question what other atheists say or think? #6 – Why do you consider any criticism of atheists, atheistic arguments, or atheistic beliefs as “trolling” but not consider condemning, ridiculing, or making fun of religion as “trolling”? #5 – Why have you intentionally remained silent in opposition to racism but not silent in opposition to Intelligent Design, Creationism, and many other things? #4 – Why do you value high IQ as being worth more than contributions? #3 – Why do you discourage belief without evidence, intuition, and originality? #2 – Why are you an anti-science fanatic who strongly opposes free and open criticism, scrutiny, and questioning? #1 – Who do you hate more, Jews or Muslims?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 12:56:34

LOL, information is ok, I like information.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:06:27

Wow are you way off the mark with this one! Have you ever heard of the good Samaritan? Or the story of Joseph in Egypt before those laws you are quoting were written down where adultery was objectively wrong? You are much mistaken here. If you are put into a predicament where you have to defend your family even if it means killing the intruder then it is righteous because you are protecting the innocent. However when they came to take Christ he even did not permit those who were with him to defend him. There is right and there is wrong that is not relative to your time and place and situation. Yes it is related to biology not because of evolutionary terms but because the maker of objective moral values is the same maker of organisms.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:17:28

Subjective Morality may evolve as in the case of family, region, country, etc. When it crosses the objective morality line then there is a problem that needs to be addressed. We see this all over the world so don't tell me that it don't exist. You deny evidence right under your nose if you deny Objective Moral Values.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:21:51

#1 Jesus never commanded me to give up everything. Where the hell do you come up with that? #2. Yes I agree that Darwin's idea worked on the subjective mind but he was only a source of irritation to those of us who believe in Objective Morality. #3. Yes evolution was nothing new when Darwin was born this is well known.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:26:27

Of it's circumstantial (as in the case of defending your family) then it's not objective Max. No, it is related to Biology (to be more specific genetics and taxonomy) because it is inherited, in other words, no God(s) required it is in our genes.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:43:27

#10: (i)I have no lied once in this forum, if you believe I have please show me where (ii) science is not anti-religious it's simply objective, that is that it is based on evidence all of which supports Biological evolution #9: I have never heard no argument from nor seen Richard Dawkins I personally do not approve of any of his work but I do comment on facts and only present them. Since science is international and all data supports each other and all articles are up for public scrutiny then scientific knowledge is global and therefore facts are global as well. #8: (i) nothing about Atheistic Philosophy (of which I do not subscribe to) is racist in any sense of the word (ii) I don't think I have ever listed a source from an Atheist at all (most people are some kind of Theist) other than a couple of papers here and there. #7: yes, that's the entire point of peer review and the scientific method, and once again I do not subscribe to Atheistic Philosophy, your pulling this out of thin air. #6: I do not in either case, trolling is when you bring up an old and demonstrably wrong argument, that has been disproved (yes I used proof, sue me) before. Or try to change the subject in order to avoid admitting your wrong. #5: because racism I don't think has ever came up in this discussion...or at least I'm not aware of it #4: I don't think I ever mentioned IQ, if I have please show me where and I will do my best to explain. #3: because that my friend is called blind faith and cause one to be dogmatic, all science must be falsifiable and subject to change. #2: I'm not, I am very pro-science I build my career around science. Science being based on free and open criticism, scrutiny, and questioning others and your own observations, so I honestly have no idea where you pulled that one from. #1: I don't hate anyone, much less groups of people...I don't know how things are run there in America but here in Australia we run a very multicultural society, with many denominations not normally associated with western society in high quantities (21% Christian (mostly Catholic), 17% Non-Theist and the rest is composed of other religions including Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism and others), I do not hate any grouping of people...where did you ever get that idea from?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:44:54



Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:53:06

Okay...evolution does not require imagination only requires one to stop dogmatically defending debunked hypothesis' and take even a glance at the evidence. Here we are discussing you third definition only (as this is a scientific prospect we will use the scientific definition) and no, evolution like science is based only from objective, verifiable, falsifiable, testable, resettable and unbiased evidence. I should have been more clear when I said that evolution is science, more accurately evolution is a scientific theory, more accurately evolution is a Biological theory concerning the diversity of life.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 13:53:47

I have given you the definitions of both science and evolution if you cannot see the difference then that is your handicap. Evolutionism/ evolutionist are also found in the dictionary here is the meaning.

ev·o·lu·tion·ist   [ev-uh-loo-shuh-nist or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-] Show IPA noun 1.a person who believes in or supports a theory of evolution, especially in biology. 2.a person who supports a policy of gradual growth or development rather than sudden change or expansion. adjective Also, ev·o·lu·tion·is·tic. 3.of or pertaining to evolution or evolutionists. 4.believing in or supporting a theory of evolution, especially in biology.
Just because evolutionist have the upper hand now does not mean that they are going to keep it. I am fighting to bring it to where it should be and that is a choice not a fact. It is a belief system no matter how you slice the cheese. It is an alternative to real science if you don't want to believe in a god which indeed is your right even in the eyes of theism. Science shows us that things come into being in their complete form, the fossil record and biology. There is nothing that you can show that is in a transitional state. Not being complete and functional.. This BS that you and others in the Evolution religion are claiming eg. "O you just don't understand evolution" That's like the Scientologist coming up to me and saying "O you just don't understand Scientology" Or better yet the spaghetti monstorIST coming up to me and saying "o you just don't understand spaghetti!"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:05:12

#1-yes morality is subjective, that means that it is circumstantial different thing may be considered to be right or wrong depending on the situation. #2-I said that Darwin was wrong in many aspects of evolution, that is not abnormal, Sir Isaac Newton was wrong in most subjects of gravity, however with further research Gravity and Evolution are now much stronger (Evolution more so as Gravity is a bad example being known false) and no, I do not "believe" in much primarily not evolution because no "belief" is required as belief is faith based, which science and therefore evolution are not. A Religion is based on faith, science is not...do you see the difference? #3-what part of your definition says Atheism is a religion (A-Theism: 'A' = no, Theism = 'religion') #4-now your just pulling things I never said out of the either, I never said that Theists were delusional, if people want to fill in the gaps within knowledge with personal belief is their own business, however Creationists who dogmatically hold to their +2,000 year old tales even though they are demonstrably false and try to implement their unsubstantiated claims into education especially one already importing almost all their PHD candidates I do have a problem with.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:05:18

Oh now your putting words in my mouth:

Dolphins and Whales have a similar moral system to humans yet little to no punishment is needed to keep individuals in line, they seem to do the right thing only because it is the right thing to do both possessing problem solving skills that greatly surpass . However he said this was false because Whales are hunted by the Japanese (as if that was relevant).
They are acting on instinct that is all I am telling you. If they were truly intelligent like you claim they would attack the Japanese country with bombs, and other devices in order to retaliate. Do you we see this? of course not. Don't tell me that they are just as intelligent as humans. That just silly, but you evolutionist make some really silly claims and have been for centuries. Dolphins and whales are lovable creatures like my dog who I can teach tricks too as well. I can tell him to go get my shoes and he gets them. He can tell me when he has to go to potty outside etc. This is no more than advanced instinct because if he goes potty outside he gets a treat.
in·stinct1    [in-stingkt] Show IPA noun 1.an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species. 2.a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency. 3.a natural aptitude or gift: an instinct for making money. 4.natural intuitive power.
in·tel·li·gent   [in-tel-i-juhnt] Show IPA adjective 1.having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student. 2.displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment: an intelligent reply. 3.having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing intelligence: intelligent beings in outer space. 4.Computers . pertaining to the ability to do data processing locally; smart: An intelligent terminal can edit input before transmission to a host computer. Compare dumb ( def. 8 ) . 5.Archaic . having understanding or knowledge (usually followed by of ).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:07:58

Calvin my icon is linked my email. If you would like to learn more about gravitars that are linked with your email here is the link. http://en.gravatar.com/


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:10:12

Well I don't know why you would come up with that conclusion. I don't believe in magic but of course you must be uneducated on everything else except evolution. Sounds like indoctrination to me, you really should get out more!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:12:32

Greedy actually you can get your own gravitar here http://en.gravatar.com/ and they will show up if you don't like the one assigned to you. I don't make these although they are intelligently designed! lol


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:20:33

Kent is a good teacher but he should of paid his taxes. Why are you guys saying that I have a PHD? I only said that I had people work for me that have a PHD. I never claimed to have a PHD and I don't have to have one to learn. I don't need a PHD to make money those that do have a PHD need it to make money however anyone can learn without a PHD contrary to what the evolutionist claim. For instance if I am looking for someone in computer science because I want to develop an application I will consider a candidate with a PHD. Yes they work for that PHD and that is impressive. They do have a lot of strong preconceived notions and sometimes that is the hardest thing to deal with. Things that work in school don't always work in the real world. Some of them cannot see past their PHD and just do their job so I fire them. My best employee came out of a "scrap yard" I gave her a chance and she has been just as effective if not more so in some aspects than anyone with a PHD in her field.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:23:30

okay, I'm going to separate this into four parts to make it simpler for you, the first will be this explanation, the second dealing with your first paragraph, the third being of your definition and the final paragraph being of yours. Evolution is a science, as shown by your definition and the scientific method (similar to the case of the whales earlier). Evolutionist is not an excepted term, we've been through this, many terms in the dictionary are not "proper English" and are thus discounted> Country to your 4th definition the Theory of Evolution ONLY covers one aspect of Biology. I've been through this, one not need believe, such a position is based on faith evolution and science need no faith...what strikes me as strange is not only do you seem to systematic ignore ever second thing I say but that because of this I have to repeat myself continuously. I will not tackle the belief thing again, I have done it enough. Evolution is Science, I've said it again and again, evolution is a scientific theory, based on falsifiable, testable, resettable, verifiable, objective evidence...I don't know how many times I have to say this, Science does not show use animals magically appearing in their current form, nothing in the fossil record or any aspect of Biology, Chemistry or Geology indicate that. Some Transitional Forms Include (I've been through this before) -Any lobe finned fish such as Tiktaalik (fish tetrapod transition) -Any thick skinned Tetrapod (tetrapod reptile transition) -Any Gorgonopsid or Diectodon (reptile mammal transition) -Any Dinosaur epically Therapods (reptile bird transition) -not to mention every single Hominid ever found If you want specific examples I will supply some for each, all you have to do is ask or provide the gap that you wish filled. No, I say you are uneducated on the matter of evolution because you show no education on the subject (the lack of education on the subject being interpretable as a lack of education on the subject). Evidence for this even in your own paragraph is that of you saying that there are no transitional forms even though the majority of the fossil record even according to a Creationist definition is composed of such forms.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 14:28:13

#1. there is subjective morality and objective morality #2. Gravity is a fact we can see it feel its effects and observe it. Not the case with evolution, you have to use your imagination there. #3. That is not my definition of Atheism its from the dictionary at dictionary.com. look it up for yourself #4. You implied that theist were delusional by bringing up the spaghetti monster straw man that so many in your religion bring up when talking to a theist.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 15:27:33

Max - "Jesus never commanded me to give up everything." cs - He was talking to his disciples, a small group of dedicated followers. You claim to be a follower but your fruit is looking over ripe. Luke 12: 30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. 31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. 32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. cs - Add all you want for context. I read the chapter.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 16:52:08

Calvin let me ask you a question seriously. Why are you quoting from a book that you don't even believe in? just for your enlightenment I will entertain your madness.

Luke 12: 30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
Now do you see that the Father knows you have need of these things. So if its coming to you from the father don't turn it down or you are rejecting the fathers provisions. That would be like my kid refusing to eat supper, or refusing for me to buy her a house or a car. Just because I have it does not mean that I have not given. You are much mistaken. This is not a life of poverty as you suppose, it is a life of riches. Anyone in a successful business will tell you that you have to give as well as take. Sometimes you are given more, whats wrong with that? Just because Calvin thinks I have too much does not mean a hill of beans to me. I will not reject the fathers goodness to me and my family. I see why you are not a Christian anymore, you misinterpret everything!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 17:11:21

Now that's a good one, I would love to see where a Creationist is admitting to a transitional form? Ok I will make this simple for you since you do not want to accept the dictionary definitions that the entire world accepts. I guess when you are dogmatically defending your faith anything goes even common sense. Lets start with Tiktaalik shall we?

The specimen found consisted of a skull and several bone fragments, namely, the shoulder, wrist, and fin, among others. According to evolutionists, the Tiktaalik was an intermediate form between sea and land animals. This conclusion was reached because of Tiktaalik's similarities to both fish and tetrapods. For instance, it is assumed to have had the scales and gills of a fish and yet also to have had tetrapod limbs and lungs, as well as a mobile neck. Its alleged half-fish and half-tetrapod characteristics included limb bones and joints which resembled those of a tetrapod but had fins rather than toes on the "feet". For all these features, however, it is clear that Tiktaalik was simply a fish; its lobed fins appear better suited for swimming in water rather than crawling on land, and other fish, such as the Coelacanth, were also thought to be "missing links" until they were discovered to be some form of fish. It has been placed by evolutionists alongside Archaeopteryx, but they fail to see that neither animal was a transitional form; archaeopteryx was a full bird, tiktaalik was a full fish.
Now as far as being uneducated on evolution I am not. I simply disagree and I am giving rebuttals as much as time allows me too. Evolution is not science and I wish you would quit saying that your religion is science. That's just silly. As pointed out from the Tiktaalik above we can see that your imagination is at work here. Of course it is guided by a presupposition but quit calling it science because it is not.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 17:19:30

Max - "However the theory of evolution I do have a problem with because unlike science it takes imagination to believe it." cs - Unlike a talking snake, a talking donkey, a bush that burns without being consumed, people rising from the dead. No imagination there. 8]


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 17:53:27

Wow Calvin I am surprised you came up with that analogy. So you are saying that it takes imagination to believe in evolution? Just curious because from your accusation above I can conclude in the affirmative. Yet just like everything else you misquote those as well. The talking snake no doubt you are referring to the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent that tempted Eve. No doubt the donkey that talked to Balaam is your other reference. We have seen many movies where this same thing has been done. Its called ventriloquism. I am sure that you have thought about that. However if there are spiritual beings and entities which are proven scientifically they exist I am sure they too can use ventriloquism. As far as something being on fire and not being consumed, you evidently never used a gas stove or a gas furnace. Not much imagination there at all. However to believe in supernatural causes which I do I favor such things like the origin of the universe, origin of life, etc. For this I do have an imagination on how God created everything. I do not doubt it that God had made it I am just wondering what is the process for harnessing energy to atoms and molecules with a word. I am wondering exactly where the natural world stops sometimes and the supernatural takes over. What is light? How are dreams made? Why 5 digits on each hand? What is consciousness? Why feelings when mathematics is precise? What would it be like to see sound and hear blue? What determines a supernatural cause? Science does not deal with this because it is limited to natural causes are natural causes all there is? Hell no, far from it. There are tons of things that happen that cannot be repeatable, observable and testable. Supernatural events are such things.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 18:23:26

Max - Have you ever heard of the good Samaritan? cs - Yes, he was good without being a Christian or a Jew. Just his subjective morality.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 18:35:54

Max - "#3. That is not my definition of Atheism its from the dictionary at dictionary.com. look it up for yourself" cs - looking at dictionary.com a·the·ism   [ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA noun 1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God. 2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings. Origin: 1580–90; < Greek áthe ( os ) godless + -ism cs - They give the origin as "godless." It is actually without god. A lot of book publishers are owned by religious institutions. They don't mind changing the meaning of a word if they think it will help them. I am very disappointed about this. Outside of the Bible, I trusted dictionaries more than anything.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 18:39:51

No that's Objective Morality as Christ brought out. He was operating outside his community and belief system.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 18:45:59

Who cares who they are owned by? Are you for real here? If you are hungry and I have a sandwich are you going to refuse it because I own it? Lets say that there are 2 maps. I own one an evolutionist owns the other. You are telling me you are going to use his just because he is an evolutionist? Whats your reasoning here? It sounds like hate to me. Well you reject the Bible and the dictionaries I see whats wrong here you just want to reason in circles and there is no absolute truth. Let me ask you a question. Is there absolute truth?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 22:25:25

Max if he murdered someone, and that was okay under those conditions then morality (even if only around that one event if you ignore all of human history) is subjective, different things are right and wrong depending on the situation. For example it was okay to kill them to save the family, but probably not okay to kill them if they were just walking down the street.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-08 23:48:38

Under what situation is it ok to rape then murder a child? Take the stage greedy, i got to hear this!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 04:17:41

Wow Calvin I am surprised you came up with that analogy. Max - Wow Calvin I am surprised you came up with that analogy. cs - You have surprised me more than once. Max - So you are saying that it takes imagination to believe in evolution? cs - No. Wherever did you get that idea? (I will answer the rest tomorrow)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 04:44:26

When sacrificing the child to your desert God or someone's daughter has been sold to you as a sex slave...during the time of the Old Testament of course. However because I lack the knowledge of the Bible held by Calvin and obviously not yourself I cannot quote the passages.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 05:04:17

1."They are acting through instinct" So are humans Max 2."if they were truly intelligent like you claim they would attack the Japanese country with bombs, and other devices in order to retaliate." In what universe is it possible to build complex tools without any fine motor control? Building tools is the only category in which humans reign over all others. 3."Don’t tell me that they are just as intelligent as humans." I didn't, I said they were more so in some areas, more accurately problem solving. Building tools is not the only category by which we define intelligence. 4."This is no more than advanced instinct because if he goes potty outside he gets a treat." Firstly; I would like you to refrain from using the word "potty" it sounds like your five years old Secondly; no, instinct even by your own definition is inborn, if you have to learn unrelated patterns then it is not instinct. For example, Walking, not killing people, talking are all instinct...however typing on a keyboard is not instinct. Beyond that, it would do you good to look up "Intelligence" not "Intelligent", one is a noun the other a adjective. Leading to a misrepresentation for anyone that doesn't read your posts clearly.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 05:22:15

1. "Now that’s a good one, I would love to see where a Creationist is admitting to a transitional form?" I said definition, please read what I write, I do that curtsy to you I would appreciate it if you did the same. 2. "For all these features, however, it is clear that Tiktaalik was simply a fish; its lobed fins appear better suited for swimming in water rather than crawling on land, and other fish, such as the Coelacanth, were also thought to be “missing links” until they were discovered to be some form of fish." Correct, like I said Tiktaalik is a lobe finned fish with highly modified forelimbs however unlike what you said, it is incorrect that Tiktaalik's forelimbs were suited for swimming, they were not as mobile as modern fish fins and were probably used for "walking" alone the riverbed much like modern lungfish and because of the considerable size they were probably strong enough to haul the animal out of the water for short periods of time like modern mud-skippers (which themselves are not a transition but a later development filling a similar lifestyle) 3. "Archaeopteryx, but they fail to see that neither animal was a transitional form; archaeopteryx was a full bird" Could you then enlighten me on what constitutes a bird and what features a bird has that any dinosaur did not? 4."Now as far as being uneducated on evolution I am not. I simply disagree and I am giving rebuttals as much as time allows me too" Just earlier in this conversation you stated that if evolution were true that you should grow wings because your Grandfather wanted them. You are either uneducated on the subject or pardon for a better word but stupid, this is shown by your misrepresentations and misconceptions about the topic, meaning that you were never told otherwise (uneducated) or simply do not understand and therefore dis-guard it (stupid). 5. "Evolution is not science and I wish you would quit saying that your religion is science." We've been through this before, even by your own definition evolution is a science, get over it! You don't get to make the rules here, trying to drag science down with religion is a petty attempt at equilibrium. Evolution is a scientific theory, that is established and is not up for discussion.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 05:44:54

1. "Why are you guys saying that I have a PHD? I only said that I had people work for me that have a PHD. I never claimed to have a PHD and I don’t have to have one to learn. " Just to point out that Calvin's assertion not my own, I am unsure if you have ever mentioned your education. But to be perfectly honest I really don't care for credentials, the only reason anyone knows of mine is because I become rather quick tempered when people question my education (spend 20 years in books then tell me you won't get just a little pissed). 2. "I never claimed to have a PHD and I don’t have to have one to learn. I don’t need a PHD to make money those that do have a PHD need it to make money however anyone can learn without a PHD contrary to what the evolutionist claim." We've been through this before, please rephrase using proper English. The phrase you are looking for is "Scientific development" not "evolutionist claims" that is intentionally misleading and misrepresenting the opposing side, "evolutionist" implies religion which it is not and claim implies unsubstantiated which no Theory is. 3. "Yes they work for that PHD and that is impressive. They do have a lot of strong preconceived notions and sometimes that is the hardest thing to deal with." Thank you, however in certain lines of work such as my own a PHD is not optional but a requirement. However I must correct you on "preconceived notions" no such things exist in science, all Theories and Hypothesis' must be falsifiable and subject to retesting. 4. "Some of them cannot see past their PHD and just do their job so I fire them. My best employee came out of a “scrap yard” I gave her a chance and she has been just as effective if not more so in some aspects than anyone with a PHD in her field." Correct, having a PHD does not always mean you are the most qualified for a position. Nobody said it did, all we were discussing are those like Kent Hovend and Jonathan Wells who get "fake" PHD's then use them to gain authority.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 12:29:59

When sacrificing the child to your desert God or someone’s daughter has been sold to you as a sex slave…during the time of the Old Testament of course. However because I lack the knowledge of the Bible held by Calvin and obviously not yourself I cannot quote the passages.
Interesting that you think that is subjectively morally right Greedy. Your world really is a dark place. No where in the Bible does it say that if that's what you are implying. I know that you are willing to accept Calvin's Bible interpretations because they match your world view. I think that it is interesting that you are willing to accept Calvin for the BS he utters when it comes to the Bible with no investigation on your own part. Do you really care what it says? Well the answer is obvious and your answers are laughable.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 13:19:06

#1. Of course humans have instinct no problem there. In fact I know of instances where human instinct and human intelligence are at odds. eg. You are in the woods and you find yourself in front of a bear, what do you do? Instinct tells you to run, intelligence tells you to play dead. #2 Well if they were so intelligent like you claim I am sure they could figure out a way. However if they are so advanced in communicating and intelligence why don't they get taught in schools and they themselves become professors etc. Is this what you are implying? Their brains are bigger than ours of course. That's no problem for me because I don't believe in evolution [size of brain = more or less intelligence] We don't believe mind and brain are one and the same. #3 in what areas are you implying that dolphins and whales they are more intelligent? #4 Sorry for using the word "Potty" I have small children at home and when I was writing you at that particular time they were reading what I was writing. I believe that walking too is instinct but it is learned never the less. This is advanced instinct. Problem solving instinct I think would be a good field to get into. I call it advanced instinct as well because they obviously have not been created with the ability to show all the intelligence that humans have. Of course this is my hypothesis but I think the classifications between instinct and intelligent behavior are vague. #5 As you can see I have taken the time to look up both the word "intelligence" as well as "intelligent" and posted them both here for your amusement. I call it amusement because I thought it was a silly question on your behalf. They evidently have identical meanings now maybe things are different where you come from but here I don't think anyone is having a problem understanding what I am writing. Never the less I will try to be more sensitive to the situation if you can point out my misuse of these terms.

in·tel·li·gence   [in-tel-i-juhns] Show IPA noun 1.capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. 2.manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit. 3.the faculty of understanding. 4.knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information. 5.the gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information.
in·tel·li·gent   [in-tel-i-juhnt] Show IPAadjective 1.having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student. 2.displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment: an intelligent reply. 3.having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing intelligence: intelligent beings in outer space. 4.Computers . pertaining to the ability to do data processing locally; smart: An intelligent terminal can edit input before transmission to a host computer. Compare dumb ( def. 8 ) . 5.Archaic . having understanding or knowledge (usually followed by of ).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 14:25:01

1.This is exactly what you wrote and you don't see how you are implying that Creationist believe in transitional forms? That being said you are claiming that there are transitional forms in a creationist definition?

Evidence for this even in your own paragraph is that of you saying that there are no transitional forms even though the majority of the fossil record even according to a Creationist definition is composed of such forms.
2. Well you can have all the "probabilities" that you want about Tiktaalik if it was an amphibian or not really don't matter. Either way this is not evidence for evolution we have a completely formed creature here that had functioning parts. 3. Well like everything else there are similarities and differences I will point out a few differences in anatomy here. a. Modern birds lack the long tail and teeth of dinosaurs b. Forelimbs c. birds have beaks d. Difference in size e. Weight
One of the best-known ornithologists in the world, Alan Feduccia from the University of North Carolina, opposes the theory that birds are related to dinosaurs, despite the fact that he is an evolutionist himself. Feduccia has this to say regarding the thesis of reptile-bird evolution: Well, I've studied bird skulls for 25 years and I don't see any similarities whatsoever. I just don't see it... The theropod origins of birds, in my opinion, will be the greatest embarrassment of paleontology of the 20th century.108 Larry Martin, a specialist on ancient birds from the University of Kansas, also opposes the theory that birds are descended from dinosaurs. Discussing the contradiction that evolution falls into on the subject, he states: To tell you the truth, if I had to support the dinosaur origin of birds with those characters, I'd be embarrassed every time I had to get up and talk about it.109
Did dinosaurs have wings? Of course some did like the platypus has a bill like a duck. I do not understand how this supports the theory of evolution at all. Similarities point to a common designer not evolution and until you can debunk that in the slightest way you are going to have problems with your theory. 4. On your point 4 you earlier were bringing out how when evolution sees the need for something it happens. I was giving you a scenario on why that is improbable without intelligence. For example, evolutionist claim the birds developed wings to fly away from danger and to eat. Well you can apply that same logic to other things as well. Your logic is FLAWED that is what you need to understand. We are not going to "grow wings" just because some unseen natural or some blind supernatural force [evolution] sees the need to. I know I am using personification here but nevertheless I think you get my point. Your mechanism is unseen the force that you believe in yes "evolution" is invisible. In other words where is it at? Can I meet him/her/it? Do you understand what I am getting at here? Are you educated enough with your big ol PHD to understand that your mechanism that you claim to believe in and exist is invisible? Now you might say that you can see its work and that proves that it exists but that would be your first step towards creationism that I have accepted and followed the evidence no matter where it led me. 5. LOL well I am discussing it and as I pointed out in #4 this unseen force is your god therefore it is religion. Your religion. May the force be with you! LMAO!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 16:16:07

1. I totally agree with your point #1 no question. 2. As I pointed out so many times before "Evolutionist" is a term in the dictionary. You use terms like "Spaghetti Monster" which is not even in the dictionary. So who is using proper English or misleading people here? We have an old saying over here in the states it goes something like this "Practice what you preach". This does not mean that I am going to refrain from using the word "evolutionist" it communicates exactly what it is. Evolution is an invisible force that takes faith to believe in. So evolutionist is a very good word to communicate what people are promoting. 3. Well evolution is a preconceived notion even for Charles Darwin. Lets investigate further here.

preconceived notion noun: an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence; [syn: preconception]
Now looking at this definition and understanding what you said earlier about Darwinian Evolution I would say this matches perfectly with the "Preconceived Notion" definition. Notie what you said on Jan 31;
The website you linked me to primarily deals predictions made by Charles Darwin, hate to ruin your fun but Darwinian evolution is mostly false, Darwin had no idea of any mechanism behind evolutionary change other than natural selection…what a surprise in 150 years of experimentation we known more about the world and adjust our theories accordingly.
Now I agree with you that we should not have preconceived notions in science but we clearly see this is not that case with evolution. 4. Well I think you are wrong about Kent Hovind he was a nationally known speaker even before his PHD I think but even if he wasn't I think its a great way to get people to listen to you if you have a valid point. Interestingly enough he makes the same claims that you do that he worked hard for his PHD blah blah blah. Ok well I really don't care about his PHD either but I do love to listen to him. I think its funny that most of the people that talk about him are willing right away to say he is a liar but as soon as I ask about what he lies about they can only refer to tax fraud. Well sure he did not pay his taxes and he is in jail but that has nothing to do with what he talked about when it came to the Creation Evolution debate. I thought he brought up a lot if interesting points and slayed a lot of evolutionist in debates. I think maybe this is why they have a lot of animosity towards him but that's to be expected. Take for instance the things that you learn and you share. You are a very interesting person especially with your knowledge about biology, I really liked the rat and the jellyfish example. I think it would be silly for me to reject that bonified evidence just because you believe in and promote evolution. What is a fake PHD anyway? Also what makes you more qualified than Jonathan Wells? He looks at the same facts you do don't he? I actually dont even know this man and I did not know if he had a PHD or not, like I said I don't care. Interesting points that make sense are my objective here.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 16:21:20

For anyone reading this comment Calvin felt the need to break up my conversation with him. This is not an actual conversation but Calvin's edited responses Max - Wow Calvin I am surprised you came up with that analogy. cs - You have surprised me more than once. Max - So you are saying that it takes imagination to believe in evolution? cs - No. Wherever did you get that idea? Max - Just curious because from your accusation cs - Please point out my "accusation " Max - from your accusation above I can conclude in the affirmative. Max - Yet just like everything else you misquote those as well. cs - Please show where I have misquoted or retract this statement and apologize. Max - ... no doubt you are referring to the story of Adam and Eve cs - Yes. If they did not sin, there is no reason for Jesus or anyone else to die for me. ymmv. Max - and the serpent that tempted Eve. No doubt the donkey that talked to Balaam is your other reference. cs - Yes, thanks. Max - We have seen many movies where this same thing has been done. cs - I don't care too much for movies. We were talking about the word of G-d. Did Eve sin or not? Max - Its called ventriloquism. I am sure that you have thought about that. However if there are spiritual beings cs - Yes. And (if) dreams were horses, beggars could fly. Max - and entities which are proven scientifically they exist I am sure they too can use ventriloquism. cs - Yes, we agree there. Max - As far as something being on fire and not being consumed, you evidently never used a gas stove or a gas furnace. cs - I have used propane tanks of different sizes. They last for awhile, then they run out (are consumed.) Max - Not much imagination there at all. cs - It takes imagination to believe a bush would not be consumed. Max - However to believe in supernatural causes which I do I favor such things like the cs - ? Max - origin of the universe, cs - see Cosmology Max - origin of life cs - see abiogenesis. Max - , etc. For this I do have an imagination on how God created everything. I do not doubt it that God had made it I am just wondering what is the process for harnessing energy to atoms and molecules cs - If you do not doubt, you do not "wonder." You have the Bible to read and believe, end of discussion. Max - with a word. I am wondering exactly where the natural world stops sometimes and the supernatural takes over. What is light? How are dreams made? Why 5 digits on each hand? What is consciousness? Why feelings when mathematics is precise? What would it be like to see sound and hear blue? What determines a supernatural cause? Science does not deal with this because it is limited to natural causes are natural causes all there is? Hell no, far from it. There are tons of things that happen that cannot be repeatable, observable and testable. Supernatural events are such things. cs - I'm not sure why you ask all these questions. My questions are Where does objective morality come from and how can we know it? I ask you because you brought it up and I want to know more. So far, obfuscation.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 16:53:02

Max - I know that you are willing to accept Calvin's Bible interpretations because they match your world view. I think that it is interesting that you are willing to accept Calvin for the BS he utters when it comes to the Bible with no investigation on your own part. Do you really care what it says? Well the answer is obvious and your answers are laughable. cs - Calvin has given 0 interpretations of the Bible. I have quoted it directly from the KJV. Please, show where I have misquoted or "interpreted" the Bible, or, retract this lie and apologize.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 17:12:57

#1 If you are suffering obfuscation that's because you deceive yourself. Lets examine what you say shall we?

Max – “However the theory of evolution I do have a problem with because unlike science it takes imagination to believe it.” cs – Unlike a talking snake, a talking donkey, a bush that burns without being consumed, people rising from the dead. No imagination there. 8]
I made the point that it takes "imagination" to believe in evolution. Whether you agree with it not is immaterial. You linked my "imagination" to believe things in the Bible to believing things in evolution. I don't know how you don't see the connection. However taking this a step further I never said that the Bible is a science book but when it touches on science I believe it to be accurate. Of course there are things in the Bible that are not science that's what its all about, truth does not come from science. A supernatural explanation for the natural things around us that cannot be explained with natural processes. #2 I have showed several times where you have misquoted the Bible. All you have to do is go down though and read. I responded to every misquote you misquoted sad to say it was all of them. #3 Obviously you have not been reading what Greedy and I have been talking about in "abiogenesis" here is the meaning for FYI
a·bi·o·gen·e·sis   [ey-bahy-oh-jen-uh-sis, ab-ee-oh-] Show IPAnoun Biology . the now discredited theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously from inanimate matter; spontaneous generation.
#4 Interestingly enough as I predicted "your meaning" of the word "Wonder" and the "actual meaning" are quite different. Calvins meaning:
If you do not doubt, you do not “wonder.”
Real Meaning
won·der   [wuhn-der] Show IPAverb (used without object) 1.to think or speculate curiously: to wonder about the origin of the solar system. 2.to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel (often followed by at ): He wondered at her composure in such a crisis. 3.to doubt: I wonder if she'll really get here.
Ironically you bring this up in your closing
cs – I’m not sure why you ask all these questions.
Its easy Calvin, "I wonder!" Now I really think that you do not want to know about Objective Moral Values. Neither you or Greedy want to know, that would rain on your parade wouldn't it? Greedy seems to think its Ok to kill children and sell your daughters for sex slaves subjectively, yet he is missing the point that it is wrong objectively. Even if that was written in the Bible which it is not, he is calling from his objective reason that it is really wrong. Now whether you believe if it exist or not is immaterial. Just like god, he exists whether you like it or not and so does Objective Moral Values.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 18:37:02

Calvin you have misquoted Scriptuire several times, here are a couple. First lets get the definition of "Misquoted" out of the way.

misquotedpast participle, past tense of mis·quote Verb: Quote (a person or a piece of written or spoken text) inaccurately.
Calvin's Biblical Misquotes Abbreviated!
Max – “Jesus never commanded me to give up everything.” cs – He was talking to his disciples, a small group of dedicated followers. You claim to be a follower but your fruit is looking over ripe. Luke 12: 30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
You admit you are misquoting scripture here saying that he was "talking to a small group of dedicated followers" then you directed it towards me. Was I alive then Calvin? NO! you did misquote here! The other misquote is in your assumptions of my fruit "looking over ripe" More Biblical Misquotes By Calvin
Max – “My daughter is even a successful musician you can visit her website” cs – I wish your daughter well. Does she claim to be a Christian? 1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Again you are misquoting the scriptures. He is telling the women how to dress in church. CS – Where do you get that? Here is the verse before and after: 1 Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. cs – Where does that mention church?
There are so many fallacies here I don't know where to begin. Does it really have to mention "Church" here? All you would have to do is think for a couple seconds. Lets eliminate progressively what Paul is not talking about here. I think its safe to say he is not speaking about the bedroom apparel, but although Calvin may need this spelled out for him I think its self explanatory. Now since women worked back then very hard I don't think that he is speaking of work attire. Since Paul is writing Timothy a fellow Christian who are members in the Church I think it is safe to say that he is speaking of the church because this is what they share in common. These people had many things going on in their lives not just the Church. They had shopping, school, chores, celebrations, holidays etc. However when they went to church there were different things expected of them as in any type of event and attire was one of those things. Yes Calvin you are misquoting scripture again!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 20:18:56

Max - Calvin let me ask you a question seriously. Why are you quoting from a book that you don't even believe in? just for your enlightenment I will entertain your madness. long answer CS - Thanks for asking. I have been fascinated with the Bible since at least April 7, 1963. That is the date inscribed in my first Bible, presented to me by The Lawton Heights Methodist Church Vacation Bible School. Lawton Oklahoma. I read the parts the Sunday school teacher assigned and I listened to the preacher and took the program home to read more about his sermon in the verses he mentioned. I was a believing Christian (at least I thought I was) forty years, reading the Bible during that time. At the high point of my involvement with the church I was in charge of the musical portion of an evening service. The preacher and an elder from the congregation approached me with the idea of giving more presentations and studying for the ministry. (They liked me.) That lead me directly to studying the Bible even more than I had. Things get a little fuzzy there as far as my memory of the different emotions I went through and mental gymnastics I used to stay a believer, but after a year I was sure I could no longer believe it. I could pick and choose, and I still do that. That is what you are doing. short answer cs - I quote the Bible because I wasted 40 years of my life believing in immoral nonsense and I want to help anyone out of it if I can. Luke 12: 30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. Max - Now do you see that the Father knows you have need of these things. cs - I am ready to move this to your other forum, concerning religion. I will look for the link. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 22:58:33

Although I do not agree with you that I am picking and choosing I do agree that this belongs in another forum. I have extended this invitation to you before here is the link again: Objective Moral Values Proves God Exists Please keep this in mind when you are speaking to me. #1 I do not go to church. You may question me about this if you like. #2. I reject probably over 90% of so called Christian Teachings #3. I believe in the Holy Spirit and have felt and seen its power in my life. #4 I use to be an Atheist and what moved me to this was a religious organization. Similar to yourself. #5 Letting the evidence lead me is important. #6. I am an undefeated Bible Trivia champ.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-09 23:24:28

Sacrificing to your desert God: God tempts Abraham (I think it's Abraham) Selling your daughter as a sex slave: Sodom and Gomorrah, you know the story where looking at a destroyed city will turn you into a pillar of salt. "I have two daughters who have not known man; let me bring them out unto you" (no idea how to reference the Bible) I didn't say I agreed with Calvin's interpretation I just said that I cannot reference the Bible or any Holy Book other than the Vedas (Hindu holly text) and even then I only know a few quotes here and there. BTW how can one misquote scripture? From what I can see he is getting every single quote exactly right, misquoting is where one manipulates a quote, for example: "He was a good person" changed to "HE was [not] a good person"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 01:58:11

So you think that is subjectively morally ok, to sacrifice your son to a desert god and to sell your daughters as sex slaves? Here I thought you might be made of a stronger caliber than that. In both instances your application of the text is not just a little off. However I do believe that you answered my question about your attitude toward objective moral values. Yet I assumed this as well because of your background, you have no other choice but to comply. If Calvin deceitfully quotes scripture in a misapplied concept I have always been accustomed to calling that misquoting scripture. Yet I can see that you fulfill the exact embodiment of the meaning to misquote Scripture. Of course Objective Moral Values don't exist to you, God does not exist to you either. I believe however that you are fooling yourself. You know that it is wrong objectively to murder and rape kids that is way you cowardly pointed to misquoting scripture. I know its a tough question but don't you think its time to man up? Let me give you another try. Is it OK to rape and murder a child in any place any time or any situation?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:00:39

Max - "Calvin you have misquoted Scriptuire several times, here are a couple. First lets get the definition of "Misquoted" out of the way." cs - I agree to move this discussion to your religious forum. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:02:02



Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:14:08

GreedyCapybara7 8] 'slang' cs - Yes, it is slang. To me it is my daughters generation slang. My note was for those hundreds of viewers who might not know what it means. 8] =smiley face To Greedy Capybara7 - Thanks to you I have learned the difference between Javelina (which I have seen) and Capybara, of which I had not heard. Thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:25:45

Just thought that you boys may want to see some stats. I posted this twice if you are wondering I had to blot out my acct#.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:26:40

In different cultures and contexts yes that is perfectly all right, just because you or myself may view something as barbaric or bad because of the values we hold does not mean that this applies to everyone all the time. The fact is that throughout History people did things that we now view as unexceptionable and we do things today that people in the past viewed as unexceptionable. Moral values change with conditions in more cases rather than less this is referring to culture, for example in Fundamentalist Islamic areas it is not expectable for women to dress or act the way they do in most western areas, however conversely it is not expectable in western cultures for men to act the way they do in Fundamentalist Islamic areas... weather we like it or not what is right today may not be right in the future and was not right in the past, the only things humans can do as a species is develop our culture and do whatever is best for the individuals or whole depending on what society demands at that particular time.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:33:51

Thank you Calvin, if you want to know the name comes from when I was tending a breeding pair of capybara. During that time I was known as "greedy" because I had a large section of the facility to take care of compared to other people...eventually the capybara were the only animals in the area I was in charge of and from that comes my name. I felt it useful on public forums as I do not like people looking up any of my work (all is public due to the peer review process) and unless you know me personally already it is impossible to obtain a name from.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 02:40:42

I think the evolutionary doctrine is more dangerous than I could of ever possibly imagined. There is freedom in Christ and I see that is more apparent even the more so after speaking with someone such as yourself. The torments in evolutionary mind and insidious thoughts in all its glory with ill will towards man. What a dark place to be blinded on all four walls plagued day and night with what you believe to be reality. Sadness is incumbent upon me for a poor soul such as yours who chooses never to see the light of day.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 04:01:33

Okay, Max you've lost me...I have no idea what you are talking about. Just because different things are okay at different points in history and I don't ignore that fact does not mean that I'm in some kind of "dark place" I'm actually a very happy person most of the time...I would appreciate it if you didn't stereotype me, thank you.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 04:10:18

Small point, despite the definition that Max pulled out of the dictionary Abiogenesis is not a discredited theory and never was. It is a relatively poorly understood process only compared to evolution because evolution is one of the most understood principals in science. However if you have any problem with Abiogenesis then put up a case against it, show which of the chemical steps is impossible. If you have a case against evolution then likewise put up a case against it, show the mechanism that prevents organisms from evolving beyond a set point. Beyond that evolution is not a religion, nor is it a requirement for Atheism despite Max's assertions . Even by your own definition Max evolution is science and not religion, and even by your definition Atheism is also not a religion. Get over it, you don't get to chose what goes into which category! It is not up for discussion, there is no such thing as "Evolutionism" or "Darwinism", there is no indoctrination because that requires a religion. The scientific community shares results globally if that's what you mean, but the word you are looking for is "advancing" not "indoctrinating" society.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 08:39:43

do you have any evidence for points 3 and 5 or are you just going to say so and we are supposed to take your word for it?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 09:08:36

1. yes 2. yes, exactly what evolution predicts exactly where and when it is predicted, an organism will not live with barely functioning parts if those parts are critical to it's lifestyle, this is why no such organisms exist...be that as it may, Tiktaalik is still a fist to tetrapod transition there is no dancing around it. 3.a) but you said that Archaeopteryx was 100% bird and it had a long tail...in fact most birds did until around 70million years ago. b) define...do you mean modified for flight or gliding? or along those lines...as most raptors and small therapods have highly modified forelimbs. c) so do ceratopsians (horned), ankilosaurs (armoured), ornithopods (two legged beaked), herbivorous therapods such as Oviraptor and ornithischian (duck billed) dinosaurs d) mircoraptor less than a foot long and most early birds were huge compared to the pitching verities alive today. e) everything about a dinosaur (like birds) is designed to save weight in fact a three metre long raptor would be lighter than some modern birds of prey. Here you are trying to shift the gift of proof, unfortunetly it is not my position to debunk the existence of God(s) unless there is evidence for a supernatural force in any given situation a natural one is given authority, especially one as clearly understood as evolution. Yes dinosaur to bird evolution is in question, this is primarily to the discovery of microraptor which has a bone structure similar to early therapods (raptors) and crocodiles, it seems from this that raptors may have split from the main therapod line much earlier then previously thought. 4. someone needs to learn how we describe complex process to the main populous...it's called personification. Anyone with even a grade school understanding of Biology normally can tell what I mean, saying "feature 'a' developed so that the organism could 'b'" is a common technique used to dumb down Biology to a level people can understand. You took it literally! showing your complete ignorance on the subject. 5. Evolution is not an unseen force nor does it require one mutation, natural selection and genetic drift are all commonly observed and documented...evolution is a scientific theory not a religion, a religion is assumed on faith and requires the supernatural, even Buddhism which has no God(s) is a religion (debatable) because it assumes the existence of the supernatural. Science does not because the supernatural aceo-facto cannot be observed and tested.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 10:08:36

Long story short your knowledge on evolution, the fossil record, taxonomy and even general biology could be surpassed by anyone who spends 15min reading the Wikipedia entry.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 10:12:13

I think you lost yourself. Rape and murder of kids is not OK not in any lifetime. People stereotype themselves with twisted worldviews. I don't see why you should be immune, I certainly am not. Remember this is your worldview that you are defending here. If you are looking for science to justify your worldview I think you are going to come up short here and that is my whole point.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 10:24:10

Ok just so everyone may know this is not something that I came up with here is the actual clip that came from the dictionary. Now if you want to dogmatically hold on to a teaching that has been dis-proven over and over again that's OK but don't call it science. If you really want to know why abiogenesis is impossible here is a great article that covers that subject. "Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible"

If naturalistic molecules-to-human-life evolution were true, multibillions of links are required to bridge modern humans with the chemicals that once existed in the hypothetical “primitive soup”. This putative soup, assumed by many scientists to have given birth to life over 3.5 billion years ago, was located in the ocean or mud puddles. Others argue that the origin of life could not have been in the sea but rather must have occurred in clay on dry land. Still others conclude that abiogenesis was more likely to have occurred in hot vents. It is widely recognized that major scientific problems exist with all naturalistic origin of life scenarios. This is made clear in the conclusions of many leading origin-of-life researchers. A major aspect of the abiogenesis question is “What is the minimum number of parts necessary for an autotrophic free living organism to live, and could these parts assemble by naturalistic means?” Research shows that at the lowest level this number is in the multimillions, producing an irreducible level of complexity that cannot be bridged by any known natural means.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 11:19:57

do you have any evidence for points 3 and 5 or are you just going to say so and we are supposed to take your word for it?

Point #3. I believe in the Holy Spirit and have felt and seen its power in my life.
Yes I do actually yet it would not be enough to convince you, yet, it actually did happen and I witnessed the events. No they are not repeatable like the birth of my children are not repeatable but it still happened nevertheless. The event was unique in all in characteristics and my state of mind was sound. It was also as if I were mocking in disbelief when I uttered the challenge to an invisible force that I did not even believe in at the time and although shocking as the event was to me I discredited it for some time afterwards but the math is definitely there. There have been many instances in my life where I have seen the power. I will share one of those moments with you I guess that is undeniable to me. When I was an atheist I had become that way from witnessing the madness of the churches and did not want to be identified with such a crazy band of people working and slaving for an imaginary madness. So I was an atheist for a number of years [I dont remember exactly how many] when this event happened. One day I was pondering over the question why people thought God existed as I drove. I had about 300 miles about 482 kmto drive that day for my work. Well I threw a few ideas back and forth in my head. One of the most perplexing questions to me is why are there so many religions if there is one God. Then a thought poped into my head where Jesus told his disciples to keep searching and keep knocking until they find... Well I kind of laughed about that and I said out loud in the vehicle. If you are God and you do exist there is 2 things I want to see. The things I requested were specific, I wanted a red car from Kentucky to cut me off, speed up, pull over and look at a map. The second thing that I wanted to see was a blue car up on jack stands and I wanted it to happen within an hour. Now I was thinking to myself this should not be too hard I am on the road and not asking for anything that would appear out of the normal to anyone except me. You could imagine my surprise when I had a red car from Kentucky cut me off. He stayed in front of me for about a mile or so then sped up and disappeared. I was thinking how foolish I was to believe such a funny request and felt kind of embarrassed actually yet no one was there except me. I proceeded to my exit where I exited the highway and proceeded down route 7 and lo and behold there that same car was off the side of the road looking at a map. I was bewildered at what I saw and the adrenaline was pumping though my body. I did not even stop to offer any help, looking back I feel a little irresponsible. Well as if that was not enough for me I said to myself, what about the blue car up on jack stands? Yes a 1/2 mile down that same road there it was an old blue car up on jack stands off the side of the road.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 11:59:28

do you have any evidence for points 3 and 5 or are you just going to say so and we are supposed to take your word for it?

#5 Letting the evidence lead me is important.
I have had quite a struggle with the age of the earth and as you are well aware I reject the old world hypothesis. I was not always of this mindset even when I was a theist before I was an atheist I believed in the evolution theory. I laughed like everyone else who is not willing to take the evidence for a young earth seriously. After studying time clocks in the earth and moon I started to wonder how the evolutionary authorities would respond to such evidence. Bottom line is they didn't. Now we have red blood cells from Dinosaurs that are suppose to be 65 million years old. We have a great study at Mt. Saint Helen which you yourself respond in the negative. I have seen dinosaur footprints with man footprints side by side in the same layer of strata in Texas. I have seen the coelacanth alive and well today which was suppose to be extinct for 65 million years. I have seen hundreds of feet of strata form in just hours when evolutionist preach that it takes millions of years. Rapid mountain ranges being formed strata vertical with no erosion marks. I could go on and on about outright fraud and lying on the part of evolutionist but I am content letting the evidence lead me. There is a famous quote "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution" and I am sure that most evolutionist would agree with this quote. But is it really honest? You know I have to say that I know things appear older then they are. Starlight travel was a big problem for me for the longest time then I found out its an even bigger problem for evolutionist. I am a believer in science yet there is nothing in science that you cannot attribute to a designer. In everything there is a pattern of design and we would not see this if it was a blind watchmaker.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 13:00:44

1. ok 2. Who's dancing? LOL. I say its not a transition you say it is. It looks like a completely formed creature to me but you believe everything is transitional so whats your point? You have to understand there are millions of you guys out there making millions of predictions in the name of evolution. You are bound to find a bone every once in a while. I think its funny that you can take something like this and believe in it but when there is a written record of prophecy in the Bible and it predicts and come true you reject it. LOL 3. I think the answer is obvious most land dwelling Dinosaurs had forelimbs like claws and birds have wings and feathers. Like spinosaurus, T-rex etc. Here is a pic I think what you need to understand is yes I think everything is related so I don't know why you try to proved to me that they are, I agree with you. What I don't agree with you on is that they are descendants from each other. I was not trying to shift anything I was just trying to understand what your point was. I have no agenda when it comes to the facts. Facts are facts simple and true. 4. LOL I guess I'm just dumb then! However can you really see your response? Every time you are cornered with logic you claim the other individual is uneducated and stupid. Why do you resort to such a method? I am seeing holes in the theory of evolution and you continually defend it dogmatically and are not willing to call it "faith"? I think its strange that you speak of evolution like some people speak of their God and don't even realize it! 5. Ok then like I said before if its not an unseen force then let me see it! Now you are asking me to do the same thing with God so man up and show me evolution! I don't want to see what you consider the results of evolution I want to see evolution him/her/ it!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 13:15:55

Well of course you are going to say something like that. Truth is I spend a lot more time considering the subject than most. Your criticism of my analysis leaves much to be desired with this kind of comeback. If it were that obvious I don't think I would question it that much. For instance, I don't question gravity, orbit, entropy, or anything that I can actually see observe or experience. I don't question the existence of the fossil record at all but I do question the evolutionist interpretation not because of a gut feeling but because of evidence observed. Taxonomy is a classification of species and I think it is helpful but with such a variety in creation it has its challenges. There is nothing wrong with my reading comprehension of course I know you think that is debatable, lol. [pun intended.]


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 14:56:35

Max - "Sadness is incumbent upon me for a poor soul such as yours who chooses never to see the light of day." cs - Please show evidence for a "soul" before you yammer on about such a thing.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 15:46:46

Max - I think you lost yourself. Rape and murder of kids is not OK not in any lifetime. People stereotype themselves with twisted worldviews. I don’t see why you should be immune, I certainly am not. Remember this is your worldview that you are defending here. CS - Is it objectively moral to offer your child if it saves millions of others from eternal torment? Or to offer your child to a god for winning a battle? Judges 11:29 Even in my subjective human morality, these things are clearly wrong, but you will defend them because your god did them. You will now explain why it is acceptable for a god to do it but not a human. This is why I don't agree with you about "objective" morality. If gods are not bound to it, it is obviously not objective. "Remember this is your worldview that you are defending here."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:06:24

Max - Yes I do actually yet it would not be enough to convince you... cs - Then it is not evidence is it? My prayer is for one day to go by with no children admitted to an emergency room. Why don't you and a few friends get together and pray for something worthy like that? Blue car/ red car - It is hard to take you seriously at times.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:07:54

There is actually a lot of documented evidence that souls do exist. Here is the scenario of just one such incident documented by Gary Habermas who is involved with much study in NDE's [near death experiences] Just to make a long story short the little girl dies,is put on life supports and lies there for several days while the family makes that hardest decision in their life weather they should pull the plug or not. After some time, I can't remember how many days later that the girl awakens and recalls facts that happened while she was dead. Now what is remarkable about the story is that the doctors documented what the girl said before she had any contact with the outside world after she awoke. the doctor was an atheist before this event She had said what her family had for supper the night of her accident, what her father was doing, what her mother was doing and recounted that there was 2 doctors present when she arrive at the hospital unconscious. Well everything said and done is that she was clinically dead at the time these events occurred miles away from her body. There is another account of a lady who died and after she was revived recounted that there was a blue tennis shoe on the roof of the hospital and they went and recovered it. Ok there are literally thousands of NDE's but I am talking about documented evidence ones. If you are genuinely concerned in the existence of a soul there is a site that has many of these documented evidences Now just to make sure that we are speaking of the same meaning of the work "Soul" here is the meaning as I understand it.

soul   [sohl] Show IPA noun 1.the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. 2.the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and be subject to happiness or misery in a life to come: arguing the immortality of the soul. 3.the disembodied spirit of a deceased person: He feared the soul of the deceased would haunt him. 4.the emotional part of human nature; the seat of the feelings or sentiments. 5.a human being; person.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:09:14

Max - Now we have red blood cells from Dinosaurs that are suppose to be 65 million years old. cs - Please give a citation for this nonsense. A scientist, not a journalist. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:12:35

All I am doing is asking a question and you like Greedy love to avoid the issue. It don't matter what God, God's her, it, them.. Do you understand I am asking a question to you. All you are doing is setting up a straw-man and I am not going to fall for it. Just because someone else does it does that make it OK? Here is the question I have no need to spell it out because I am already typing it. When is it OK to rape and murder and innocent child 5 years old?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:19:42

I related a personal experience because I was asked a personal question. The event did happen I witnessed it. Whether you believe it or not really makes no difference to me. Yes I am serious, very serious. I don't mess around Calvin I always get the job done. Let me ask you something Calvin what kind of evidence is acceptable to you? In other words you are not going to believe it unless you have this type of evidence that you are proclaiming is the only way to truth? Also you never did answer my question; "Is there absolute truth?"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:24:19

You cant be serious Calvin? I thought you were an avid reader, Here is a video just in case you missed the news! Yes this woman is a scientist and she believes in evolution! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynXwAo9V_pY


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:29:13

Max - When is it OK to rape and murder and innocent child 5 years old? cs - In my subjective opinion, which is all I claim to have, it is never OK or right to rape or murder anyone. You seem to think that subjective morality means anything goes. That is not the case. In my opinion, it is always wrong to kill one person for the sins of another. No strawman, that is what you say you believe. It drips with blood and is disgusting.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:31:31

Well I am glad that you subjectively recognize that but objectively do you still think its ok?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 16:31:42

Max - Let me ask you something Calvin what kind of evidence is acceptable to you? In other words you are not going to believe it unless you have this type of evidence that you are proclaiming is the only way to truth? cs - There would be a report on the world news that no children were admitted to an emergency room. Max - Also you never did answer my question; "Is there absolute truth?" cs - In my opinion (which is all I claim to have), no.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 17:02:28

Max - Well I am glad that you subjectively recognize that but objectively do you still think its ok? CS - You are the one who claims knowledge of "objective morality", I can't answer about something I have not seen evidence for. I can imagine a group of people thinking they have an objectively moral position because it was given by a god, but I can just as easily imagine a wicked god who would kill his own child and claim it was not only moral, but "good news."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 17:06:10

You have got to be kidding me. Why are you always dodging the questions? How is that an answer or do you realize the obvious? I'll rephrase the question, what kind of evidence convinces you of truth? On the second part you don't believe in absolute truth but how can you be absolutely sure you don't believe in absolute truth?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 17:09:14

Then really you don't know what Objective Morality is then do you? You have expressed it several times in saying that the Holocaust was bad. That we should not rape and murder the innocent no matter what lifetime we are in. You are expressing objective morality. Subjective morality is that it may be OK for them but not OK for you. Why is it that you cannot understand this?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 21:40:02

1. ya, even by the strictest creationist definition the majority of the fossil record is composed of transitional forms. 2.a) no, Tiktaalik is a genuine transition. Of course the animal is "fully formed" a half developed animal would die upon conception even before then, that's why no creatures exist or ever have and that's also why evolution does not require such animals. Only those who are completely ignorant on even grade school Biology think that evolution requires any animal that is half formed like the corocduck. b) no, if all predictions ever made by any reputable Biologist then the theory is reputable nobody is making predictions every which way, only scripture and astrology do that...and if you want to use fulfilled supernatural predictions as evidence (which it is not) then I recommend Islam not Christianity. 3. so you think they are related but you don't think they are related...on the same line you think Birds are Dinosaurs but you don't think Birds are Dinosaurs...your logic makes no sense. 4.There are no such holes, perhaps in the particular sequence of mutations as not every single organism that ever existed can be fossilised and put on record. I call people uneducated when they lack education in a particular field, for example they make stupid assertions like "if evolution were true...we wouldn't find modern animals in the fossil record" or continue to push a point like "no translational forms exist" even though a quick 15 min read of Wikipedia will correct them. 5.But Science is ambivalent about the existence of God(s), because no testable evidence for their existance is possible. However I am interested...so because no barrier is observed, no barrier mechanism is observed, there is no need for such a mechanism, all evidence indicates there is no such barrier, no organism has any indications of such a barrier...a barrier must exist?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 21:46:12

No, rape and murder of children WAS expectable however in our current culture and context it is not. Actually I'm looking at history, technically a Social Science but not a Science. Just because unlike you rational people don't close their eyes, plug their ears and say "IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!" does not change the fact that in the past people did some things that today are considered barbaric or unacceptable and we do things today that people in the past find barbaric or unacceptable.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 21:49:45

so...you don't have evidence (evidence aceo-facto is testable) you have a testimony. A particular assertion easily interpreted or subject to change and based on ones personal belief about what happened and nothing else...yet you want an avid reader and Biologist to take you seriously without evidence of any sort? It's not that you don't have enough evidence...but that you have none!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 21:53:58

okay, since you've ignored every single thing I've said I will repeat! THERE HAVE BEEN NO RED BLOOD CELLS FOUND FROM ANY FOSSILISED ANIMAL EVER! What you are referring to are "round red micro-structures" that when a fossil was being annualised were suspended in the de-mineralising solution...this shit got out of hand very quickly, and now even when the original paper is shown to them (as in your case) people ignore it and push forward this point regardless.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 21:59:02

This is why I made it clear "despite to Max's dictionary Abiogenesis in not a discredited theory", and then as evidence you use...your dictionary, great. First life began we think approx 3.8-3.6 billion years ago because these are the first fossils of microbes we find, that us not the primary question for Abiogenesis but what may at first find philosophical "what is being alive". However if your not going to put up a case against any of the chemistry I recommend you look it up.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 22:02:26

hang on...those pictures are from a textbook on anatomy not from a dinosaur...and no they found FOSSILISED SOFT TISSUE and what appeared to be "round red micro-structures" in the de-mineralising solution we've been through this...you can trace it to the original paper.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 22:22:18

Anything that is testable and repeatable. We cannot, however "truth" is forbidden by the game of science because "truth" implies there is nothing more to learn


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 22:42:56

1-2a. So you are saying that creationist believe in transitional forms? No we don't!

The specimen found consisted of a skull and several bone fragments, namely, the shoulder, wrist, and fin, among others. According to evolutionists, the Tiktaalik was an intermediate form between sea and land animals. This conclusion was reached because of Tiktaalik's similarities to both fish and tetrapods. For instance, it is assumed to have had the scales and gills of a fish and yet also to have had tetrapod limbs and lungs, as well as a mobile neck. Its alleged half-fish and half-tetrapod characteristics included limb bones and joints which resembled those of a tetrapod but had fins rather than toes on the "feet". For all these features, however, it is clear that Tiktaalik was simply a fish; its lobed fins appear better suited for swimming in water rather than crawling on land, and other fish, such as the Coelacanth, were also thought to be "missing links" until they were discovered to be some form of fish. It has been placed by evolutionists alongside Archaeopteryx, but they fail to see that neither animal was a transitional form; archaeopteryx was a full bird, tiktaalik was a full fish.
2b. Oh now you are recommending religious faith? Funny! 3. My logic makes perfect sense how many times do I have to tell you that we all have the same designer? Does that not make us related? All of us made from the dirt? All of us breathing the breath of life? Its how you say we are related that I am challenging. I am no descendent of a fish, frog, monkey or ape Pun Intended There is nothing that you can show that proves that we are descendents of these creatures that one cannot look at and say same designer. I never said birds were dinosaurs, I did say that some dinosaurs may have had feathers. Big deal! 4. Well you call people uneducated if they don't agree with evolutionary theory and that about wraps that up in a nutshell. If evolution were true we would not find modern animals in the fossil record. Evolution claims things evolve gradually. This is logical that if alligators and crocks are millions of years older than man, they had more time to evolve yet while you are claiming the ape to man evolution the alligators and crocks are staying the same. Now I think that is a good challenge, if you cant see the logic in that I don't think you are being honest. So evolution stops for some and goes for others? This theory changes all the time not because its science and not because its right. Its just not reliable they make up the story as they go. As far as transitional forms I have looked at the evidence, its weak unreliable and just simply not there. I looked at the so called whale evolution here it is again and its ridiculous. You don't see major holes in this? 5. You look at all the same things I do only you say, "Wow look what evolution did" I look at it and say "Wow look at what God did". You give credit to evolution I give credit to a designer. I know that it is ambivalent if it was obvious we would not have to keep searching. I think its a great situation and a genius plan of God, the barrier does exist no doubt.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 22:53:47

You know what greedy I read everything you say no need to shout. However you are wrong. The Smithsonian which is a BIG supporter of evolutionary theory is reporting this. Not me or my creationist buddies! Here is the article and contrary to what you claim I can comprehend what I am reading. Here is the article straight from the horses mouth, they even bad mouth us creationist like they always do, I'm sure you will like that part! "Dinosaur Shocker"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 23:07:31

ITS NOT MY DICTIONARY GREEDY! Here is a wonderful video put together by a Biology Professor that will communicate what I believe. Basically your preaching a fairy tale that has been discredited. The burden of proof is on you not me to prove that abiogenesis is happened, GREEDY I NEED SOME DAMN EVIDENCE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN1_4mMI-oU


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 23:10:09

Look at the article I sent and the video. That's the evidence!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 23:31:36

So does this means that you doubt that Charles Darwin ever existed, your great grandfather and grandmother. Did Gustave Eiffel build the Eiffel tower? Or maybe that Brisbane Australia is named after the river on which it sits which, in turn, was named after Scotsman Sir Thomas Brisbane. Are? In other word are these things true or not? They are not testable and repeatable.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 23:33:08

Thanks GCB. The old theories of spontaneous generation and abiogenesis have been discredited. So far, no completely satisfactory theory has replaced them. Fortunately, some are interested enough to keep searching in that increasingly small gap between non-life and life.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-10 23:39:19

LOL, Greedy said something to the effect that once one has found truth there is no more reason to search. I however disagree. I believe that I know who the gap is between life and non-life but that does not mean that the search is over by far. In contrast I think this makes life more fascinating. For example if we could figure out how to make life, using the materials provided to us of course, think of the creatures we could make!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 07:31:28

First of all, all are testable...to a degree, for example the writings of my Grandfather and documents of his person all evidence of his existence...however to say that it is "truth" is intellectually dishonest. Humans are not perfect, and thus we always have something more to learn about everything. When playing the game of science you can never win, science does not know everything otherwise it would stop. BTW, just about every single major city in Australia is huddled around some kind of water body and almost none are named after it, unlike you Yanks we are weird when it comes to naming our cities.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 08:09:59

The theory we are discussing is called "Abiogenesis" not "Spontaneous Generation", that theory has been discredited decades ago...is this the theory you've been going on about? We've been discussing two completely different theories! There are two key differences between "Spontaneous Generation" and modern "Abiogenesis" firstly SG requires that there are no organic materials on the Earth to begin with...where as we know this is not the case, organic material such as oils and nucleotides can form in non-organic solvents (like water) and are actually found on comets (balls or ice and rock that travel through space). Where as Abiogenesis takes chemistry that we already know and uses that to build upon, yes it is a poorly understood theory area of Biochemistry however it's weakness is not where you perceive it to be, getting life from organic molecules is the easy part, getting what we recognise as modern life from that is the difficult part...however assuming magic does not do anything except exchange one unknown for another...it's a cheap and childish way to dodge a question.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 08:13:10

FML, I can't seem to find the original paper to save my life...I have a video by that scientific journalist on YouTube I showed you before but cannot actually be bothered to go through the papers to find the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgpSrUWQplE&feature=plcp&context=C343451bUDOEgsToPDskIXRHAEo1ToWcJv73EF0sv7


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 08:15:44

Sorry I've gotten sidetracked.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 08:36:39

Max, do me a favour don't be an interpretor anything I say, ever! No, the only thing one can create from organic chemicals would be very, very simply self replicating molecules. making life does not mean making multicellular, complex animals...for that the best way is to manipulate genetic material directly, in other words we need to artificially mutate and therefore evolve already existing organisms in a lab to create the type of things you are thinking of. Such advances are far off, but with advances in genetics we are still closer than most might think.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 09:12:46

No, you can't it's a chemical impossibility...fossilisation is where organic material is replaced by minerals of the surrounding environment. I don't blame you it's a common misconception but no such thing exists...and no you don't listen to what I say, this is why you frequently or deliberately mislead your audience by becoming false interpretor what I say or twisting my words...although I am curious about this article, my understanding was that such a sample did not exist but was hijacked by the media. I know for a fact that blood cells were not found however my understanding of such soft tissue is that this is either an isolated observation or again a discovery hijacked by the media...I will do some research to see if this is the only observation of it's kind... Until I have completed such research I will reserve judgement...


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 12:45:06

Well that's exactly what I am getting at. We have documents. Now I could say that everything your grandfather wrote was a fairy tale and he never existed and its all just a hallucination because you want so much to believe that is your grandfather. I like your comment about science I think its an honest statement and one that I most certainly agree with. When playing the game of science you can never win, science does not know everything otherwise it would stop. Well us Yanks are a little strange when it comes to naming our cities as well. They steal a lot from the old English towns like East Liverpool, London, Lisbon etc. Then they name towns after themselves like Houston, Smith etc. Well cities are usually beside bodies of water over here too. I think that is the case just about everywhere though because of the logistic issues when it comes to providing for mass quantities of people.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 13:03:29

Of course I don't deny that the ingredients to make life are not here now. As far as Panspermia which you are referring to NOT Abiogenesis I think its a good study but far fetched. The mechanisms proposed for interstellar panspermia are hypothetical and currently unproven. I thought you only accepted evidence? lol


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 13:20:01

Greedy hold down the "ctrl" key and the "f" key on your keyboard if you are on a pc. You should see a search box appear, then type in "Journalist" then hit "Enter" you will see it highlighted. If you are on a mac hold the "command" key down and follow the similar process above.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 13:44:06

Ok just for the record here is what Greedy said:

We cannot, however “truth” is forbidden by the game of science because “truth” implies there is nothing more to learn
Here is what I got out of it in my reply to Calvin:
Greedy said something to the effect that once one has found truth there is no more reason to search.
Now I cant help but see that is an accurate description of your statement. Now Greedy I cant help but noticed that you used the word "ever" with an "!" at the end of it. Usually that would indicate that I am speaking with a female. Now I am not really interested in your gender I just thought it was strange. However you do miss the concept here of conversation and what we get out of it. I of course do spend a certain about amount of time reading and trying to recall what you are writing to me. Sometimes I will think of it throughout the day and discuss it with others. For you to tell me not to interpret anything that you say "ever" "!" Would be fore me never to talk about our conversations. Now I really think that is ironic since everything that we type here is documented and if anyone is ever misquoted we can reference the conversations. About your comment about "artificially evolve" like when you injected that rat with jellyfish genes. You do realize I call that "creation" right? I don't think I have to explain why.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 13:55:36

Greedy I know its a chemical impossibility if you believe in an old earth hypothesis. I know what fossilization is, I believe in the flood story for crying out loud! I do read what you say and how can I deliberately mislead my audience when I am referring them to a Smithsonian website? You go ahead and do some research and see if it matches your old earth hypothesis! You will just try to fit it into your story just like everyone else does, your job depends on it!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 14:09:51

Oh yeah while you at it take a look at this post. Here is some more evidence for you, documented evidence that Dinosaurs and Man dwelt together. Forbidden History


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 15:55:34

Max - My best employee came out of a “scrap yard” I gave her a chance and she has been just as effective if not more so in some aspects than anyone with a PHD in her field. cs - What is a PHD in scrap yard?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 15:56:37

What? You make no sense. She does not have a PHD that's my point.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 19:49:57

Max - What? You make no sense. She does not have a PHD that’s my point. cs - Sorry, I should have said, What is a PHD in her field? thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 21:20:03

No, I mean red blood cells don't last 10 years, let alone a few thousand, let alone 68 million...and if you believe the flood story then you don't know shit about fossilisation, no offence. No, I mean when you are referring to what I have said in the past; "he injected dog DNA into jellyfish or something" = "We injected jellyfish DNA into rat stem cells when..." or "...Greedy does take some things [like Biology] on faith because it's not mathematics" = "because Biology is not mathematics I do not need to take anything on faith"... From what I can see, there is no peer-reviewed article on it, it is the only observation of it's kind, samples are not up for re-testing and said sample is kept nowhere on public record. In other words, it's dropped off the fact of the Earth.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 21:22:45

I know, I've referenced the same person twice, because his responses are entertaining and relatively easy to find...sue me!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 21:28:53

Oh yay, your getting how this works...that is correct, I don't know my Grandfather existed but I have evidence sufficient to support the hypothesis. For example birth documents, etc. However because I have no grave to search and no way of providing further evidence then I cannot know. Yes, science doesn't know anything otherwise it would stop, as knowing something means that there is no further research to be done in that area. This is why the highest status something can be granted in science is Theory; Evolutionary Theory, General Relativity (Theory), Quantum Theory, String Theory (pending), etc.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 21:35:39

No, as through your depiction you imply that new bodies of research cannot come from this and once one has found "truth" then science stops...for example if one found "truth" considering the beginning of the universe one can still "search" in Biology, Chemistry and every single other field of science. If you are going to reference something I've said quote me, don't try to put your own spin on things because you'll get something wrong.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 21:39:00

Red blood cells don't last 10 years, let alone a few thousand as creationists claim or 68 million as the fossil was dated. No such cells were found, there was "round red micro-structures" but nothing like that.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-11 23:27:38

Very good video Greedy, thanks. I'm reasonably sure I am already subscribed to that "voice" though I do not recall the name and have not seen that particular video. peacce


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 01:34:44

No offense you say? lol your such a weirdo! Ok lets see if ol Max knows how fossilization occurs. Well how about water? How about pressure? and How about lack of oxygen? Then how about the remnants of the biological specimen being replaced gradually by minerals. Ok now I am going to go look at the dictionary and see how close I came.

Gees I think I went overkill. I guess I know more about it than Greedy ever thought! Here is the meaning. os·sil·ize   [fos-uh-lahyz] Show IPA verb, -ized, -iz·ing. verb (used with object) 1.Geology . to convert into a fossil; replace organic with mineral substances in the remains of an organism. 2.to change as if into mere lifeless remains or traces of the past.
Greedy do you think I could come over there and teach a class in your University? I really don't think them kids are getting a good education over there. Why do you have to be so sensitive Greedy? All what you write is here and written down anybody can read it, nothing is edited even your cussing unless you didn't know that "shit" is a cuss word here. I know Calvin does not appreciate that kind of language but You say what you want to. I am definitely enjoying your comments.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 01:36:57

I don't have to sue you I have enough money! lol. Seriously I did not see you post anything. Did you follow the instructions that I sent? It will help you find it fast.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 01:49:15

I am getting how this works? Are you serious? You make me laugh so hard sometimes and your not even here to see it. You do realize the "evidence" that you are speaking of here is "NOT TESTABLE AND REPEATABLE"? Just to refresh you memory I am not going to paraphrase because I know how you hate that. Here is a direct quote from you.

Max-" I’ll rephrase the question, what kind of evidence convinces you of truth?" GreedyCapybara7 -"Anything that is testable and repeatable."
So you believe that your grandfather existed but, is it "testable and repeatable"? Historical evidence is not always "testable and repeatable" but that does not mean that it is not true. Now I am not trying to bust your balls here I am just trying to help you realize there are things that are truth that are not testable and repeatable.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 01:59:12

You are the one getting confused here. Abiogenesis is not panspermia. Abiogenesis is spontaneous generation. Panspermia is still a little out there. I think your the one getting things wrong! Where are you getting that my depiction is implying that there can be no further research? You evolutionist do this all the time and is a load of garbage! Science was built from creationism, we were first, not evolutionism!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 02:01:50

OK Red blood cells can't last forever. They have no nucleus. They have to squeeze through the teeniest of blood vessels all day long! The odds are against them-- either they will run out of materials they need because they have no nucleus to make more, or they will squeeze through one too many teeny blood vessels and burst. They can only last so long. I meant to say "SOFT TISSUE".


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 05:25:58

GreedyCapybara7 Oh yay, your getting how this works…that is correct, I don’t know my Grandfather existed cs - The difference between Greedys' claim and Max' is that Greedys' is "ordinary" (we all have grandparents) and Max' is "extraordinary." (Creator, god , saviour.)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 06:55:26

okay...I take that back...you are not getting how this works, so I'll lay this out as simply as I possibly can. Words can and do have different definitions depending on the context for example, as we previously discussed theory can mean a guess in everyday context but in the context of science it means a grouping of all available facts and evidence. Similarly the word evidence has different meanings depending on the context. Legal Context (during a court case): anything that can point to one conclusion over another Scientific (during a scientific discussion): anything testable, refutable and repeatable Here I was using the Legal definition, and I was wrong to do that. While I did not do it intentionally I could have mislead anyone who was reading this conversation and I prologise for that.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 07:10:37

My claim was still intellectually dishonest, I replaced the scientific definition of evidence with the legal definition when the context changed...however in a scientific sense no I don't know that my Grandfather ever existed, all his papers and documents could have been faked in his name or my parent could be adopted...or I could not really exist.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 07:16:24

Not a single thing you said about red blood cells was correct aside from that they have no nucleus...but at least your trying, that's all I can ask of anyone. But it's the same deal with soft tissue, except the time frame is extended slightly longer. It's partly due to the fact that most organic molecules are classed as unstable, that is that if there is no mechanism to maintain "homoeostasis" they quickly break down...there are ways to accelerate this process but it cannot be stopped, this is why cells die and are disposed of.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 07:42:21

okay, I'll rephrase that: Abiogenesis by spontaneous generation is discredited the current Theory (pending) is Abiogenesis by organic progression...I think, it is a poorly understood chemical process. Think of it like this; Evolution by acquired characteristics (the only other theory concerning the diversity of life on the planet) has been discredited but Evolution by natural selection has not...the only difference here is that we know 100% how Evolution works (as far as we can tell) and comparatively we don't know squat about Abiogenesis by organic progression...like I said even my students have to admit that they don't understand the process. Beyond that, Max if you insist in applying this "God of the Gaps" approach, then I advise that you place your God at the beginning of the Universe rather than the beginning of life as the gaps in that process are being filled in fast.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 09:13:35

No your getting confused, organic molecules...not life. We know that organic molecules form on comets as this has been observed. Beyond that, I shall repeat one more time: EVOLUTIONISM DOESN'T EXIST, IT'S A FALSE TERM! No, science is not build from creationism, modern science is build from a philosophy known as "methodological naturalism" and by definition rejects any kind of creationism because creationism as per definition dogmatically defends old beliefs without testable evidence and despite all evidence to the opposite and thus hinders progress when allowed to control science...less we remember the Dark Ages. Creationism isn't always bad, it offers support and confidence...however as a base point it proclaims it's position correct from the get go and in the past has zealously attacked anyone that puts this into question.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 11:18:15

1. no, please listen to what I say. I'm saying that creationists have a definition for such an occurrence...however like you they tend to plug their ears, close their eyes and yell "lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala" at the slightest smell of a fact. 2a) you seem to be repeating the same point I discredited earlier...please be sure not to repeat arguments already dealt with and falsified it will make the discussion all the easier. b)no, but based on your premiss and incredibly low double standard for what you consider to be "evidence" I am making a more solid recommendation...for example if you were to say that if you had an apple it is evidence for a dinosaur making apples then I would recommend you adjust your position to one that has more apples...if that makes sense? 3. here you are going off on an impossible tangent, so I'm just going to go through this slowly step by step. (i) you are not descendent from a monkey or ape...you are a monkey and ape, most people accept evolution primarily on faith, this much is true (I'll get to your point soon) however one does not have to...however this said in order to eliminate faith one must have an understanding of; genetics, palaeontology, morphology, anatomy, microbiology, zoology, organic chemistry and taxonomy...the later almost nobody knows squat about, I would even wager that Calvin a fellow "evolutionist" knows next to nothing on the subject and I know you don't. That's the problem, I'm going to sound like a preacher here but the fact is that you don't know half of what you think you do, and that's the appeal of your position is that to assume it one needs to know shit all! (ii) and no due to this your logic does not make sense, you are shifting the gift of proof...let me explain? When coming across two scenarios, one being supernatural and untestable (your position) and one a natural explanation that is testable (my position) then the natural one must be given order. This is what is wrong with your logic, you have assumed a supernatural untestable hypothesis from the get go, then try to shift the gift of proof to the naturalistic argument...doesn't work like that, unfortunetly you don't get to make the rules. 4. Have you listen to a single word I've said in this entire conversation? We've dealt with all these points before, you put up a case and I showed you why you were wrong, bringing up the same argument again after it has been debunked does not add validity. 5. "You look at all the same things I do only you say, “Wow look what evolution did” I look at it and say “Wow look at what God did”. You give credit to evolution I give credit to a designer. I know that it is ambivalent if it was obvious we would not have to keep searching. I think its a great situation and a genius plan of God, the barrier does exist no doubt." I'm pretty sure you weren't thinking straight when you put this response together, so I'm going to let you try again...or if this is your actual response then just tell me and I'll answer, though I advise against the later as we have dealt with all of this before.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 11:25:31

Calvin-small point, what you are putting forward is that the website changed this on purpose and you are sounding like a conspiracy theorist. The correct response (so as to prevent a personal attack from Max again) would be: "the definition on dictionary.com is incorrect because it is known as a "shallow" definition, this means that it seems to be dumbed down and subject to biased interpretation by Max, most non-theistic philosophies are only a comment on the evidence available or the possibility of evidence ever being available...for example, I am an Agnostic-Atheist, this means that I have no religion (Atheist) and that I think testable evidence for the existence of God(s) is imposable." On a side note, most people either Theist or Atheist tend to be Agnostic because of the nature of the supernatural.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 11:26:14

Calvin do you understand what we are talking about? I asked Greedy what kind of evidence convinces him of truth. Whether I believe in a god or not is immaterial to this conversation.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 11:35:02

I asked you a specific question on what kind of evidence convinces you of truth and you said anything that is testable and repeatable. In light of our conversations I don't see the need to try and insult me with you are going to "lay this out as simply as you possibly can". You are not the authority here and your speech is all over the place. I don't care if you have to change your answer but don't blame it on me, I merely asked you a question. I think its ironic that you blame me for your stupid answer.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 11:36:17

Thank you that's better!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 11:50:16

What are you saying is wrong with what I said about red blood cells? You are telling me that they do not have to go though tiny blood vessels and that they can last forever? Or do you just like saying I am wrong all the time just because that is what you are accustomed to do? All I am doing is relating an article that the Smithsonian published about finding dinosaurs with soft tissue. Take it up with them. They are the ones reporting it! All I am saying is that this is one of the time clocks with prove the young earth and the the geologic column is a farce! Again this is only 1 thing there are several!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 12:02:44

I don't place "The God" anywhere, you don't seem to understand this is not "My God" as you say. Unlike you I am not making this up as I go along. God is an entity that I cannot comprehend yet all the evidence tells me he is there. I don't see blind unguided natural processes being responsible everything we see and observe. I also don't think that you understand that I am not taking the God of the gaps approach. You are taking the "evolution of the gaps" approach that's what the problem is here, I don't understand how you cannot see it.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 12:27:42

Here it is straight out of the dictionary!

ev·o·lu·tion·ist   [ev-uh-loo-shuh-nist or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-] Show IPA noun 1.a person who believes in or supports a theory of evolution, especially in biology. 2.a person who supports a policy of gradual growth or development rather than sudden change or expansion. adjective Also, ev·o·lu·tion·is·tic. 3.of or pertaining to evolution or evolutionists. 4.believing in or supporting a theory of evolution, especially in biology.
Why do you guys keep claiming things don't exist when they do? As far as you saying that we have no evidence for our beliefs I think is strange especially in light of our conversation about your grandfather and the evidence that you accept as truth for his previous existence. I too have a historical record for the things that I believe. You know I know that its true that terrible things have been done in the name of Christianity but I think its unfair for you to point at religious zealots as a basis for your rejection of religious faith especially when science was built on Christianity. Jesus Christ never taught such things. My other point as well is that atheism has gotten us no where, think of the Atheistic leaders in the past and all the atrocities committed by them. Objectively they were all wrong no matter what time a place you are in they are wrong and what they did was wrong. 1+2 don't =4 You yourself admit there are things that are wrong with certain parts of the evolutionary theory. There are parts of that theory which directly challenge what I believe in and what I understand to be true from historical literature and scientific inquiry. My conclusions like anyone else are not based on science alone and I never claimed that they are. I believe that I have also satisfied the argument that science does not necessarily always communicate truth and that there are somethings that are true that are out of the reach of science. Is there an unnatural world or an unnatural universe? Well that is what string theory is trying to explore. I think every man knows the true answer to that question there are only some of us who have the balls to say its so!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 13:40:20

1. well I really think that you are being unfair in your judgment here. I am reading everything you are putting down hell, I have even research a thing or too and quoted from your own side of the fence. You accuse me of sticking my fingers in my ears and going la la la la la la la la. Yet at the same time I am responding and debunking most of what you say. 2a. You did not discredit anything your just wrong. 2b. How low are you going to go here to try an convince yourself that just because I don't see thing the way you do I am not playing with a full deck as it were? Talk about intellectually dishonest you don't even have a Biblical knowledge by your own admission and you recommending a faith? 3(i) Well thank you for going through it slowly and step by step but it really was not necessary. I am glad though that you finally realize that evolutionist are taking the evolutionary theory on "Faith". I will readily admit that some parts of evolution are true because I do know how they work ;) However what I am challenging here is that I don't think for the most part they consider all the evidence. In fact they turn a blind eye to it all the time. This is my problem with evolutionist, I have no problem with scientist just evolutionist. You see Calvin badgering me that because I drive I car I need to thank evolution and that I shouldn't question it. It's this mentality that I am sick of, evolution is a faith and a religion and I thank you for confirming that I truly do! (ii)Let me spell something out for you. 1. Things look designed. 2. There are natural processes 3. Natural processes look designed 4. There are forces that guide natural processes 5. These forces are not visible The fallacy that you fail to see is that you have assumed that natural processes is all there is. I consider both the natural and unnatural and logically so because there are even natural things that cannot be proven with science like the existence of your great great grandfather. I refuse to hold a blind eye to these types of things as well as considering supernatural explanations. There is nothing wrong with disciplining ones self and focusing on one thing but when you are blind on purpose that's when I have a problem with the agenda. The irony here is that you are accusing me of not understanding evolution and yet at the same time you say its simple and anyone who spends 15min the the wikipedia will get a good understanding. BTW I know I don't get to make the rules I believe in Objective Moral Values, remember? 4. Well I don't think that we are wrong I think you are. Remember the logic you presented to me? here it is:

for example if you were to say that if you had an apple it is evidence for a dinosaur making apples then I would recommend you adjust your position to one that has more apples…if that makes sense?
Why don't you apply that to your whale evolution? 5. Well to clarify, the answer is obvious of course to me and other theist. The answer is not obvious to naturalist, evolutionist etc. We all have questions which make the subject ambivalent, why would there be a need for faith if God were not ambivalent in some ways? Sure this sounds edgy and some such as yourself I assume just don't like the thought of it. Yet I believe it is true because we have to have freedom. It's actually a perfect scenario.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 13:48:59

Greedy why do you make up things as we go along? The dictionary is there so we can get meanings from words. If you are going to make up your own meanings and continually say that meanings in the dictionary are incorrect you are the one that looks like a conspiracy theorist. What is the "nature" of the "supernatural"? LOL


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 14:01:25


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 16:59:11

Max - You see Calvin badgering me that because I drive I car I need to thank evolution and that I shouldn’t question it. cs - Do you twist everything around? I'm not talking about evolution. I am talking about you not being a Christian. Christians don't own things. They give to the poor, then they are poor. They are told not to take thought of tomorrow. Not to be greedy, or proud.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 17:24:32

Max - If Calvin deceitfully quotes scripture in a misapplied concept I have always been accustomed to calling that misquoting scripture. cs - Calling it misquoting is one thing. Showing is something else. You have not shown where I have misquoted one word. Until you do, I will consider you a liar. Show where I misquoted or retract your lie and apologize.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 17:26:57

Max - Just thought maybe you boys might want to see some stats. cs - I would rather see some of the 22,000 other viewers make an occasional reply.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 17:37:49

You think this is the only post I have on the site? lol


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 17:41:32

This is an exact quote from you Calvin! Your the twisted one here not me! Your also the hypocrite as well!

You hypocritically use the fruits of science, (your car, computers, sound and audio equipment,) then spit in the face of science when it does not agree with your subjective feelings about an old book and something you call “Objective morality” which has not been shown.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 19:24:51

If the statistics were not for this forum, why did you think we would be interested in them?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 19:30:46

There is no reply button on the message I want to reply to, so, I am quoting the first line for context: Max - This is an exact quote from you Calvin! Your the twisted one here not me! Your also the hypocrite as well! cs - It is an exact quote, what is your point? I stand by it. You are the one claiming to follow some objective morality all the while breaking the rules clearly set out for you. If I am being a hypocrite, please point it out and I will do my best to correct myself.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 23:41:53

You stated something about a hundred people visited this site so I shared them. I know how many there are and where they come from and how long they stay on the site, like you are from around ****. visited the site **times and spend an average time of **** on each visit. I like statistics that's pretty much dictates my work so I use them a lot.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-12 23:45:25

You quote Bible verses to condemn language or evil thoughts to someone who is a Christian and you don't even believe in the Bible.

hyp·o·crite   [hip-uh-krit] Show IPA noun a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 02:26:12

MaximusMcc - "Calvin: Greedy and I came here because YouTube was limiting our comment space, we needed to be able to post longer comments. I would not say that Greedy is wasting valuable time ***evolution scam gets over hundreds of visitors *** believers in evolution and non believers alike from all over the world. Like I said I am a web developer...."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 02:57:58

I am really starting to think that you like arguing just for the sake of arguing. We had 3 different references about evolutionscam.com's visitors and then I posted the stats. This is actually nothing, I don't even promote this site. This site makes very little money but I am not into it for the money of course. Calvin Quotes:

Speaking of Max and Elizabeth, I wonder why none of the “hundreds” of viewers Max mentioned ever leave any comments.
My note was for those hundreds of viewers who might not know what it means. 8] =smiley face


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 03:49:53

Max - You quote Bible verse to condemn language or evil thoughts to someone who is cs - Christians say they follow Jesus and/or "believe" in the Bible. I quote the Bible to show them they do neither. Max - ...a Christian and you don't even believe in a the Bible. cs - I "believe" Bibles exist. I have three on the shelf over my left shoulder. My wife has at least two on her shelf in another room. I "believe" the Bible has some useful information. Max - hyp·o·crite   [hip-uh-krit] Show IPA noun a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements. cs - Calvin feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, [atheism, the most hated and least trusted of all] his private life, opinions, or statements belie his public statements. Calvin claims to be an atheist in public and in private. Max....?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 04:05:45

1. "well I really think that you are being unfair in your judgment here. I am reading everything you are putting down hell, I have even research a thing or too and quoted from your own side of the fence. You accuse me of sticking my fingers in my ears and going la la la la la la la la. Yet at the same time I am responding and debunking most of what you say." You have yet to put forward any case that could discredit anything I have said so far and if you do actually read anything I say then why is it that you bring up the same dead arguments and false assertions after we have already dealt with them? 2a) "You did not discredit anything your just wrong." Not a single case you have brought forward has not been discredited by myself or Calvin, get over yourself! Like all of us you can be and are wrong, pretending like it hasn't been dealt with doesn't change the outcome, 2b) "How low are you going to go here to try an convince yourself that just because I don’t see thing the way you do I am not playing with a full deck as it were? Talk about intellectually dishonest you don’t even have a Biblical knowledge by your own admission and you recommending a faith?" Okay, I'm going to call your bluff can you please trace humans from say... eukaryotes through taxonomical groups? An easy task for anyone with even the slightest knowledge of the subject. 3(i) "Well thank you for going through it slowly and step by step but it really was not necessary. I am glad though that you finally realize that evolutionist are taking the evolutionary theory on “Faith”. I will readily admit that some parts of evolution are true because I do know how they work However what I am challenging here is that I don’t think for the most part they consider all the evidence. In fact they turn a blind eye to it all the time. This is my problem with evolutionist, I have no problem with scientist just evolutionist. You see Calvin badgering me that because I drive I car I need to thank evolution and that I shouldn’t question it. It’s this mentality that I am sick of, evolution is a faith and a religion and I thank you for confirming that I truly do!" How can you say something so stupid and still have enough brain cells left to type? Not a single thing in that entire response was even remotely correct! (ii)Let me spell something out for you. 1. Things look designed. (opinion and not true, if things were designed then vestigial features, junk DNA and genetic ancestral viruses should not exist) 2. There are natural processes (yes, evolution is a natural process, very well understood by...most people) 3. Natural processes look designed (opinion and no, "the universe has exactly the properties we would expect if at the bottom of it there was no design, no purpose just blind, uncaring indifference" Steven Hawking) 4. There are forces that guide natural processes (known as the Electro-Magnetic force, Strong force, Weak force and Gravity...none of these are supernatural) 5. These forces are not visible (they are however observable, just because something does not reflect light and is therefore invisible does not mean that it cannot be observed) "The fallacy that you fail to see is that you have assumed that natural processes is all there is. I consider both the natural and unnatural and logically so because there are even natural things that cannot be proven with science like the existence of your great great grandfather. I refuse to hold a blind eye to these types of things as well as considering supernatural explanations. There is nothing wrong with disciplining ones self and focusing on one thing but when you are blind on purpose that’s when I have a problem with the agenda. The irony here is that you are accusing me of not understanding evolution and yet at the same time you say its simple and anyone who spends 15min the the wikipedia will get a good understanding. BTW I know I don’t get to make the rules I believe in Objective Moral Values, remember?" Correct, anyone that spends 15min reading the Wikipedia article would surpass you in their understanding of evolutionary theory...me talking to the guy that thinks that if evolution were true we wouldn't see modern animals in the fossil record 4. "Well I don’t think that we are wrong I think you are. Remember the logic you presented to me? here it is: for example if you were to say that if you had an apple it is evidence for a dinosaur making apples then I would recommend you adjust your position to one that has more apples…if that makes sense? Why don’t you apply that to your whale evolution?" Clearly you are not paying attention or you could not make sense of my rather poor attempt at a metaphor...either is acceptable and expected from you. All I am saying is that if you are using fulfilled prophesy as evidence for your particular holly book then would it not be more intellectually honest to shift to that with more fulfilled prophesy like Islam over Christianity? 5. "Well to clarify, the answer is obvious of course to me and other theist. The answer is not obvious to naturalist, evolutionist etc. We all have questions which make the subject ambivalent, why would there be a need for faith if God were not ambivalent in some ways? Sure this sounds edgy and some such as yourself I assume just don’t like the thought of it. Yet I believe it is true because we have to have freedom. It’s actually a perfect scenario." Okay, this I can answer. Believing something no matter how deeply is not the same as knowing, having faith is not the same as finding evidence, cherry picking scenarios is not the same as looking at all available data. That is the difference between you and myself, where as you proclaim knowledge as believing I know better, where as you have faith I have evidence, where as you cherry pick scenarios to suit your hypothesis I use all available data to formulate a theory. Beyond that I have but a small message: EVOLUTIONIST IS NOT A WORD, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING IT. YOUR ABUSE OF THE ENGLISH LAGRANGE IS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 11:54:24

I will issue a challenge to all on the forum, since Max has previously claimed on being educated on the subject of Evolution and Biology in general and I know better than to take peoples word on such matters I feel that such a challenge is needed. Could anyone here aside from myself, trace humans through taxonomical divisions from eukaryotes WITHOUT looking it up (not that this will help in most instances)? If that is too difficult (it should not be) could anyone please tell me all significant empirical divisions in taxonomy? This is not only for the creationists on the forum but everyone, I know that perhaps some will give a limited response but I am so sure that I will not get perfectly correct answers for both questions that I will record myself eating my shoe and post it on this forum if anyone can give a correct answer (or close to it) for both questions WITHOUT looking it up.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 11:58:34

since you can't seem to listen to me I will repeat: "...you don't know shit about how fossilisation occurs..." And no, you cannot come here and give a lecture any more then you can go into my lab and run my experiments for me. You lack a high school understanding of basic Biology, nobody is going to let you perform a lecture at an established University other than the students themselves so they can laugh at you.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 12:11:49

I think its time for you to go take a chill pill. I have proven over and over again my points anyone can read them over. Just because you reject Dictionary definitions and other bonafide research and make up your own definitions does not mean that your right. GET OVER YOURSELF!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 12:18:20

No matter what anyone says here you are not going to admit they are right. You say the dictionary is wrong, everybody is wrong but you in your mind. It does not matter if they do research or not or even if they copy and paste something from an encyclopedia as I have done, you are going to still not learn a damn thing because of your attitude! you know I think I am going to have a movie produced based on this entire conversation!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 12:39:49

Anyone can look up fossilization on the internet and see that I am right, just because you repeat that line over and over again is just stupid. Just curious does that work on your students? Repeating the same line over and over again like your hypnotizing them or something? The only laugh here is your comments and your rejection of the fact, evidence and worldwide definitions. If that's the way your University operates I would not want to come there anyway. John MAcKay is closer though and has already lectured in your schools and universities. Oh and BTW I don't care if your pissed off. "Evolutionist" is a word and its one that describes you! I am not going to ignore words and definitions just to suit you. Just because of your Argumentum ad populum, argumentum ad verecundiam, argumentum ad hominem and your wrong I'm right attitude does not make you right at all! I have had several of my friends look at your comments, even the ones that are atheist that want to believe you see all the fallacy's that you make.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 21:39:03

So you can't trace humans from Eukaryotes?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 22:21:51

That's okay most people can't, like I said most people have Buckley's chance of knowing anything about Taxonomy...if you are interested however: Starting with Eykarya (cells with a nucleus) One subset of this is Opisthokonta (organisms which at one stage in their life have a single rear flagellum) One subset of this is Metazoa or more commonly known as Anamilia (which at some stage in their life are multicellular and ingest organic material in order to survive) This is then divided into sponges (Proifera) and everything else but sponges (Erumetazoa) One subset of Erumetazoa is Bilateria (animals that at some stage in their life cycle are bilaterally symmetrical) One subset of that is Coelomata (animals with a tubular internal digestive cavity) One subset of this is Deusterotomia (animals where the anal opening develops before the mouth or without a mouth) One subset of this is Chordata (animals with all this and a spinal cord) One subset of this is Craniata (animals with a skull) One subset of this is Verterbrata of Vertebrates (with a segmented spinal column) One subset of this is Gnathostomata (Vertebrates with all this plus a jaw bone) One subset of this is Teleostomi (Vertebrates with a calcified skeleton) One subset of this is Osteichthyes (commonly known as bony fish) One subset of that is Sarcopterygi (Bony Vertebrates with lungs and higher developed forelimbs) One subset of that is Stegocephalia (Bony Vertebrates with highly developed limbs and fingers on the ends of these limbs) One subset of that is Tetrapods (Bony Vertebrates adapted for four limbs) One subset of this is Anthracosauria (thick skinned terrestrial tetrapods) One subset of this is Amniota (those with an Amnion which is a leathery casing for the developing foetus or egg) One subset of this is Saurapsida (reptiles) One subset of this is Diapsidae (reptiles with two holes in their skull for the attachment of muscles) One subset of this is Neodiapsida (reptiles with higher developed hips) (here I am going to skip a few as here things get...messy) One subset of this is Therapsida (commonly known as mammal like reptiles these have mammalian hips) One subset of this is Theriodontia (those with "mammalian brains") One subset of this is Cynodontia (those with specialised teeth) One subset of this is Theria (those with lactic (milk) glands, commonly known as mammals) One subset of this is Eutheria (placental mammals) One subset of this is Primatomorpha (bats and primates) One subset of this is Primates (well...primates) One subset of this is Monkeys, one subset of this is Old World Monkeys, one subset of this is Apes, one subset of this is the Great Apes, one subset of this are the African Apes, one subset of this are Homonids, one species of that is Humans. This linage is confirmed with Taxonomy and Anatomy from the bottom up but also confirmed from the top down through Genetics. I was not trying to trick you only get you to admit that you like most people don't know anything about Taxonomy. Oh yes, and the only significant empirical level in Taxonomy is "species" as it is the only one that can be objectively verified.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 22:36:52

Max, we've been through this, calling someone wrong is not enough. One must put up a case against the claim or the evidence supporting the claim in order to be taken seriously.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-13 22:43:06

To be perfectly clear, I didn't expect anyone to get the terms correct, nor the order correct, nor every single stage unless you were in my class (Biology joke). A simple attempt with all significant orders and vindicated by anatomical features with common names would have done perfectly.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:12:19

Holy balls man, whats wrong with you? You accuse me of not reading your comments and here all the time you were not reading any of mine! I'm winning this argument because I am right not just because you are wrong. You see the way this works here is that you have to provide evidence with references to support your claims. You can't just make them up as you go along and pretend your the authority because you simply are not. By the way you misspelled "Eykarya" its Eukaryote, it might do you some good to look up the information. I really don't mind if things are misspelled from time to time at least I can make out what you say. Now I don't mean to bust your balls so much but you need to come down to earth here.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:14:31

Taxonomy is a branch of biological science involved with classifying organisms based on characteristics they share in common. Using morphological, behavioural, genetic and biochemical observations, taxonomists identify, describe and arrange species into a hierarchical system of groups.[1] Because taxonomists also identify and name organisms, it could be argued that Adam was the first to perform this aspect of taxonomy.[2] The Linnean Taxonomic Hierarchy, which is still used today, was developed in the 18th century by Carolus Linnaeus. As Carolus Linnaeus's work Systema Naturae was published over 100 years before Charles Darwin published his theory, his writings do not mention or makes any references to evolution. Linnaeus was a deeply religious man, believing his work "would reveal the Divine order of God's creation". Many new taxonomic groups have been added since Linnaeus first developed the modern system, and today evolutionary relationships dominate taxonomy. Taxonomy originally involved grouping organism based on the easily observable characteristics they share in common (morphology). All organisms assigned to a particular group possess the same features. Each group is then subdivided so as to further distinguish its members based on their differences. This hierarchy of groups and subgroups provides a systematic method for classifying and naming organisms ranging from very general similarities to ever increasingly detailed. Since the theory of evolution gained widespread acceptance among scientist, a branch of taxonomy known as cladistics has become increasingly popular. Cladistics assumes common descent, and arranges organisms into a tree of ancestral descent based on the proportion of characteristics that organisms share. Both evolutionary assumptions and biochemical examinations continue to force modification on accepted taxonomic names and arrangements. The taxonomic system is hierarchical. All of the organisms in a particular group (i.e. Kingdom) possess certain characteristics that unite them together and distinguish them from other groups. Each group can likewise contain several subgroups, which in turn are often divided into even smaller groups. For example, within each Kingdom there are usually several groups called Phyla. These Phyla all share some broad characteristics in common, placing them within the same Kingdom, but they can be distinguished from each other by more subtle variations. And within each Phylum, there are usually several Classes that are united by characteristics into the same Phylum, but also distinct in other ways allowing them to be group separately. The species is the smallest grouping of organisms, although there can be many varieties or subspecies. It should also be noted that most of the levels shown in the hierarchy above have been further subdivided or elevated. Common prefixes used with the root taxonomy designations include: sub, infra, super, supra, etc. Kingdoms Until recently, The Kingdom level was the broadest grouping of organisms, of which there were 5 generally recognized. For many textbooks, these 5 will still be seen (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Monera). More recently Monera was divided into Eubacteria and Archaea(formerly known as Archaebacteria) rendering six kingdoms. Subsequently, Archaea and Eubactera (now Bacteria) were elevated along with Eukaryota to the level of Domains. In the following table, the 6 Kingdom system is displayed, although individual pages will identify the latter two as domains. Species The specific scientific name given to any organism is a binomial comprised of the names of the genus and species to which the individual belongs. For example, the Gray Wolf belongs to the Genus-Canis and the Species-Lupas, and therefore, its scientific name is Canis lupas. Species in the same genus can never have the same species-name, but species belonging to different genera can share species-name. An example is Lathyrus sativus and Crocus sativus. The name of the genus is always written with the first letter capitalized, while the species-name is written in small caps. Furthermore the subspecies is represented by a trinomial, which contains the species binomial plus the specific subspecies name. Baraminology Main Article: Baraminology Baraminology is a creation biology discipline that studies of the ancestry of life on Earth (biosystematics). It draws from the presupposition that God created many kinds of organisms as described in the Biblical book of Genesis, and is an effort to use scientific means to determine which organisms separate kinds (baramin), and which are related. Creationist biosystematics enables us to more clearly view and understand relationships that might not be visible from a naturalistic perspective. Most importantly, it provides another way for us to know the Creator. The Baraminology Study Group (BSG) has been instrumental in this area of research. The group is involved to further the development and research of this theoretical framework in creation biology within a forum of leading creation scientists in the relevant fields.[3] Cladistics Main Article: Cladistics Cladistics is a classification system for species which seeks to determine how different species are related. Evolutionary cladistics is based on the hypothesis of common descent, or the belief that all life on Earth is related. Creationist cladistics, on the other hand, is based on the hypothesis of created kinds, or the idea that all life on Earth was created by God fully formed and functional, so that some forms of life are related, but others are not. One variation of systematics is known as phylogenetic systematics (from the Greek words for phylon which means race and genetics which means birth). Instead of relying only upon morphology, cladists also use fossil evidence, genetic, and biochemical analysis to construct treelike diagrams called "cladograms". Taxonomy is different than cladistics. Cladistics is the classification of species by ancestry. Taxonomy, on the other hand, is the classification of species by their characteristics, but makes no claim to their ancestry. While creationists and evolutionists disagree fundamentally on cladistics, they agree for the most part on taxonomy. History of name Historically the common names of many animals can be credited to the first man - Adam. The book of Genesis chapter 2 tells us that God brought every bird and beast of the field to Adam so he could name them. Arguably many of the common names still used today are derived from this ancient nomenclature. Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. Genesis 2:19-21 (NASB)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:26:47

Max, you quote from Genesis. Do you take it literally? If not, why do you bring it up in a forum about evolution?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:28:25

Yes I believe the Genesis story.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:31:23

Max claims to be a Christian but his outward fruit shows he is not.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:52:21

"Do you take it literally?" was the question.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:52:55

Calvin I really think you should stop smoking that stuff, your going nuts! I identify with Christianity and believe in the teachings of Christ. I think Christian teachings are profitable in more ways than one. Your accusation is strange.

Max claims to be a Christian but his outward fruit shows he is not.
lets change that around and see what it sounds like. Calvin claims to be an Atheist but his outward fruit shows he is not. Now I don't know what your vision of Christianity is or what you think Christians should do but if your truly an Atheist I find it hard to believe that you are even remotely concerned about this issue. We Yanks have a term up here its called being a "Ball Buster" and if you get your kicks doing that I guess there is nothing wrong with that. May be your an Atheist because you don't have anything to live up to or for? May be you like to make the rules as you go? I really don't know what your reasons are for being an Atheist but as far as I have seen here by your comments in this forum, there is no good reason.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:54:13

"Your email address will not be published." But your home town maybe.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:54:40

Yes. 6 days of creation, Flood fact, Adam and Eve, yes sir I believe it all.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 01:55:53

I think it is already, I live in Youngstown Oh and my phone number is on the internet as well. So what?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:07:20

perhaps I should repeat myself; the only significant empirical Taxonomical division is species. Why? Because species is the only division that can be verified objectively. This is why not many people know anything about Taxonomy, because the five Kingdom classification system does not work with modern data, organisms don't fit neatly into groups and this goes directly in the face of everything we know as humans as we like to sort things into categories. However when examining the data it is impossible to identify any point in Taxonomy where everything is evidentially related to everything else. The only division in Taxonomy that is empirical that is objective (as in not subjective) is species.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:08:28

Beyond that why would you believe something which all evidence is against? Your philosophy makes no sense.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:21:17

I was referring to you, who invited me here, giving out information about me. I worked for a local internet company for five years and it wasn't considered professional at the time. I guess I'm just getting old. ymmv.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:21:35

You have not been listening to anything that I said. If all you believe in is science you will never know the truth. I illustrated this with you and your true belief of your grandfathers existence. Not testable and not repeatable. Yet you still have historical evidence that he existed. If you want to close your mind to good evidence and only accept scientific evidence as truth then your stupid. Your philosophy makes no sense! In fact you have no right using the word philosophy anywhere in your speech, philosophy has no place in science at all if that all you claim to believe is the source for truth. Of course it does in evolution because of its claims.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:24:43

You mean when I referred to your home town in the stats? I will remove it. I did not know that you wanted that confidential. You do know that anyone has access to the information that I provided? Every time you email, get on a website, your ip is a requirement. I will remove it though, I apologize I was just sharing information.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:25:05

Here we have a strange contrast where you two are happy to give out personal information where as I'm so paranoid that people will look up my work that I don't even use a real name.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:26:55

Greedy do you want me to take that location off of here? Let me know and I will. Like I said I am all over the internet so I can't hide even if I wanted to.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:30:33

No, when you use the scientific method you have the most reliable data available. Why? Because humans are removed from the process as much as possible. Why? Because humans are idiots, throughout history it's like playing Chinese whispers, the more people you have to go through to get information the more we screw up. This is why science is a good measure for getting accurate data because it relies of testable evidence. Not knowing everything is not worse than believing something that is testable and false or something that is not testable and thus cannot be vindicated.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:33:35

Well I don't think humans are idiots, there are a lot of good people out there and in the past as well. I am beginning to understand why you think you are so smart. Tell me are you human? And if you are why should I think your not an idiot? I think you need a better worldview. Just because we have had some evil people in the past and present does not mean that everyone is mentally challenged.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:34:41

and no, I said your philosophy makes no sense, I did not say science is a philosophy (it is not)...your pulling data from thin air again. the scientific method is only a way of tackling the problem of getting reliable information, this is why History is not a science, even though History tries to remain objective it cannot because the data is difficult to or impossible to test. I'll go slowly (again): Testable data = Good data = correct (or as close to as available) conclusion Untestable assumptions = Bad data = false assertions


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:35:50

Has science ever communicated something that was not true?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:38:29

Yes, I think people are idiots. Why? because history is filled with people making stupid choices, and we all have to deal with the outcomes of these stupid choices. But yes, I can see your logic...however your point falls on deaf ears because I like all humans am an idiot. I make stupid choices just like everyone else, the difference is that in order to make the right choices I remove humans (including myself) from the equation.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:39:18

Science? yes Modern Science? we don't know for sure, but all evidence indicates no


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:41:31

No, again I'm fine with people knowing the little scattered bits of information that I have given. I just find it amusing that you two are discussing your home towns and using your real names while I'm might be in a cave somewhere on Mars for all you know.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:41:39

Your a nut, not an idiot!pun intended You cant remove yourself from the equation. Its all in the mind anyway, even science experiments.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:43:52

I know exactly where you are and who you are. I even saw a picture of you ;) well I had to guess form a line up but I know that one of them are you. lol I can post the picture if you like.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:47:35

No, there are easy ways of removing yourself from the equation...they are called experiments! For example when sequencing the rat genome I am removed from the equation because the experiment does not directly involve me. I can then conduct further tests to see what each gene corresponds to (I have not as such tests would take years). In history however you are relying primarily on interpretation of historical evidence, in science all we can say is "this is the evidence"...people can run with it if they like but that's not scientific. When evidence and facts are grouped however it is called a "Theory" which explains why this occurs, a Theory is not to be confused with an interpretation however.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:49:20

Well its "NOT"* good to ignore evidence, even historical data. You got to take it all it and quit being so narrow minded. Live a little, its fun. * I had a typo here


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:49:33

Hang on...I'm going to call your bluff, I don't think you have enough information to draw such a conclusion. If your telling the truth, much credit to you is deserved for your deductive skills Watson.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:52:43

Again, evidence in science is defined by what is testable...why? because only testable and veritably factual data is useful. Outside of what can be tested? I know nothing, and knowledge is not present in such areas because believing something is not knowing (if this makes sense). Science is far from narrow minded, we just refuse to delve into what cannot be tested and vindicated...that's where religion comes in.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 02:57:17

Ok I have to admit I did not know which one was you but i am thinking its the one on the left because of the eyes.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:00:07

Okay, there's no picture...I am actually interested in your deductive skills though, so is it working for you or is there a link you can send me because I can' actually see the picture you posted.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:01:53

refresh your page


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:05:37

I actually thought you had gotten enough information to find me and I thought I haven't given you enough credit, though I can say that I am none of those primates, I like you belong to a completely different species and am separated from these Japanese primates by a large body of water (though the actual name of this species escapes me)...it is interesting though that you nailed the time-zone almost perfectly.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:11:51

lol, you do know that every time that you go to a website, send an email, leave a comment, including youtube you can be traced by your computers IP? Its not that hard anyone can do it. A lot of people think they can hide on the internet but its not true unless you have a remote IP and even then there are ways to track you down. I have helped the police track people down with their IP's and taught some on the subject. I understand your situation though and I would never endanger a human being. Calvin was upset with me because I traced him down to his city, I did not think it was a big deal but I removed the information because he does not want anyone to know he actually lives on the moon.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:13:57

Max - I think Christian teachings are profitable in more ways than one. Your accusation is strange. "Max claims to be a Christian but his outward fruit shows he is not." lets change that around and see what it sounds like. Calvin claims to be an Atheist but his outward fruit shows he is not. cs - That would be great. Since atheists are usually thought of in the negative, then my fruit, according to you, seems positive. thanks. Max - "...if your truly an Atheist I find it hard to believe that you are even remotely concerned about this issue." cs - fyi The word "atheist" only needs to be capitalized when it comes at the first of a sentence. I am interested in people who claim to be Christian. It is my hobby. I collect their words and see if they match up with the teachings of Christ. If not, I call their bluff.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:21:34

That's badass, though why you felt the need to track him down in the first place is called into question...I'm getting off topic here aren't I?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:27:38

we were talking about stats, i did not track him, this stuff is emailed to me every day


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:29:57

So you are the Christian police?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:31:42

cs - Max, please calm down and take a few minutes to think about what the words "Holy balls", mean to you. I am trying not to think of it, but it is hard when someone brings it up. Holy means _____________, balls means _____________? Am I being strange for seeing an image of a gods genitalia? Is it really just me? Your language is getting worse rather than better. Please don't run me off with your rudeness. peace Max - You see the way this works here is that you have to provide evidence with references to support your claims. cs -We agree here. Max - "By the way you misspelled ...." cs - Don't go there, you are such a huge target for spelling and grammar lessons. Show the man where he was wrong in any of the connections he showed. Max - "...but you need to come down to earth here." cs - Leave out the ad hom and the genitalia and state your point.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:34:43

okay fair enough, we were discussing what constitutes evidence correct?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:35:51

yes but i am going to bed, ill get your emails in the am your pm, lol.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:41:57

I think greedy is doing a good enough job here Calvin. Quit trying to be the christian police. You an atheist for crying out loud! Yes Calvin my balls are holy and made by God.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:43:54

Thanks Greedy. I couldn't take your challenge because I have this chart hanging on my wall: http://www.evogeneao.com/images/Evo_large.gif Please advise of any other charts or diagrams for my collection. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:44:10

What constitutes evidence in a scientific context? Anything that is tested and shown to be correct, for example DNA exists and this is it's function because of experiment A, B and C. What is a theory? A Theory is a grouping of facts and evidence to explain why something happens, for example DNA functions like this because of the data revealed in experiment A, B and C. Is this open to interpretation? No, unlike historical evidence scientific evidence is not open to interpretation. A Theory is only a grouping of fact and if not an interpretation of them as previously claimed by yourself. Why is evolution considered a Theory? Because it is is grouping of all available evidence and data and is not open to interpretation i.e. evolution is supported by all facts and refuted by none. Why do Theories change if they are considered correct? Because as new data emerges our Theories must be adjusted, that is to say we simply cannot ignore evidence (as you do Max) and we must adjust our ideas accordingly. This is not the same as twisting the facts, as a Theory is not subject to interpretation and is therefore objective and cannot twist facts.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:51:42

I'll be honest that wouldn't have helped anyway, as I was discussing a particular linage not a Taxonomical Tree. The difference is that while I list from Eukaryotes to Humans, the actual process is from Humans to Eukaryotes...why? because it's easier to understand and your chart is of different linages not of one line...this means that instead of naming the group that we come from it simply lists a few we don't. Beyond that your chart also imposes evolution and time both of which have nothing to do with Taxonomy (though are confirmed by it). But I am surprised you have such a knowledge regardless, most people don't know shit about Taxonomy.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:54:11

Yes, thanks. I am torn between telling my life story and being a hermit. It's not so much I wanted it confidential as that it was mine (I thought, silly me) to give out when it was asked for. It was a surprise. I really don't mean to get so side tracked. Saying a long good bye to GreedyCB, and still moving over to the ObjectivMo forum. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 03:59:16

We were talking about statistics because the alleged Christian, Max, was bragging about his businesses and showed us a graph and a figure of approx. 22,000 viewers. Yes, we are getting off track. Back to evolution and those who think it is a scam. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 04:01:49

And once again you refuse to read my comment, but feel the need to comment anyway. No, all you do is profess that I am wrong, ignore all evidence to the opposite, present a bad case for your "argument", watch it get debunked, ignore the fact that it has been debunked and then bring it up again later as if it hadn't been dealt with. I did not misspell Eykarya, that is the name of the classification. It is commonly called Eukaryote for the same reason the division Anamilia is commonly known as Animals. It is the Latin name and thus the name for that classification but not it's common name, for example the proper name for Humans is Homo-sapien, does that mean that our species name is incorrect because it is not the one commonly used? No, because that is the scientific name and when discussing scientific classification one uses such names! Try looking it up for yourself, instead of constantly calling bullshit at every single fact that does not agree with your preconceived notions about reality because almost all of them are wrong!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 04:06:54

"when sequencing the genome from a rat one..." not "when sequencing the rat genome I..." That's giving me credentials I don't have...sorry.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 04:09:59

Beyond that I am unsure what you wish for me to do...do you want any charts indicating Taxonomy, Evolution, Genetics or Biology in general? I have access to all of the above but cannot be sure what your collection is composed of...for example you may be fascinated in Evolution and I would recommend a chart from Taxonomy...which may yield someone to make incorrect assumptions about both assuming they belong to the same field.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 04:38:52

Max - Has science ever communicated something that was not true? cs - As a layperson, I will answer that scientists have been wrong and passed on information which was later shown to be untrue. "Has science..." no. Science is not something which "communicates." I will most likely defer to the biologist from Australia.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 04:49:10

Thanks. I thought I could have used it as a "cheat sheet" and it would be too hard to avoid looking at it. I will go back over your list and see what I would have missed. I wonder if you will mention any uneducated Americans in your upcoming lectures? I wouldn't presume to lecture but I would be interested if any of the lectures at your University are recorded. I love to listen to books or lectures on audio. peace p.s. - Do you folks in Australia celebrate Valentines Day?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 04:56:31

There was no reply button, so, I come down here and quote that to which I am replying: "MaximusMcc - Your a nut, not an idiot!pun intended You cant remove yourself from the equation. Its all in the mind anyway, even science experiments." cs - This is what I have been saying all along - Max - "You cant remove yourself from the equation. Its all in the mind" cs - It is subjective once it passes through a mind. Greedy will (I hope) explain why an experiment is objective or as close as we can get to objective, rather than the subjective mind of the observer.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 05:23:47

MaximusMcc Well its good to ignore evidence, even historical data. You got to take it all it and quit being so narrow minded. Live a little, its fun. cs - Were you not the one who recommended I should stop smoking the stuff? wwjd


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:13:50

No lol. We know this stuff. I've known it since the mid 80's. It seems creepy to me to talk about it instead of talking about evolution or morality. It is a big deal. Every word you say is a big deal. Use them sparingly. Let your yes be yes and your no, no.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:19:50

If anyone should want to contact me, my email is [email protected] I'm not sure why this forum has a message about email addresses being protected when that is the way most of us communicate. jmo.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:34:50

I try not to, as it is unrelated to Biology or even science in general...but occasionally we all need a good laugh at some Yank (no offence). I will see if I can land some lectures from others at the University, I don't record them myself but the students do; either as notes for others or just because they can. I will try to leave myself out of them if I can find any at all, but I will have a look. We do indeed celebrate St Valentine's Day, however like Christmas, Halloween, New Years and other holidays we don't make a big deal out of it.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:36:24

To be perfectly clear, I didn't know that...I don't really know much about computers.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:40:21

Been there done that, you should find my response just below his comment...but if you can't find it I'll explain: PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS, the more we remove people from our data the more reliable it is, in the case of an experiment because no human input is needed or input is minimised the results are objective or as close to objective as available. Theories are not open to interpretation like most think, they are only a grouping of facts obtained from experimentation and observation.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:45:38

At least in what is known as "modern science", prior to that scientific observation and "theories" resembled religious apologetics.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:50:35

I don't think he's very consistent. First he claims that I ignore evidence, then when I explain the opposite is true he tells me to ignore evidence...then after I explain that Theories are based on all available, testable evidence he calls me closed minded...


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 06:52:04

btw, it's pm here too...learn to time-zone :P


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 12:39:27

Here are a couple good charts for ya Calvin, why don't you put these on your wall too. <-notice its a period not a question mark.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 12:47:07

Not really a fair comparison; the above was constructed by scientists over a period of approx 50 years and the other by bronze age goat herders in what appears to be one afternoon.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 12:49:00

Look at what you are saying for just a second. To wrap it all up here you are saying theories can be wrong and so we change them, improve them, as new evidence emerges. So obviously there are usually better explanations but based on current evidence this is all what we have to go on in the "Scientific Method" approach. I am interested in "ABSOLUTE TRUTH" this is my subject and I don't understand why you have a hard time with this. You are the one not accepting all the evidences, you only accept "Interpretation of Scientific Evidence as in evolutionary theory" as truth and I have already proven that is fallible.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 12:53:55

"cs – As a layperson, I will answer that scientists have been wrong and passed on information which was later shown to be untrue. “Has science…” no. Science is not something which “communicates.” I will most likely defer to the biologist from Australia." re- Do I have too? No science itself does not communicate directly (that's my job), I think what he means is "has science got it wrong before?" and the answer is that "science" has, however "modern science" as far as we can tell has not. This is due largely to the adoption of "methodological-naturalism" as the scientific philosophy rather than Creationism. This is good because unlike Creationism this philosophy requires testable evidence only and does not allow for extrapolation without cause, and because there aren't thousands of types of "methodological-naturalistic" stories competing without any testable evidence it also helps make science a global enterprise.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 12:54:25

Cladistics This cladogram shows the assumed evolutionary relationship among various insect groups. In such cladograms, the length of the horizontal lines indicates time elapsed Cladistics is a classification system for species which seeks to determine how different species are related. Evolutionary cladistics is based on the hypothesis of common descent, or the belief that all life on Earth is related. Creationist cladistics, on the other hand, is based on the hypothesis of created kinds, or the idea that all life on Earth was created by God fully formed and functional, so that some forms of life are related, but others are not. One variation of systematics is known as phylogenetic systematics (from the Greek words for phylon which means race and genetics which means birth). Instead of relying only upon morphology, cladists also use fossil evidence, genetic, and biochemical analysis to construct treelike diagrams called "cladograms". Contents [hide] 1 Cladistics and Taxonomy 2 Cladogenesis 3 See Also 4 Related References Cladistics and Taxonomy Cladistics is different from taxonomy. Taxonomy, devised by the creationist Carolus Linnaeus, classifies species by their characteristics, but makes no claim to their ancestry. Cladistics, on the other hand, is the study of the ancestry of species. Due to their assumption of common ancestry, evolutionists sometimes equate cladistics and taxonomy, assuming that because lifeforms are similar, they must be related. Creationists do not equate the two, because they recognize that similarities between species do not necessarily imply common ancestry. A massive web-based cladistics project with an evolutionary perspective can be found at The Tree of Life[1]. Here a group of biologists from around the world are attempting to put the consensus evolutionary relationships of all organisms onto the web. The creation science community is currently without a similar collaborative resource for the created kinds. However, the Baraminology Study Group has developed some useful databases, such as the HybriDatabase[2], and the Multivariate Analysis Repository[3], which are sure to become valuable tools in our study of the history of created kinds. Cladogenesis Cladogenesis is a term used to describe a splitting event within a species hierarchical tree based on their common genetic and morphological makeup. This branching will form a clade, or what is a group of species consisting of an ancestor specie and all of its descendant species. It can be seen in the trademark branching created during the speciation modes of heavy geographical isolation.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 12:59:19

Firstly, you have done no such thing in relation to evolution all you have done is expose your own ignorance on the subject. Secondly "absolute truth" does not exist and/or cannot be vindicated. Therefore what you call "absolute truth" is probably not, the closest we have is that presented by modern science and even that may be flawed in some way that we don't know yet. The main difference is that while you preach absolute truth with no evidence I expose fact as we understand it based on all evidence available.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 13:01:03

"approx 150 years"...FUCK


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 13:05:24

All correct (accept from a few terms here and there) but beyond that I don't see your point. Of course I'm not going to ask you about an "evolutionist" model, you'd just reject the thing and call it witchcraft or something. Yes, Taxonomy is not the current method used for classification by most scientists, however it is far easier to understand because it is an over simplification of a known fact...so what?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 13:33:13

I think it would be better talking to you if you accepted definitions that we who speak the English language understand them to be. You continually change things and definitions so I don't know how to take you sometimes. I am pretty much a straight shooter when it comes to my points and I would have no problem debating you on this issue and winning too. Here is the problem, you are not considering all the evidence. #1 you don't have enough time for your theory even on an evolutionary scale not even 20 billion years is enough time for everything to happen naturally. ref(a) ref(b) #2 You take Evolution on faith because you have never observed one creature turning into another creature [macro-evolution] you simply say there is "no mechanism" so your faith is that science will not find the mechanism naturally. You observe adaptations and assume that this continues as in your Eukarya illustrations. ref(a) ref(b) #3. You have not debunked anything except that it was soft tissue found in a t-rex not red blood cells which I corrected by the way. #4 You fallaciously keep claiming that I am ignoring the evidence, I am not. I am looking at all the evidence here is an example. If "A" is true and "B" is false they do not equal truth when added together collectively. I know that you think people are idiots and none of their testimony is reliable but all you have for your science is testimony of other people. People however are not idiots and there are good trustworthy people out there who let themselves be guided by objective moral values. They don't make up the rules as they go or as society politically and socially lets them. There are people that actually believe in truth and are concerned with that subject. There is evidence that we have a soul, documented evidence and I am sure that you did not even investigate when I gave you references because to you people are idiots. If your faith is in science alone then you are not ever going to understand truth.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 13:41:37

We were talking about science experiments not Objective Morality Calvin!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 13:54:43

Calvin I had a dream last night and I woke up laughing. Now I don't know what you look like but I imagined that you are probably an older gentleman according to your comments and stuff. So in my dream last night you were trying to convince me that Jesus Christ was not a Christian. Ironically he was not a Christian here is the definition.

Chris·tian   [kris-chuhn] Show IPA adjective 1.of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings: a Christian faith. 2.of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ: Spain is a Christian country. 3.of or pertaining to Christians: many Christian deaths in the Crusades. 4.exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike: She displayed true Christian charity. 5.decent; respectable: They gave him a good Christian burial. EXPAND noun 7.a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity. 8.a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ: He died like a true Christian. 9.a member of any of certain Protestant churches, as the Disciples of Christ and the Plymouth Brethren. 10.the hero of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. 11.a male given name.
Now is there any definition given here that you can remotely attribute to my character?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 14:22:16

There is nothing objective about science experiments. Let me illustrate. You are starting with a question and science only can deal with natural subjective issues. The background research that you are doing is usually dependent on subjective sources. The hypothesis is obviously subjective as well as the conclusion. It is impossible to remove people from the data and theories are open to interpretation as illustrated here in the scientific method.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 14:23:34

What your doing is called "Scientific Apologetics"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 14:26:56

I had a typo! i'll correct that.

Well its "NOT" good to ignore evidence, even historical data. You got to take it all it and quit being so narrow minded. Live a little, its fun.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 14:38:22

Are you absolutely sure that absolute truth does not exist? Your ignorance is exposed even in your statement.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 14:39:18

I wonder why Calvin does not get on you for cussing?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 14:42:57

I cant wait until HybriDatabase and the Multivariate Analysis Repository are completed. Of course creationist always lead the way in understanding I am sure you guys will catch up sooner or later.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 22:42:43

That's cute I haven't seen a chart like that since I was in high school. But you are still wrong, let me explain: 1. Question: this does not refer more often than not to you actually asking a question but simply something to tell you to collect data. 2. Research: this does not involve logging onto Wikipedia or just Googling it, this involves other scientific papers, which themselves are objective...why because they obtained all data form objective sources like you. 3. Hypothesise: a formality only, just an educated guess on which direction the results will favour. 4. Experimentation: this is where you actually perform the experiment 5. Publish results: the results of your experiment are put forward for peer review. What part of that is not objective?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 23:01:04

No Max, no it's not


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 23:04:29

I'm Australian we don't pussyfoot around.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 23:06:48

Like I said Taxonomy is an oversimplification of an observed reality, Creationists haven't lead the way since the Dark Ages. Only when Religion was separated from discovery was modern science conceived.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 23:09:23

Beyond that Taxonomy is actually a good system with one draw back. It can't handle the mass of data that has been gathered since it's invention, we have too many transitions that fit into more than one class...I use it on forums such as this or talking to some first year students because it's so simple and easy to understand.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 23:11:33

Nobody aside from Creationists will ignore evidence, however reasonable people do question subjective evidences reliability and in Science if it cannot be vindicated then it might as well not exist.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-14 23:13:19

Perhaps 7 and 10...but that's about it.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 01:15:00

Thank you, I shall rephrase that. Aristotle Philosophy tells us that as humans we do not have access to absolute truth (however Aristotle was wrong about just about everything else so he might have been wrong about this as well) science adopts this because we know that people are not perfect. No matter how much we remove ourselves from our experiments, no matter how much objective data we obtain we are still processing it through our senses and thus could be flawed in some way that we don't know of.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 04:31:05

I don't see how your comment relates to what is above it. I have been trying to move the religious/morality issues over to the other forum. You keep replying to me here. It's up to you.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 04:43:46

No sir.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 04:46:35

We agree. It is not good to ignore evidence.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 04:52:02

#11., if Max' middle name is Christian.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 04:57:48

Max - "So in my dream last night you were trying to convince me that Jesus Christ was not a Christian. Ironically he was not a Christian ...." cs - Of course he was not a Christian. I am trying to convince you that none of the people who claim to be Christians are such.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 05:01:34

That may have to do with your work being more important (more likely to be plagiarized) than ours. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 05:17:32

GreedyCB - "...we simply cannot ignore evidence (as you do Max) and we must adjust our ideas accordingly. "


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 06:21:34

sorry, I meant 11 as well


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 06:50:33

I'm actually going to have to pretend like I'm taking you seriously again aren't I? #1 " you don’t have enough time for your theory even on an evolutionary scale not even 20 billion years is enough time for everything to happen naturally." We've been through this before; 4.6 billion-4.8 billion years is plenty of time for evolution, there are approx 111-120 mutations per human zygote at conception (most are natural), you really don't have a case here. #2 "You take Evolution on faith because you have never observed one creature turning into another creature [macro-evolution] you simply say there is “no mechanism” so your faith is that science will not find the mechanism naturally. You observe adaptations and assume that this continues as in your Eukarya illustrations." We've been through this before, new species form more commonly than one might think; the Apple Maggot Fruit Fly (R. pomonella), Madeira island house mice (so recent it has yet to be classified with a scientific name) and a Radish and Cabbage hybrid (hybridisation but still technically a new species). Nothing in science other than some branches of Mathematics is taken on any faith, we've been through this before as well, bringing up a point that has already been dealt with and debunked before does not add credit to it. #3 "You have not debunked anything except that it was soft tissue found in a t-rex not red blood cells which I corrected by the way" We've covered this as well, I have debunked all your claims aside from soft tissue, I still cannot find the original article but from what I can find it is "fossilised soft tissue" and not soft tissue itself, a rare find but not unique or impossible. #4 "You fallaciously keep claiming that I am ignoring the evidence, I am not. I am looking at all the evidence here is an example. If “A” is true and “B” is false they do not equal truth when added together collectively. I know that you think people are idiots and none of their testimony is reliable but all you have for your science is testimony of other people. People however are not idiots and there are good trustworthy people out there who let themselves be guided by objective moral values. They don’t make up the rules as they go or as society politically and socially lets them. There are people that actually believe in truth and are concerned with that subject. There is evidence that we have a soul, documented evidence and I am sure that you did not even investigate when I gave you references because to you people are idiots. If your faith is in science alone then you are not ever going to understand truth." As also previously discussed you are not, simply cherry picking cases that agree with your particular religion and rejecting everything else as if it isn't happening in no universe is considered looking at "all the evidence". We've been through objective moral values as well and established that they do not exist as you understand them and we've been "science is testimony of other people", science is testable data and nothing else. We've been through this before as well, science does not require faith in anything other than certain branches of mathematics (which more often than not do not apply to science directly but stay within the realm of mathematics). You claim there is evidence for a soul...share it, please, if such a thing were true it would surely be one of the great discoveries of modern science.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 09:27:41

Similar to comparing this: http://www.elementsdatabase.com/Images/periodic_table.gif To this: http://www.yankitouch.com/davydov/images/site/element.jpg Respectively


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 09:28:37

Great now Max is putting this stuff up for moderation


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 10:35:13

1. Oh I see, you not actually asking questions there is something mysterious asking to collect data. Bottom line its a question not a command. 2. I know scientist that are evolutionist and atheist also utilize the internet resources like Google. I have friends that are Doctors here as well utilize the information super highway. Just because you don't and refuse to turn a blind eye to this valuable resource does not mean that everyone does. 3.Agreed 4.agreed 5.Sure What part is not objective? Just what I said in my previous comment. The first step is a question no matter how you word it or slice the cheese. Scientific questions have presuppositions, they always do which make scientific questions subjective. Based upon what you are studying at the time it is your understanding of the subject that poses the question. Even the type of experiment is subjective based upon understanding and the hypothesis is self explanatory that that is subjective. Based on this information I think you need to change your world view. People are not idiots that is why they ask these questions, they were endowed with this gift from their creator. Science is beautiful but it is only a part of life not a genuine source for truth.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 10:41:18

I have to admit I thought I made that phrase up "Scientific Apologetics" so I actually looked it up and you are right. That phrase is applied to reason in science. I should not of applied that to you and I am sorry. However I think a better term is "Evolutionary Apologetics" maybe you might like that better than "Evolutionist"? Either way it don't matter, "Science Apologetics" already belongs to the creationist anyway.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 10:44:46

Thats nice that you are proud of your country over there. I think you have a beautiful country and I would like to visit it but I can't take the chance because of the violence that you told me about. I think I will visit China instead. How did the white man get to Australia? Don't give me any evolutionary answer either, I want to know the truth.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 10:48:52

I have seen your simple observed reality, taking a dog like creature and making it a whale, NOT! Well at least you admit creationist lead the way although your date is more than a little off. Religion is what started science and although I agree that some religious leaders in the past misled scientific inquiry and botched a lot of things up I have to say that I see the evolutionist doing the same thing today.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 10:58:23

You don't have one transition. Modern science tells us this. There are variation's within species but no matter how many times you breed something, fruit flies, dogs, cats, they always come out according to their species. Let me illustrate it to you like this. A deck of cards resembles chromosomes in a species like dogs for example. You can shuffle that deck as many times as you want but it will never produce another deck of cards. Some of what you consider transitions are nothing more than variations in species macro-evolution you take on faith and that's why you are an "Evolutionist"


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:00:38

Like your great great great great grandfather? Your a nut! Truth is better than science. Creationist do not ignore evidence, there are some things they do not understand but the same is true on both sides of the fence here. Your no better than they are.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:02:50

What are you talking about?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:08:55

Calvin I reply to most of the comments on this site. I have replied to you over there as well. You can speak where ever you wish.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:13:44

You guys are brutal but at least I know now that Calvin is not honest at all. Thanks!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:28:46

I don't ignore evidence Calvin I merely try to understand it in light of all the other evidence that can bring a "Truthful" conclusion. Science is not interested in anything else but science. Think of it this way Calvin, science is like statistics all it is suppose to do is communicate facts. Yet just like statistics, science lies. There is a 59.7% chance that you are white there is a 67.2% chance that you own your own home.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:40:12

"comment awaiting moderation" in big red letters


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:40:33

I don't think you are serious I think you have a great imagination though. 1. I think the burden of proof is on you not me. To say that I do not have a case here is just garbage. This is going to be a lengthy response so I will respond point #1 in one post. Abstract: A recent attempt was made to resolve the heretofore unaddressed issue of the estimated time for evolution, concluding that there was plenty of time. This would have been a very significant result had it been correct. It turns out, however, that the assumptions made in formulating the model of evolution were faulty and the conclusion of that attempt is therefore unsubstantiated. [This post will remain at the top of the page until 00 hours Tuesday May 31. For reader convenience, other coverage continues below. - UD News] The standard neo-Darwinian theory accounts for evolution as the result of long sequences of random mutations each filtered by natural selection. The random nature of this basic mechanism makes evolutionary events random. The theory must therefore be tested by estimating the probabilities of those events. This probability calculation has, however, not yet been adequately addressed. Wilf & Ewens [2010] (W&E) recently attempted to address this issue, but their attempt was unsuccessful. Their model of the evolutionary process omitted important features of evolution invalidating their conclusions. They considered a genome consisting of L loci (genes), and an evolutionary process in which each allele at these loci would eventually mutate so that the final genome would be of a more “superior” or “advanced” type. They let K-1 be the fraction of potential alleles at each gene locus that would contribute to the “superior” genome. They modeled the evolutionary process as a random guessing of the letters of a word. The word has L letters in an alphabet of K letters. In each round of guessing, each letter can be changed and could be converted to a “superior” letter with probability K-1. At the outset they stated the two goals of their study, neither of which they achieved. Their first goal was to “to indicate why an evolutionary model often used to ‘discredit’ Darwin, leading to the ‘not enough time’ claim, is inappropriate.” Their second goal was “to find the mathematical properties of a more appropriate model.” They described what they called the “inappropriate model” as follows: “The paradigm used in the incorrect argument is often formalized as follows: Suppose that we are trying to find a specific unknown word of L letters, each of the letters having been chosen from an alphabet of K letters. We want to find the word by means of a sequence of rounds of guessing letters. A single round consists in guessing all of the letters of the word by choosing, for each letter, a randomly chosen letter from the alphabet. If the correct word is not found, a new sequence is guessed, and the procedure is continued until the correct sequence is found. Under this paradigm the mean number of rounds of guessing until the correct sequence is found is indeed KL.” They gave no reference for such a model and, to my knowledge, no responsible person has ever proposed such a model for the evolutionary process to “discredit” Darwin. Such a model had indeed been suggested by many, not for the evolutionary process, but for abiogenesis (e.g., [Hoyle & Wickramasinghe 1981]) where it is indeed appropriate. Their first goal was not achieved. They then described their own model, which they called “a more appropriate model.” On the basis of their model, they concluded that the mean time for evolution increases as K log L, in contrast to KL of the “inappropriate” model. They called the first model “serial” and said that their “more correct” model of evolution was “parallel”. Their characterization of “serial” and “parallel” for the above two models is mistaken. Evolution is a serial process, not a parallel one, and their model of the first, or “inappropriate”, process is better characterized as “simultaneous” than “serial” because the choosing of the sequence (either nucleotides or amino acids) is simultaneous. What they called their “more appropriate” model is the following: “After guessing each of the letters, we are told which (if any) of the guessed letters are correct, and then those letters are retained. The second round of guessing is applied only for the incorrect letters that remain after this first round, and so forth. This procedure mimics the ‘in parallel’ evolutionary process.” W&E were mistaken in thinking the evolutionary process to be an in-parallel one — it is an in-series one. A rare adaptive mutation may occur in one locus of the genome of a gamete of some individual, will become manifest in the genome of a single individual of the next generation, and will be heritable to future generations. If this mutation grants the individual an advantage leading to it having more progeny than its nonmutated contemporaries, the new genome’s representation in the population will tend to increase exponentially and eventually it may take over the population. Let p be the probability that in a particular generation, (1) an adaptive mutation will occur in some individual in the population, and (2) the mutated genome will eventually take over the population. If both these should happen, then we could say that one evolutionary step has occurred. The mean number of generations (waiting time) for the appearance of such a mutation and its subsequent population takeover is 1/p. (I am ignoring the generations needed for a successful adaptive mutation to take over the population. These generations must be added to the waiting time for a successful adaptive mutation to occur.) After the successful adaptive mutation has taken over the population, the appearance of another adaptive mutation can start another step. In L steps of this kind, L new alleles will be incorporated into the mean genome of the population. These steps occur in series and the mean waiting time for L such steps is just L times the waiting time for one of them, or L/p. Thus the number of generations needed to modify L alleles is linear in L and not logarithmic as concluded from the flawed analysis of W&E. The flaws in the analysis of W&E lie in the faulty assumptions on which their model is based. The “word” that is the target of the guessing game is meant to play the role of the set of genes in the genome and the “letters” are meant to play the role of the genes. A round of guessing represents a generation. Guessing a correct letter represents the occurrence of a potentially adaptive mutation in a particular gene in some individual in the population. There are K letters in their alphabet, so that the probability of guessing the correct letter is K-1. They wrote that 1– (1 – 1/K)r is the probability that the first letter of the word will be correctly guessed in no more than r rounds of guessing. It is also, of course, the probability that any other specific letter would be guessed. Then they wrote that [1– (1 – 1/K)r]L is the probability that all L letters will be guessed in no more than r rounds. The event whose probability is the first of the above two expressions is the occurrence in r rounds of at least one correct guess of a letter. This corresponds to the appearance of an adaptive mutation in some individual in the population. That of the second expression is the occurrence of L of them. From these probability expressions we see that according to W&E each round of guessing yields as many correct letters as are lucky enough to be guessed. The correct guesses in a round remain thereafter unchanged, and guessing proceeds in successive rounds only on the remaining letters. Their model does not mimic natural selection at all. In one generation, according to the model, some number of potentially adaptive mutations may occur, each most likely in a different individual. W&E postulate that these mutations remain in the population and are not changed. Contrary to their intention, this event is not yet evolution, because the mutations have occurred only in single individuals and have not become characteristic of the population. Moreover, W&E have ignored the important fact that a single mutation, even if it has a large selection coefficient, has a high probability of disappearing through random effects [Fisher 1958]. They allow further mutations only in those loci that have not mutated into the “superior” form. It is not clear if they intended that mutations be forbidden in those mutated loci only in those individuals that have the mutation or in other individuals as well. They have ignored the fact that evolution does not occur until an adaptive mutation has taken over the population and thereby becomes a characteristic of the population. Their letter-guessing game is more a parody of the evolutionary process than a model of it. They have not achieved their second goal either. Thus their conclusion that “there’s plenty of time for evolution” is unsubstantiated. The probability calculation to justify evolutionary theory remains unaddressed. References Fisher, R. A. (1958). The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, Oxford. Second revised edition, New York: Dover. [First published in 1929] Hoyle, F. and N. C. Wickramasinghe, (1981). Evolution from Space, London: Dent. Wilf, H. S. & Ewens, W. J. (2010) There’s plenty of time for evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107 (52): 22454-22456. [*] This paper is a critique of a paper that appeared recently in the Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA and rightfully should have been published there. It was submitted there and was rejected without review and the reason given was that the Board did not find it “to be of sufficient interest for publication.” When I noted how unreasonable this reply was, the editor replied that the paper “makes some obvious and elementary points of no relevance to the paper, and in my opinion does not warrant publication.” The Board then refused to comment further on the matter. It was clear that the Board’s rejection was not on the merit of the substance of the paper but for some other, undisclosed reason.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:41:37

"#7 a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity." Is the only other one that you could possibly be, and even that is debatable.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:48:42

Point #2. According to wikapedia a source that you recommended the Apple maggot has been around for quite a while and was discovered hundreds of years ago.

Rhagoletis pomonella is significant evolutionarily in that the race of this species that feeds on apples spontaneously emerged from the hawthorn feeding race in the 1800 - 1850 CE time frame after apples were introduced into North America.
Just because you discover something does not meant that it is new or evolving. That would be like me walking up to an oak tree and because it was the first time I saw it I declared that it was a new species. Give me a break.! So your point #2 is DEBUNKED!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:53:57

1. Not really, more often than not it's just someone wanting to collect data in an area where there is little...for example some verities of rodent and small marsupials have similar matting rituals (being a Biologist has it's perks...) one collecting data in that area is not actually asking a question directly though it could be interpreted that way. 2. Of course the internet is useful, that's where scientific papers are kept these days. All I am saying is that scientists don't just look up shit on wikipedia like you or most other people do, one of the hardest parts I remember as a student was making sure I had reliable sources...but you are right I tend to get my information from a library (also due to experiences while I was a student). "Science is beautiful but it is only a part of life not a genuine source for truth." We've been through this, because humans themselves are not perfect we do not have access to "truth" as you think we do. However by removing humans from the equation as much as possible we get as close as we can. Beyond that I have no idea what the hell your going on about in that last paragraph, are you saying that because people want to know something the results of an otherwise objective experiment are subjective (false) or that the tools we use are faulty because they don't agree with you (also false). People are idiots, we have the parenteral to do very well with our base intelligence but more often than not refuse to.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:54:12

Point #3. OK Point #4. Actually I read something last night that might just change my view on the age of the earth. It's evidence that convinces me not imagination. Funny thing about it, its cracks in a dried up mud puddle that may change how I view the age of the earth. Let it be known though that it was never insults from evolutionist or their grand imagination that is leading me to this hypothesis its just facts.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 11:58:17

Honestly I don't give a rats ass what you guys think about my Christianity or Christianity in general. I just wanted to show that Calvin is a liar. Any person could see that it is #7 even if they don't like me. I think it is good that you associate Christianity with good things which I am not, at least that is a start.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:00:31

Again...no, while I'm pretty sure you made the term "evolutionary apologetics" up as well, I must inform you that this is the informal name for the only other theory concerning life on Earth (and has been debunked), it's official name is "evolution by acquired characteristics" or in other words what you believe in (to an extent...it does also involve the "theory of common decent" but is much closer to what you believe than what is actually shown to be the case) as opposed to "evolution by natural selection". Surprisingly your pretty close with your assertion that "Science[tific] Apologetics already belongs to the creationist anyway" because that was the case for a long period of time. "Thinkers" were so concerned with what their particular holy book was telling them to believe that they intentionally made flawed observations and moulded their hypothesise around their particular religion (similar to modern religious apologetics).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:02:14

I don't understand your reply, could you please rephrase that?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:05:30

"...adherent of Christianity" not a good start Max, being Christian is to (among other things) be adherent of Christianity... Christianity as the Bible taught it (which almost nobody is), Christianity as you think of it (subjective) or does everyone else looking upon you make that judgement on a case by case basis?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:13:25

Australia isn't all bad, I recommend staying out of Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and Darwin (no joke needed). I'm not proud of being an Australian, I'm just saying that as a whole we are unlikely to bullshit, for example you Yanks and most of the Western World actually tell your children that Santa is a real person...here that's seen as lying instead of fun. Also in most western nations (I'm not sure about America but I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes) race is a very touchy issue, here I can describe a man's skin colour by comparing him to paper of a bar of chocolate and it's not considered racist (by most) but the second I say "of and btw he's white/black/asian/etc" I'm branded as a racist in the UK...here race is just another feature. China is very nice this time of year, though if your going to go abroad then I recommend Japan in the Autumn (you'll thank me later). Primarily the "white man" arrived in Australia as convicts brought over by the British or as settlers...why do you ask?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:17:19

I'm confused, are you saying that because Scientific methodology and all available data and observation don't agree with you...then they must be lying?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:28:54

Yes I made that one up too, I am all proud of my self as well. I think it will be a good ministry term for the evolutionist, I think I will copyright it and maybe even trademark it. READ MY WORDS "I DO NOT BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION BY ACQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS"! Well its true that the Bible is not a science book, I really don't think that it claims to be yet when it touches on scientific questions I can see there is a parallel with modern science. Take for instance the creation days, 6 of them. Ok well you look at that and say, that's ridiculous but I see something very different. The Bible describes a process and science today shows us there was a process and that everything did not happen at once. The order for that process is debatable sure but the fact that there was a process recognized by the writers is extraordinary to me when they had no scientific data telling them so. There are many reason why people were afraid to challenge scripture and today we see people like you who have an outright hatred for historical text calling everyone idiots etc. However hatred is blindness in so many ways and until you and others can come to grips with your animosity towards historical I cannot honestly accept your explanations without investigating them.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:31:03

You said

" reasonable people do question subjective evidences reliability and in Science if it cannot be vindicated then it might as well not exist."
You said if something cannot be proven scientifically then it may as well not exist. I think that's hog wash!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:39:12

Also called Lumarkism this is what you believe? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamarckism According to the theory, giraffes stretching their necks would somehow pass on longer necks to their offspring. Similar if you worked out then your offspring would be more fit even if they did not. I think your jumping to conclusions here again. Beyond that, basically your saying that because the Bible states that the universe as we know it was formed in 6 days 6,000 years ago and the universe was actually formed as we know in it in 14.7 billion years 14.7 billion years ago, that vindicates your holy book...I think that's very, very wishful thinking. No, I don't "hate" historical texts I just think that people in general are very, very stupid. Given an option between great long term and moderate short term growth people always chose the later when the prior is by far the more appropriate choice (this is also why the US and Europe are experiencing arguably the worse of the GFC).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:42:10

why? if it is just someone's word and there is no testable evidence to support it then more often than not it would be wrong. People lie, that's fact, trusting someone's word without vindication is a very, very poor choice.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:42:36

Really Greedy your feelings on Christianity mean nothing to me. Since you and Calvin really have no knowledge of it or even have the slightest clue what it means to be a Christian I really don't feel the necessity to discuss it with you. If you ask me for a defense of may Faith yes I can provide that, but attacking my character because you don't think I'm a believer in Christianity is just silly. Next thing I know you might be asking for my money because I am a christian, [don't laugh atheist have actually did this]. Your understating and Calvin's of Christianity is mutated grossly. In fact I think they are imaginary characters in your mind.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:50:31

Calm down, I'm just saying who determines the criteria is it you, the church or the Bible?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:50:45

Race use to be an issue here but not so much any more. In some area's especially in the south there are still areas that are racist. I do not know much about the history of Australia I was just curious about the white man over there. I think I will read a book on it. My x-wife has been there several times and always talks it up, maybe that's why I want to go. I always saw it as an out of the way place. Off the beaten path if you will, to travel back in time may be. Just by the way it is described to me.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 12:57:21

Throughout my life Max, I have been Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist and not I am a Non-Theist (in that order) so you are probably correct...but at the same time, I went through 4 religions in the space of a year (I was a teenager, so don't bother bringing that up) so what I don't understand is would you class me (during the period where I studied the particular faith) Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu or Buddhist? Given that I did not stay within most of those religions for more than a few months or would you class me throughout that entire ordeal as a Non-Theist given that I did not really study any in depth (like you apparently given that Calvin can and does easily show you up) and did not live exactly as the holy books told me to (like you).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:03:56

No I don't believe in Lumarkism as your description of it. Like I explained to you before I am unsure of the age of the earth. I will share with you something, I have already told you that I had a big problem with this before. To think that life and the universe was whipped up in 6 literal 24 hour periods is obviously not scientific. You are forced to ask religious question even if you are a scientist, if you don't admit this then you are not being honest. I like the idea of billions of years actually because it shows there was a lot of thought that went into my creation and that is why we have the abilities that we have. The reason why I considered a literal 24 hour period is that I believed and still do that God made a fully developed creature, an adult able to produce offspring. This adult would appear older than what it is of course and would have to have the abilities that an adult would have to have. I know that my reasons are philosophical I don't claim them to be proven scientifically. However the evolutionist reason are also philosophical as well even though you don't want to admit it.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:06:29

Not what I meant, what I meant was that some things that you consider "racist" are not considered such in other nations. Here I might say "Tom is darker than Fred, but not quite as dark as this bar of chocolate" and that's a perfectly normal way to talk, however while I was in England I noticed that all this kind of thing got me was strange looks (a bit of culture shock if you will). I f you do ever go to Australia let me advise you that while some cities are very similar to your own, most are strange "mutts" if you will between Western and Asian culture...oh yes and pro-tip watch out for Drop Bears, they are a very dangerous especially for tourists who don't really know what they are doing (no offence).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:06:55

All you have are peoples word even in peer review bottom line it is someones word. There is nothing more peer reviewed than the Bible, over and over again it is tested historically and have been reliable. So if you believe in peer review you need to start reading!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:09:00

Oh ok yeah here in my town that would be OK but different parts that may get you into trouble.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:13:26

Your reasons are not philosophical only speculative (to speculate without evidence), and the "evolutionist's" (though we discussed this is not the correct term) reasons are based only off testable and verifiability accurate data.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:37:36

First of all I don't know where you think Calvin shows me up unless you are just trying to bust my balls which I believe that you are. Obviously you share a similar view to Calvin and that's why your both loosers. Just because you dabbled a little in other religions as I have does not identify you with them. My argument on this site is for "Generic Theism" because I believe there are better answers than what science can provide. Evolution is a faith based religion anyway. You and Calvin both share this faith that is why you are united against me, any "idiot" can see this. pun intended You identify yourself as a scientist to others which means you want to be thought of like that. I can bust your balls all day long about your claim to be a scientist but if you believe in the scientific method and carry out acts as a scientist, you are a scientist. Now I can say that your methods and interpretations are twisted but the bottom line is that this is the process you believe in. I identify myself as a Christian which means that I believe in the teachings of Christ. From my writings here I see nothing that would challenge this belief that I have in the teachings of Christ. Oh I could go on about how I shelter the homeless, feed hungry children and all my acts of humanity in the name of Christ but I believe those thing should be done in secret as in the teachings of Christ. I have been rewarded greatly but have not expected it and people that I do this for do not even know I exist for the most part. The point is belief in Christ has not just made me a better person it lets me understand what being good is. I understand the philosophical nature of the human that is more a part of him than the physical world could ever be.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 13:40:23

WOW! Now your defending philosophy I guess that's a start! Greedy is admitting that Philosophy has evidence to back it up. HOLY BALLS!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 16:29:40

The charts are too small for me to see. Why would you put a period at the end of a question?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 16:35:57

An honest person would use quote marks and cite where the information is coming from. You are cutting and pasting huge chunks of other peoples text and posting as if you had written it. It is easy to tell when you do this because your grammar and spelling are so bad that something written without so many mistakes, can not be your writing. wwjd?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 16:40:35

Greedy - The main difference is that while you preach absolute truth with no evidence I expose fact as we understand it based on all evidence available. cs - I'm going to miss you when you have to go back to work.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 16:46:08

There was no reply button on your comment, so I am quoting it here: Max - I am pretty much a straight shooter when it comes to my points and I would have no problem debating you on this issue and winning too. cs - Now that was as close I have come to "lol". I did give a quiet chuckle. You can barely carry on a conversation, much less a debate.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 17:06:44

Again no reply button. If I don't quote the message I am replying to how would you know what I was replying to? Max - I wonder why Calvin does not get on you for cussing? cs - I have two reasons for that. One, there is a moderator on the forum who gets to decide who he is going to moderate. Greedy is a guest and the moderator can decide whether to accept or reject his messages. Two, Greedy has not claimed to be a Christian, so, he is not being a hypocrite when he uses common language. It's not just the foul language that offends me, it is when the speaker claims to be better or different from the common. You are the moderator and I expect more from you. You claim to be a Christian, so, I expect much more from you. Thanks for asking.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 17:12:14

Max - How did the white man get to Australia? cs - By boat.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 17:32:22

Max - Honestly I don’t give a rats ass what you guys think about my Christianity or Christianity in general. cs - Then why did you waste our time asking? Max - Now is there any definition given here that you can remotely attribute to my character? 7.a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity. cs - Definitely not #7. You do not "adhere" to Christianity. You just mouth the words you like and ignore the rest. You say you don't go to church, so where are you getting your twisted views?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 17:37:35

People can use science and statistics to lie, yes. I am Scotch/Cherokee. I always have trouble filling out the census. Am I white or native American? Own my house? Are you kidding? I spent 40 years thinking I was a Christian. I didn't take any thought of the morrow, didn't save money, didn't invest. How could I own a house?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 17:51:53

Yes, that is the creationist mind set we are dealing with. I'm glad it is no so prevalent in other parts of the world.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 17:59:58

Here is a reference for you The Question Mark. This might help you understand more.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:08:58

I don't want to hear your crap about misspelling and grammar, your just as bad as the rest of us. I can cut and paste huge chunks if I want to this is my forum! If you have a problem with what it says then make your point. You just like to argue for the sake of arguing and your an atheist quoting scripture which is really attractive to pick on but that's not the subject here. Read my words Calvin "I DON'T GIVE A RATS ASS ON HOW YOU INTERPRET SCRIPTURE" that has NOTHING to do with the subject here.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:13:56

Well Calvin you have made me laugh many times. In fact you are closer to me than Greedy, I will rent the hall and come and debate you at my expanse and you can invite the whole town. Lets see who is laughing at the end of the debate.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:14:54

The answer to this question is easy Calvin, Your a hypocrite!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:15:47

I was only proving my point that you are a liar Calvin.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:20:02

I really don't know if I should ask this but in the light of your comment I have to. Where in the Bible does it tell you not to save your money? I almost feel sorry for you, you must of belonged to a cult or something.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:25:20

Just had to point out another one of your typo's Calvin. One of many I might add! And NO Greedy I did not say they are lying. Don't try to interpret anything I say, ever! You will only get it wrong like you did here, again!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 18:55:41

Max - There is nothing more peer reviewed than the Bible, over and over again it is tested historically and have been reliable. cs - Doesn't peer reviewed mean reviewed by people who are at least as qualified as the writer? If so, I find it hard to understand how there could be peers as qualified as the supposedly "God inspired" writers of the Bible. What are you talking about?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 19:38:41

MaximusMcc I really don’t know if I should ask this but in the light of your comment I have to. Where in the Bible does it tell you not to save your money? I almost feel sorry for you, you must of belonged to a cult or something. cs - I was a member of the United Methodist Church. I didn't realize it was a cult at the time but I will gladly agree with you now. 1 Timothy 6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; 4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 19:39:14

You obviously have not heard of Biblical Scholars. They critique biblical writings test them etc. REFERENCES


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 19:40:38

OK Your getting blocked from the site, I'm tired of your trash talk and personal attacks. They end now!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:15:16

So...when someone pisses you off you block them?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:23:24

If someone has a good argument that has to do with the subject being discussed I am interested. If you are going to heckle me then I am simply not interested. I am interested in why people believe in macro-evolution and their reasons for this belief. No one really pisses me off I just simply have no time for nonsense.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:27:13

No it's not, everything in science is testable and retestable...that's the entire reason for our glowing rat retest that I did a couple years back. No, despite propositions by Christian Churches almost nothing in the Bible is remotely historically correct, for example take the Birth of Christ: -there was no census conducted in the year 0 -there was a census conducted about a decade after and before the year 0 but neither were empire wide and neither relied on people to return to their home town. -there was no ordered mass slaughter of children To be perfectly honest trusting someone's word alone on something that aceo-facto cannot be tested (like God(s)) is perfectly all right, you can fill in the gaps in your knowledge with whatever fairy tale you like. However believing in something known to be false like your beloved Genesis Fables.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:33:04

All that you have claimed has been debunked by scholars. I do have another post that deals with this subject though Non-Existent Christ Fallacy However I know your just talking out your ass so I am not going to take this part of our conversion seriously.Just for your information there was never a year 0 as you claim.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:34:50

I didn't say that, your extrapolating from data that isn't present again...please come back to reality Max, we miss you. Most philosophy's are based of reason (i.e. if A is true and B is true then AB must also be true) you religion is just that a religion and is based on untestable assumptions in a lack of possible evidence. In your case it's also focused around defending fables that have been shown false and to do this you ignore all evidence to the opposite, there is no hint of reason as your mind is fixed, no matter how much evidence is presented you, you cannot even consider changing your mind, you just want to believe what you want to believe.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:39:54

A couple of things wrong with that statement (my attempt at bringing this back on track) -you censored him and he actually did have a case against you, from here it looks like you just didn't like the way he was winning. -observation and experimental data is not a belief, it's science -"macro-evolution" is not a term, if you are referring to speciation then people "believe" in it because it has been observed and documented multiple times over human history both in the lab and in the field.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:41:09

actually Calvin's got a point


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:44:11

"First of all I don’t know where you think Calvin shows me up unless you are just trying to bust my balls which I believe that you are. Obviously you share a similar view to Calvin and that’s why your both loosers. Just because you dabbled a little in other religions as I have does not identify you with them. My argument on this site is for “Generic Theism” because I believe there are better answers than what science can provide. Evolution is a faith based religion anyway. You and Calvin both share this faith that is why you are united against me, any “idiot” can see this. pun intended You identify yourself as a scientist to others which means you want to be thought of like that. I can bust your balls all day long about your claim to be a scientist but if you believe in the scientific method and carry out acts as a scientist, you are a scientist. Now I can say that your methods and interpretations are twisted but the bottom line is that this is the process you believe in." Max, what the fuck is this? We've been through every single point, and established every single point as incorrect, why did you bring it up again? It's over, bringing up old debunked arguments does not give them new credit.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:48:43

Technically I am still working, but until more students get here I can only use the labs for about 6hours then go home...if you've ever dealt with a room of about 50 18year olds who think they know everything because they made it into a course, then you'd know how much I would miss talking to you and Max instead of doing that...at least only one of you thinks he knows everything.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 22:55:25

Not a single thing you just said even resembled what "modern science tells us", not a single thing you said is supported by any evidence. Speciation has been observed and is actually surprisingly common, we've been through this.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:10:29

I change my mind all the time, so you are wrong there. As far as you thinking you have the perfect philosophy that is definitely debatable. Your equation only only matches some parts of your philosophy it is more well established in Christianity. I am however very glad to see that you are calling your beliefs philosophy I feel I have reached a great milestone with you here. Just to refresh your memory;

GREEDY- "In fact quite the opposite, my arguments are based on testable evidence and requires no “belief” or faith, I do not “believe” that species evolved Science does not allow for belief I can only comment on the evidence, all of which supports evolution."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:13:04

Take that Max, Calvin expects more from you...


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:24:58

I never censored him, all his comments are still up. If he was winning I would of never banned him from the site. All he kept doing was quoting scripture and I am trying to talk to you about evolution. He was free to join in at any time but he kept getting way off the subject. I don't give a rats ass if he thinks I'm a christian or not and I don't care if you do or do not either. Is there anything is this forum or website that says Max thinks hes a good christian and you should do what he does? That's not debatable, I already admitted that I am NOT a good Christian, I'm a horrible Christian and I could never do what Christ did, never never never! So drop it!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:29:12

Well the fact that you guys have been here for more than a week every day shows otherwise. I offered to pay for a hall and debate him in his own town and he turned it down. All he is is a heckler I don't have time for non sense


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:32:55

Are you high? What debunked arguments am I bringing up?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:34:34

And you both know everything! Gees I feel privileged!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:38:33

I think you are replying to this...

A deck of cards resembles chromosomes in a species like dogs for example. You can shuffle that deck as many times as you want but it will never produce another deck of cards. Some of what you consider transitions are nothing more than variations in species macro-evolution you take on faith and that’s why you are an “Evolutionist”
I got that from a biologist if you cannot understand that you should not be teaching biology.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-15 23:40:23


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 00:43:11

-evolution is a faith based religion (we've discussed this no faith required, no imagination required evolution only requires one to take a look at any aspect of Biology) -I identify myself as a scientist to others (if you hadn't questioned my education you would have never known) -one believes in the scientific method (no belief required as this is an objective process) Belief, faith, religion...none are required in science or biology or evolution, all are based of objective processes none require humans and thus all are as close to "absolute truth" as it is possible to get with the evidence available.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 00:47:56

You blocked him, that's censorship! It doesn't matter if he was off topic, you drag this conversation every which way, the only thing I'm doing is following your points. For example, for a long time the main part of this was about genetics, then whales, then radiometric dating, then abiogenesis, then fossilisation, then taxonomy and now it's gone into the scientific method...the conversation about evolution was left in the dust a long time ago.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 00:49:49

Isn't that all evolution?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 00:52:20

You are lying to yourself and to the public. I don't want my tax dollars spent lying to the public. Here is a good article about the limits of speciation Reference


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 00:52:22

You know what I mean Max, don't dance around it...but I can see how this is getting off topic a bit here.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 00:59:53

Where are you getting this from? Your extrapolating from data that simply doesn't exist...I never said that my philosophy was perfect, for example if all testable evidence of myself was erased then as far as science is concerned I never existed...however that said methodological naturalism is good for things like Physics, Biology and Chemistry because it does not have any predetermined conclusions, nor fables that we have to work around, nor figures that can throw us in jail if we find evidence against their claims.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 01:00:31

You may like to watch Calvin bust my ball's about not being a good Christian but the subject here is "Evolution" the name of the site is "EvolutionScam.com" I would entertain all of Calvin's points on another forum as long as he could be somewhat respectful. Look at his points, he allows you to cuss because you are an atheist but he don't allow me because I am a christian and he will be offended. Now this guy is not playing with a full deck no matter how you cut the cards. I don't want to talk about the Bible actually, you are not qualified and Calvin is definitely not. You are qualified to talk about evolution, that's my interest here. Calvin's pissed off because he is broke because his church made him give them all his money or some stupid shit like that. He was an idiot for 40 years according to himself I am saying that he is still an idiot.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 01:12:22

Well I agree with you there and have been agreeing with you all along. Where I don't agree with you is your speciation claim that one "population" will turn into another "population" given enough time. We do have a mechanism that prevents this any dog breeder will tell you that dogs make dogs. You even brought out that a great Dane and a chiwawa cannot breed but they are still both Dogs.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 01:41:41

Nobody believes that, because that's not evolution nor is that religion. Your going to need to find this barrier or present evidence for such a barrier...because all evolution says it that each generation is a slightly modified version of the parents(mutation), if the population is isolated either geographically or chronologically the new population will no longer be able to interbreed with the previous (speciation) and will continue to drift further apart (genetic drift). What you are saying is that a barrier that does not exist is preventing populations from doing exactly what populations have been observed doing...your premise makes no sense.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 01:45:38

No Max, no it's not: Evolution is a particular theory and therefore is not Genetics, Whales, Radiometric Dating, Abiogenesis, Fossilisation, Taxonomy or the scientific method...it is supported by all these fields (as well as every other field of science) but is a separate study.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 01:47:54

No, I'm not lying speciation is very well observed and documented. More to that your tax dollars are not spent on this (not just because you live in America), Universities are privately funded for the most part, this is why it's so expensive to get a tertiary education.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 07:41:11

Species is the only significant level of Taxonomy (as previously discussed), therefore if two organisms cannot interbreed and therefore are two different species there are no more significant levels for a population to pass through in evolution.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 07:45:37

"only one of you thinks he knows everything" Learn to feel privileged!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 08:04:03

Okay, since in a couple of days I will return to normal work and thus will not have time to formulate any response with thought, yet I don't just want to leave the conversation hanging (though it seems to be going in circles instead) I propose the following, either: -people ask a question, either how something happened or how we know something happened or other -I probably will have time to read such a response but any answer on my part would have little forethought (something I will not stand for...I do not suffer foolishness even from my own person) therefore I propose that I simply post a link to a diagram, paper or video answering your question...so as to limit time spent on my end or -we continue the conversation as it is, however I warn you that the content of my responses will diminish greatly so I will trust whoever I happen to be responding to to keep the conversation on topic I am asking for others opinions in this (though I'm pretty sure that Max will be the only one with the balls to respond).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 11:42:23

You are the one that is not making sense here. Listen to what you and your cohorts are preaching. There was a dog like character that turned into a whale. Now I have showed you what you are accepting as transitional forms and I will post it here again. You are definitely preaching that one population turns into another population with no evidence. As far as there being no barrier consider this. Modern science tells us that if we breed 2 dogs we are going to get a dog. Modern science tells us that if we separate the dogs and breed them according to their characteristics we can get a desired result yet they are still dogs. I pick dogs because we have been breeding them for thousands of years in several different countries. This "population" or "kind" if you will has never NEVER been observed turning into another "population" or "kind". Now if you have evidence showing otherwise I would be interested in seeing it but thus far you have failed to produce such evidence "SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE" for this hypothesis. If the same population separates like the white tail deer over here in America. The southern American deer cannot breed with the Northern American deer but each are still deer. Like I said before you can shuffle the chromosomes as many times as you want to you are not going to get a new population.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 11:49:53

Well I see how all those points relate to our discussion. Quoting Scripture just to be annoying whenever I admitted already that I am not a good Christian is just LAME! Everything that you said relates to our conversation here.

Genetics, Whales, Radiometric Dating, Abiogenesis, Fossilisation, Taxonomy or the scientific method
I admit my faith is faith. Now he can bust my balls on another forum of mine about my Christianity but its really irritating here when I am trying to focus on what you say since I believe that you are a believer in these processes namely macro-evolution.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 11:55:38

Well my daughter is in college and I have 3 other children that will be in college in the coming years. I don't want them lied to or misled. You can say you "think" these creatures turned into other populations, I would be fine with that. What I am not fine with is that you people preach that macro-evolution is a fact. There has been much research done on this and macro-evolution always falls short of its claims. You biology guys are much to blame for this as well. We have never observed that one "kind" has turned into another "kind", that's "FAITH"! NOT SCIENCE!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 11:56:29

Show me!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 11:57:05

I feel privileged every day, thank you very much.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-16 12:00:31

That will be fine Greedy sometimes I have my secretary type out my responses to you for the sake of time as well.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 00:33:05

Okay, firstly I'm going to ask you to calm down; nobodies lying to you or your children, this would have to be a huge global conspiracy in order to lie to the public. Secondly I'm going to have to ask you to define some terms your using in order for me to actually understand what you are saying and trying to debunk. Kind: what exactly is a "kind" or organism, if you mean species, that has been observed and if you mean genus then that has also been observed. Beyond that there is no observable barrier, genetic drift increases over time towards other levels of classification with no signs of stopping. However if you have evidence for such a barrier existing at the level of "kind" then I would like you to define the word in order for this to be investigated. Finally, evolution does not say that one "kind" of thing ever turns into another "kind" of thing. Evolution only states descent with modification, so for example your daughters all look different from you and their mother because of mutation, if such a mutation offers a benefit either in helping them survive long enough to reproduce or in helping them reproduce in the first place then over time that gene will be widespread throughout the population and the old infective gene tuned out (natural selection).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 00:38:21

awww....you have a secretary? more to the point, is this directly related to your business? I know you post a lot here but I'm not sure that (this is just my opinion don't read anything more into that) is appropriate use, shouldn't he/she/it be doing more appropriate things then replying to a Biologists in Australia's comments on your forum?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 01:06:46

Firstly, I'm going to have to remind you that one not need "believe" because belief requires "faith" which is assuming something without evidence, which we previously discussed means that "faith" is not required. Secondly, you don't really have a case as "macro-evolution" is not an actual term, your going to have to define what you mean or find the actual term in order for you to even have a case.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 01:24:07

First of all, calm down...again Secondly, I don't identify myself as an Atheist, I am an Agnostic-Atheist...commonly called an Agnostic, it's similar to saying that you practice Islam because they are both monotheistic religions, the difference mainly of course in in the Philosophy . In my case Agnosticism (unlike "evolutionism" this is a correct term) we do not reject the existence of the supernatural outright, instead assert that if something interacts with the natural world that there must be some physical trace. Meanwhile Atheism (also the correct term) is the rejection of the possibility of the supernatural or the proposition that anything supernatural is detectable at all (thus if there is a supernatural force, then it not need leave any evidence of it's existence). Agnostics like myself can only comment on evidence and do not comment on the supernatural whenever they can avoid it, why? because any commenting on the supernatural is speculation aceo-facto and thus outside the realm of human reason, judgement and evidence. Finally, just to bring up a point, even though I have not been a Catholic for years and indeed practice many other religions in that time the Church is still asking for money (10% of your income goes to Rome and the Catholic Church) and according to them even though I am an Agnostic I am a "non-practising Catholic" no matter how much I correct them on the topic...so I can understand how he's pissed.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 01:28:52

Max, you seem to be suffering from something called to the "6th falsehood of creationism", a small 10min video will explain what this is, however I can only dig up one from an Atheist Activist, he is very rude and does not have a scientific education so I advice you that if you do chose to watch the video to take everything he says with a grain of salt. http://www.youtube.com/user/AronRa?feature=watch#p/c/126AFB53A6F002CC/5/t3k0dDFxkhM


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 01:49:02

Beyond that, I'll probably only answer the lowest most comment because trying to find them on the page is proving difficult with the space between them. So if you have any points that you wish to discuss bring them down in the form of a new comment rather than replying.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 04:55:23

He also goes on a tangent for a few minutes half way through the video that is not relevant about the beginning of the universe (big bang i.e. Physics) and how some Creationists attribute that to Evolution (i.e. Biology) and about some arguments used by the Discovery Institute, Creation-Science Evangelism and other big religious correspondents of Intelligent Design...this has nothing to do with your own position and I trust that you know I'm smart enough to see past that.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 13:51:02

Nothing you said makes one bit of sense! You know exactly what I am talking about I gave the example of your so called whale evolution starting out like a fish to a dog like creature to a whale like creature to a whale. Then you find different creatures in the fossil record and "ASSUME" they are all directly related in decent modification. You "ASSUME" those are the transitional fossils. This is not science the is an "ASSUMPTION". My daughters are mutated beings decent with modification? You are calling this evolution? I call this individuality. Looking at my father then look at me you would never even guess he is my father. We are all born as individuals not mutated offspring. This is a ridiculous theory! You are lying when you say that we never observe limits to populations. I gave the examples of dog breeding, horse breeding, etc. You can shuffle a deck of cards all you want you will never end up with another deck of cards. The information is in the genes like there are 52 cards in a deck {some more some less}. You can shuffle them all you want too but they will NEVER turn it into another deck of cards. When you start reading things in the fossil records like you do you are using your imagination and your presuppositions that you have in evolutionary theory. Now if what you are saying is true, we should be able to combine any genes together and have a workable organism do we see that? Hell no, and I don't like to see my tax dollars going to such indoctrination for which there is no science to back it up. Just because you can take some genes are are in the same deck of cards, if you will, and make them harmonize together and make a working organism does not mean they all do and you know it. There are limits so be truthful and admit it!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 13:57:02

Well she takes dictation for me quite a lot. You must understand that I like you am a busy guy. You see over here everything is business as usual from house keeping, working in the yard, to typing to a biologist on one of my websites. I also have a program that types out what I say pretty accurately as I drive down the road on my way to another appointment. You see I utilize my time as much as possible and since I feel this is an important issue that needs to be addressed I take out time for it as you do.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 14:04:05

Does it concern you that I am not calm? I am calm, you must be getting excited or see excitement in my writing, I wish I felt that, I have really not been excited in a long time. I am not concerned actually how you identify yourself although I thinks its a little absurd to combine the 2 however that's your faith not mine and that is not the issue here. Well I am not Catholic but I think you should give them the money anyway, they support your evolution theory. ;)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 14:16:04

You guys talk in circles all the time. This video is full of farcical claims like "Creationist believe that something came from nothing" they do not believe this and never did. On one hand you tell me that my daughter is a mutation of my genes {evolution} then you send me this video which states that evolution takes place after a long time. I am tired of you guys always talking in circles. I don't understand why you cannot see that you do not make any sense at all. You are paid to make CLEAR explanations of science, I think you and the other "EVOLUTIONIST" fall short when your only presupposition is evolution. On one hand you claim that evolution does not explain everything like the origin of life and then on the other hand you are telling me that abiogenesis is a good theory to explain the origin of life. This is nothing more than another dogmatic teaching of evolution.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 14:20:22

Sure no problem. Do you know how to use the search on your browser? Here is a fast way to locate something on a page. 1. In your email highlight a section of text like this. " Evolution is a god damn lie. " 2. Right click then copy 3. Go to the website where we are talking 4. hit "ctrl" and the "F" key at the same time 5. you will see a search box appear {past in the text} 6. you are there Once you get use to this you will find anything on any web page in a 1/2 a second


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 14:21:49

Yeah I did not think it was very good video at all to illustrate any point what so ever. I did not think he was rude at all just stupid.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 21:17:42

How so?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 21:32:06

Max-“Creationist believe that something came from nothing” they do not believe this and never did... cs-your God created the universe out of... Max-On one hand you tell me that my daughter is a mutation of my genes {evolution} then you send me this video which states that evolution takes place after a long time cs-somebody has yet to read a Biology text book, Wikipedia article or ANYTHING I've said. I said your daughter has approx 112-150 mutations at conception, now these mutations will be passed on to her offspring, if the new population is separated from the old (i.e. you) either chronologically or geographically they will no longer be able to conceive fertile offspring with the parent population if they can reproduce at all because these mutations compile so as to make the genetic code so different that they are no longer compatible. Max-I don’t understand why you cannot see that you do not make any sense at all. cs-the reason we don't make sense is because you don't pay enough attention to bring prior knowledge (and therefore assumed knowledge) from previous posts into new. Max-You are paid to make CLEAR explanations of science, I think you and the other “EVOLUTIONIST” fall short when your only presupposition is evolution cs-there are no presuppositions in science, we've discussed this before at length, but do you pay attention? no, do you listen? no, therefore when you don't take prior knowledge that you should have into a discussion. Max-n one hand you claim that evolution does not explain everything like the origin of life and then on the other hand you are telling me that abiogenesis is a good theory to explain the origin of life. cs-I've been through this before, evolution explains the diversity of life. Abiogenesis explains the origin of life, they are completely different theories. One is of Biology, the other is of Biochemistry...Abiogenesis is not evolution, get it through your head!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 21:36:57

I don't take it out of my time, until more students arrive I've got nothing but time. I'm not going to make time to answer you, why would I? That would require me taking this seriously, though I know you want me too because of the lack of knowledge and your inability to access prior knowledge; it gets harder and harder to do so.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 21:38:50

I see...this would be useful if I could remember what we were talking about


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 21:54:20

okay...you till need to calm down. Decent with modification is an observed fact, this is why your daughter looks different from her mother and you, she is directly descendent from you but is slightly different. No assumptions needed, it's simple...going back to dogs (your favourite example) all the different breeds of dog are evidently related to one or two clads, it's the same with say whale evolution...the only difference is that the breeds transpire more or less lineally and are separated chronologically not graphically and do not rely on human breeders but environmental factors to select those that will continue to breed. If you had ANY idea of what a mutation is you wouldn't say that. Mutations are only slight errors in the DNA, it is the reason WHY you are all born individuals, decent with modification is a directly observed fact and while is one of the mechanisms by which evolution operates it has nothing to do with evolution itself because without evolution decent with modification would still function. No, I'm not lying...we are still diversifying these breeds with no limit in sight. Some branches are already different species. Beyond that I am going to have to ask you to define another term again: Information: what exactly is information in the context that you are using it, are you saying that new information cannot be introduced or that information cannot be lost...in either case what is information? Kind: I've asked this before but not gotten a response, what is a kind? No, in no universe would your "we should be able to combine any genes together and have a workable organism" be accurate, evolution does not say that, nobody does, your just constructing a straw-man again. There are no observed barriers, we've been through this before, unless a mechanism is observed or the barrier is observed to speculate it exists is not scientific.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 22:24:16

Max-Does it concern you that I am not calm? I am calm, you must be getting excited or see excitement in my writing, I wish I felt that, I have really not been excited in a long time. cs-yes, when you are not calm you do not think clearly, beyond that I'll try not to read too much into the rest of your sentence, if you need help, I guess I could, I am a Biologist after all... Max-I am not concerned actually how you identify yourself although I thinks its a little absurd to combine the 2 however that’s your faith not mine and that is not the issue here. cs-please read what I say carefully, I always say things for a reason. Agnostic-Atheism is Agnosticism, the only difference is that one is the correct term (Agnostic-Atheism) and the other the common term (Agnosticism). Max-Well I am not Catholic but I think you should give them the money anyway, they support your evolution theory. cs-why? what? this makes no sense, so what if they support science, big deal so do almost all Australians...it's only in highly religious nations that creationism is commonplace and they are the minority even there.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 22:30:21

Gift of proof is on that making the claim, so I'm going to ask you to find another level in Taxonomy that is not subjective. That means, the level must be based on objective criteria. I suppose you could make a case for kingdom if you ignore all fossilised forms and every single aspect of biochemistry as that is based on cell structure...though you'll probably struggle to even do that.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-17 22:33:41

Beyond that name one aspect of any of those whales have that makes any a dog, as opposed to a cat, or horse of even-toed mammal which is what the beginning stage is actually classed as.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-18 21:40:45

Someone has posted using my initials. Why? I did not say this: GreedyCapybara7 Max-“Creationist believe that something came from nothing” they do not believe this and never did… cs-your God created the universe out of… Max-On one hand you tell me that my daughter is a mutation of my genes {evolution} then you send me this video which states that evolution takes place after a long time cs-somebody has yet to read a Biology text book, Wikipedia article or ANYTHING I’ve ......... cs - I did not write these things. thanks.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-18 22:01:15

sorry, that's me being stupid again...for some reason when attempting to type "re" (reply) I typed cs every single time.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-18 22:03:39

More to that, why are you taking this so seriously? Do you feel you can change something? or do you feel that you know better and therefore could lead to a revelation on an internet forum?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-18 23:20:14

Thanks Greedy! I didn't want to think the worst. peace.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 02:37:14

Not that anyone looking at the post would be able to tell that it was me due to the person it says posted it...I'm sorry anyway, I really don't know why I don't bother to check before I post shit.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 13:17:58

1) Universe made from nothing...Are you for real? We have always believed that God created the universe though spoken words not nothing like you people claim. 2) Genetic mutation passed to children at conception/ then separation /not able to product offspring.. Where in humans do we find this? I can have black, white, red, olive, china, japan or Australian wife and still have kids. your hypothesis is debunked in the human population. Look at this new post that I made! Neanderthal Genome Results They Are Human! We are not talking dogs here Greedy, my daughter is a human. 3) Making sense... Talking in circles are what evolutionist do best. I believed that you are confused and when I bring out good points that debunk your argument all you say is, "You don't understand" if you look at the video at the beginning of this post it brings out very clearly that you don't understand that's why it takes "Faith" to preach what you are preaching. It's not about reading in Wikipedia or even going to a school where I can become indoctrinated with the belief all life evolved. If evolution were true we should see more and more life evolving as a result of abiogenesis but we have not seen one. The pools that you people speak of should of spawned more life and should be continuing to spawn life but we have yet to see one of these pools that you people imagine up. On top of all of that you resort to outright lying to make failing points like telling the public on this forum that abiogenesis is true but in a different way now. Everything that you claim is faith based. Just because a lot of you hold to this view does not bring it to a "science" status. 4)Paying attention... I hear you and your claims loud and clear, they are everywhere like every time I turn on the TV. Evolution is a politically correct and in style term at this point in time. I do understand that people are taking it on faith like you claimed that Calvin is but so are you. The one NOT paying attention here is you, I don't think that you are paying attention to what you are saying. You even told me before in this forum not to interpret anything that you say because I will get it wrong. Now think about that accusation just for a moment, think..... think..... think some more....... You are admitting that what you are saying is open to interpretation based on a world view. You are assuming that I have the wrong one and that you have the right one because according to you everyone is an idiot. Now you say that you throw yourself in with that group of idiots but what you say reflects just the opposite. Because you in the end bring out that you separate your scientific experiments from the idiot human factor which makes your conclusions more plausible I guess would be a fair term. However how can you ever escape that Idea that you think everyone including yourself is an idiot. My world view is a lot brighter and I think that you should live just one day think that people are not idiots, they may get things wrong from time to time like you do here but in the end true knowledge is revealed. This does not come from idiots this comes from people. You should pay attention more. 5) Presuppositions did you know that science itself is a presupposition? So your argument is debunked.

pre·sup·pose   [pree-suh-pohz] Show IPA verb (used with object), -posed, -pos·ing. 1.to suppose or assume beforehand; take for granted in advance. 2.(of a thing, condition, or state of affairs) to require or imply as an antecedent condition: An effect presupposes a cause.
6) Abiogenesis Get this thorough your head Abiogenesis is a proven false theory! If you have evidence lets see it if not then admit your taking this on faith.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 13:28:48

Well I actually see less of a need to take time to talk about this stuff. I am beginning to realize all of what you preach is faith. TO think that I felt threatened by evolution is more and more silly to me. Talking with you has help me confirm this in so many ways. Its funny but talking to you helped my passion for the creationist belief. I like to hear people like you, Richard Dawkins, etc. I even like to watch the evolution programs to see all the imaginary BS that goes into making those shows. Sometimes I count how many times they use the word "imagine" or "nature saw the need for" etc. The natural selection by common decent is good. I think its great that they trace everything back and that everything is related. I can believe and ever more strongly now that it is the "differences" which there are many that point to an Intelligent Designer and I can thank you for a small portion in realizing this. Not that I did not realize it before but it is easier to explain in my lectures now.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 14:16:51

I "till" need to calm down huh? lol Are you missing your front teeth? 1). Lets talk about this "Relation" theory that you are talking about. You classify things together living and non living and you use terms to describe those classifications. You use words like species, taxonomy etc. The reasons why you classify them is the similarities that organisms share and the differences will throw them into one of your other categories. Yet you bring out my daughter is going to have things that I and her mother do not have physically. That is obvious even to the human eye I don't need a microscope or a phd in biology to see this. Yet according to the way you classify things she is actually a different species than me because she has some different things that her mother and I do not have. Now that may be true with your understanding of classifications in evolution. Now you take it on "Faith" and "Faith Alone" that eventually if my seed continues it is possible we will have a creature that does not hardly resemble a human in a million years from now. This would take my seed out of your human classifications then probably. 2). Kinds This is a term used in the Bible and I do not know exactly how it was understood but I have a good idea that it describes animals not humans. The person talking was God the person he was talking to was Noah. I assume though that when he was talking about the cat he was talking about the "cat family" 2 leopards, 2 lions, male and female who were alive at that time. I don't believe that there was an exact science to the whole thing like you like to imagine today. I also imagine that kinds sometimes can interbreed eg. lion and a tiger. If they are not the same kind like Human and Chimpanzee then they would not be able to interbreed. Like I said before I don't believe that "Humans" are included in the "Kind" category at all but I thought I would bring that up that Humans and Chips don't mate. 3) Art I find it fascinating that people are so confused about so many things. You evolutionist try to classify everything and I think that is hilarious. Imagine a painter starting on a canvas starting to use the paints in an orderly fashion then mixing colors. A picture begins to appear made of canvas and paint. Then the artist throws sand and graphite onto the picture. He burns the edges with acid to give it another effect and then glues on stones of marble. How would you classify everything in that picture mr evolutionist? Probably that same way that you try to classify the greatest artist of all time. I don't think he owes anyone an explanation but it is sure fun trying to learn about his artwork and in that time we learn our limitations. My point is that you cannot classify art and that is what you are trying to do. 4)Evolution does not say that... Evolution is a faith that changes its mind all the time and what it says is constantly changing. You have told me before, "What wrong with that?" Answer: I already have a faith and it does not keep changing like yours does.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 14:22:08

I have spoken to "Goth" kids that kind of sound like you. I do not give much merit to these types of classifications but I understand how you are identifying yourself clearly. I admit I was just "jagging your wires" Yank Slang about giving money to the Catholics but they do support evolution.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 14:24:59

That's what I thought, NO PROOF! Thank you very much!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 14:29:42

Greedy did


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 14:37:10

Yes I believe that I can get people to recognize that there is much artistic expression in creation that the natural world is not explained well enough in scientific terms alone. I believe that I can get people to recognize that science is only part of being human and not the whole thing. I believe that I can get people to recognize that evolution is a philosophy, faith that fails miserably in so many ways. I believe that I can get people to recognize that where evolution fails the most is explaining the meaning of life. I believe that I can get people to understand that there really are good and evil things objectively. There is much more that I believe but this is a start.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 15:40:16

Max - Answer: I already have a faith and it does not keep changing like yours does. cs - Is slavery objectively moral?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 15:44:42

Max - I believe that I can get people to understand that there really are good and evil things objectively. cs - Good. Let me get another cup of coffee and I will be all ears.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 17:02:16

Have you ever heard of Schindler's List? Slavery is objectively moral, we are all slaves to something. You could call employees slaves to their boss, people a slave to their ambition etc. I think your point is weak, do you have anything better to illustrate your point?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 17:03:58

why don't we keep this conversation on the other forum. I gave you a detailed reply on the other one concerning this. If you are objectively evil you will never understand my points. Objective Moral Values Proves God Exists


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 23:16:17

1. let me get this straight (I already knew this) your God spoke the universe into being with an incantation spell? That's the same as making something out of nothing, because words by themselves do nothing and outside the universe there is nothing (unless you subscribe to string theory). 2.I never said your daughter wasn't human, you seem to be unable to listen to a single thing I have ever said so I will repeat slowly: your daughter at conception has approx 112-150 mutations (getting a figure for this is hard but you are welcome to search for your own figure if you don't trust me), almost all are classified as natural because most occur in sections of our DNA known as "junk DNA" (DNA with no function), however some occur in "functional DNA" this is why your daughter looks slightly different from you and her mother. Other than that Neanderthal's have always been classed as a breed of human more accurately Homo Neanderthalensis...there are lots of breeds of human (or were, now we are down to just over a dozen), your post means nothing. 3.Firstly, as I have said again and again, Abiogenesis is not Evolution, and modern Abiogenesis is not Spontaneous Generation. Secondly, as I have previously stated and you refuse to listen, nothing in science is faith based; that includes Abiogenesis and Evolution. Thirdly, when you use terms that are incorrect like "kind", "information" and constantly trip over yourself; then I don't understand. Finally, you have brought no points to debunk any field or theory of science, be that evolution, biochemistry, abiogenesis or biology. 4.Please don't repeat anything I say, you'll get it wrong again. I never said that scientific observation (what I am relaying) is open to interpretation, I have said the opposite. What I did say is that you lack the mental capacity to think before opening your mouth or even check what you are saying is accurate: "injecting dog DNA into jellyfish". You don't listen, if you did then you would not bring up points already dealt with, if you did you would not take bits and pieces of what I say and stick them together upside down. I was once like you, everything was sunshine and lollipops, I thought people knew what they were doing...then I grew up. The fact is that people are remarkably stupid, it's not people that reveal knowledge, that we own to the scientific method, which accelerates progress by removing humans from the equation. 5.The only presupposition science has is "I think therefore I am" everything else is experimental...you seem to lack a primary school knowledge of science, I recommend you go back and look up a children's book on the subject before doing anything else.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 23:21:53

Not a single thing you said in that entire paragraph was even remotely accurate and not a single thing you said wasn't brought up before and debunked. It scares me sometimes to think that Yanks like you are in charge of the largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world...it scares me even more to think that you got the materials from Australia, seriously go to primary school, year 3 should do it and do a single science class. I'm used to dealing with 18 year old's that think they know everything, however at least they have a high school education...you on the other hand seem to preach that you know something and then just try and bluff your way through. Doesn't work like that.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 23:25:57

I am going to delete this post here because you posted it in the other forum and that is where it belongs anyway, not in this one. Objective Moral Values Proves God Exists


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 23:49:15

"still" need to calm down...your an idiot, how could you not see the most innocent of typos, seriously sometimes I'm surprised at peoples stupidity. 1."...according to the way you classify things she is actually a different species than me because she has some different things that her mother and I do not have." This one quote, exemplifies your stupidity. I'm not even going to dance around it any more, but I can't explain your stupidity either, there are no words in the English Lagrange to describe how stupid you are, not just ignorant as you have had this explained to you over and over again. Your daughter is not a different species because you and her can still interbreed, I cannot count how many times I have said that, yet you still don't listen. Beyond that, as I have said before but you lack the mental capacity to take in obviously, the only way to classify organisms objectively is by their similarities, otherwise every single organism on the planet would have to be classified as a different species because of the slight differences each has. 2. So kind is the same as species as none can interbred and produce fertile offspring (a lion and a tiger cannot), however if you are referring to family groups (a subjective category with no criteria other than that agreed upon by the community) then humans are included as we are part of the ape family...your argument eat's itself, unless there is a criteria by which "kinds" can be supported, then saying a barrier that has not been observed exists at this level is speculation without any confirming evidence. 3.Again, evolutionist is not a correct term, please stop using it, this is similar to calling a black man a nigger after he has asked you to stop over and over again, you intolerable ass hole. However responding to your point directly, we can and do classify art, and we can and do classify living organisms. That's what Taxonomy is built upon, however as our understanding increases models change...for example the "two kingdom mode;" worked until we discovered the microscope then a "thee kingdom model" was introduced, then a "four kingdom model" then a "six kingdom model" then a "five kingdom model" as magnification increased and out understanding of biochemistry increased...finally as more and more fossils were discovered we abandoned the kingdoms almost entirely , and that's where out current understanding of Taxonomy comes from. 4."Evolution does not say that… Evolution is a faith that changes its mind all the time and what it says is constantly changing. You have told me before, “What wrong with that?” Answer: I already have a faith and it does not keep changing like yours does." Why are you so stupid? I mean seriously, I don't know why you are alive, how do you have enough brain cells to remember how to breathe? You can only lower the average IQ of the human population and can NEVER do anything to benefit human understanding because you will not listen to anything that is said! EVOLUTION LIKE ALL ASPECTS OF SCIENCE DO NOT REQUIRE FAITH Scientific theories change over time, that's reality. Our first ideas are seldom correct and never perfect, however unlike your faith science does change with new evidence instead of pretending that they don't exist.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 23:50:44

And not a single thing in that paragraph was even remotely correct.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-19 23:54:07

and Max yet again opens his trap before thinking.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 01:17:59

This is off topic, let's move it to another forum. peace Max - "Yes. 6 days of creation, Flood fact, Adam and Eve, yes sir I believe it all."


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 01:44:33

GEES I was just making a joke, I think you are the one that needs to calm down. 1) Well you can use the word stupid if you wish however you have been dancing all along and still are. I wish you would quit. Your species classifications has ALWAYS been in question, you never quite know when to break out of the mold as it were and call it another species. You calling me stupid reflects your limited mind and frustration but I am content with that because I have known this from the beginning talking to you. I don't lack any mental capacity I was a straight A student in school and I excel in everything I put my mind to do so you are also debunked there as well. I think your classifying things are complete madness but I don't blame you or anyone from trying. It's more artwork to me not classifying things as I explained to you before but obviously you cannot get a grip can you? 2) You obviously never heard of a liger its a mix between a lion and a tiger, here is an actual picture. I would have to say that your argument defeats itself every time someone is born. Actually I think it is god messing with you and with good reason ;) 3) Taxonomy, lets put the creation of god in a box shall we? lol. Well I think that you guys will be abandoning a lot more theories and methods in the future because they just don't add up. As soon as you think you get it figured out then BOOM right up the waazoo it goes. The term "Kinds" is a lot better because it refers to what we can observe in the present and does not require our imagination like Taxonomy. When we say "Kinds" we can say that cats are the same kind meaning that they share features in common that other "kinds" dont. I don't know what so hard about that. 4) I wish you would answer the question about the stupidity problem. Why do you choose to ignore most of the evidence? Because you think people are idiots and unreliable? Where does that leave you and your reporting of the science to others? Your logic makes no sense at all. On one hand you tell me to listen and on the other hand you tell me everyone is an idiot and should not be listened too. Now we get to the real problem. If they don't agree with you and the evolution theory then they should be considered stupid idiots and not listened too. Thank you for proving my point. 5) I know science changes, no problem here. Science is a great subject, its the evolution theory that I have a problem with. Not all of it, just some of it. I know what I have a problem with and I am not taking it on faith either way. This is more of an emotional issue for the evolutionist not the creationist. When you quit prescribing intelligence to evolution I will quit calling it a faith thank you very much!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 01:50:12

Are you talking about slavery?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 01:56:31

You want me to make a post with this as a title? I will, just want to know if this is what you are asking.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 04:32:01

I doubt that highly, because such a quote flies of all experimental evidence as well as ignores the entire fields of Genetics, Palaeoecology and Biochemistry. And then to prove your point you take a video from convicted fraudster ppsimmons...you serious...that's like sighting Kent Hovend. "one population has never been observed changing into another population"-ppsimmons Of course it has not, such a thing would fly in the face of evolutionary theory. Every single offspring is the same species as it's parents, however when the population is separated either chronologically or geographically those 112-150 mutations at conception add up, and because gene flow between these populations (remember these populations are enumerated either by time or a physical barrier) gene flow is no longer effective at preventing speciation. This is an event that people like you like to ignore. "...assume that chimps came from a common ancestor in the first place"-ppsimmons Humans are apes, thus through decent with modification are related both genetically, taxonomically and morphologically. The only reason that the "two isolated populations" is mentioned at all is because there is direct fossilised, genetic, taxonomic, morphologic and biochemical evidence for that case. These are not assumptions, those are unsubstantiated claims of which "humans are apes" is not, why? Because it is not up for debate, this is our family group, we are a subset of apes in the same way as we are a sub set of placental mammals, mammals and animals. Evolution, Abiogenesis and Origins are all different theories...I'm willing to bet that even you know that Max, despite you lack of knowledge in all fields of science and reason, I'm pretty sure that even you are intellegent to reconise the difference between the Field of Biology and three theories only one of which is Biology (evolution) the other is of Biochemistry (Abiogenesis) and the final of Paleontology (Origins). All of evolution, origins and abiogenesis is demonstrated, observed, tested, repeated and falsifiable. Again I'm willing to bet that even you know that, though beyond that, why bring up a video filled with things from a source that you know is bad, filled with things that you know are wrong?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 06:31:57

No shit the Catholics support science, every single Christian denomination does aside from those that have descended into the intellectually starved pit that is Creationism. Although I am interested...what's a "Goth", is it some kind of religious sect you Yanks have over there or what? I'm confused, is that a compliment or not?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 06:36:40

ummm...you can't even carry on a conversation without personal attacks and repeating points that have already been dealt with not a day ago. I doubt that you could do a debate with anyone.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 07:12:25

I will calm down when you show some level of intelligence outside a year 2 girl that is told the tooth fairy doesn't exist! 1. In higher education we have a model of undesirable humans; there are the "ignorant": these are people that have never been told otherwise, there are the "stupid": those that have been told otherwise but refuse to listen and the "deceptive": those that have been told otherwise but continue to act as if they are stupid for personal gain. You are one of the later (personally I would classify you as stupid), beyond that I would like you to look up the terms; "debunk", "classification" and "species"...you'll probably have your answer then. 2.It's not enough to be separated by an ocean from you, no intelligent being deserves to share the planet with the likes of you. Listen to what I say carefully, I don't waste words: "produce fertile offspring", a Liger is like a Mule, it is infertile, that is that it cannot breed, this is due in a large part to the fact that it has an odd number of chromosomes. Due to the amount of mutation that has happened between the common ancestor that modern lion and tigers share. 3.So basically your "kinds" is a preschoolers version of Taxonomy? That works to a point (i.e. grouping all cats together) but as soon as you group all cats together by common characteristics then you start to realize that they share characteristics with say dogs and bears (they are all part of canoveria), then you must group them further into what is known to as mammalia because they all share common characteristics. Finally you reach a level similar to that of Taxonomy, the only difference between your system and the system used by first world countries is that you stop for fear of contradicting your holy book's story. The fact is that it is impossible to identify any point in Taxonomy where everything isn't evidentially related to everything else. 4.Not a single thing you said was accurate. I don't ignore evidence, that's your job, I don't tell people not to listen to you, we all need to laugh at some dumb Yank once in a while. The reason you are identified as stupid is not because you do not agree with every single aspect of science even remotely related to Biology (and therefore evolution) but because you repeatability bring up arguments that have been dealt with and debunked in an attempt to minimise the shear volume of sciences and evidence allied against your religious position. Beyond that I would prefer you not construct a straw man, especially one that you know is inaccurate. In other words, don't pose questions, then answer them especially in a way that you know is not accurate. 5.I do not prescribe intelligence to evolution, I prescribe idiocy to those that refuse to listen to a word that is being said then persist in bringing up points that have already been discussed and debunked in the same conversation and pretend that this is not the case!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 07:21:44

Simple video explaining how we classify cats, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNrt90MJL08&lc=yCfegjrcco01MxZr1QdanPucBZihmH13PO9GeSXL3A8&context=G2a94f73UCGXQYbcTJ33YvrVr0d_afkgE-U9vwtNeCJ0cQb7Auu0o&feature=g-user-c


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 07:42:29

lack of reply buttons groups all my replies into one section, the last is referring to slavery, if that's what you want.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 13:29:54

1. NO NO NO, YOU ARE NOT LISTENING! There is no spell, no magic involved at all. Supernatural is totally different, supernatural is authentic not like magic or a spell which is a trick. Its important that you understand that and get that right. Unlike saying that it appeared out of nothing at all, the explanation that we have is plausible if we have supernatural events today and we do. Remember that a supernatural event cannot be studied by science because its not testable naturally or repeatable naturally so it is beyond this scope. However I have answered your questions concerning this type of thing. Now since you claim that your limited to what you can comment on because your only evidence for truth is testable and repeatable like the scientific method I find you are unrealistic in every way shape and form therefore you are unreasonable. This means possibly that you are incapable or willingly ignorant that there are other things out there that are beyond the scope of scientific answers. I have showed you some examples like the existence of your great great grandfather etc that cannot be answered scientifically. It seems like you want to turn a blind eye to my point and I am somewhat relieved that this affirms my suspicion of some in the scientific community united in religious doctrine of evolution. You seem to have a big problem with there is something outside the universe and its not string theory. We creationist have always made the claim that there was something out there but it was not natural that's why we believe "In the beginning God" and I don't even know what you believe. 2. I know that you know my daughters human silly I am just saying the way you classify things that since you consider something a different species based on differences like you brought out you may as well consider every offspring different species. All I am trying to illustrate here is that I think the species or classifying species is a big joke! Junk DNA huh? You believe in that crap as well? I am a computer programmer and sometimes I have to put in extra code bits just in case the user may use it some day. Sometimes its a plug in, sometimes its a function ect too complicated to explain here. However there are times when someone finally has to access this code if they start the app up in a mobile browser or a desktop browser etc. That code I put there for a reason even if its never used by the user. You myth is once again debunked and here is another article on the subject. JUNK DNA 3. Abiogenesis is a precursor to evolution therefore it is involved in challenging the origins of life. As I have mentioned before you must make a good argument and bring proof to the table, not just tell someone to listen to you. You yourself said that you are an idiot. "Kind" is not an incorrect term its been around a lot longer than any of the terms your dreaming up. I know you don't like to reference the dictionary but here is the way the rest of the world understands "Kind" in this context.

kind2    [kahynd] Show IPA noun 1.a class or group of individual objects, people, animals, etc., of the same nature or character, or classified together because they have traits in common; category: Our dog is the same kind as theirs. 2.nature or character as determining likeness or difference between things: These differ in degree rather than in kind. 3.a person or thing as being of a particular character or class: He is a strange kind of hero. 4.a more or less adequate or inadequate example of something; sort: The vines formed a kind of roof. 5.Archaic . a.the nature, or natural disposition or character. b.manner; form.
You are making the same fallacy that Calvin made. Next thing you know you are probably going to tell me to thank evolution for my car and stuff. You don't realize that the burden of proof is on you to prove evolution and abiogenesis. You are making an assumption here that I don't accept biology or biochemistry but obviously I would expect that because you listen to nothing I say! 4. a.)Well your claim that I don't understand you or what you say and that anything that I read that you write is misinterpreted is noted but will not be observed. Sometimes in speech we will try to recall what someone was talking about and at the time that I said that you had not gone into any great detail about the experiment. The benefit of having a forum like this is that we can all reference backwards and at the time that I talked about this to Calvin I knew this already. I was talking to him about something else that did not have much to do with your experiment but you misquoted me as well in this accusation. Notice what I actually said: "or something like that"
Max- He has some interesting things about shooting dog DNA into a jellyfish or something like that but there is no video on it.
b.) That's the problem you are not dealing with the point therefore giving half assed answers and then thinking that you are dealing with the issues. Its clear that you have an agenda and anyone can read that. Calvin identified with is as soon as he started to participate on the forum. Your language gives you away. People are not stupid I wish you would get that out of your head. People are wonderful! c.) Well its true that I have a happy life and everything is sunshine and lollipops and I love it. Thank you for recognizing my true corrector however that does not mean I am stupid as you presume. Knowledge and understanding is what makes me happy. You have already admitted that you reject most of the evidence because it "could" be tainted with human! That's just great, what do we have that is not tainted by human? I think you should consider all the evidence not just the ones that come about by the scientific method, we have already proven that is not as trustworthy as one might think it is either. Remember that science is there for humans NOT humans are there for science! Science is a human invention! 5. Well your condescending will get you no where. "I think therefore I am" "Cogito ergo sum" good philosophical statement. That's a far cry from your philosophy "Your a stupid Idiot". Just because I am not indoctrinated as you are does not mean that I lack any ability in understanding. In fact this give me the advantage over you. You have walls on all your sides the "I think therefore I am" applies to people like me, not people like you. People like you only look at 1 thing, science. As I have illustrated you are not getting the whole truth here no matter how you slice the cheese. You have been indoctrinated to thrown everything out the door and consider it stupid and uneducated when that could not be further from the truth. Science combined with historical data and testimony will give us a better understanding of the truth but science is not truth.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 13:33:01

What are you talking about or referring to?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-20 14:07:04

1. Well that just goes to show that you are not reading what I am putting down. I have a complete video of a biology professor at the top of this post and I can tell you did not reference that material at all. Listen to the fallacy of your observation. In other words if I quote Hitler saying that the "Volkswagen beetle will be a gas efficient car." You are going to say that is not so because Hitler said it? If this is what they are teaching you in school over there I cannot see how your 12th grade is equal to our 1 year in college. You talk out your ass way too much! I did not find any references that ppsimmons was convinced of any fraud at all! Kent should of paid his taxes true, that has nothing to do with what he said about evolution! Again you grossly ignore the evidence but I expect that from you now. 2. So when does it become a different species in your book and where is your proof? 3. Get this straight. I don't believe in your species, I don't believe in your taxonomy, I don't believe in your classifications PERIOD! I think you and the others are being ridiculous and its a play on words. According to the your definitions that we are limited too in your world we are apes but not in reality. Reality shows something very different. Evolutionism sucks and its misleading! 4. Are you going to teach me my A.B,C's next? I would not put it past you but I am glad that you have resorted to this kind of madness because at the end of your field this is all you got. I am glad that I have more that insulting the opposition to live for although I can't help a jab here and there!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 09:01:28

1. So basically it wasn't magic but it was magic, like witchcraft, a Jennie or a God. What I don't understand is that you completely ignore a testable, verifiable and accurate natural explanation in favour or an untestable, unverifiable and inaccurate supernatural explanation. String theory does not claim there is something outside the universe (as universe aceo-facto contains everything that exists, therefore if one or more Gods did exist the model would have to be expanded to include this), rather the universe as we see it sits on a four (x,y,z and time) dimensional membrane in a higher dimensional universe. What we observe as the big bang would actually be (if this is correct) two of these membranes colliding releasing energy which condenses into matter. However it must be noted that despite the name String Theory is not a theory, rather a hypothesis as while it is backed up by mathematics it is not backed up by current observation, probably due to the limited machinery available to observe such particles that the hypothesis requires. 2. No, you consider them a different organism to you, species is a much higher taxonomical classification. Junk DNA is just stretches of DNA that serve no purpose, they are located between pieces of DNA that do serve a function and are often caused by retroviruses, I didn't say anything other then that it exists, how do we know? Because we can observe it. You take everything so seriously, it is not a belief, a belief requires faith and is assumed in a lack of evidence. It's not an argument against Intelligent Design Hypothesis only an observation, similarly functioning stretches of DNA is not an argument for Intelligent Design Hypothesis or Evolution Theory or any other Theory/ Hypothesis it's just an observation. 3."Abiogenesis is a precursor to evolution therefore it is involved in challenging the origins of life" Seriously, please think for a second before opening your trap. Even if life did magically and supernaturally poof into existence from any cultures origin fable, this would have no effect on evolution theory, they are two separate theories, derived independent from each other. One might as well argue that the Big Bang Theory and Evolution Theory are the same thing (I have actually heard people dumb enough to assert that). Beyond that I see no objective measure for "kind" in your definition, it seems to be derived from premature subjective human inference rather than a strict criteria and yes, in the field of Taxonomy "kind" is an incorrect term similarly Information is an incorrect term in the field of Genetics, just because something is used by the uneducated in common Lagrange does not make it correct, you may as well be arguing for the use of "bro" instead of "brother" or "friend". However beyond semantics (my way of saying:"you've lost get the fuck over it") you still have yet to point out a single assumption in Biology, Biochemistry or Science in general; you've pirated the arguments from a few preachers but in case you haven't noticed all have been refuted. 4.a) yet you lack the intelligence to even check before opening your trap, or paying attention in the first place. Here's a tip for life, if you don't know something shut up about it or ask don't just assume you are right, because you will get it wrong and you will make whoever was your source very upset that you haven't been paying attention. b) People are not wonderful they do dumb, bad and terrible things not only to other people, not only to their immediate surroundings, not only to their planet and surrounding space but to themselves as well. Yes people have done some good things but the bad things far outweigh those. Don't get me wrong I like your childish, sunshine and lollipops outlook on humanity however your a grown man, and you need to grow up! c) No, again you haven't been paying attention. Evidence is rejected if it cannot be tested and falsified in the scientific method, why? Because if it cannot be tested and falsified then it is not evidence in science, it's called belief. Beyond strict science such belief is perfectly fine, I have no problem with people believing in things that cannot be tested, such as history or God(s) in general. What I do have a problem with is people like you that can't seem to pull their head out of their ass long (which based on your outlook on humanity you have a wonderful view there) enough to stop zealously guarding their treasured fairy tails and claiming religious freedom to actually go to school, get an education and actually learn something about the science that they so proudly ignore. 5. "Just because I am not indoctrinated as you are does not mean that I lack any ability in understanding." re-Heavens no, however because you lack any ability in understanding does mean that you lack any ability in understanding. "You have been indoctrinated to thrown everything out the door and consider it stupid and uneducated when that could not be further from the truth." re-I never though a single human being could say something so stupid until you came along, please listen to what I say, if it is not testable then it is not evidence, however testimony is fine in other fields like history or law unless it clashes with testable evidence and observation. However beyond that you are correct "Science combined with historical data and testimony will give us a better understanding of the truth but science is not truth" this is why the educated community (i.e. myself and other reputable sources) rejects your religious views and untestable speculation, and also why the uneducated community embraces it (i.e. you, preachers and other religious icons).


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 09:24:17

1. No I would say that he was correct (for his day at least), however if the man had said: "the beetle can spit fire, fly and grant three wishes" then you would receive a different response, it does not matter who makes a claim if it is directly contradicted by ALL evidence in that field. Beyond that my mastery of the English Language knows no bounds: "And then to prove your point you take a video from ppsimmons…you serious…that’s like sighting convicted fraudster Kent Hovend" Science I'm good at, getting a point across with all these obvious mistakes in my typing I'm not. 2.JESUS CHRIST, WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS! Why do you insist in not reading a single thing I say? Two organisms are different species when they can no longer breed and produce fertile offspring (i.e. offspring that can also breed), if the offspring is infertile the parents are two different species and the offspring is technically not classified as a species (though most common folk will say otherwise due to a limited understanding of Taxonomy) but simply as an organism in it's own right. Seriously I cannot count how many times I've been through this with you, I feel like a broken record playing the same note over and over again and you still asking to hear it! 3. Reality does not show something different, name the physical characteristics of Humans, it is impossible to do so without also describing Apes, aside from out unique skull and Hip (unique to Hominids not to Homo Sapians) lightly build bones (not found in other Great Apes but found in other primates) and relative hairless body we are almost exactly like other Great Apes. In the same way we are mammals and eukaryotes, this is not up for debate nor is it a Theory only an observation. One might as well argue that Earth is not a planet because they don't believe in our model of the solar system. 4."Are you going to teach me my A.B,C’s next? I would not put it past you but I am glad that you have resorted to this kind of madness because at the end of your field this is all you got." re-I would not put it past you to need someone to teach you the alphabet. Seriously? I deal with teenagers on a daily basis, I sleep in my lab on occasion because I can't go home and I deal with people telling me I'm going to burn forever because of my "choice" of lifestyle; yet if there is one thing I cannot stand it is stupidity! Not only are you a personification of such a condition but you surpass it so that a new word is in need of formulation to describe your condition, your not just ignorant either because you have been told you just lack the mental capacity to remove your head from your ass long enough to use what little brain power you have in order to think before opening your trap!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 09:49:44

BTW, Kent Hovand also thought that if you let a Jackson's Chameleon live for 900 years it would "turn into something similar to a Triceratops", or that a lizard would turn into any Dinosaur (even though lizards and Dinosaurs are not closely related) but "the genes for largeness are gone for whatever reason". http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8491003-md.jpg (Jackson's Chameleon) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Triceratops_head_(blitz).jpg (Triceratops)


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 12:57:57

1. You are impossible! The science that you are claiming can answer these questions cannot even find the cure to the common cold, male pattern baldness, or even figure out how a lightening bug lights up, simple things and you are going to tell me that this is a good science? You have a bigger imagination than me! I know exactly what you are supposing in string theory and the multiverse. This is all operated in the darkness like a smokescreen, this is not science this is imagination only. The gaps here are horrendously huge and dreamed up, I hardly think you have a good case here. 2. You are claiming that you know every function that a cell has, I think that's a joke! Just because you don't know why something is there, that does not mean that it does not have a function. The fact that cells do have a function does point to a designer, you point to something that you don't know like retroviruses causing stretches in the DNA and those stretches serving no purposes as an observation but what you are really saying is that this proves "Unintelligent Design" I know where your at don't try to play me. Yes I do take this seriously, I don't have time to play. 3. Well your delusions of grandeur are apparent. 4. First insults then outright rudeness strange how you think this justifies your case is nuts. I expected this though, I thought maybe you could actually "Teach" something but I see that you are just indoctrinated as I expected. Don't get mad at me because your world sucks, I did not make it that way. I have good sounds reasons to believe that my world is the realistic one and yours is the fairy tale. My reasons are scientific as well as philosophical, according to the reasons that you sated here and in our conversations there is not room for philosophical reasons so I entertain your world is filled with much deception. You cannot get truth from science alone, I have proven this over and over again but you do not listen because you are the uneducated fool here. I am sorry to say that but you are an uneducated fool. 5. Calling people stupid is probably your justification for a lot of things, I just hate to entertain what they may be. I do NOT refer to the "educated community" to be people like you, I am sorry if you thought that is what I meant but that could not be further from the truth. In time I know that you and people like you will fizzle out like the grip the Catholic Church held on society for such a long time. However I don't think the reign of evolutionist will be as long. People are awesome and I think they will catch on to what is happening here with people like you. I don't blame you really for basking in this glory but mark my words, you will lose.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 13:37:26

1. Well just so you know these types of thing never support your augments. Just because someone is convicted of tax fraud does not meant that what they said about evolution is not true. If I say " You are taking your references from Joe Blow" poking fun, that does not strengthen my argument. Or that information is 40 years old, still does not strengthen your argument. Here is another one, "That has been debunked" that is not a good argument in itself. All these statements you are guilty of making "actual proof" is what you lack for you argument against intelligent design. 2. I'm done asking you to explain yourself, you just get upset anyway as if you getting upset is proof of anything! You sound like a cult, believe me because I say its so, DO NOT ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS! Call me "Father Greedy" and believe everything I say because I am guided by the evolutionary holy ghost, my words are holy and true! How dare you question me Max your just a stupid ignorant fool incapable of understanding my greatness. I am at the apex of the educated community my understanding is deep waters. Greedy get over yourself, I find it harder and harder to believe that you are an educator. 3. Well you have a good straw-man there comparing planets to humans. I still say common designer is the best explanation. 4. All I can do is laugh at your statements, truly they are humorous. By the way I never told you that you were going to burn forever so don't link me with that. I am truly looking for undeniable evidence against intelligent design and proof for a blindly guided evolution process, that's all. I am not trying to justify my lifestyle either, I know I have not been the best little boy in my lollipop world as you say, I just want to know truth. So far the case with you looks to be more of an emotional one than one with good arguments.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-21 13:38:43

Yeah I have to admit that is pretty funny, almost as funny as the evolution theory!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-22 04:57:22

Small video explaining your "Creation Science" and why it is not considered and never will be considered science, since you refuse to listen to anything I say I'm hoping a 10min video will help a little more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TkY7HrJOhc&feature=g-vrec&context=G246c738RVAAAAAAAAAg


Shared publicly - 2012-02-22 12:29:53

1. Well I think you have some explaining to do if you are going to make claims like you do.In Time magazine, August 23, 1999, evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould asserted that “evolution is as well documented as any phenomenon in science” and “we can call evolution a ‘fact.’” This is typical of the stratagem used by evolutionists: If you make a statement strong enough and repeat it often enough, you may be able to convince yourself and others that it may be true. Yet, despite their dogmatism, there are many knowledgeable people who do not believe that the evidence supports the theory of evolution. Fossils disprove evolution One of the most powerful pieces of evidence against evolution is the fossil record. If evolution occurred by slow, minute changes in living creatures, there would be thousands of times more transitional forms of these creatures in the fossil beds than complete forms. Since the billions of fossils that have been found are all complete forms, the obvious conclusion is: Evolution never occurred! Though evolutionists have stated that there are many transitional forms, this is simply not true. What evolutionists claim to be transitional forms all have fully functional parts. A true transitional form would have non-functioning parts or appendages, such as the nub of a leg or wing. Where are the trillions of fossils of such true transitional forms? Critics often say that creationism is simply religion, whereas evolutionism is based on science. The Bible states in Genesis I that all creatures reproduce “after their kind” (no change to another kind, i.e., no transitional forms). So the complete absence of transitional forms in the fossil record supports creationism. Is this scientific evidence for creationism, or isn’t it? Too many questions and no answers It can also be noted that evolutionists only discuss this subject in the broadest terms. If evolution is true, why don’t they give us answers to our many questions? Where did all the 90-plus elements (iron, barium, calcium, silver, nickel, neon, chlorine, etc.) come from? How was it determined how many bonds each element would have for combining with other elements? How do you explain the precision in the design of the elements, with increasing numbers of electrons in orbit around the nucleus? Where did the thousands of compounds we find in the world come from—carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, calcium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid, chlorophyll, sucrose, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, aluminum silicate, mercaptans, propane, silicon dioxide, boric acid, etc.? They could not have developed from the elements, because elements rarely react with each other. For example, did all the salt in the ocean form by sodium reacting with chlorine (a gas)? Therefore almost all compounds had to have been created as compounds. When did all the compounds we find in the world develop—before the big bang, during the big bang, after the big bang? When evolutionists use the term “matter,” which of the thousands of compounds is included? When evolutionists use the term “primordial soup,” which of the elements and compounds is included? Why do books on evolution, including grade school, high school and college textbooks, not include such important, basic information? Evolutionists are masters of speculation; why don’t they speculate about this? Life from non-life How did life develop from non-life? Where did the human emotions, such as love, hate and jealousy, come from? What are the odds that the evolutionary process, proceeding by random changes, would produce human beings, plus millions of species of animals, birds, fish and insects, all with symmetrical features, i.e., one side being a mirror image of the other? We take symmetry in all these creatures for granted, but is that a reasonable outcome for a random process? Spontaneous reproduction What are the odds that, of the millions of species of animals, birds, fish and insects, a male of each species developed at the same time and in the same place as a female of the same species, so that the species could propagate? Why are there two sexes anyhow? This is not foreordained in the evolutionary framework. Is there some sort of plan here? If the first generation of mating species didn’t have parents, how did the mating pair get to that point? Isn’t evolution supposed to progress when an offspring of a mating pair has a beneficial mutation? Conclusion: No parents, no evolution. A species would have to jump from a primitive form to a fully developed male and female, each with the ability and instinct to mate. Organ development How did the heart, lungs, stomach, veins, blood, kidneys, etc. develop in the first animal by slow, minute steps and the animal survive while these changes were occurring? For example, did the first animal develop 10 percent of complete veins, then 20 percent, and on up to 100 percent, with veins throughout its entire body and brain? Then how did the heart slowly develop in the animal and get attached to the veins in the right spot? How did the blood enter the system? The blood could not enter before the veins were complete or it would spill out. Where did the blood come from? Did the blood have red corpuscles, white corpuscles, platelets and plasma? At what point in this process of development did the heart start beating? Did the animal develop a partial stomach, then a complete stomach? After the stomach was formed, how did the digestive juices enter the stomach? Where did the hydrochloric acid as part of the digestive juices come from? What about its kidney and bladder? The animal better not eat anything prior to this. How did the animal survive during these changes (and over thousands of years)? Of course, at the same time, the animal’s eyes must be fully developed so it can see its food, and its brain must be fully developed so the animal can control its body to get to the food. Like the heart, brain, veins and stomach, all of the organs and systems in the first animal’s body must be fully functional in the first moments of life. The preceding points indicate that evolution couldn’t occur, and the fossil record indicates that it didn’t occur! In other words, if you cannot come up with a detailed, feasible scenario of how the first animal developed, the whole evolutionary theory goes out the window, because it never even could have gotten started. Or is your attitude going to be: Don’t bother me with such details; my mind is made up. Misleading textbooks Why do books on evolution, including biology textbooks, always start with a fully developed animal when attempting to explain how one species developed into another species? Why don’t evolutionists first explain how the first animal developed (an animal with a heart, lungs, brain, stomach, etc.)? What are the odds that the evolutionary process, proceeding by random changes, would produce a system in human reproduction whereby exactly 50 percent of offspring are male and 50 percent are female (based on 50 percent X-chromosomes and 50 percent Y-chromosomes)? Again, is there some sort of plan here? To a creationist, the incredible complexity of human life, plant life and the universe is absolutely overwhelming evidence that there must have been a designer. Additional evidence for a designer: The law of gravity is basic to an understanding of the universe. Who invented gravity? Where did the law of gravity come from? Did it have a beginning? Isn’t it reasonable to assume that when matter was created, the law of gravity was established at the same time to regulate matter? Further evidence: The earth receives an incredible amount of energy from the sun, even though the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Yet the earth only receives one part in two trillion of the sun’s total energy. And since the sun is only an average star among the 100 trillion billion stars in the universe, the total energy in all these stars is absolutely beyond human comprehension. (It has been written that the number of stars is greater than the number of grains of sand in every beach and desert in the world!) Where did this energy come from? Isn’t the only reasonable answer that it was the result of a creative act by an almighty designer/creator? Evolution—A solution by default Why do evolutionists summarily dismiss the evidence of design without any serious consideration? Professor D.M.S. Watson, zoologist and Chair of Evolution at University College London, has given us some insight as to why this is so. He said, “Evolution [is] a theory universally accepted not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.” This, of course, is an admission that the foundation of evolution is not science, but a rejection of the supernatural. Evolution then is simply the best alternative anyone has been able to come up with. This also means that evolution is the only field in science where one decides on the answer first, and then looks for evidence to support that predetermined answer. Other than rejection of the supernatural, how else can one explain the steadfast adherence of evolutionists to this theory even though they do not know the origin of the three main bases of evolution: the origin of matter, the origin of energy and the origin of life? 2. You getting angry is immaterial I just find its difficult to reason with a mad man or woman. Questions at different times and in different lines of reasoning is exciting, challenging and promotes understanding. When a person gets mad he or she don't really want to understand they just want to believe they are right. I am an employer I tell people to do both right and wrong things sometimes, I take the good with the bad learn from my mistakes and move on. How long will you reason that I am not listening when its apparent that I just don't agree with you. Getting pissed off because someone don't agree with you is just foolish. 3. Supernatural is a good explanation for things and you claiming spells and magic shows you know nothing about the supernatural. You have not interest in the supernatural and reject anything having to do with it. It cannot be tested scientifically, its supernatural! Only natural things can be tested and most natural things cannot be tested like your great great great grandfather ever existed yet we know he did because you are here. In the same way we look at the world around us and conclude the same thing about God. Everything is evidence for God, EVERYTHING! Common designer is the best explanation for anything we see in biology, laws of physics, chemistry, astronomy, origins, etc. These things did not exist and then throw themselves together you retard! They did not magically evolve either from a blind/un-blind process. If there is a guide of any sort which you claim there is, its intelligent, hence Intelligent Design there is not escaping it. So if everything that cannot be tested would be proof of the supernatural we would have an open and shut case and we would not have to have faith and the Bible would be useless. However there exists thing that we just cannot test with the scientific method, does that mean they do not exist? Hell NO! Science is a tool like a wrench but if I need a screwdriver I am not going to use it. You put too much stock in science and your world is a result of it. 4. If its "NOT BLINDLY GUIDED" its intelligent. I believe that it is your stupidity that knows no bounds. I do this because I have a passion for truth and understanding. Your world and my world are polar opposites, OK I think your stupid and you think I am stupid but we both know that does nothing for our case so lets quit using that it means nothing, agreed? I feel like I am back in school with this stupid name calling and your the culprit! Don't tell me to go back to school when your suppose to be an educator here anyway. I'm in school I just don't agree with the teacher or what he or she is calling evidence for macro-evolution. Secondly I have no idea what Satanism is and how the hell did that get in our conversation, are you a Satanist?


Shared publicly - 2012-02-22 13:35:00

1. Good point on the fire fly. Anyway I don't want to hear excuses on why you cannot cure the common cold and then to claim to explain the universe or origins. If science were able to address all our problems I would put more stock in it. Philosophy addresses more of the issues of man than science does. Why do we enjoy poetry, music, the taste of good food. Why do I hate carrots and lima beans even though they are good for me? Why do I dream? Why does one song sound good to me but the next person hates it? Why do I have passion at all? Why do I find things beautiful and then other things so ugly? What is learning? The questions are endless and not testable by science at all these things are also not natural in the scientific use of the term. All these questions point to a common designer not an evolutionary process. 2.

Greedy- if a stretch of DNA does not have these “start” and “stop” triplets then it cannot be used because there is nothing to tell the cell where to stop making the protein and you would end up with a huge protein
Do I detect design here? hmmmm Isn't "Unintelligent Design" one of you arguments against "Intelligent Design"? 3.I have done the Google search many times and 95% of the time you don't agree with the dictionary encyclopedia or anything else why should this time be different? You want me to post the meaning again of abiogenesis and how its been discredited? Two theories discovered separate from each other mean nothing if they have the same presuppositions. If the foundation is evolution it will be build off of that presupposition if it is creation it will be built off of that presupposition. Your argument is debunked once again! 4. I did not say all my reasons were scientific I said they were true, big difference! I don't know what the world looks like up my ass I never been there before. I really think you need another world view. Death, doom and destruction is no way to see the world. I know bad things happen, my son was killed because of science. He was given a DPT shot and 18 hours later he was dead. The DPT shot has been known to help most kids build up their immune system but not my Stevy. Yes people can be dumb this is true but when they are dumb on purpose is what the crying shame is all about. People are wonderful though and as a whole they tend to work for good and justice. When I look at a person I see an amazing design and I am thankful for the beauty of life. Don't patronize me, your tactics mean nothing. 5. I don't really see your point, black people often refer to themselves as "nigga" "nigger" etc over here. Its no big deal. I find that Australians are noticeably 20+ years behind in their beliefs of American culture. There are certain areas in the US where you will still get in trouble for that but for the most part in my experience the black community don't actually really care either way. We have black history month, Martin Luther Kind day etc. Did you notice our president is a black man? I record rap artist in my studio on a regular basis and the gym I work out at is mostly people of color. I have to admit I find is a little bit entertaining that you take offense that you are called evolutionist because its not a derogatory term at all, its just what you are. I am a creationist, so what! You don't mind being called a scientist right? Well there are many creationist that are also called scientist. I don't understand the issue you take with the terminology I am just assuming its one of your many delusions. Again I think you are delusional science has been around since the beginning. Evolutionism is just another "Dark Age" religion. Here is a rather entertaining video but I think that it ironically illustrates the point that I am making with you. LINK


Shared publicly - 2012-02-22 13:47:11

I watched your video and I think its a farce. All references that would actually prove anything against creation science if over 100 years old and the video did not give any modern evidence against "Intelligent Design" at all. If you want to talk Darwinian evolution that those men believed in at the time I can give you endless examples of fraud in the field. I am not talking about tax evasion here I am talking about science fraud. The video you presented was weak and full of "crap hype" against intelligent design. Michale Behe is a real scientist in biology with a lab, published peer reviewed literature, but you and your evolutionist brothers and sisters all lie about them. Although the video admits on one hand that Creation Scientist actually provide peer reviewed articles they say its not too often. Your video is a joke!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-22 22:30:17

1. It's impossible to cure the common cold the virus mutates too fast, think of it like this: every treatment works for one cold virus however every time someone new is infected the virus changes so much that the original treatment is of no use. Beyond that I know what you are trying to do with the repeated questions, however all the examples you gave are testable and explained in quite surprising detail by modern science, to you everything points to a common designer...that's known as bias, the only thing that could point to a common designer is the discovery of such a being. Until then it's just speculation and we have to rely on natural explanations, more to that point Evolution Theory explains all this better than "Goddidit", one (Evolution) is testable, verifiable and falsifiable and the other (Goddidit) is simply replacing one unknown with another thus avoiding the question. 2. We've been through personification before, I'm not going through it in detail again: personification is a technique used by academics (me) to explain complicated principals to the uneducated (you) by giving a process or object human characteristics thus making it easier to understand. 3."Two theories discovered separate from each other mean nothing if they have the same presuppositions." re- SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS' FLAMING PLATYPUS!!! We've been through this before, science has no presuppositions, Evolution Theory is a directly observed process genetically, morphologically and in the fossil record. Abiogenesis is simply taking chemical reactions that we know can and do occur and extrapolating from that (i.e. reaction C can now occur because product A is now available because it was formed in process B). "If the foundation is evolution it will be build off of that presupposition if it is creation it will be built off of that presupposition. Your argument is debunked once again!" re-Unless you've been posting under "GreedyCapybara7" for this entire conversation you have done no debunking (I recommend you look the word up before posting again) and Evolution is not a presupposition but a separate observation, it's actually rather simple; Evolution is developed in one field (Biology) and in another field (Biochemistry) Abiogenesis is developed, each is completely independent from the other, neither is build from discoveries in the other, in fact the only thing the two Theories have in common is the use of Genetics. However that's similar to saying that a Star and a Planet are the same thing because they both rely on General Relativity in order to condense. 4. "I didn't say my reasons were scientific I said they were true", yes you did and no you didn't (in that order): "My reasons are scientific as well as philosophical, according to the reasons that you sated here and in our conversations there is not room for philosophical reasons so I entertain your world is filled with much deception." Technically it wasn't sciences fault your son is dead, he probably had a genetic problem that gave him an negative reaction to the shot. If you were really worried you could have had him screened, however if you had no idea and your country doesn't screen children for things like this at birth then nobody is to blame (a mean person would blame your son for his own genetic disorder so try not to bring the story up in future). Beyond that people don't seek justice, they don't do what's right for more than one second longer then it benefits them. Trust me, when the chips are down people will eat each other alive, the difference is that I accept that as a part of human behaviour and prefer to live in your little world and continue to be "stupid on purpose". 5. "I find that Australians are noticeably 20+ years behind in their beliefs of American culture" re- don't flatter yourself, America doesn't have enough influence to make anyone in Oceania follow their culture even at a difference, China is the biggest cultural influence in this part of the World, so if you ever do come to Australia you'll experience a kind of mutt between Asian and Western culture of which I didn't notice until I went overseas. But yes you Yanks have a lot of things there that we don't: freedom of speech and of the press, Gay right to marry, government funded universities, child support and other nice perks. Australia is branded as a democracy or monarchy overseas depending on where you are but in reality our government is closer to Communism, which isn't surprising when you take a look at other Islands in the area. "We have black history month, Martin Luther Kind day etc. Did you notice our president is a black man?" re- no really, I had no idea (obvious sarcasm). btw how's that working out for you, we don't get much news from the states, all I know is that you guys are in an educational and financial desert...meanwhile because of almost complete government control of our markets people's stupidity is regulated so they don't crash as much when times are bad but they don't go as great when markets are good. Evolutionist is an offensive term, because it implies religion of which Evolution Theory is not, the correct term would be scientist or for the common man; nothing. But that's not why I take issue here, I take issue here because I have told you that this is not the correct terminology yet you insist on continuing seemingly just to piss me off and say "look at me, I'm not doing what you tell me, what are you going to do about it?" like so many 14 year old girls. "Again I think you are delusional science has been around since the beginning. Evolutionism is just another “Dark Age” religion." re-we've covered this before, science has yes, in the sense that science is the method by which things are tested, however in the Dark Ages just like in Creationism whenever science contradicted (as it almost always does) scripture it was the scripture that was given authority, this is a bad idea because while science is direct observation scripture might as well be a fairy tale book because it is just as wrong on almost all matters. Evolution Theory is not a religion, we've covered this as well before, I don't know why you keep bringing this up, a religion is based on faith where as Evolution Theory being a science is based on direct, testable, verifiable and falsifiable observation and data.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-22 22:40:35

*facepalm* "Michale Behe", I recommend you look up his papers and see the number of stations (a measurement on how many other scientists give credit to this work and how many times the paper is referenced in other works). He's a laughing stock in Biology, we have one of his papers in our lab just for people to laugh at Although I am interested in your "fraud" case, aside from "piltdown man" and a fer pranks when palaeontology was still a relatively new and difficult discipline I can't name a single case and that was busted by science the second it was put up for peer review, even though palaeontology is not Evolution Theory directly I will allow it just because I can't name of anything significant.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-23 00:16:47

1. Don't give me your whinny excuses, I have reliable historical testimony that Jesus Christ of Nazareth raised the dead and cured all ailments and science cannot even cure the common cold. You can rely on only natural explanations if you want to, my way is better. God did it is a better explanation than the evolution theory will ever be. Evolution is not curing anything! 2. You know what, so what if you been though this before. Why do you cry like a baby so much? I don't buy your personification meaning anyway. If the cell knows to do something its programmed, that's what science shows. Even the computer that you are typing on proves this. When you hit a key it shows on the screen. That's a program and designed just like the cell. 3.Wahh Wahh Wahh there you go again. Science does have presuppositions according to the scientist that is doing the experiment. Tell me this then if you think that it is not presupposed, answer this one freekin question HONESTLY! Is science subjective? 4. Science has killed a lot more people than my son and my son was screened and an autopsy was preformed as well. Yes it was sciences fault I don't care what you say. I have talked to several doctors including ones who are my friends. Your view of the world just sucks to say the least, you must be one miserable person judging from what I see here or may be you are only happy with other Atheist and people in the evolution faith. Hopefully they will give you some encouragement. I have been where chips were down and I have seen something amazing. People coming together to help one another through. 5. You are one funny person, I was not flattering myself I was just making an observation of the word nigger, its used loosely here. You think I like to piss you off? I don't care if I do or not really, it has no outcome on what truth is. I think its funny that you think your world view brings people out of the "Dark Ages" when your world view of people is so dark itself. The evolution theory takes faith to believe, that is religion. You believe a wolf like creature evolved into a whale with no evidence. That's faith not science! Are you telling me that in the dark ages science never contradicted evolution? Here I thought you were educated and honest! pun intended


Shared publicly - 2012-02-23 00:24:04

1. We have a saying here called put up or shut up. If you are not going to put up the evidence against Michael Behe's work then why start with the insults? You make no sense. I am beginning to think you are not a scientist after all. When I mentioned him before you played like you did not even know who I was talking about and now you say that you are hanging papers of his in your office. Your a joke!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-23 03:01:07

1. I guess I'll answer in sections... fossil record: the fossil record is littered with transitions AS WE PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED, however what you and other creationists do is simply assert that any transition is "100% A" or "100% B" take for example tiktaalik even though it has features of lobe finned fish, lung fish and early tetrapods creationists either assert that it is either a lobe finned fish or a lung fish ignoring completely it's tetrapod characteristics and either it's lung fish of lobe finned fish characteristics. Another example is Australiopithecus Afarensis with characteristics of both Hominids and other Great Apes, however creationists either class it as either 100% "Ape" or 100% Hominid ignoring completely the characteristics held by the other classification (i.e. if one says "it's an ape" they will ignore the Hominid characteristics and vise versa), similarly Therapods (dinosaurs with two legs, "s" shaped neck, bird hip, wish bone, crocodilian spinal structure, bone structure and skull structure: commonly known as "predatory dinosaurs") and show characteristics of both Aves (Birds) and Crocodiles however depending on the sample creationists will either class it as a crocodile, a bird or place it into a third category "dinosaurs" ignoring that all members of this category hold characteristics of both Aves and Crocodiles. The fossil record supports evolution, not ID...one would expect to find all major groups appearing at once if ID were correct, or if the flood fable was correct they should be sorted by buoyancy not by evolutionary order. "A true transitional form would have non-functioning parts or appendages, such as the nub of a leg or wing." re-no, such a find would actually act against evolution by natural selection, instead one would find parts developed and adapted for different tasks as niches become available (which is exactly what we find), remember evolution is simply mutations compiled over successive generations guided by natural selection, non-functioning parts and appendages are selected against like we discusses with whale evolution previously. "Where are the trillions of fossils of such true transitional forms?" re-well I just named three, if you wish to know more then just ask and I shall supply you with one if such a thing should actually exist and I also explained that creationists like yourself always dismiss transitional forms as 100% one kind or the other when there is no case for such things being all transitional forms have characteristics of both groups. "Critics often say that creationism is simply religion, whereas evolutionism is based on science. The Bible states in Genesis I that all creatures reproduce “after their kind” (no change to another kind, i.e., no transitional forms)." re-saying creationism isn't a religion then putting forward a case from a religious holly book doesn't help, Evolution Theory is a scientific theory, I don't know how many times we've been over this, however the “after their kind” is a blank term, because "kind" is an undefined term in itself such a statement could mean anything, unless one can define such a term (in relation to Biology) then they may/may not have a case, if every single piece of evidence from all relative fields of science didn't converge on evolution. "If evolution is true, why don’t they give us answers to our many questions?" re-we kinda do, however you tend to ignore my answers (I'm not sure about everyone else) and just bring up the topic again after it has already been dealt with. "Where did all the 90-plus elements (iron, barium, calcium, silver, nickel, neon, chlorine, etc.) come from? How was it determined how many bonds each element would have for combining with other elements?" re- That's not evolution but I will answer anyway, all the 90+ are formed (apart from iron which is formed in nuclear fusion like other light elements) in a "supernova" when a star "dies" the heat and energy released is enough to combine the nuclei from two or more atoms making a new heavy element, a quick Google search would clear this up but I am glad that you asked instead of assuming that there simply was no answer. As for bonds the answer lies in "Chemical Theory" which is how the periodic table's construction is based on (it will help if you are looking at one as a reference). The elements like He (Helium), Ne (Neon), Ar (Argon), etc are known as "inert" or "noble gasses" these elements are in what is known as a "stable electron configuration" which is when their respected "electron orbitals" are full, this means that they do not react with anything (with the exception of Xenon (Xe) but only under extreme conditions where an electron is physically removed/ added) all other elements seek this "stable configuration" and therefore will either "give", "take" or "share" electrons with other elements in order to obtain this configurations. The amount of electrons that an element must take/give/share in order to obtain this stable configuration determines how many bonds are available. (btw, I didn't expect you to already know this I also minored in Chemistry) "How do you explain the precision in the design of the elements, with increasing numbers of electrons in orbit around the nucleus?" re- this is actually rather simple, an element is determined by the amount of "protons" in the nucleus (positivity charged heavy particles), this is given by their "atomic number" i.e. Hydrogen has 1 proton, Helium has 2, Lithium has 3 and so on. These protons are positivity charged, because of this more electrons (particles that are negatively charged) are attracted to the nucleus in order to balance this out, the amount of electrons is directly proportional to the amount of protons in a given atom (unless in part of certain chemical reactions where electrons are taken or given) because each has the same charge only reversed. "Where did the thousands of compounds we find in the world come from[?]" re- compounds are a direct result of atoms taking, giving or sharing electrons in order to obtain a stable electron configuration, most (but there are a few exceptions) compounds have no net charge, because when one atom "takes" an electron from another one becomes positivity charged and the other negative (balancing out the charge) this forces them together: this is called an "ionic bond". When electrons are shared this also forces the atoms together because the electron is attracted to both nuclei forcing the atoms together; this is known as a covalent bond. Molecules are formed when one or more of these events happen, for example carbon has 4 electrons it needs to take or share and therefore can bond to a maximum of 4 other atoms, it can either do this by sharing with 2 oxygen (each oxygen needs 2 electrons to take of share) or by any other configuration, often this means that whatever bonds to the carbon still has electrons it needs to share of give away forcing another atom to join. This continues until you obtain a complete molecule, the conditions and what elements there are present determine what compound(s) are formed and in what quantities. "They could not have developed from the elements, because elements rarely react with each other. For example, did all the salt in the ocean form by sodium reacting with chlorine (a gas)?" re- there you are wrong, you see elements are always reacting with each other (aside from inert gasses like Helium, Argon, Neon, etc.) for example Oxygen reacts with Oxygen to form O2 or O3 (O3 only in certian conditions) or with Carbon to form CO2. But beyond that yes sodium chloride forms when sodium reacts with chlorine...however both have to be dissolved in a liquid (like water) or both have to be condensed or both have to be vaporised. Chlorine actually bonds with just about anything and so does Sodium because both construct bonds strong enough to rip electrons from the other or give them away strong enough to strip the other from whatever it is currently bonded to, this is why pure Sodium and Chlorine are toxic and sodium chloride is not. "When did all the compounds we find in the world develop—before the big bang, during the big bang, after the big bang?" re- after the big bang, because the only element capable of condensing without assistance is Hydrogen and in a universe with only Hydrogen H2 is the only possible compound, for higher elements nuclear fusion is needed, it is only after nuclear fusion can more complex compounds form. "When evolutionists use the term “matter,” which of the thousands of compounds is included?" re- matter means everything with mass + photons (which sometimes have mass and sometimes don't), matter at it's simplest is condensed energy (energy and matter are interchangeable E=MC^2), therefore all compounds are included because they all are constructed from atoms which are constructed of protons, neutrons and electrons which (aside from electrons) are comprised of quarks, which are comprised of those particles found in the "Standard Model" (the 12 simplest particles of matter we have found so far). " When evolutionists use the term “primordial soup,” which of the elements and compounds is included?" re- the "primordial soup" is primary comprised of: water, carbon based sugars, nucliodides (molecules that make up DNA and RNA) , proteins plus dissolved nitrogen, iron-oxide and hydrogen (in the form of H+ ions). "Why do books on evolution, including grade school, high school and college textbooks, not include such important, basic information? Evolutionists are masters of speculation; why don’t they speculate about this?" re- what basic information are you talking about? if it's the questions you've asked so far it's because none are related to Evolution Theory, they are either Physics, Chemistry or Biochemistry each of which have their own text books where this sort of thing is explained. Beyond that, what speculation? we don't speculate because none is needed, we already have explanations for all questions proposed and are actually quite simple, all are observed and documented. "How did life develop from non-life?" re-depending on what you mean by life it's actually quite simple, first one needs a self replicating polymer such as RNA in a nucleotide solution (this is commonly known as a Primordial Soup) which can replicate before it decomposes, then if such a molecule can attract limpid then you have what is known as a "proto-cell" (because limpid naturally form such structures due to a water repelling end and water attracting end of the molecule) this increases the length of time a RNA molecule has to reproduce before it decomposes, from there a simple protein synthesis reaction can cause the proto-cell to form proteins to do simple tasks, as soon as the proto-cell has what we refer to as metabolism where it must take in energy to have some form of homoeostasis it is considered a true cell (be it an incredibly simple one) and therefore alive. "Where did the human emotions, such as love, hate and jealousy, come from?" re- these are caused by different neurotransmitters in the brain and are not unique to humans but found in most mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, fish and even invertebrates to some degree. The origin of Jealousy allows for a selective advantage as it makes one protective of their mate making them more likely to breed and pass on this gene, the origin of hate is simply a modified "they are a threat" response and love is cause by three reactions in the brain (my department is currently working on this); one we experience as lust (very, very simple reaction), the other we experience as "more than a friend" (slightly modified lust reaction) and the third we experience as attachment (a modified jealousy reaction), only when all three reactions occur to you experience love. "What are the odds that the evolutionary process, proceeding by random changes, would produce human beings, plus millions of species of animals, birds, fish and insects, all with symmetrical features, i.e., one side being a mirror image of the other? We take symmetry in all these creatures for granted, but is that a reasonable outcome for a random process?" re- the chances of a random process doing this...very, very low though I am not going to speculate on the figure. However as we previously discussed evolution is not a random process, due to the pressures of natural selection and events in the past, there is actually very little other paths evolution could have taken...however if say 65million years ago the dinosaurs were not wiped out or oxygen in the carboniferous didn't drop by 60% or any other huge mass extinction did not take place then things would be very different. However because of these events evolution has very little other options. I also discussed symmetrical organisms in my rant on Taxonomy all animals at some stage in their development are symmetrical, this is actually due to the limited amount of coding it takes to form an animal that has such a feature and is one reason why segmented worms do so well, it's just code for one thing mirrored. "What are the odds that, of the millions of species of animals, birds, fish and insects, a male of each species developed at the same time and in the same place as a female of the same species, so that the species could propagate?" re- almost 0 however this is not how evolution works if you had been paying attention to anything I have been saying. Each offspring will always bee the same species as it's parent, however if a population is separated (by say an ocean forming) then gene flow allows each population to grow increasingly different from each other, gene flow also makes sure that the chances of several new species emerging in one population is next to impossible but at the same time makes it mandatory when one population is divided (by physical or chronological separation). This is how new species are formed, not through one animal giving birth to one of a different species but successive mutations compiling in a population due to gene flow. "Why are there two sexes anyhow?" re- simple, because "sex" allows for mixing of genes and thus a faster mutation rate, thus faster reaction to climate changes and faster immune system development, it also allows for one gender to become specialised in performing one task and the other to perform a different task so that the two genders are not competing for food (however this only happens is certain examples). " Is there some sort of plan here?" re- all evidence points to no plan, no help, nothing but cold indifference. " If the first generation of mating species didn’t have parents, how did the mating pair get to that point?" re- a lot of organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually, eventually sexual reproduction became more favourable and thus this is the standard for most animals and some plants. The sexes arose far before sexual reproduction was the norm, for example flat worms are both male and female but still require sexual reproduction (as a result they often fight over who gets to play the male), because of the fast mutation rate that sexual reproduction introduces in many species asexual reproduction became redundant and thus fades out entirely in most linages. "Isn't evolution supposed to progress when an offspring of a mating pair has a beneficial mutation?" re-no just mutations in general, asexual reproduction does not have as high a mutation rate as sexual reproduction but they still occur (and because most organisms that reproduce asexually reproduce in high numbers this is rather common to observe), natural selection operates both on beneficial and non-beneficial mutations, this is not a one way street. "Conclusion: No parents, no evolution. A species would have to jump from a primitive form to a fully developed male and female, each with the ability and instinct to mate." re- as I explained above, this is not the case, don't assume your conclusions before your questions are answered, that's constructing a straw-man which is deliberately misrepresenting the opposing party. "How did the heart, lungs, stomach, veins, blood, kidneys, etc. develop in the first animal by slow, minute steps and the animal survive while these changes were occurring? For example, did the first animal develop 10 percent of complete veins, then 20 percent, and on up to 100 percent, with veins throughout its entire body and brain?" re- that's a very good question and shows that you are legitimately curious about animal development, good boy. Short answer: no. Veins probably developed as we see in flat worms with an open system rather than a closed one (simply moving blood to the general area where it is needed) or as a passive system like we see in segmented worms (where water flow moved blood like fluid throughout the body without a pump), eventually you get to more advanced flat worms there the veins are more precise in their delivery and returning of blood to and from a particular part of the body and eventually you find flat worms where the system is completely enclosed delivering blood to exactly where it is needed and returning it to the gills and "heart" where it can be pumped around again. The heart itself seems to be a modified gill "pump" converted to help the pumping of blood as these worms got larger. The Lung (even in modern mammals) is nothing more than a swim bladder modified to absorb oxygen in the same way as gills are. The stomach is actually the simplest where it is only an area where food can be stored and partly broken down prior to digestion, it's simply a cavity with acid and enzymes. Kidneys are more difficult however, they seem to be modified waste storage sacks, with the ability to filter waste from blood (originally the kidney and bladder were one origin and still are in some organisms). A brain is very simple, it is only a bundle of neurons, kind of like an analogue computer with neurons regulating input and output the organism develops what we experience as a conciseness. "Then how did the heart slowly develop in the animal and get attached to the veins in the right spot?" re- a muscular cavity became more robust allowing the pumping of blood around an organism, this replaced the old passive system which needed a flow of water to pump oxygen around the body, it doesn't matter where the heart is attached, it's attached where it is in vertebrates because it is close to the lungs and/or gills allowing for a strong mussel well feed with oxygen (and the protection that a rib cage provides also helps). "How did the blood enter the system? The blood could not enter before the veins were complete or it would spill out. Where did the blood come from?" re- actually it did, next to all insects and worms have an open system where blood or blood like fluid is simply pumped throughout the body through an osmosis effect, because there is a lack of blood in one part of the body that is where the blood will flow, gaps between cells allowed for more directed action and a faster metabolic rate. Blood probably arose as a fluid comprised of specialised cells capable to moving oxygen around the body without using a lot of it, eventually this got so extreme to the point where the nucleus was sacrificed in blood cells to prevent more oxygen being used than was absolutely needed. "Did the blood have red corpuscles, white corpuscles, platelets and plasma? At what point in this process of development did the heart start beating?" re- "blood like fluid" is an organic solvent capable of carrying oxygen better than water (similar to plasma), as cells started to mix with the fluid they could transport oxygen more efficiently and it goes on from there. The hart probably started beating after the development of "blood like fluid" before this a passive system was used, which I previously discussed. "Did the animal develop a partial stomach, then a complete stomach? After the stomach was formed, how did the digestive juices enter the stomach?" re- first of all almost all animals have a tubular digestive tract where food comes in one end and waste is expelled from the other, a stomach probably developed as a cavity in this tube able to hold food and break it down for longer made digestion more efficient. Digestive juices were present before the development of the stomach, however because the stomach plays little to no role in actual digestion these could become more potent in this area due to a protective layer (this is all seen in different flat worms). "Where did the hydrochloric acid as part of the digestive juices come from?" re- probably a waste product excreted from the cells lining the stomach wall (scratch that it is a waste product, it was just expelled from the body prior to this due to it's harmful nature in high quantities), because the stomach was isolated from actual digestion it could collect here without causing any harm. "What about its kidney and bladder? The animal better not eat anything prior to this." re- as I explained the kidney and bladder were one organ originally, but became separated in order to perform each task more effectively, prior to this digestive development the only animals that existed were things like flat worms and sea cucumbers where food is partly digested then expelled from the body along with actual waste formed from this process. This is just a simple tube, food comes in one side then exits at a slightly lower energy content, with each addition the animal became more efficient and thus each stage is shown in nature to this day. "How did the animal survive during these changes (and over thousands of years)? Of course, at the same time, the animal’s eyes must be fully developed so it can see its food, and its brain must be fully developed so the animal can control its body to get to the food. Like the heart, brain, veins and stomach, all of the organs and systems in the first animal’s body must be fully functional in the first moments of life." re- firstly an animal does not need to see it's food in order to eat it, most animals at this stage didn't like flat worms, sea cucumbers, segmented worms, etc are all completely blind. As for the development of an eye each stage is seen in nature to a degree unrivalled; clams have light sensitive cells so they can tell light from dark, a shallow dip like that from snails allows one to tell where the light was coming from, from that comes a simple pin hole camera seen in the shelled predicator of squid and waste excreted from the cells could and does form a lens to focus the light like in squid themselves, from that mussel control is being developed in order to move this around and the lens sharpened to get a clearer picture (often also being places under mussel control). The brain not need be fully developed either, such is the case in jellyfish, clams and some worms; simple input and response is all that is needed and this can be done by simple chemical responses no "fully developed brain" required. Functional yes, as each stage is functional... efficient in the absence of others, no. A tubular digestive tract is fine but a stomach is better, simple oxygen absorption through the skin is fine but gills are better, a simple open blood system is fine but a closed on is better (in most cases) and a simple mussel pumping blood is fine but a true heart is better. "The preceding points indicate that evolution couldn’t occur, and the fossil record indicates that it didn’t occur! In other words, if you cannot come up with a detailed, feasible scenario of how the first animal developed, the whole evolutionary theory goes out the window, because it never even could have gotten started. Or is your attitude going to be: Don’t bother me with such details; my mind is made up." re- no, my attitude is that such things do exist and each step is viable in nature and recorded (as detailed above) just because you lack the ability to do a simple Google search or actually look at primitive animals does not mean that such things are impossible. Actually the opposite is true, the fossil record coincides perfectly with evolutionary theory and each step to obtain mammalian organs is seen either in nature or the fossil record as I have explained above. "Why do books on evolution, including biology textbooks, always start with a fully developed animal when attempting to explain how one species developed into another species? Why don’t evolutionists first explain how the first animal developed (an animal with a heart, lungs, brain, stomach, etc.)?" re- high school textbooks perhaps, university textbooks never. It's actually rather simple, all animals are fully developed, however animals have succeeding stages of development of different organs, features, etc however each stage itself is fully functional just not as effective as succeeding steps, and this is explained however primarily in university level textbooks because such process are long and complicated, so much so that we don't bother trying to teach such things to teenagers but save the more complicated stuff for higher education. It's the same thing as in primary school you learn that everything fits into either a plant of an animal, then you learn about the five kingdom system and finally you learn about Taxonomy, we save the more complicated things for when they have enough intelligence to understand it. "What are the odds that the evolutionary process, proceeding by random changes, would produce a system in human reproduction whereby exactly 50 percent of offspring are male and 50 percent are female (based on 50 percent X-chromosomes and 50 percent Y-chromosomes)? Again, is there some sort of plan here?" re-100% because unless there are process to stop this when you have two options to pick from (X&Y) you have a 50-50 chance of picking either, unless there is some sort of system by which one chromosome is retarded (I'm using the correct term don't get up at me for that) do other probabilities occur, humans have no such system thus there is no other option. "To a creationist, the incredible complexity of human life, plant life and the universe is absolutely overwhelming evidence that there must have been a designer. Additional evidence for a designer: The law of gravity is basic to an understanding of the universe." re- no, that's extrapolating from data that does not exist, i.e. matter attracts matter, therefore there is a God...your missing a step, i.e. matter attracts matter, God(s) are directly observed (which is not the case mind you) therefore God(s) exist. "Who invented gravity? Where did the law of gravity come from? Did it have a beginning? Isn’t it reasonable to assume that when matter was created, the law of gravity was established at the same time to regulate matter?" re- nobody invented Gravity, Gravity is a side effect of things having mass, things with mass distort space-time, this causes things with mass to attract other things with mass. Gravity does not regulate matter, are you for real? Gravity (more specificity general relativity) is the Theory by which things with mass attract other things with mass by distorting space-time, the more mass something has the more of space-time it distorts and the more Gravity it has. Gravity came with mass...sort of, things with energy also have Gravity (E=MC^2 energy and matter are interchangeable) however to a much, much smaller degree (C^2 is a very big number (C being the speed of light)). "The earth receives an incredible amount of energy from the sun, even though the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Yet the earth only receives one part in two trillion of the sun’s total energy. And since the sun is only an average star among the 100 trillion billion stars in the universe, the total energy in all these stars is absolutely beyond human comprehension. (It has been written that the number of stars is greater than the number of grains of sand in every beach and desert in the world!)" re- I know this isn't your point but I should put something up here, our sun is not an average sized star, it's a very small star, and prior to our suns birth stars could grow even bigger (because there was to helium yet they could grow to huge sizes). That is all. "Where did this energy come from? Isn’t the only reasonable answer that it was the result of a creative act by an almighty designer/creator?" re- no, remember our equation E=MC^2? where energy and matter/mass are interchangeable and our principal of nuclear fusion? well it's a fusion of these two principals, when a star combines two elements, say two hydrogen nuclei mass is lost, this little bit of mass (M) is concerted into a lot of energy (energy=mass x the speed of light^2), this is the energy a star releases in the form of heat, light particle radiation. A simple Google search would clear this up as well, i.e. "how to stars work?". "Why do evolutionists summarily dismiss the evidence of design without any serious consideration?" re- they don't because what you claim is evidence is not, it's called a testimony. Evidence is testable, repeatable, verifiable and falsifiable; God(s) are not and it is impossible to give credit to any particular tale over another because each has equally weighted testimony accompanying it with no evidence accompanying any. Therefore it is impossible to distinguish anyone's God(s) from the beings some bronze age desert dwellers seemingly made up. "Professor D.M.S. Watson, zoologist and Chair of Evolution at University College London, has given us some insight as to why this is so. He said, “Evolution [is] a theory universally accepted not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.” This, of course, is an admission that the foundation of evolution is not science, but a rejection of the supernatural." re- The Creationist Quote mine, do yourself a favour and actually read the rest of the paragraph, I think you'll be surprised. Science is a rejection of the supernatural because magic is not testable and therefore unverifiable and therefore it is impossible to distinguish anyone's tale from someone making shit up, we can't have that in science, evolution is science because it is testable, retestable, verifiable and falsifiable all four criteria for something to be considered scientific. "Evolution then is simply the best alternative anyone has been able to come up with. This also means that evolution is the only field in science where one decides on the answer first, and then looks for evidence to support that predetermined answer." re-as we discussed before at length, evolution is the opposite. Evolution Theory is developed directly from the observed evidence, it is not as you claim "unscientific" because it meets all criteria to be scientific and is not as you claim a "religion" because it does not require faith...please don't bring up this point again, it has been dealt with, you lost, your wrong, get the fuck over it. "Other than rejection of the supernatural, how else can one explain the steadfast adherence of evolutionists to this theory even though they do not know the origin of the three main bases of evolution: the origin of matter, the origin of energy and the origin of life?" re- evolution is none of those things, we've covered this. Evolution Theory covers the diversity of life and the Origin of new Species nothing more, origin of matter and energy is physics and the origin of life is abiogenesis. Science is a rejection of the supernatural because the supernatural is untestable, otherwise it is considered natural, I have a feeling now that you've simply copied this from somewhere as we have covered almost all of this before...I would appreciate it if this is the case that you proof read what you paste before doing so because of this outcome. 2.I will reason that you are listening to me the second that you bring up something that has not been dealt with or acknowledge something that has been dealt with as opposed to pretending that it never happened. 3.not a single thing in that entire paragraph was even remotely correct 4.no it not need be intelligent, for example if you have a dry environment then genes will be selected that are better suited for the climate, this does not mean that there is an intelligent process only that natural selection works, that is the entire point of natural selection is that evolution is not blindly nor intelligently guided but guided by changes in the environment and other selective pressures. Your stupidity known no bounds.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-23 14:02:06

1.) Yeah well you think the fossil record is on order from bottom to top, this is ludicrous even from your standards! Australopithecus Afarensis all you have to do is Google it and you can spell it right. Ok lets look at the "Human Like" characteristics. Well its clear to see this creature had eyeballs, teeth, arms, legs, a skeleton, ribs, and yes humans have these too but so does a loin, tiger and bear. Is there any evolutionary fraud in the depiction of this creature? Yes can you pick out what they are? Notice the feet in the imaginary "faith like" picture and then look at the actual remains of the creature. Imagination and faith will get you everywhere in evolution, if you cant find a part you make it up! The so called transitional forms that you are pointing out were fully functioning creatures. You brought it out before that everything is a transitional form. If a part of an organism is "developing" there are stages where it is useless, kind of like your claims of vestige parts! Why would evolution keep a part that is in development? That is too much like intelligence anyway! Like I illustrated to you before, just because we want or need wings to fly does not mean that we are going to evolve them. Your evidence does not show this at all and the theory is flawed! Species is an undefined term and is always changing so I do not see why it is a better term than kind. Sounds like personal preference to me. Creationism points to a creator that is true and that is why there are religious implications, so what! About your answers... I don't want religious answers that have to do with a fantastic imagination like most of your answers are. However I do like the explanations of the compounds, chemicals and gases all coming from a dying star. There are a lot of processes there and I especially liked at the end where you say that "There you are wrong" what, for asking some questions? You think all those processes just go all by themselves with no programmer, that is remarkably STUPID! So there is not speculation in evolution? How about the feet on Lucy's feet above? There are tons of speculation in the evolution theory, your just lying now and we cannot trust anything you say. Life does not develop from non life you have not seen it or observed it, here is more speculation on your part! Your a real nut job especially when you come to explain human emotion scientifically. I love your answers on evolution not being a random process. Your speculation is a win win situation for you, isn't it? If I tell you that if its an intelligent process you will say no, its a random process no intelligence involved. Then if I bring up my arguments about random would not "choose" beneficial mutations and keep it because its random then you will prescribe some sort of intelligence to it. This is remarkably idiotic! Paying attention? I have payed attention to you and I am amazed that you knowing some of the processes that you do cannot see that you are indoctrinated or just anti-religiously motivated. I have no problem with the facts its your conclusions that I find remarkably stupid. Like 2+2=9 this is what I feel like when I read your words. I have no problem with the 2 or even the other 2 these are facts, when you come to the equals part I have a big problem with you. You don't even realize this is speculation on your part, that is even more remarkable. LOL, Nothing but cold indifference when it comes to sex? Hopefully you are single!

Greedy- all evidence points to no plan, no help, nothing but cold indifference.
NO SPECULATION HERE EITHER HUH? <-PUN INTENDED Not all organisms reproduce asexually and if you are saying that is how it all started out there is more speculation on your part! No evidence for this at all! Asexual is your straw-man!
Greedy "Veins probably developed as we see in flat worms with an open system rather than a closed on"
NO YOU DON'T SPECULATE DO YOU? PUN INTENDED ONCE AGAIN! In fact your whole paragraph here is one whole speculation, unbelievable! So now that you built your straw-man with speculation you are going to speculate more on the speculation and tell me how the cardiovascular system developed, digestive system. Wonderful! Do you realize how many times you say "Probably"? I need to quote you here:
"we save the more complicated things for when they have enough intelligence to understand it."
This is truly remarkable and sounds more and more like indoctrination to me. The Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Scientologist follow the same line of reasoning. Evolution is nothing but a faith and just like those other ones mentioned here I am not inertested in another faith, I just like science. You have touched on some science but mostly you are preaching a faith and that faith is evolution. I have overwhelming evidence here in your comments that this is so, anyone will be able to see that except you of course! 2. I don't think that I can reason with you, ever really. It would be like reasoning with a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon and telling them that their faith is wrong. I never thought for a moment that I was going to change your mind I just wanted others to see what I see and I think that this is well illustrated in our conversations here. I have listened to you I just don't agree with your conclusions. I'm sorry that you cannot see that you are wrong but that is the breaks when someone is so indoctrinated as you are. You remind me of my mother a devout Jehovah's Witness, she is right and everyone else is wrong no matter what points a person brings up. 3. This is exactly what I am talking about. Just to make sure even with my typos I had someone else read it. Talking to you I feel sometimes I am so out of touch with reality so I have to have other people read what we are talking about because you are so out in left field somewhere. My paragraph was perfectly understood by others that I ask to read it. 4. Yes it has to be intelligent if its choosing something! Your straw-man of the dry environment here is not applicable when it comes to choosing something that had to evolve out of nothing in the first place. Put a fish on dry land and then see what happens to it you FREEKIIN RETARD! According to you it will not die it will select new genes so its adaptable! You know even if you say this occurs over time take a fish put it out on the sand for just a few minutes each day and then do that with 10-20-30 generations of its offspring, what will you find? Feet perhaps? Lungs developing perhaps? NO! Quit trying to feed me your religion, I have on already as I have pointed out.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-23 21:50:28

1. I don't want to live on this planet any more...I guess I'll make it simple. Hominid Features: Homonid hip, Homonid skull, Hominid foot "Ape" Features: Ape upper and lower arms, Ape rib cage, Ape jaw You have one skeleton, do you want a cookie? That is the skeleton of Lucy, the first sample of Australopithecus Afarensis that was discovered, since then we have unearthed multiple samples giving us an almost complete skeleton. "The so called transitional forms that you are pointing out were fully functioning creatures. You brought it out before that everything is a transitional form. If a part of an organism is “developing” there are stages where it is useless, kind of like your claims of vestige parts! Why would evolution keep a part that is in development? That is too much like intelligence anyway! Like I illustrated to you before, just because we want or need wings to fly does not mean that we are going to evolve them. Your evidence does not show this at all and the theory is flawed!" re-no, there are no stages where an organ will be useless, vestige parts are useless. Think of it this way, a ring of mussel lining a vein acts like a heart, it is no fully formed but functional and will continue to be for the rest of it's "development", a cavity in the digestive tract is not a fully developed stomach but is still functional and will continue to be for the rest of it's "development", a patch of light sensitive cells is not a fully formed eye but is still functional. In no stages will any transitional form have a non-functioning part, for example for wings if you are referring to birds, pterosaurs or bats they were first adapted for gliding not flying, as the wings became more pronounced they were able to glide further giving each with a selective advantage, eventually this lead to powered flight. Evolution Theory is not flawed, your perception of it is flawed, you go out thinking of things that would discredit Evolution Theory not realizing that if we ever did find anything you are asking for it would completely debunk Evolution Theory. "Species is an undefined term and is always changing so I do not see why it is a better term than kind. Sounds like personal preference to me. Creationism points to a creator that is true and that is why there are religious implications, so what!" re- FOR FUCKS SAKE! We've been through this countless times, Species is a very well defined term. If two organisms cannot reproduce and produce fertile offspring they are different species, it is a better term than kind because it actually means something! Creationism is a religion, which is a bias be definition, this is why you constantly say "oh this points to a creator" when it clearly does not. "About your answers… I don’t want religious answers that have to do with a fantastic imagination like most of your answers are. However I do like the explanations of the compounds, chemicals and gases all coming from a dying star. There are a lot of processes there and I especially liked at the end where you say that “There you are wrong” what, for asking some questions? You think all those processes just go all by themselves with no programmer, that is remarkably STUPID!" re- no I said you were wrong for assuming that elements don't react, they do if you ever did grade school chemistry you would know this, these processes do go by themselves they are guided by four forces: Gravity, Electro-Magnetism, Strong and Weak Forces...I'm not going to get into the Weak Force, it' far too complicated and almost meaningless. Gravity is the force through where anything with mass bends space time and therefore attracts other things with mass and is responsible for star, planet and galaxy formation, Electro-Magnetism is what gives particles positive or negative charges (+/-) and is responsible in part for atom formation, elemental formation and chemical bonding, the strong force (I'm not going to get into how it works...I'll be here all day trying to explain it) is the force that holds the nucleus of an atom together despite the positivity charged protons wanting to get as far away from each other as possible the Strong Force holds them together, this force is also responsible for nuclear fusion. No programmer needed, no regulator, nobody needed to keep these in line, just these four (I know I only explained three) forces, at it's most basic these forces govern the universe...nothing else is required for a universe short of space-time and energy. "So there is not speculation in evolution? How about the feet on Lucy’s feet above? There are tons of speculation in the evolution theory, your just lying now and we cannot trust anything you say. Life does not develop from non life you have not seen it or observed it, here is more speculation on your part!" re- nope no speculation, none needed. I already explained that we have multiple samples of Australopithecus Afarensis for that, we almost have a complete skeleton. Beyond that I will say this slowly again: Abiogenesis is not Evolution, get this through your think skull! More to that point, we have no observed life coming from non-life, mostly due to the fact that Organic Chemicals are digested by bacteria shortly after formation...but we have observed each step and recreated them in a lab...have we recreated each step in order and made life? No, the chemical process takes approx 1 billion years, time people just don't have spare, we can however recreate each chemical process either in Theory (using Chemical Theory to construct reactions) or in experimentation. “Your a real nut job especially when you come to explain human emotion scientifically. I love your answers on evolution not being a random process. Your speculation is a win win situation for you, isn’t it? If I tell you that if its an intelligent process you will say no, its a random process no intelligence involved. Then if I bring up my arguments about random would not “choose” beneficial mutations and keep it because its random then you will prescribe some sort of intelligence to it. This is remarkably idiotic!” re-No, I never claimed Evolution was a random process, you did. Random Mutation is random, however Evolution as a whole is not because it is guided by Natural Selection, Gene Flow and the Bottleneck and Founder Effects. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to explain this to you. No speculation needed, this is all observed and documented science, you on the other hand seem to enjoy pulling arguments that never existed out of thin air and discrediting them, I highly recommend you actually read what I say and you’ll find I never once claimed that Evolution was a “random process” nobody does because that’s not how it works. Beyond that what’s so difficult about human emotion, Biology at its basic level are all just chemical and Chemistry at its basic level is Physics. We are actually trying to see if we can stimulate these areas of the brain responsible for lust, attachment and love artificially; it’s going well, if you are interested. “Paying attention? I have payed attention to you and I am amazed that you knowing some of the processes that you do cannot see that you are indoctrinated or just anti-religiously motivated. I have no problem with the facts it’s your conclusions that I find remarkably stupid. Like 2+2=9 this is what I feel like when I read your words. I have no problem with the 2 or even the other 2 these are facts, when you come to the equal’s part I have a big problem with you. You don’t even realize this is speculation on your part that is even more remarkable.” re-You just said that I claimed that Evolution is a random process, I never did such a thing. You haven’t been paying attention; this is evident in that you bring up old arguments debunked at least three times in the same conversation, you don’t even know how stupid you are…honestly the sooner I get this over with the better. “LOL, Nothing but cold indifference when it comes to sex? Hopefully you are single! Greedy- all evidence points to no plan, no help, nothing but cold indifference. NO SPECULATION HERE EITHER HUH? <-PUN INTENDED” re-not speculation, just an assessment of the evidence, I’m doubting at this point that you even know what speculation is. “Not all organisms reproduce asexually and if you are saying that is how it all started out there is more speculation on your part! No evidence for this at all! Asexual is your straw-man!” re-I’m also at this point questioning that you know what a straw-man is. Correct, most modern animals don’t reproduce asexually with the exception of some reptiles, however all primitive animals like sponges and other stationary animals plus most worms do, some worm’s as I described have varying stages of sexual reproduction. Please pay attention to what I say, I rarely waste words. “NO YOU DON’T SPECULATE DO YOU? PUN INTENDED ONCE AGAIN! In fact your whole paragraph here is one whole speculation, unbelievable! So now that you built your straw-man with speculation you are going to speculate more on the speculation and tell me how the cardiovascular system developed, digestive system. Wonderful!” re- okay, you clearly don’t know what speculation, a straw-man or even a pun is, I recommend you look it up. Nothing of what I said is speculation, all stages are seen either in nature of the fossil record. “Do you realize how many times you say “Probably”? I need to quote you here: “we save the more complicated things for when they have enough intelligence to understand it.” This is truly remarkable and sounds more and more like indoctrination to me. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Scientologist follow the same line of reasoning. Evolution is nothing but a faith and just like those other ones mentioned here I am not interested in another faith, I just like science. You have touched on some science but mostly you are preaching a faith and that faith is evolution. I have overwhelming evidence here in your comments that this is so, anyone will be able to see that except you of course!” re-you don’t try and teach Quantum Theory to a pre-schooler do you? It’s the same in Biology, we don’t teach the Calves cycle or Organ Evolution until the student is smart enough and old enough to understand it. Evolution is Science, I’ve explained this before, this is what I mean when I say you don’t pay attention: “Evolution is Faith”+ I deal with this point=brings up same debunked argument over and over again with no supporting evidence. Seriously? I have preached nothing; you just assume it is faith before actually reading, as I explained all these stages are seen in nature of the fossil record, no speculation of faith needed. 2. “ I don’t think that I can reason with you, ever really. It would be like reasoning with a Jehovah’s Witness or a Mormon and telling them that their faith is wrong. I never thought for a moment that I was going to change your mind I just wanted others to see what I see and I think that this is well illustrated in our conversations here. I have listened to you I just don’t agree with your conclusions. I’m sorry that you cannot see that you are wrong but that is the breaks when someone is so indoctrinated as you are. You remind me of my mother a devout Jehovah’s Witness, she is right and everyone else is wrong no matter what points a person brings up.” re- By what evidence does your faith have any authority over that of a Scientologist or Jehovah’s Witness or Ancient Religion or even just a Fairy Tale that someone made up? Without testable evidence you are relying on testimony alone, and cannot treat any above the other…this is why most people in first world countries are either Agnostic or a Non-Theist, because it is impossible to distinguish one Religion from another or even from some bronze age goat herders fairy tale the only logical path is scepticism to the point when and if any testable evidence is presented to support any notion. 3. “This is exactly what I am talking about. Just to make sure even with my typos I had someone else read it. Talking to you I feel sometimes I am so out of touch with reality so I have to have other people read what we are talking about because you are so out in left field somewhere. My paragraph was perfectly understood by others that I ask to read it.” re- says the person who didn’t understand Grade School Chemistry until I explained it to him…seriously, did you go to high school? 4. Yes it has to be intelligent if it’s choosing something! Your straw-man of the dry environment here is not applicable when it comes to choosing something that had to evolve out of nothing in the first place. Put a fish on dry land and then see what happens to it you FREEKIIN RETARD! According to you it will not die it will select new genes so it’s adaptable! You know even if you say this occurs over time take a fish put it out on the sand for just a few minutes each day and then do that with 10-20-30 generations of its offspring, what will you find? Feet perhaps? Lungs developing perhaps? NO! Quit trying to feed me your religion, I have on already as I have pointed out.” re- Put a lungfish like a snakehead on dry land and see what happens, or a mudskipper, or another lobe finned fish, each is an improvement on the other. No, that’s not what I said at all pleas pay attention, if a mutation has beneficial applications that mutation is selected for and spreads throughout the population more easily, as mutations compile the animal will probably be able to access a new niche thus avoiding competition almost completely therefore by the founder effect this gene spreads rapidly through a new population, this only works if the organism can avoid dyeing before reproduction, not die then reproduce it doesn’t work like that. Firstly, a lot of fish already have lungs, this is an adaptation for a lack of oxygen in the water and if found in large river fish known as “lungfish” however if you take a mudskipper (a lobe finned fish) and remove the water it can use damp mud in a combination with primitive lungs to live on land, and this is exactly what we see, now mudskippers are so well adapted to a land dwelling life that they cannot swim, instead they store water underground and hold them in their “gills” in order to breathe effectively and in some mudflats are apex predators.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-24 05:58:45

I'm not sure what your talking about, but we do actually have a synopsis of one of his papers on our notice board just for shits and giggles. It regards the flagellum and it's supposed Irreducible complexity, next to it we have a diagram of the flagellum and all proteins numbered...if you do Biology you should know that each protein is not unique to this structure nor are the substructures, the only difference between a flagellum and an ion pump (pumps H+ ions in and out of the cell) is the addition of a tail, the flagellum uses the spinning motion of the ion pump controlled by the flow of acid (H+ ions) to move the cell, the same is for cillia (lots of small flagellum, by changing the speed of each it allows for tight movement and high speed). I had no idea who you were talking about, you claimed he was a Biologist, he's a Biochemist I thought you were trying sighting someone else entirely.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-24 07:50:28

1.a) you cannot cure the common cold, each infection is a new virus that's like trying to cure all bacterial infections in one go, it cannot be done with today's technology. b) beyond the Bible there aren't any references even remotely related, there are tales of other men in the area, and Jesus of Nazareth seems to be a combination of these several men plus some myths from the many polytheistic religions around the area and not an actual man. c) I don't understand what your saying, are you saying that using a bronze age myth of desert dwelling goat herders and their father that lives in the sky on a throne over a circular Earth to explain something that is already very well understood is better than actual test results? 2.Somebody needs to go back to grade school English and learn how people use metaphor, simile and personification to explain complex principals. Think of it like this, when someone tells you that a river "runs" does it actually mean that the river has legs and is able to move at an above average velocity? 3. We've covered this before (several times in quite some depth, or at least I went into depth you just asked the same question over and over again after already receiving an answer), no; science is not subjective. The entire point of science is that it is objective, for example if two people burn carbon in the presents of oxygen they will both end up with carbon-dioxide (this is a childishly simple example but given your lack of knowledge of science then I can't really make it any more complicated) because science is based only from objective experimentation and observation and is not subject to subjective interpretation (no matter how much Creationists press that we are all looking at the same evidence but simply have different interpretations we are not, Science takes in all evidence where our Theories such as the Big Bang, General Relativity and Evolution come from Religions such as Creationism on the other hand look at some evidence and ignore everything that conflicts with their childish fairy tale like stories). 4.The world isn't all sunshine and lollipops Max, that's the entire point of people coming up with a heaven in the first place because the world isn't a very nice place when you look at it. Some people like you like to see the best in people, everyone else however is a little more realistic. 5.The Dark Ages is a period in Europe's History where science as we now understand it has been in development for a few hundred years however Fundamentalist Christianity sought to destroy the work done by the Greeks and Romans calling it evil and blended the still developing field of science with religion. Needless to say it didn't go well; cultural development went in reverse, economies collapsed, development of new inventions was almost at a stand still, disease spread like wild fire, all in all European development went in reverse behind that of the Greeks and Romans hundreds of years before them. Only when Methodological Naturalism was adopted and Modern Science was born did development not only recover but was accelerated (hundreds of years of no development opens up the field a little bit). The Dark Ages does not refer to someone's outlook on the world. In the Dark Ages Evolution Theory did not exist, the Theory is only just over 150 years old and is a relatively new field of science, the dark ages ended in the early 1500's, Evolution Theory wasn't developed yet. Beyond that we've discussed this before no faith required and it was a "mesonychian", be it a carnivorous one, this group is also related to hoofed animals and the then otter like cetacean (whales) like Ambulocetus, later leading to more familiar whales like Basilosaurs and Dorodon and eventually dolphins from that linage.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-24 14:52:55

Can we just go with the numbering system that we were using for the sake of space? I know what you are responding too and so does everyone else. I know you think everybody are idiots but they really are not. 1. If I saw like like you did I would want to live on this planet anymore either, lol. You rally dont make any sense and I will quote you here in succession so that may be you can see the point.

Greedy- In no stages will any transitional form have a non-functioning part, for example for wings ...
Greedy- there are no stages where an organ will be useless, vestige parts are useless.
Evolution is flawed and so is your perception of it, people and the real world. There are true things that evolution describes like in biology and I will not argue that there are some true things in the evolution theory. But when you stop outside science as you do so many times in your "probabilities" coupled with your "imagination" and tell me that it is science that is when I have a problem with it. I don't care if you are telling me that this is the way you are imagining it and that is what your faith understands but please quit telling me that it is science because it is not. Here is species from Wikipedia :It is surprisingly difficult to define the word "species" in a way that applies to all naturally occurring organisms, and the debate among biologists about how to define "species" and how to identify actual species is called the species problem. Over two dozen distinct definitions of "species" are in use amongst biologists.[9] Now if you were really a biologist I think that you would be aware of this problem. This is out of the sources that you are telling me to read not out of a creationist source. Ok about elements not reacting, where do you think I said that? I know elements react I blow stuff up with gun powder, detergents get my dishes and clothes clean etc. Where the hell do you come up with that I said that elements don't react? I understand that these elements act and always have. The chemical reactions I do not agree that they were not programmed to do what they do. Programmer is need in other words. Take for instance radiation and what makes something radioactive, those radio active particles become radio active through natural processes, this is true. However I entertain the possibility of why? Why do certain chemicals and elements react certain ways. You say because they just do I say bull, they were programmed that way. You cannot take inanimate sources [materials] and program sequences on them and prescribe no intelligence to them. I see it like an old vinyl record. Its not going to play unless is it programmed right? You cant just throw any old plastic on the turn table and expect to get a reaction. My argument is and has always been that these reactions are Intelligently Designed and I can see design here. If I want a certain reaction I will use a certain element because I know that it is programmed to give me what I want. In other words I am not going to put water in my gas tank and expect to get on down the road in my internal combustion engine! Also a good point to note is that there is not evidence that these things evolved either. Australopithecus Afarensis: Is the picture in the previous comment of mine an accurate rendering of the specimen? Abiogenesis is necessary if you are claiming a non-creator hypothesis. You do understand that is the whole issue here? Abiogenesis is necessary for your theorem to work in connection with your evolutionary worldview. So just because you say that it is not evolution would it not be a fair assumption that I am concluding that this is what you are proposing as an active science? I have also talked to you about this before and it sounds like you are proposing panspermia not abiogenesis? Random mutation: Oh yeah here you go again! Either the process of evolution involved random mutation or it does not. Either it picks the beneficial mutation or it does not. Your explanations are not adequate and do not make any sense what so ever. How many times must I go over this with you? Common sense will tell you that you are wrong here. Everybody knows that your wrong, when are you going to come out of the closet and admit it? Just because something is documented science does not meant that it is true either. Look at all the "documented science" in history. Your pointing to "documented science" is nothing more than a big fallacy. I point to documented science and you tell me that is not good because it is 40 years old, the evolution theory is a lot older than that so why do you believe that? You really leave much to be desired in this discussion. The fact that you don't want anyone questioning you or revisiting a subject shows your lack of really looking for the truth in such subjects. As long as they prove evolution is all your interested in. Give us a break, this is not your classroom this is a discussion forum! You don't make the rules here and you do not tell us what is up for discussion or what is not. Just because someone don't agree with your tyrannical faith does not mean that they are wrong. Back to random processes. You are one twisted individual. Is "random mutation" a process that is described in the evolutionary theory? Yes! I think everyone but you understands that this is what I said. I know that you think there is also something in the evolutionary process that picks out the good mutations as well. This is not rocket science and its not hard to understand. I can't help it if you are going along the lines that I do not understand these things. I do, I just do not agree with them. You keep trying to call it science but you are doing the same thing that the theist do but in a different way. You are comparable to the Muslims a faith that I do not agree with but that is what talking to you reminds me of. You don't think anyone understands anything but you. You don't agree with meanings in dictionary's, encyclopedias, you are really one of a kind there. Everyone is stupid but you in your mind! GEES! Get the hell over yourself, you might learn something!
Greedy-not speculation, just an assessment of the evidence, I’m doubting at this point that you even know what speculation is.
You know what you are really something. I have never engaged with someone so blinded by their education in my life?
spec·u·la·tion   [spek-yuh-ley-shuhn] Show IPA noun 1.the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny. 2.a single instance or process of consideration. 3.a conclusion or opinion reached by such contemplation: These speculations are impossible to verify. 4.conjectural consideration of a matter; conjecture or surmise: a report based on speculation rather than facts. 5.engagement in business transactions involving considerable risk but offering the chance of large gains, especially trading in commodities, stocks, etc., in the hope of profit from changes in the market price.
straw man definition A made-up version of an opponent's argument that can easily be defeated. To accuse people of attacking a straw man is to suggest that they are avoiding worthier opponents and more valid criticisms of their own position: “His speech had emotional appeal, but it wasn't really convincing because he attacked a straw man rather than addressing the real issues.”
pun   [puhn] Show IPA noun, verb, punned, pun·ning. noun 1.the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.
Do you feel educated now? you evidently did not know what they mean. I am always the one putting up dictionary and encyclopedia references and the ironic thing about it is that you say they are wrong too! Your condescending nature is horrendous to say the least. Everyone is smart or has the ability to learn. I think its a tragedy that you think you are actually smarter than anyone. I know people who think they are better than others because they have more money than someone else too. They make me just as ill as you. I am glad that I met you and I know what kind of people are doing the peer review. It makes me even more confident in my faith. ILL RESPOND TO THE REST LATER


Shared publicly - 2012-02-25 08:12:12

1. SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS! Evolution is science; I don’t know how many times I have to explain this. Evolution Theory is ALL science, no faith required, and no imagination required, no magic required; it’s a natural process and one of the most well understood theories in science today. Correct (to a point) there are 23 different definitions of species (in use within the academic community) all variations of that which I gave you (a species is a lineage of organisms capable of breeding and producing fertile offspring), the confusion comes when dealing with “ring species” (those where specialisation occurs geographically instead of chronologically) and hybrids like the Liger that we discussed earlier (these cannot produce offspring so should they be classified as their own species, or as a lion, or a tiger or both?). For all intents and purposes unless you wish to dive into hybridisation or ring species (I don’t think you do but if you wish I will search for a better definition) that definition is the best, you should know this by now, I rarely waste words. You didn’t say that? “They [chemical compounds] could not have developed from the elements, because elements rarely react with each other. For example, did all the salt in the ocean form by sodium reacting with chlorine (a gas)?” I don’t lie white boy, when you lie you get your shit called out and everything else you say is discredited, as an academic you learn this very quickly. I also pay attention to what you say, just in case you try and bitch your way out of something. Beyond that, no programmer is needed, it’s all electro-magnetic attraction and the strong force (I WILL NOT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN HOW THE STRONG FORCE WORKS), I’ve explained this to you before, if you wish to know how chemicals react the way they do then look back on the section where I go on about electron orbitals and chemical bonds, or ask me to repeat though I don’t think it’s necessary. Here I’ll try and answer some of your questions, so I’ll be abandoning our point system for a moment: “Take for instance radiation and what makes something radioactive, those radioactive particles become radioactive through natural processes, this is true. However I entertain the possibility of why?” re-That my friend is the “weak force”, so named because it has the opposite effect to the “strong force”, while the strong force holds the nucleus of an atom together (this force is released by protons) the weak force acts to rip a nucleus apart (this force is released by neutrons), as the amount of neutrons increases in relation to the number of protons the weak force released by the neutrons begins to overpower the strong force released by protons, this is what causes radioactivity (this is also why heavier elements are more likely to be radioactive). As the nucleus is ripped apart the neutrons (and in some cases protons) are released in the form of radiation, the released neutrons is actually what a gagger-counter (if I’m spelling that right) picks up. “Why do certain chemicals and elements react certain ways [?]” re-I’ve explained this before but I will repeat myself one more time before going ape shit for not being listened to. This is caused by the “electro-magnetic” force, this force is what gives particles a charge, for this we will be focusing on the electron (-) and the proton (+), the electron is attracted to the proton by its opposing charge, they however can only get so close because of the “strong force” released by the nucleus. These causes the electron(s) to form a cloud around the nucleus of the atom, the negative charge of the electrons reacting with each other cause them to fall into orbitals. The “Inert” or “Nobel” gasses (those located at the far right of the periodic table) do not react (for the intents of this demonstration we’ll ignore the fact that we’ve been able to make Xenon react by physically removing an electron). This Inert configuration is caused by a particular orbital becoming full, every element seeks to become more stable (second law of thermodynamics) and thus fill any available orbital they do this by giving/taking/sharing electrons with other elements, the amount of electrons that a particular element can give/take/share determines the amount of bonds that they are capable of, this accompanied with the size of the particular element determines its properties. Based on a chemicals properties and what other chemicals are available under what conditions (more/less energy) determines how they react. “My argument is and has always been that these reactions are Intelligently Designed and I can see design here.” re- Not technically a question, but it needs addressing, it’s all the electro-magnetic force as I previously explained. If you wish to assert that this force was designed and not the actual reactions (as I explained before this is bullshit) I shall remind you that your assertion “the electro-magnetic force looks designed” has no more ground than “the Earth looks flat”. If you wish to provide some testable evidence to support your claim than that’s great, until then however it is only an unsubstantiated claim and I will not address it any more than I already have. “Australopithecus Afarensis: Is the picture in the previous comment of mine an accurate rendering of the specimen?” re- not really, it’s a good guess based on Lucy and the bones available after a single find but Australopithecus Afarensis actually has a much more human like skull, with an enlarged cerebral cortex (the bit of skull above the brow) and a much smaller brow than other hominids of the day and even hominids succeeding it. Australopithecus Afarensis while a very good specimen is an oddity; it has such a reduced brow compared to species before and after it in its lineage. “So just because you say that it is not evolution [abiogenesis] would it not be a fair assumption that I am concluding that this is what you are proposing as an active science?” re- Abiogenesis is an active study, of Biochemistry however not Biology however. The study is simple, unlike most people think scientists are not trying to create “life from nonlife” that takes far too long (approx. 1 billion years according to Chemical Theory) and we have yet to find a way to accelerate the process, nor any applications for such simple life other than food for virus colonies and we have a cell colonies for that already. “I have also talked to you about this before and it sounds like you are proposing panspermia not abiogenesis?” re- again not a question, you are confusing Abiogenesis by spontaneous generation (debunked) with Abiogenesis by chemical progression (current study), panspermia states that organisms can survive travel between stars in order to make it to Earth and survive re-entry to land in Earth’s oceans in order to evolve and repopulate our alien planet. While there are organisms that are capable of surviving space travel (known as a “water bear” I recommend you look them up, they are awesome) and re-entry they are not capable of living for long enough to travel between stars and are already part of an established lineage and therefore cannot be the common ancestor of most modern life. I will be returning to our point structure here, and will jump in mid-point to Abiogenesis, if that’s alright. Abiogenesis is not necessary for evolution, in that if life was brought into existence by an incantation as you claim evolution would still be evident in every taxonomical denomination so that even if such a thing was discovered it would have no impact on evolution in that the incantation would only summon replicating molecules and natural selection can take it from there. Random Mutation: yes, evolution includes random mutation, yes evolution involved natural selection (“picks a beneficial mutation” I think this is what you meant), I never said that it didn’t. Mutations are random, however because natural selection is not Evolution is not. Random + Not Random = Not Random, they are not evenly rated. A simple example of this is a random number generator, while the numbers it picks are random every time a desired number is picked it stays, therefore the selection process is not random because there is only one possible outcome, however chance does in fact play a role. From this example we can see that a process can be guided but also contain chance elements. I will not admit I am wrong because that would be lying, unfortunately you don’t really have a case here because I’ve explained this to you before, on several occasions. I didn’t say your hypothesis was bad because it was 40 years old, we’ve been through this; I said it was bad because it was debunked 40 years ago. The age had nothing to do with it, the fact was it has been debunked, when are you going to let go of things we’ve already discussed and dealt with? Evolution Theory as we currently understand it is about 150 years old for your information (I’ve also mentioned that but do you listen? No). Questioning is good, asking a question that a 12 year old can answer assuming from the onset that there is no possible explanation (like radiation, chemical bonds, gravity, electro-magnetism, evolution in general and general chemistry) is not good and just because someone does not agree with me does not make them wrong, however when they deliberately misrepresent science, ignore evidence, claim conspiracy/indoctrination/religion when there is no evidence for this and in fact all evidence points to the opposite conclusion and claim that there is no answer for questions a 12 year old can answer does make them wrong. Yes, random mutation is a process in evolution, I never said it wasn’t and constantly have to remind you it is, there is something that “picks good mutations” it’s called natural selection…you know the shit Darwin spent 5 years on and separated Evolution by Natural Selection from Evolution by Acquired Characteristics, the shit I went on about for days when you couldn’t tell the difference and apparently still can’t. You don’t understand evolution, no matter how hard anyone tries to explain it to you, you just can’t seem to separate Evolution by Natural Selection from the weird Hybrid of Evolution by Acquired Characteristics and your own magical fairy tales. I do agree with dictionaries and encyclopaedias, the problem here is that you use dictionaries that are dumbed down so much that they barely match the actual definition, and you’ve never used an actual creditable reference much less and encyclopaedia. Good boy, you can use a dictionary, now can you tell the difference between those definitions and what you previously claimed fitted those? I knew what they meant, you evidently didn’t or were deliberately misusing those phrases and words in order to put a point across. Strange how you don’t bother to cross check the definitions with what you said, I recommend you read over what you said again, and see how they don’t actually fit into those definitions. I am condescending because this is how I talk; it is not a method of talking down to you only to get a point across. It’s interesting that you should use the word faith because when you get right down to it that’s all you really have. Faith is assumed in absence of, independent of and in your case in spite of all evidence to the opposite or confirming the notion. Whereas science is based on what we can test in verify…key difference, you have faith in humanity, God(s), magic and I don’t in retrospect faith is a dumb idea when you really get down to it


Shared publicly - 2012-02-25 11:49:06

NO SCIENCE IS SCIENCE AND EVOLUTION IS EVOLUTION. That is why they have different names. I am really surprised that you being an educator don't know this. Here I will show you the difference in the meanings, not that you will agree with the dictionary or encylopedia I know from past experince thta you think you are the authority on everything but just so the rest of us can see the difference I will post.

sci·ence   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA noun 1.a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. 2.systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. 3.any of the branches of natural or physical science. 4.systematized knowledge in general. 5.knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
ev·o·lu·tion   [ev-uh-loo-shuhn or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-] Show IPA noun 1.any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2.a product of such development; something evolved: The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research. 3.Biology . change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. 4.a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions. 5.a motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.
Just for good measure I will add creation in there as well.
cre·a·tion   [kree-ey-shuhn] Show IPA noun 1.the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating; engendering. 2.the fact of being created. 3.something that is or has been created. 4.the Creation, the original bringing into existence of the universe by God. 5.the world; universe.
Well I hope that you can see the difference from science and evolution now. LOL, I am a white boy and YES you are a liar and twisting my words around or saying that I am lying because I am quoting from another source is just stupid! However I still agree with the source and do not believe that all the elements originated from natural processes. If theses chemical processes were made as easily as you say and spawned life here on the earth we should see life on the moon as well. Are you saying that sodium reacting with chlorine produces the salt in the ocean? We already know that there is a gas produced from mixing the 2 compounds, you are missing the point of the whole article. Here is some advice, take all your elements like in Millers experiment and create life like we know it today. What would this prove if you were successful? #1 It takes intelligence to assemble the compounds to make life. What would this prove if you were unsuccessful? #1 Elements alone are not responsible for life. You hiding behind eons of time and chemical evolution does nothing to strengthen your case. There is nothing ever really that strengthens your case no matter how much that you want to imagine there was not intelligence involved you have to dance to the music sooner or later. There is an elephant in the room, in your lab and that elephant is described in the meaning above, "Creation". Everything that we see observe, hear, taste, touch, experience shows us that the Creator is a reality. This is no magic, this is a logical conclusion even by reading your words and understanding what you say convinces me even further of this. I could not ever be surer. Not to get off the subject there is one thing that disturbs me. You have greatly helped me in my faith and I really don't like that because I feel like you are going to the gallows below, even you brought this up and I never mentioned anything about that sort of thing. It is amazing to me that you can have such great knowledge and resources at your finger tips but you can never conclude the obvious. I remember when America was bombing Irac and there was a General in Sadaam's army being interviewed on the Television saying that America was not bombing Irac and we could see the bomb's going off behind him. The man kept lying and blaming something else and telling the camera man that was something else not the Americans. You are that man to me. Should I go on entertaining your madness? I am feeling a bit strange right now like taking the bread from starving children in this metaphorical anomaly. I can discern science from Creation and the difference in their meanings but you cannot discern evolution from science, very strange how you deceive yourself. I would of expected the honest answer to say if you actually thought evolution to be true is that we can discern evolution happened from our science. In fact if you would ask me I would say we can discern Creation happened from our science. It is amazing to me that this indoctrination runs so deep. I know that there are true parts to the evolution theory like adaptation but chemical elements spawning life, macro-evolution I have a problem with it and I find it hard to believe that you think you put up a case for it. Well I have much to do this weekend I have much traveling to do but I will get back to the rest of your comments when I have a moment. Thanks Max


Shared publicly - 2012-02-26 05:31:27

My mastery of the English Language knows no bounds! “Evolution is Scientific” not “Evolution is Science” though I’m pretty sure anyone reading this would be able to tell what I meant. You’ve posted these definitions before, and we’ve discussed this before, Evolution is a Scientific Theory and is therefore scientific, I don’t think we need a repeat of this conversation again and I’m pretty sure you knew what I meant anyway. “White Boy” is just an expression we use here to describe a less than intelligent, American, Christian (but not Catholic or Baptist) male, it is not meant as an insult nor extrapolate details from you, Sorry. No, we should not see life on the moon if you read anything I said or knew anything about chemistry then you wouldn’t say that. Remember “what other chemicals are available and the conditions (more or less energy) determine how chemicals react”, in case you haven’t realized the conditions here on Earth (while apparently not one of a kind) are very rare and the chemicals needed to “spawn life” are not available on our moon. For example all Biochemical reactions require a polar solution (like water or liquid methane) which is not available in our solar system outside Earth and at least two of Jupiter’s moons (which may or may not actually have life), it also requires sufficient energy (in the form of heat and UV light) to decompose large organic molecules into smaller ones, but not so much energy (still in the form of heat and UV light) so as to decompose such molecules straight away, the planet must have (in large volumes) Nitrogen gas (N2), Carbon (C), Hydrogen gas (H2) and small amounts of Oxygen Gas (O2) dissolved in some form of polar solution as well as other conditions not found on the moon (like a gaseous atmosphere of sufficient density). “Are you saying that sodium reacting with chlorine produces the salt in the ocean? We already know that there is a gas produced from mixing the 2 compounds, you are missing the point of the whole article.” re-How stupid can you get? Sodium metal and Chlorine gas cannot react in their current stages. However when both are DISSOLVED IN WATER they can. Chlorine is not produced from two chemicals Chlorine is an element (one of the basic chemicals) it is possible to distil already reacted Chlorine from a compound by reacting it or by DISSOLVING IT IN WATER but Chlorine is not a molecule itself. The gas is not produced from mixing chlorine and sodium (Sodium Chloride (salt) is a solid at room temperature), but from adding Sodium to water and Chlorine to water, the reactions is between Sodium and Water and Chlorine and Water, when that reaction is complete then Sodium and Chlorine react to form Sodium Chloride (just in case you are wondering the gas released is Hydrogen Gas) it’s a series of two reactions one following the other. Please learn something about Chemistry before trying to call bullshit. “Here is some advice, take all your elements like in Millers experiment and create life like we know it today. What would this prove if you were successful? #1 It takes intelligence to assemble the compounds to make life.” re- first of all Millers Experiment was of limited success and no it wouldn’t if it had created life. Because if you remember anything I said Millers experiment relies on replicating conditions on the Primeval Earth, which is very different from synthesising Chemicals. One replicates the conditions and the other the results regardless of what the conditions may actually be. “What would this prove if you were unsuccessful? #1 Elements alone are not responsible for life. You hiding behind eons of time and chemical evolution does nothing to strengthen your case.” re- Elements are not (remember Elements are only the 100 or so listed in the periodic table) however organic compounds are, remember at its most basic life is Chemical, we are made of Chemicals. Beyond that Chemical Evolution is a made up Creationist Term, I think you are referring to the synthesis of new elements by nuclear fusion…which is observed fact, that’s how Hydrogen Bombs work and how the Nuclear Fusion Reactor in France (still yet to reach equilibrium) works and beyond that if you want a more direct observation; that’s how the Sun works. “here is nothing ever really that strengthens your case no matter how much that you want to imagine there was not intelligence involved you have to dance to the music sooner or later. There is an elephant in the room, in your lab and that elephant is described in the meaning above, “Creation”.” re- someone needs to get back in touch with reality, with no evidence for God(s) or magical creation there is no reason to leap to that conclusion especially when one must ignore everything we know about the universe already. “Everything that we see observe, hear, taste, touch, experience shows us that the Creator is a reality. “ re- okay so let me follow your logic; a rock exists=God(s) exist, someone farted=God(s) exist, a truck is backing up=God(s) exist…I can’t really follow your reasoning, you require the assumption that God(s) exist as an onset, science doesn’t work like that. One must approach an Experiment, or a Theory or an Equation with no assumptions and only from the results can one create a conclusion, one cannot come into anything with their conclusion already like you do. “This is no magic, this is a logical conclusion even by reading your words and understanding what you say convinces me even further of this. I could not ever be surer.” re believing something no matter how hard is not the same as “sure” or “know[ing]” something, you must learn that. For example if a I see a Saurapod (large long necked Dinosaurs) walking down my street, I can go up to it, touch it, smell it, see it even ride it if I want to and when I finally get the sense to run back for my camera it has disappeared, it does not matter how much I may believe that there was a Saurapod in my street with no evidence for the case much less an explanation of how it got there or where it went it might not have. Beyond that Speaking something into existence is called an Incantation Spell, can you enlighten me the difference between when a God performs an incantation spell and when a witch or wizard performs the same task and why one requires magic the other does not even though they are both the same task? “ot to get off the subject there is one thing that disturbs me. You have greatly helped me in my faith and I really don’t like that because I feel like you are going to the gallows below, even you brought this up and I never mentioned anything about that sort of thing. It is amazing to me that you can have such great knowledge and resources at your fingertips but you can never conclude the obvious… I know that there are true parts to the evolution theory like adaptation but chemical elements spawning life, macro-evolution I have a problem with it and I find it hard to believe that you think you put up a case for it.” re- someone also needs to listen to what I say, Abiogenesis is not Evolution and there is no such thing as Macro-Evolution or Micro-Evolution like Chemical Evolution they are simply made up Creationist terms made in order to divide science even though they are the same observations Creationists like to separate Evolution into Micro-Evolution and Macro-Evolution in order to separate Mutation to the extent that has been observed and documented well in large numbers (Micro-Evolution) and Mutation to the extent that has been observed and documented well but in slightly smaller numbers (Macro-Evolution). There is no difference, unless a barrier presents itself at your imaginary “kind” level or Taxonomy and the entire fossil record has been faked and the entire field of cellular biology and genetics have also been faked then there is no discernible difference between the largely unnecessary categories. Beyond that the resources I have…not impressive, I have one lab and a few post graduate students helping me it’s hardly a global effort. You have no obligation to reply, academic integrity and sympathy for those less educated than myself keep me replying but you have neither nor reason to. So as far as I can see it the sooner you stop replying the sooner I can leave and stop entertaining you.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-26 05:39:49

Actually when looking at the evidence, Moses, Noah, the flood story, garden of Eden, the rapture (I'm pretty sure you already know this) Jesus seems to be a compost. That he seems to be several stories from several groups blended together, primarily that of a Philistine Prophet and not an actual man but several men and stories over the course of a few decades across several countries.


Shared publicly - 2012-02-28 10:14:56



Shared publicly - 2012-02-28 11:24:06

Greedy you can leave any time you want to, I don't know what is keeping you here really. I do find religious folk tend to be very passionate about their beliefs and feel an impulse to indoctrinate the world as you do. I am not impressed by you or your use of science to try and prove your madness. Your insults are meaningless and you don't seem to understand that. I can sit here all day and quote science experiment and science experiment and results from them as well. It's not science that I have a problem with understanding its your conclusions. We do observe a limiting mechanism in biology. Worms make worms flies make flies dogs make dogs and horses make horses. Now what problem do you have with that? This is what I want to know and where is your proof, "REAL PROOF" that there is no limit mechanism? You injected jellyfish DNA into a lab rat and you still have a lab rat. We can inject a person with radiation and see some changes as well. BIG DEAL! This science does nothing to help you with your case that no intelligence is needed. You are flawed, in other words YOU LOST!


Shared publicly - 2012-02-28 11:36:37

Greedy I think your decent at putting up an argument for evolution but you suck at philosophy.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 01:46:43

I have a small feeling that I'm wasting my time here, you don't seem to want to learn rather promote your own dogmatic beliefs despite all evidence to the opposite...however I am a logical man/woman so I will give you a little test, these are simple questions that I have been over before countless times and will gage how well you have been paying attention to what I have been saying. There may be more than one correct answer so if you wish select more than one option when needed: 1. Evolution is... a) how organisms diversify via decent with modification, mutation and natural selection. b) how life originated/ originates via abiogenesis, mutation and atomic theory. c) how the elements were formed via condensed energy, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. d) all of the above e) both a) and b) 2. Translational Fossils are... a) clear fakes. b) one "kind" or organism crossing over into another "kind" of organism. c) an organism placed at a branching point of a linage or along a linage making a common ancestor of or directly related to both of two modern linages, extinct linages or linking an extinct linage with a linage. d) both a) and b) e) both a) and c) 3.Evolution states... a) if you put a fish onto land it will grow into a tetrapod. b) if you wish to grow wings your son/daughter should be born with them. c) through a blind process of unguided mutation modern organisms were formed from simple semi-life cells. d) none of the above e) both a) and b) 4.Which of the following is NOT supported by Taxonomy, Genetics and/or Biochemistry. a) a single common ancestor of all life. b) a single pair/triplet ancestor for all eukaryotes. c) a single ancestor for all eukaryotes. d) a single pair/triplet ancestor for all life. 5. Evolution acts upon... a) individuals. b) entire species. c) entire populations. d) all of the above. Beyond that, your accent makes it hard to tell if you are trying to be condescending by creating a bad straw-man or are just showcasing stupidity by accepting Evolution Theory but not having any understanding of what it actually entails...one more question: What is the "bottleneck effect"? Give YOUR best interpretation of the effect or provide examples of this.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 01:59:15

No limiting factor has been observed to prevent mutation beyond a certain point...at least you understand that all dogs are still dogs and will be dogs forever, that's the same reason why homo sapiens are still humans, and humans are still apes, and apes are still placental mammals and placental mammals are still mammals and mammals are still synapsids and synapsids are still tetrapods and tetrapods are still vertebrates. and vertebrates are still eukaryotes (it gets REALLY complicated after that...I will go over it if you wish, but it may take a while to grasp). Evolution does not claim, modern monkeys gave birth to a human...rather modern monkeys share a common ancestor with the linage that we now consider humans, we are sisters from the same mother so to speak but humans are not the daughter of monkeys.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 02:17:23

Aww Now Greedy why do you have to be so cynical? You even give me multiple choice too? Wow you are really trying to make me an evolutionist! lol I will however answer your questions but I may not use the chosen constraints placed on me by your indoctrinating multiple choice answers. I am a big boy I can think of my own answers. If however I agree with what you have so generously provided I will respond with the letter. 1. A 2. There is no such thing as a transitional fossil. 3. C 4. A 5. D Your the one with the accent. As far as bottle necking we also use this to describe traffic jams. I thought you would like that illustration because if the fastest best and most powerful with a great driver will win the race to get in front of everyone else. Of course this would depend on the conditions of the road as well because a less adapted car could win the race just by being ahead just slightly in the movement of traffic. Greedy do you really think what you understand evolution to be is so complicated? I just marvel at this because of the stupidity not because I am intrigued by the theory.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 02:30:09

I think that it is ironic that no matter how many times that I discuss this subject with someone that it all comes down to this. Really I would have no problem admitting I was an ape but I just don't see the similarities. In fact you know what I see? I see the differences and I do think that makes me a little more perplexed about someone like you who cannot. My 8 year old son just sat here and told me his birthday is 7 days away. He told me he wants to go to Chuck E. Cheese's and just now he corrected my spelling on the name of the establishment. I wonder how many other species of "apes" do that? In fact he just laughed here right now and is wondering how you will respond. In fact my 8 year old get's a lot of entertainment reading your responses to me. Your writings to me is like Michael Behe's paper that you have hung on the wall in your university. We don't mean to be rude of course I think its just the perplexing dynamics of this conversation is what is so humorous.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 03:24:46

The correct configuration was: 1. A (correct) 2. C (N/A...I'll take that is an incorrect (normally we take a mark off for not answering but I will simply pretend you answered wrong rather than not answering) 3. D (incorrect) 4. A, C & D (2/3 incorrect, I shall give you a half mark for trying anyway) 5. C and/or B (incorrect) 6. the process by a small population grows into a much larger one in a relatively short period of time eg: introduced species like humans, pets, toads (a real problem here in Australia) and domesticated livestock...each starts off with a relatively small population which then grows in number relatively quickly (incorrect) That's 1.5/6, that's a terrible failure on your part. You could have gotten every single one correct if you had studied, or paid attention in class (small joke ion my behalf you'll have to forgive me I don't have a very good sense of humour). And what do you mean I'm the one with the accent, you've never heard me speak. Just because I live in Australia does not mean I have an Australian accent, or any at all (measuring from what standard?), you already know I spent time in South America, I could be from there and if that is the basis of "no accent" that I could very well not have one, you know I spent time in China, Japan and England, I could be from any of those locations and if any of those are the measure of "no accent" then I would not have one. Beyond that, you didn't really clear up anything...no offence but most of the world does not take well to red neck accents, they sound...uneducated and it's hard to tell if people are being condescending or not because of the weird places that you emphasise when you talk or actually stating fact or pulling stuff out of their ass for the same reason. This is not an insult only that because of the way you talk it was hard to tell if you are stupid and condescending or just stupid.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 03:43:31

What's a "Chuck E Cheese"? is that some kind of movie theatre or a playground or arcade or something like that? Keep in mind I'm on the other side of the planet, if you name theatres and stuff from your little town I can't know what you are talking about. Beyond that, some Gibbons count years by the changes in seasonal fruit and can keep track of the age of their extended family by using the seasons (though this is only observed in captivity and may be a result of human intervention(seasonal influx of humans)). But Homo Sapiens are by some measures by far the most intelligent of the Great Apes, but we are still apes because we have a highly developed inner ear, a penis that is separated from our stomach, possible thumbs, Ape hip and highly developed frontal lobe (the section of your brain located above your brow and behind the eyes. For example; a blue whale is the largest of all whales...does this mean that it can no longer be considered a whale? If we remove that then the next largest whale is the Sperm Whale (or Grey Whale depending on gender and time of year)...should that be removed under the same conditions? Similarly if we remove Homo Sapiens from Apes then the next most intelligent would be one of the many Human species that only went extinct relatively recently (Homo Neanderthalis is an example of this) but them perhaps remove Humans or Hominids entirely based on the intelligence of one? If that is so then because Chimps can construct tools and are therefore far more intelligent than all other remaining primates, should these also be removed? The point of this is that the only way to objectively classify organisms is based on similarities not differences...I just hope your just smart enough to see the difference between classifying by differences rather than similarities.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 12:22:10

LOL @ your test. The only failure here is you, if you were an educator of science I would fire you. I see what my kids are going through in school. Forced indoctrination, thank you for that actually. If you don't agree with an evolutionist you will fail. Kind of like not agreeing with the Islamic fundamentalist and sympathizing with the 911 attacks on America. How can you say that you promote free thought? I don't believe in your religion and my faith will never be in the pseudo science that goes into its evolutionary propaganda. Now why don't you take a real science quiz? 1st I will ask some simple questions about your evolutionary theory and then I will ask some real science questions and I want REAL evidence! http://evolutionscam.com/Evolution%20Quiz/Evolution%20Quiz.html 1) Which evolved first: the mouth, the stomach, the digestive fluids, or the ability to poop? 2) Which evolved first: the windpipe, the lungs, or the ability of the body to use oxygen? 3) Which evolved first: the bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or the muscles to move the bones? 4) Where did the universe’s original matter come from? 5) Science is supposed to be objective and unbiased. So, what justifies an atheistic (naturalistic) bias in science over an agnostic approach that allows for the possibility of natural or supernatural origin? 6) What specific evidence supports the claim of a natural origin of the universe? So I answered your 6 questions, here are mine remember that you will be graded on these ones unbiasedly of course. About the accent: I thought this was an easy process of deduction. If you are accusing me of having an accent you obviously have one different from mine. The world does not take well to red neck accents? You are a strange one, do you even know what a red neck is? I definitely appreciate that there are accents around the world that are different than mine. I would think that a person like you who claims to be educated would be aware that a persons accent has no reflection on their ability to comprehend or intelligence level for that matter. I wonder does your university teach accents as an authoritative science? So if someone talked with an accent like you they would be allowed to be a member of the evolutionary faculty of the world? It's all starting to make so much more sense to me now, thank you for that disingenuous comment. Man you really are stupid!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 12:46:03

Well a simple Google search of the name would reveal what it is, it is also in the Wikipedia. It's a pizza place and a playground for kids, very annoying place for adults so I don't believe that if you ever came to America that you would be interested in visiting such a place. I have already agreed according to the evolutionary species method we are apes, you don't have an argument with me there. I believe that you believe that we are apes. I believe that your evolution theory and classification processes are laughable as well. I don't have much faith in the types of classifications that are available. I know that this is a human tendency, we will group everything. Blacks, whites, boys, girls, donkey, zebra, plants, animals. I don't have a problem separating the "Kinds" I have a problem when you group me in with a bunch of apes and then call me an ape. When we think of apes we think of the animals in the jungle NOT humans created in the image of God. Just like your questions you try to narrow me down to an evolutionary ideology and then when I don't agree with you and for good reasons you call me wrong. Well again that is just stupid on your part. If I put you in a room with a bunch of zebras can I conclude that you are a zebra too just because you are in the same room as them? Why don't you really think about what you are doing here? There is not more evidence that Lucy is our ancestor then a chimp in the jungle is your biological brother!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 22:30:44

I've been through all these answers before...but will do so one more time before going into an unholy rage over you not paying attention again. 1.Probably the the ability to poop, like in modern round worms or earth worms (kinda...earth worms are a little weird); these organisms don't have a mouth, stomach or digestive juices (again, kinda...earth worms are a little strange) they simply absorb nutrition through their skin, waste is collected and defecated, this is not very effective which is why worm shit is good for the garden (it's a similar story with chicken and herbivore poop and is why kangaroo poop is not good for most plants)...if you remember my rant on Taxonomy you would probably be able to put two and two together, or if you had listened to the last time you asked a question almost word for word identical to this you would also know. 2.The ability of the "body" to use oxygen, this ability was present far before mulit-cellular organisms, bacteria, protists and even some of the weird plant-animal hybrids in the Precambrian all used oxygen. Look up "cellular respiration" if you wish to know how; it's a long lecture from me and I don't think you want me going through it (curiously I'm giving a lecture tomorrow about this very process). 3.remember one does not need bones to have muscles, nor ligaments, nor tendons. But I do see where you are coming from and the answer is...not what you would expect: remember my rant on Taxonomy (kinda an important part of this conversation)? There I mentioned the first vertebrates, these didn't have true bones as we understand them today, kind of like hardened muscles (calcified mussels twisted into a coil, these form in their center a flexible rod of calcium carbonate, the first hint of bones) along the dorsal structure of the "fish". This seems to be an "accident" of evolution as calcium carbonate is a waste product, only instead of defecating it, the calcium carbonate was deposited here...this is where bones come from, tendons, ligaments and "muscles to move the bones" all stem from the muscular column surrounding this structure. 4.This is not evolution, but I will answer anyway. Since you don't have any idea about Universal Expansion Theory (most people don't), I will be answering two possible interpretations of this question. First matter can be condensed from energy (E=MC^2) and vise-versa (this is how H bombs work), so the "original mater" probably condensed from energy, this is seen at the edges of black holes in the form of neutrinos given off as radiation. Where did the Energy come from? This is where we leave the nice safe world of Theory to the conflicting world of Hypothesis. First working from the Big Bang Model; all energy, 4D space-time and the four forces were compressed into a singularity, which if you know anything about singularities expanded to form our Universe (not all singularities do) we aren't talking about a ball of super condensed energy floating around for a while before erupting because there is no time before this event, nor space so it's not a ball either, nor does it have an edge, nor do our laws of physics work to tell us about it because the four forces which our laws are based upon are still compressed into the singularity...we literally have nothing to work with other than that an instant after the Big Bang. String Theory; similar story instead of a singularity this is formed by a great colliding of 4D membranes and Quantum Gravity? I'm not even going to try and explain that, I'm a Biologist I shouldn't know as much about Physics as I do let alone Quantum Gravity. 5. Agnosticism is not some middle ground as most people think, rather a completely different condition all together. Agnosticism is simply saying that if God(s) existed then there would be no evidence anyway, similarly Gnosticism is the opposite approach where is God(s) existed then there would be evidence, this is why it is so hard to find a Gnostic Theist because they are holding out for something that does not exist, or at least not yet. Science works with the natural world and can only do so because as soon as something is discovered it forms part of the natural world, it's like our old model of the Universe consisted of more of less our solar system, then our galaxy then what we now understand to be the Universe, as soon as something is discovered outside what we consider to be the Universe our model adjusts to include that. But no, Science does not reject supernatural origins or supernatural anything UNLESS there is already a natural explanation for this, every time we have assumed the supernatural we have been wrong, planet formation, germ theory, evolution, abiogenesis and now several competing hypothesis to account for Universal Origin. In conclusion, Science is unbiased BECAUSE it does not delve into magic, religion, etc. 6.We have the expansion of the Universe giving 14.7 billion years ago an very small, very dense singularity, this is supported by the age of the Universe given by the speed of light to the letter (basically 3 or 4 very long equations plus E=MC^2). Beyond that...everything is mathematics because the methods we use on Earth to date and determin origins don't work that far back because these materials simply didn't exist yet. I have a sneaking suppression that your not going to pay attention, simply mark all 6 as wrong without actually looking it up and simply claim "HA YOU GOT ALL OF THOSE WRONG" or something like that, however I could be wrong you have surprised me before...be it that this still supports my prediction. Redneck means something completely different outside America, it's just someone who has a bad American accent and thus sounds stupid. Beyond that you said that I was "the one with the accent here" implying that you did not, and everyone else did, I simply went through a demonstration to show that this was false. "Man you really are stupid!" re-so because I'm able to answer every single question you put forward, have a career built upon my intellect. know more about Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, History and Emergence than you, unlike you don't ask the same questions over and over again claiming that there is no answer after I personally have answered them at least 3 times already...I'm stupid? (before you say anything stupid is a relative term with the dependent veritable being that making the claim)


Shared publicly - 2012-03-04 22:52:29

NOT EVOLUTIONARY SPECIES METHOD, TAXONOMY! NOTHING TO DO WITH EVOLUTION, I'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS BEFORE! One cannot classify based on location as Continental Drift and Migration would throw everything out of whack relatively quickly, but in answer to your question, no you cannot conclude that I am a zebra. Beyond the fact that I cannot reproduce with a zebra Zebras are horses a phylum classified by several characteristics that I do not have but all in that phylum do have...you can however classify both as mammals and beyond that placental mammals because we share all characteristics of this group. Beyond that, Apes are not confined to the Jungles of Africa, only most of the African Apes are (which we as Hominids are a subset of and because of our strange migratory habits are one of the couple of subsets that don't). To further this point, do you have any evidence for humans being directly decedent from a God, as apposed to Apes, Mammals, Synapsids and Vertebrates all of which we are a member of? Do you have anything to discredit the millions of "Ape-Man" fossils? If so which are men and which are apes? How do you know? If you can't tell I'm putting you into the seat of a grade 4 child doing science; ask a question, ask a follow up question, etc. ending in "how do you know?". I'm actually interested in your response and how much of it seems of be pulled out of your ass...keep in mind evidence is that which can be TESTED.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-05 07:09:00

BTW...what's with the quiz? half of the questions have nothing to do with evolution, all of the multi choice answers are wrong and even with complete correct answers, you still fail.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-05 08:37:57

But yes, I do think that I should have simply explained answers instead of relying on you paying attention. Previous experience with you tells me that you are likely to ignore everything that you are told in order to push forward a point routed in your own fantasy. Note: these are explanations for the answers of the questions I proposed, the explanations for the questions you posed are within the answers themselves. 1.Correct, evolution deals with a specialised aspect of Biology and NOTHING ELSE. Not cosmology, not universal origin, not life origin, not elemental origin, not molecular origin, not cultural origin, not the origin of anything beyond proteins and genetics. You know this, but still push forward these other elements that are not included in evolution theory, which is why I felt the need ask. 2.While you chose to ignore translational fossils/forms as if they don't exist there is still a definition for such organisms, and that definition is as follows: "an organism placed at a branching point of a linage or along a linage making a common ancestor of or directly related to both of two modern linages, extinct linages or linking an extinct linage with a linage", therefore even if such things didn't exist (they do) there is still a definition in place. 3.We've discussed this before, evolution is not a blind process. While evolution does rely on mutations (which do appear to be random) the natural pressures that are posed on organisms act to guide this process by selecting only beneficial characteristics. A good metaphor for this is putting a thousand boats in a thousand different currents within a river, while where each boat is placed is random the currents guide the boats, most will run a shore but some will make it to the end of the river...is it pure chance that some boats made it to the end? no, because this was determined by the currents. 4. all but a single pair/triplet ancestor for all eukaryotes is not supported by Taxonomy, prior to that decent as we currently understand it was not occurring, instead it seems to be a linear progression of genes where single celled organisms would literally transfer genes from themselves to another prokaryote, prokaryores still do this today and is actually one of the most energetic some organisms become. However with the addition of a nucleus this transfer is not possible in eukaryotes. 5.We've discussed this before, in fact so many times I don't want to go over it again, it's just not worth the pain. Google "gene flow" if you wish to know how this works...you won't listen to anything I say. 6.ya...the bottleneck effect, I explained what it was multitudes of times, yet since you refuse to pay attention you didn't pick up the definition. This is just a case of you not listening to what you are being told, then trying to bullshit your way out of it.

Shayne Tomasic

Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 05:08:58

As a Newbie, I am continuously searching online for articles that can aid me. Thank you


Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 21:14:41

Your welcome!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 21:27:08

I think its time you pick up a dictionary and start learning the meanings of words.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 21:34:48

Your just sore because you failed the test. Don't be such a sore looser!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 21:34:58

Max (from the OM forum) - Just as a side point and I really don't want to discuss on this forum. Evolutionist claim giraffes have long necks because they were constantly trying to feed on leaves in trees. They claim that though natural selection and years of stretching the neck to feed that we have the result we have today. Look at the reasoning here? DUH? cs - You are referring to Lamarkism. Darwin said half of what Lamark wrote was obsolete, the other half was just wrong. This is why I have no respect for your knowledge of evolution. You are fighting against something Darwin showed was wrong 150 years ago, and calling it evolution. The perfect example of a straw man.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 21:43:20

You have a real problem with analogies and I am sorry that you are not able to comprehend the simplest of points made. The criteria that you use to classify is STUPID! you never know when to call something another species. We start off with 1. Plants 2. Animals 3. Humans then you want to classify the plants. Vegetables, fruits, etc. Now what I am telling you and you should pay attention here and learn something for a change some people call tomatoes a vegetable while others call it a fruit. Now of course I am sure you are going to give me your 2 cents but depending on who you talk to you are going to get different answers. Classifying things are helpful for some things but I really think that you calling humans apes is restarted because there are obvious differences that you ignore so that they fit into your classifications.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-06 22:13:20

Well then why is it still in text books and evolutionary articles today. You should really study it more, may be your eyes will be opened!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 02:08:58

...okay, so let me get this straight 1.I propose a multiple choice quiz to establish how well you've been listening. 2.you answer almost every questions wrong because you haven't been paying attention 3.you propose a second quiz (for me), made of off topic, self-defeating questions and with no correct answers and then rub it in my face when I present correct answers claiming that I failed because they are wrong, even though a high school physics student could tell you better. I'm missing your logic..


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 02:13:28

I think it's time you back to grade 4 and learnt what E=MC^2 is. I think it's time you learnt that words can have multiple meanings based on the context (Theory, Nucleus, Bottleneck Effect, etc). I think it's time you started listing to what you are being told instead of asking the same questions over and over again and pretending like I haven't answered them... Do I win?


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 02:51:46

Max-"why do you still teach it [Lumarkism]?" gc-because scientists like to teach everything, Lumarkism is the only other theory concerning the diversity of life to EVER be presented. However while the observations and experiments were correct it called for assumptions that could not be justified and conclusions that were not substantiated. Given the equipment available we are all surprised that Lumark was able to come up with anything like that...he was ahead of his time, only Darwin beat him to the bell so to speak, unlike Lumarkism; Evolution by Natural Selection makes no assumptions, has predictive capability, is confirmed by experimentation and fully substantiated conclusions. but we teach Lumarkism in the same way we teach elemental theory, Newtonian gravity and ellipsis theory, we have to teach the old discredited theories, so students can see how the scientific method works...something you apparently missed out on.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 02:56:08

Hey I cant help it you FAILED the quiz. That's your fault, get an education!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 02:58:41

LOL so I should not ask questions? Asking questions has done me very well in my life thank you very much. I would hate like hell to live in the darkness that you live in, I have been there. Science is your only source for truth and morality does not really exist and if it does its like the spaghetti monster, MADE UP! I think your freekin nuts!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 03:31:25

Welcome to my world. Are you (down under) tortured with Rush Limbaugh? These folks are masters at taking a comment or situation and exaggerating it beyond recognition. Anything you say can and will (most likely) be used against you. Excuse me, someone is screaming out, later. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 04:03:38

from: http://biologicalexceptions.blogspot.com/2011/08/when-evolution-goes-sideways-sea-slug.html In the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, Lamarck suggested inheritance followed strict natural rules. His idea was called "soft inheritance" and was the first comprehensive theory of evolution. Lamarckism, or inheritance of acquired characteristics proposes that new or changed features that an organism acquired during its life would be passed on to its offspring. His classic example was the giraffe. The food was high in trees, so the giraffe strained its neck to reach the leaves, and its neck got longer. Therefore, its offspring were born with longer necks. There are two main features to Lamarckism: 1- mature organisms can change their characteristics permanently; and 2- these acquired changes are passed on to progeny.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 04:24:43

To Calvin- We had a Creationist movement in the 1950's, people wanted to confuse Science with Religion in order to push their beliefs into schools, remember Australia is relatively multicultural so it was a small group pushing this idea (about 21% of people were Catholic and they were pushing this idea)...what happened? Pope Benedict, he gave a speech on which basically said (I'm paraphrasing): "...take a bong and CHILL THE FUCK OUT!". The Creationist movement stopped shortly after and things returned to normal; Australian education reached it's highest standard ever (still is today), research jobs increased, public displays of stupidity reached an all time low, export increased, new mining operations started, the economy stepped on the accelerator and now Australia is a competing power in the Pacific. So no, I don't have to deal with this shit on a daily basis anyway. Occasionally some Christian or Islamic group gets up the University for some of our specific experiments (mainly stem cells and genetic manipulation...in other words, my department) but are always dissolved.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 04:32:54

Calvin...he knows, he's just pushing the idea thinking that pretending that Evolution by Natural Selection is the same as Evolution by Acquired Characteristics so he can ignore everything I've told him about both so far.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 04:43:12

There you go again: Max-asks question Greedy-answers question Max-asks same question Greedy-"you've already asked that question before" Max-SO I SHOULDN'T ASK QUESTIONS?!?! As I have said countless times before asking questions is good, not listening to the answers and asking the same question over and over again is not. It's counter productive, ask a question once, listen to the answer and ask a different question. That's productive, otherwise we will end up doing what we've been doing for months now and that's going around in circles with you asking the same questions over and over again.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 04:53:18

Max-"You have a real problem with analogies and I am sorry that you are not able to comprehend the simplest of points made. The criteria that you use to classify is STUPID! you never know when to call something another species. We start off with 1. Plants 2. Animals 3. Humans then you want to classify the plants. Vegetables, fruits, etc. Now what I am telling you and you should pay attention here and learn something for a change some people call tomatoes a vegetable while others call it a fruit. Now of course I am sure you are going to give me your 2 cents but depending on who you talk to you are going to get different answers. Classifying things are helpful for some things but I really think that you calling humans apes is restarted because there are obvious differences that you ignore so that they fit into your classifications." Greedy-sorry, but I had to quote you here, now your just getting stupid. First of all Humans are animals, there is no criteria by which one can separate humans from the animal kingdom. Secondly...nobody calls tomato plants a vegetable, their a fruiting plant, we aren't classifying the sperm of an animal but the entire animal, therefore we classify the entire plant not just the reproductive part. However since you seem keen on expressing your unsubstantiated opinion yet again without and in-spite of evidence I wish to have your opinion. Can you describe an "ape" for me? This definition must cover all that we now understand to be apes, but apparently not hominids. Further to that, can you describe a hominid for me? This must cover all that we now consider to fall under this definition but you must apparently not use "ape" characteristics. Simple? here's a harder one, since you don't think that humans are animals can you please define human without using animal characteristics and animal without human characteristics?


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 05:07:54

To Max- I have an education, that's why my answers are correct, if you don't believe me do a little research for yourself. Matter can be converted from Energy (E=MC^2) that's where the original matter came from, all matter is condensed energy. One does not need a mammalian digestive system to poop, sea slugs do it and most worms do as well. One does not need a tetrapod respiration system to use oxygen, fish use gills most invertebrates simply absorb it through the water and even single celled organisms use oxygen in what is called "cellular respiration" One does not need true bones for ligaments or tendents, one does not need either at all, hag-fish shot this as do some worms. Agnostic IS NOT a middle ground, look it up, it's a position of knowledge (i.e. evidence for God(s) cannot exist (Agnostic), evidence for God(s) can exist (Gnostic))


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 17:56:18

Max - "some people call tomatoes a vegetable while others call it a fruit. " A botanist calls it a fruit. A cook calls it a vegetable.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-07 20:10:03

...we aren't classifying the reproductive parts of plants, but the entire plant, a tomato is a fruiting plant. No way around it, we don't classify individual human eggs we classify the human itself. I know what Max is trying to do, but there isn't a single example of what he is looking for.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 00:46:43

Greedy you failed a very simple test, get over it. When you try to classify art you are doomed to failure. The mechanics of biological organisms are amazing too, no doubt about that and we can learn a lot with evolutionary science and predict certain things on how they will turn out. Sometimes we humans are right and sometimes we are wrong. The limitations of science are apparent everywhere, truth is in the philosophy, knowledge and understanding. You are conquered!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 00:47:09

Cool, that's good to know!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 01:24:39

You do not have a good education some of your answers are right and some are wrong. {They were all wrong on the test I gave you, you should be ashamed of yourself!} You think you are smart, I think you are blind, naked, dumb, pitiful and poor. I already know that all matter is frozen energy, that's how God made everything. The Bible calls him the source of all energy. For your information I find that Agnostic is like a religion too, every one has a different interpretation of what it means. I am not impressed at all.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 01:28:53

What the hell are you talking about?


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 01:31:28



Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 10:52:11

Ahhhhh...Stoics, how I missed the. Now we reach conflicting philosophies, unlike Stoics; Sceptics (like myself) think that truth can only be found through experimentation and observation, simply making up an answer that seems appealing without testing it will not suffice. One must provide evidence for claims not just assert them, one can only verify an experiment if it is repeatable and falsifiable...simply saying "I had a personal experience" is not enough, while Stoics would say "that's great, as long as it doesn't conflict with my experience" a Sceptic says "okay...cool...can you prove it?". Sadly Max asking a question assuming that there is no correct answer, then receiving correct answers is not failing it called as we say in the scientific community "taking you to school"!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 10:59:13

It's a transcript of our conversation (one of many identical ones that you keep bringing up), I can use a specific example if you like: Max-which evolved first the stomach, the ability to poop or digestive juices? Greedy-the ability to release waste [proceeds with explanation referring to several worms]... -time passes- Max-which evolved first the stomach, the ability to poop or digestive juices? Greedy-you've already asked this, the ability to release waste [proceeds with lighter explanation referring to two worms]... Max-tells Greedy to look up a dictionary Greedy-tells Max to stop asking the same questions over an over again Max-SO I SHOULDN'T ASK QUESTIONS!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 11:10:36

FROZEN ENERGY!!!!!! have you been listening to ANYTHING I've said on the subject?!?!?!?! Matter is CONDENSED energy, this means that according to the standard model (the most accurate model we have) energy can be CONDENSED into any one of 10-14 particles (depending on how define particle), matter is not simply "frozen energy" one does not simply freeze energy. If you knew ANYTHING about Physics or ANYTHING about the standard model you wouldn't say ANYTHING like that!!! Here we go again, there is a growing trend mostly in your country that needs to be addressed. Every single position according to you is a religion: -science is a religion -atheism is a religion -agnosticism is a religion -evolution is a religion News flash, NONE are. Atheism is the lack of a religion, Agnosticism is position one takes on knowledge and if one thinks such knowledge can be available, Science is a methodology comprised of three formal fields (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Evolution is a scientific theory concerning a specific aspect of Biology namely; descent with modification. NONE are religions, ALL are often incorrectly defined by people like you that know NOTHING about ANY!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 11:11:06

What are you on really? A simple page search reveals that I said "POOP" one time while you have said it 6 times. The only person repeating themselves is you. Of course if you search for that term it will reveal that I posted the term 2 times because of this post.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 11:37:39

Well you are wrong again. Philosophy is a strict discipline. You are really a philosopher of evolution but you don't know it. You are the one making up answers, I do not understand why you cannot see this. Even if you genuinely follow the scientific method you will "make up an answer. "I had a personal experience" is not enough I agree but a personal experience with other personal experiences along with evidence is convincing. If I win the lottery, that does not mean that you are going to win it, but its still a personal experience and it can be real. In fact if you want to exaggerate your reasoning a little, think of the earth having a personal experience, just because we have life here does not mean that there is life on Mars, the moon, or Venus. We have been though this before and I don't know why you keep bringing it up. I am referring to "one can only verify an experiment if it is repeatable and falsifiable" If you think that is the only evidence for truth then it must be a sad world. All of your ancestors cannot be tested and repeatable can they? Yet they did exist you are proof of that. Science insults the intelligence if your faith is only in it and makes you look extremely stupid, unrealistic, and just plain mad at times. [think of dictators] Here are just a few things that you cannot prove with science. 1) Existential Truth 2) Moral Truth 3) Logical Truth 4) Historical Truth 5) Experiential Truth Here is an example, I am like the guy on the left you are like the guy on the right.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 12:50:31

OK now go take a Pamprin and put a cool washcloth on your forehead. OK OK OK condensed energy. I never said that science was a religion I said that you are treating it like it were. I have always said science is a "tool" and I still believe that. Atheism is still an "ism" no matter how you slice the cheese and so is agnosticism. Evolution is a liberal religion and you can make it up as you go along "no worries mate!" you seems to forget I believe in some parts of evolution as described but I cannot make a leap of faith like you do and swallow it hook line and sinker.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 16:18:58

What are you replying to here? This is the most confusing forum I have ever been on.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:11:30

Calvin just leave it alone. Every time someone doesn't reply the conversation ends and displays of stupidity enter a new low for this forum...it's better just to leave well enough alone.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:18:56

Sorry Calvin that was a bit out of place. I was responding to another comment.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:21:20

someone needs to learn the difference between taking sections of a conversation and actual quoting...I'll make it easy for you. Closer to the top, shortly after the ppsimmons video you went on a very long rant about supposed questions that could not be answered (needless to say I answered all of them with little effort), among them was one on the respiration system, circulatory system and digestive system...look it up. Other than that you have proclaimed despite all evidence to the opposite over and over again that: "evolution is a religion", "evolution is random", etc. Despite the fact that this was covered several times you still chose to bring it up, despite the fact that almost all of your questions have been answered before you still chose to bring it up, despite the fact that you are told time and time again that Taxonomy is not evolution, Abiogenesis is not evolution, common chemistry is not evolution, Universal Expansion Theory is not evolution, etc. you still bring them up over and over again as if they are even closely related.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:22:59

What are you relating this to?


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:28:04

I'm going to use simple English to get you to understand the difference okay? prefix "A"=without "Theism"=religion "A-Theism"(Atheism)=without religion This covers those who simply don't believe in magic or the supernatural like myself, those that believe that there is no magic or supernatural and those that simply don't subscribe to any particular faith (i.e."very spiritual"). prefix "A"=without "Gnostic"=evidence for... "A-Gnostic"=without evidence for... This is not a religion, simply a statement on the available evidence just like Gnostic. Evolution= descent with modification over time No religion here either. There is no faith required, as I stated before it's all experiment and observation no faith, no assumptions and no religion...science, it works bitches!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:28:53

...and if you knew that none of your answers were correct then why put them in the quiz?


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:30:21

You act as if though you debunked them when you have not debunked anything. Kind of like the evolution of the eye. You guys are amazing really and when it all comes down to it you conclude that it is easier to believe in simple progressions than complicated progressions and then you imagine that everything is a simple natural process. Ridiculous! No proof but evolutionary faith no matter how you slice the cheese. Just because you feed me a bunch of hog wash does not mean I have to drink it.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:38:27

You need to put that crack pipe down for a minute and think. No assumptions? That all you have given me. Now you want to use the dictionary? I have already posted the meaning of atheism and evolutionism. Unless you have something concrete and tangible I really see no point in you saying the same things over and over again. You know that saying that you keep saying is so lame, "science, it works bitches!" I think you need a new motto something original. The point you are referring to that you do not believe in magic is funny. I can name some magical things you believe in every day but its pointless really yet magic itself does exist too doesn't it? Ever see David Copperfield? So your wrong there as well even on a small scale.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:39:21

Your answers are the only ones that were not correct, I don't know why you keep bringing this up.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:41:08

1) Math; that's faith based mate, we assume mathematics to be correct before actually testing it, why? primarily because science is built on math but also that when we do get around to testing it (which is always the case) we have yet to find a single situation where it is less than perfect in every way. 2)Other minds, etc; yes we can, a mind is simply a bundling of neurons if something has said bundling of neurons then it is concious. Beyond that science does nothing to philosophy beyond "I believe therefore I am", but look at evidence, we know the past was not created 5min ago because we have evidence to contradict that. 3)Ethics; science here takes a leave from Buddhism, put simply there is no good nor evil only what seems good at the time, the Nazi's weren't evil even though now their behaviour is not tolerated it was perfectly acceptable at that time and place. 4) Ascetics; yes it can that statement is simply wrong. Things can be appealing for several reasons, mostly due to a small (very small) reward that we get from our brains from seeing it. 5)Assumptions; no, the speed of light is constant from one point to another, this has been proven in every single experiment done so far on the subject (E=MC^2 motherfucker!)...beyond that General Relativity doesn't fit into the standard model, so it's probably wrong anyway. that's not how I see the conversation, this is not with a scientist more of a skit...even though I know you don't have a fake degree. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBHEsEshhLs&feature=plcp&context=C4d54d39VDvjVQa1PpcFNUkJUOlf_Mi_PGQv3NGFkJbUWqumolhGQ=


Shared publicly - 2012-03-08 21:59:27

GCB - "Calvin just leave it alone. Every time someone doesn’t reply....." cs - Thanks Greedy. I will defer to you on matters of biology, but this is my hobby, engaging people who claim to know about a subject when they clearly don't. I am saving every message and want to hold him to what he says. I also want to point out how cumbersome the forum is. He seems to agree it was hard to follow. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 01:02:59

GCB - "...prefix “A”=without“Theism”=religion “A-Theism”(Atheism)=without religion This covers those who simply don’t believe in magic or the supernatural like myself, those that believe that there is no magic or supernatural and those that simply don’t subscribe to any particular faith (i.e.”very spiritual”). prefix “A”=without “Gnostic”=evidence for… “A-Gnostic”=without evidence for…" cs - Thanks Greedy, here is hoping the audience can read and understand. peace


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 09:00:04

Calvin, your responses are always entertaining to read and provide insight that I as a cold logical man of science do not get on a regular basis. Your responses on the Objective Moral Values have inspired me to sit in on a colleges philosophy of science course I have been doing this for a week, what have I learned? I don't know shit about philosophy.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 09:10:58

Evolution of the eye (I assume you mean the eyes of molluscs and vertebrates (same eye)) -eye spots; these are found in single celled organisms as well as jellyfish and some worms (tell light from dark) -light sensitive cells; these are cells with many eye spots often in clusters or lines, this is seen in jellyfish and clams (tell if part of the body is being blocked) -light sensitive cells in a pit; the light sensitive cells are now in a shallow pit, this is seen in worms, snails and sea slugs (some direction of light) -pinhole camera; the pit is now almost enclosed lined with many light sensitive cells, this is seen in some molluscs such as cuttlefish (allows for blurry images and distinction of colour, works very effective with increases optical surface) -fully developed eye; the eye now has a lens constructed of mucus (there are many varying stages of this, and is the main difference between optics in animals) secreted by the same light sensitive cells that line the inside of the organ (allows for fine detailed pictures with decreases optical area) And I debunked all of it mate, sorry but you don't really have a case. This is not hog wash either, all is observed and documented with clear transitions either living today or in the fossil record, no faith, no speculation, no belief. Science; it works bitches!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 09:18:50

...you need to learn to read "all these terms are often ill-defined..." Not every position is a religion, just because you don't agree with it does not mean you need to drag opposing positions into your pit of blind faith that you call religion. Seriously? Magic...I know you believe in reiteration (Jesus), incantation (Creation) and transformation (Creation&Jesus) spells, but I'm sorry, most logical people don't. Magic COULD exist, but without any evidence to point to that conclusion it's only speculation and faith. If you have any evidence for your position then I would be happy to accept it, but until such evidence is present I will remain Agnostic.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 17:40:53

Max - "You act as if though you debunked them when you have not debunked anything. Kind of like the evolution of the eye." cs - Greedy gave a good answer to this and I would only add that Darwin had no problem admitting that the formation of the eye by natural selection -seemed- (please remember that word) "..., I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.' That is from page 208 of my large print edition (ISBN - 978-1-4346-1854-2) of "On the Origin of Species..." Preachers love to quote that part as if that is the last thing he said, but no, he went on immediately to explain how it could be done and he gives an example of each stage. Max said he does not go to church, so I am not sure were he is hearing the misinformation, but it is definitely misinformation. You see Max, you are acting like you don't know something which was explained over 100 years ago. It would be highly amusing except for the fact that religious people who believe the scam of religions, use their combined political power to keep science out of science class. That is not funny at all.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 20:22:30

GreedyCapybara7 …you need to learn to read “all these terms are often ill-defined…” Not every position is a religion, just because you don’t agree with it does not mean you need to drag opposing positions into your pit of blind faith.... cs - Well said. "-ism" is a suffix which we use to indicate a belief. Now Max, tell us what the prefix "a" means.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 21:05:31

That only works for Atheism...I'm not sure why he things that Agnosticism and Evolution Theory are religions. Neither have anything to do with a religion, one (Agnosticism) is simply a position someone holds on the observability of data (in this case if God(s) exist), it's simply a position like conservative not an actual ideology and not a religion. The other (Evolution Theory) is a scientific theory concerning descent with modification, it's not a position someone holds either but simply a theory constructed from experimental results and observation, this is why "Evolutionist" is also an incorrect term as it uses the phrase "belief" which is not required, while there are many people who do "believe" Evolution Theory (that is to take it on faith) most don't but simply accept the theory due to the experimental data and evidence all of which is in favour of Evolution Theory. The only other theory ever presented is that of Lumarkism which of course has been discredited. I do not support those taking ANYTHING on faith not even observed fact like Evolution but want everyone to get a better education, if not through a University then through their own means...be warned to understand Evolution you must not only understand how to be scientific (this is the trick for most people) but have at least a good understanding of; Genetics, Biology, Palaeontology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Cellular Biology, Physics (though not to the same extent), Anthropology, Ecology, Embryology and Taxonomy. The later being so complicated we don't even teach it at formal Universities any more and thus most people don't know shit about. To be a Creationist however you don't need to know anything (and as Max has displayed it's better if you don't), not even your own holly book. You just need to be willing to accept the conclusions of that book without and in-spite of any and all evidence. You must be willing to intentionally misrepresent the science responsible for the opposite position, you must formally name yourself after the moderate branch of your chosen fairy tale (Christian, Jew, etc) even though your views are not nearly as well enforced by those that actually hold that position. You must be willing to ask the same questions over and over again and act as if you don't. You must practice censorship on all forums that you own or a part of either by moderation or by actual blocking of comments, ratings and anything else that Satan could use to practice logic or science and corrupt your views.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-09 21:16:44

The beauty of science is that we don't make stuff up all valid experiments are repeatable, so if you don't believe me; get a lab and try it for yourself.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-10 07:02:35

Ya, that's what you get with Democracy, they relatively quickly become Theocracies...that's why Communism is a surprisingly good system.


Shared publicly - 2012-03-11 02:13:27

Oh really? I don't even think I have to answer that question, you already know your lying!


Shared publicly - 2012-03-11 02:33:14

I didn't ask a question and I'm not lying...just because the reality does not coincide with your chosen fairy tale does not mean everyone who points this out is lying.

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